• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 4,559 Views, 51 Comments

Rainbow Dash's First Crush - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash finds her first crush in school, but how will her crush feel about her?

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Her First Day of School

Rainbow Dash kept her front legs wrapped tightly around her Father's neck. The wind was blowing through their rainbow colored manes and tails as he flew through the sky. Rainbow Dash's Dad began to slow down as he prepared himself for landing. He touched down on a cloud that led the way to a large building in the sky. He was holding onto a brown paper bag and he placed it on the cloud. Rainbow's Dad wiggled his body gently. "Come on Dashie, we are here."

Rainbow Dash burrowed her face in her Father's mane. "I just don't want to go Dad! I'm so scared what all of the other ponies will think of me."

The stallion sat down and said, "Come on Rainbow, I know you're feeling very shy and nervous right now. It's normal for ponies your age. Just pretend that you're like your mother. A rough and tough tom-boy pony who isn't afraid of anything!"

Rainbow Dash suddenly let go of her Father's neck and slid down his body. "I guess you're right," she said.

Rainbow's Dad picked up the brown bag and placed it next to his daughter. "Don't forget your lunch Dashie."

Rainbow picked up the lunch bag with her mouth and took several steps away from her Father. As she got closer to the building, she noticed the other parents dropping off their colts and fillies. She stopped and turned around to look at her Father. She had a worried look on her face.

Rainbow's Dad smiled proudly at her as a tear drop formed in his eye. This was his little girl growing up and going to school for the first time. He stuck his hoof out and waved at her. "You're going to be fine Dashie! I love you sweetheart! I can't wait to hear all about your day when I come back to pick you up."

Rainbow turned her back on him and continued to travel to the building. When she got to the main entrance doors, she noticed that all of the other fillies and colts were in groups talking to each other. Rainbow Dash distanced herself from the others and waited patiently for the door to open.

Within time, the door opened and their teacher greeted them all with a great big smile. She led the ponies inside.

The teacher had a blonde mane and tail and her coat was a deep shade of purple. She had a picture of a red apple and a chalk board as her cutie mark. She also wore glasses.

As Rainbow Dash walked down the hallway with the other ponies, she looked at each one. None of them seemed to be very interesting to her. She simply listened to the loud clacking sound of everyponies hooves striking against the tiled floor. The teacher entered the classroom with her new students. They followed her inside, much the same way as ducklings would follow their mother. "You will notice that you each have a cubby hole for you to place your school work and lunch in. I have labeled your names on them so it will be easier for everypony to find. Please put your lunches in them now."

The young ponies did as the teacher instructed them.

The teacher beamed with a smile and said, "Well done everypony! Now please pick out your seats that you wish to sit in."

There were colorful bean bag chairs for the ponies to sit on. They were organized in a circular fashion. Rainbow Dash randomly picked out a bean bag chair to sit on.

As every pony took their seat, the teacher began the role call.

Rainbow Dash looked out the window as the teacher began to call out the names of the ponies. She was hoping that she would see her Father soon.

"Is there a pony named Soarin' here today?" the teacher asked.

The second she said that name, a mare entered the room with her young colt that was sitting on her back. She had three brown paper bags in her mouth. She placed them on the floor and said, "He's here! I'm so sorry we are late!" The Mother sat down on the floor. "Soarin' sweetie, it's time to go into the classroom now. Don't forget your lunch. I made sure to put a slice of apple pie inside." Soarin' hopped off of his Mother's back and stood by her side. Soarin's Mother kissed him on his forehead and then quickly left.

Soarin' stood there for a moment as he stared at the other ponies in the classroom.

The teacher came over and guided Soarin' over to his cubby hole. She put his lunch, or more like lunches, inside the hole with his name on the ledge.

Rainbow Dash perked up and couldn't take her eyes off of him. A weird sensation was felt in her stomach and she felt this strange attraction to the cute little colt that she had never experienced before.

The teacher guided the pony back to where the other ponies were and told him to pick out a seat. Soarin' sat on the furthest end away from Rainbow Dash. There was also another bean bag chair next to him that was vacant.

Rainbow continued to gawk at Soarin' and became very upset that he didn't decide to sit next to her on the empty bean bag chair that was next to her. She became so upset that she waved her hoof in the air frantically.

The teacher gave an unusual look at her. "What is the matter Rainbow Dash? Do you have to go potty?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head no and said, "Teacher, I want to move my seat."

"Oh?" the teacher said. "I already wrote down what seat everypony chose so I can remember your names. Why do you want to change your seat Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash's mind was very young and she had trouble finding a fraudulent excuse as to why she wanted to move because she feared the other ponies would make fun of her for her true intent. "I-I-I.....I just like the color of that bean bag chair better."

"Oh, that makes sense," the teacher said. "You may move your seat."

Rainbow Dash instantly got up and went over to her new seat. She suddenly stopped and stood in front of Soarin' and stared down at him. She didn't sit down on her bean bag chair.

"Um, Rainbow Dash. Are you going to have a seat?" the teacher asked wondering what exactly she was doing.

Rainbow's face was bright red with blush and she finally sat down next to him.

The teacher pulled out a large board and began to teach the ponies the first few letters of the alphabet.

Rainbow Dash wasn't listening and stared at Soarin' the entire time during the lesson.

Suddenly, the bell rang and the teacher said, "It's lunch time everypony! Please get your lunches and we will be heading to the lunch and snack table in the corner of the room."

Everypony ran to grab their lunch bags and lunch boxes.

There were two tables in the back. One table for the colts, and one table for the fillies.

As the ponies all took their places, Rainbow Dash became sad because the table with the colts was full and there was one seat left at the table with the fillies.

Soarin' happened to be sitting at the end of the table with the rest of the colts.

Rainbow Dash walked over with her lunch bag and plopped herself down on the floor next to Soarin'. Rainbow looked up at him with sad and innocent eyes as he drove his head into the bag and began to devour the contents inside.

The teacher noticed that Rainbow was sitting on the floor and scooped her up in her hooves. "Come on Rainbow. There's one extra seat for you at the other table. You have to eat your food at the table. I can't have you sit on the floor right now."

As she carried the little cyan colored pony, Rainbow Dash reached out with both of her front legs as if trying to reach out for Soarin'.

The teacher placed her down at the table with the other fillies.

Rainbow Dash sighed to herself and reached inside her bag. She pulled out a juice box and stuck the straw in the top. She studied her crush, watching every move he made as she slowly sipped the juice. She realized that Soarin' had an appetite of a full grown stallion. Soarin' was not an overweight pony by any means. He just had a very fast metabolism and his parents always told him that one day he would become a great Wonderbolt. He loved to eat, and he loved apple pie. Rainbow Dash took a mental note of how fast he ate his slice of apple pie.

The bell rang loudly and the teacher spoke once again, "Ok my little ponies! It's time for recess! In the back of the room is the play area. I have lots of toys and games for you all to enjoy!"

The ponies left their lunch tables and made their way to the back. They took out coloring books, games, and other things.

Soarin' stood alone in the corner looking out the window. He suddenly felt a hoof tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Rainbow Dash shyly looking away from him. Her face was bright red with blush and embarrassment.

"Um, excuse me Soarin' I just wanted to say that I really like you and that I think it would be nice if we played a game together."

The young colt blinked several times in confusion at what Rainbow Dash had just said.

Suddenly, a red ball with white stars all around it slowly rolled past Soarin'. Another classmate was playing with it until he got bored and rolled it away from himself.

Rainbow Dash looked back over to the board game that she had set up on the floor and continued, "So if it would be ok with you, I picked out a game for both of us to play." Rainbow Dash turned her head back to the colt and she became horrified that he went chasing after the rubber red ball. She came bounding after him "Soarin'. Soarin'. Please wait! I have a game for us to play."

The colt continued to push the ball with his nose and chase it, ignoring Rainbow Dash's request. He was so captivated by the little red ball that he forgot what Rainbow Dash had told him.

The teacher noticed Rainbow Dash's failed attempt to find a playmate and scooted over another filly to play with her. "Here's a playmate for you Rainbow Dash! Oh, you two should have so much fun with this game!"

Rainbow Dash looked back at Soarin' who was now batting at the ball with his hoof. He kept hitting it against the wall and he was mesmerized by it.

Rainbow Dash let out a sigh in depression as the teacher sat down and began to teach them how to play the game. Rainbow Dash wanted nothing to do with the game now. All she wanted was to be next to Soarin'.

When play time was over the teacher had them gather around a table. She brought out large sheets of paper and paint. It was time for the ponies to make art. "Ok, my little ponies, it's time to do some hoof painting art work!" the teacher said.

Rainbow Dash took her seat at the far end of the table and said a prayer hoping that Soarin' would sit next to her.

She ended up sitting next to Derpy Hooves.

Soarin' ended up sitting across the table from her, but at least he was in her direct view.

The teacher placed the supplies next to each pony and told them that they could start painting.

Rainbow Dash had to do something to win Soarin's heart. She began to hoof paint and she made her best attempt to spell out Soarin's name on the paper. She also added a ton of glitter over it to get his attention.

When the time was up for their arts and crafts, the teacher walked around and praised each pony for their art work. "Well done my students! You may all place them in your cubby holes and then you can take them home to show your parents!"

Rainbow Dash waited behind everypony else. She was waiting for Soarin' to put his picture away in his cubby hole. When Soarin' came back to take his seat, she snuck over and placed her art work inside of Soarin's cubby hole. Rainbow Dash came back to her bean bag chair and continued to stare at Soarin'. She hoped that it would finally register with him that she really likes him.

When it was time go home, Rainbow Dash turned around and sunk low into her bean bag chair. Just her two eye's peered out as she watched the ponies go to their cubby holes to collect their art work to bring home.

Derpy Hooves had walked by and accidently took the wrong picture out of the wrong cubby hole. She took the picture that Rainbow Dash had made for Soarin' as well as the picture Soarin' had made too. "Oh boy! I feel like I'm going to be a mail mare just like my Mommy is!" Derpy said as she used her imagination to pretend that the cubby holes were like mail boxes. Derpy continued to make her way out the door.

Rainbow Dash came charging at her. She caught up with her and she was walking quickly behind Derpy Hooves who was making a speedy exit out of the classroom because she was so excited and couldn't wait to show her Mommy her work. "Um, excuse me Derpy, but I think you took the wrong picture," Rainbow Dash said.

The words of Rainbow Dash fell on deaf ears and Derpy continued to trot away from the classroom as she said to herself, "Mommy is going to be so proud of me! I know that I'm going go to get a muffin today because I was so good." Derpy Hooves wasn't exactly known for her listening skills.

Rainbow Dash stood there in shock. Derpy Hooves had ruined her plan!