• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 1,047 Views, 37 Comments

Fallen From The Vine - omnom19

A pegasus has no place out in the fields.

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Don't Mess With The 'Shy

“Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.”
― Ben Okri

Fluttershy waited uncomfortably in a chair fit only for hospital waiting rooms. The fabric was scratchy; the color was an unfortunate shade of blue; and the construction? Fine, unless you considered fine squeaking loudly every time somepony breathed. Yep. Definitely hospital quality. The metallic squeaks contrasted awkwardly with the quiet pegasus, who was, well, quiet.

Fluttershy, as everypony knew, stuck mainly to her secluded cottage and woodland creatures. She left the brave stunts and showy bravado to Rainbow Dash and the like. Her bravery only extended to hurt animals. And, on occasion, hurt ponies. This selective courage was how she ended up in that uncomfortable chair in the first place.

The clock steadily ticked away the seconds, which culminating into minutes, and then turned into hours. Fluttershy carefully tucked her legs beneath her body and reflected on the many events of last night. A mere few hours ago really.

The bats and their babies seemed ages ago. A couple of them had helped her find the fallen pony hidden among the vast foliage and dark of the woods. They had chattered anxiously at her and urged her forward. They flitted and weaved over tangles of brush, leading Fluttershy, who flitted and weaved alongside them, neatly to the crash site.

A pseudo-veterinarian, Fluttershy had seen mangled animals where she could only be a comforting presence in their last moments. She was no stranger to death. But what she found at the crash site was somehow more horrible. After a traumatic experience, most creatures, including ponies, fought to maintain life. They pushed frantically at the fallen tree trapping them, clung desperately to the cliff’s edge, or made enough noise to wake anypony for miles. But the pony she found? Fluttershy shuddered delicately at the memory, beckoning another chorus of harsh squeaks beneath her. It was the lack of…anything. The white mare she found was completely defeated. To be sure, pain took the mare in and out of consciousness. But her waking moments? Nothing. She barely made an effort to breathe.

Fluttershy immediately went to work, studying the hurt pony. She judged that it was worth the risk to move her and used her experience she had developed in caring for larger animals.

Now despite their smaller stature, pegasi were fairly sturdy, built to withstand buffeting winds and weather abnormalities. Fluttershy would never be a fancy flier. However, she had purposely trained for a situation such as this. She spent hours over at Applejack’s transferring heavy barrels of apples from one field to another, flying a few feet above the ground. In combination with her body structure and her training, Fluttershy would at least be able to transport the mare out of the forest.

She hooked her limbs around the mare and flapped her wings to gain that few feet of practiced altitude. Fluttershy steadily and gently flew her back over the brush, out of the dark wood. The bats guided her still with chirps and squeaks until they suddenly disappeared in a flurry of wings. She realized that the forest had gone silent as the bats fled.

She knew that silence only meant one thing.


Deep growls rolled across the dark forest. The burdened pegasus quivered with fear; she was well aware of how exposed she was. The hairs along the back of Fluttershy’s neck bristled. Fluttershy conjured more speed from her tired wings. Ponies were social animals; they stuck together for safety, strength in numbers and such. But tonight, Fluttershy was vulnerable. Tonight, she was prey.

Snarls ripped the calm of the night. With her senses heightened by adrenaline, Fluttershy could almost smell the acrid breath of the creatures pursuing her. Her and her precious cargo. She pushed herself even faster, breathing erratically as she sped through the dense forest.

At last, Fluttershy broke free from the woods, recognizing a clearing not too far from her cottage. But she wasn’t alone. She was met there by glowing, green eyes. The pegasus had been herded. Fluttershy wildly looked around the clearing, but it was too late. It was clear as more noxious green eyes appeared from every side, boxing her in. Heart racing, she considered her two options.

The first, most immediate choice was to flee. To drop the white pony, who might be dead already, and fly away. No pony would have to know, and the few that she’d tell would support her. They would say there was nothing she could have done; it had just been too dangerous.

The creatures who hunted her stepped out from the trees. Timberwolves, their eyes flashing hungrily in the dark, stalked toward their prey. Wooden limbs clacked together as they pressed forward, closer to the ponies. If the alpha wolf could smile, he did so now. His pack had successfully trapped their food and was preparing to feast. He leaned in, inhaling the delicious pony fear scent.

The second choice, although, was her only true option. Fluttershy may be the quietest pony, but she was the embodiment of kindness. And she wasn’t going to let any bundle of twigs hurt this pony. This fallen pony who had no way to defend herself. Fluttershy collected her wits about her, knowing she would have only seconds to act. She glanced once more at the white mare. Fluttershy knew she had made the right decision, no matter what happened.

The timberwolves howled. The pack’s many voices mixed together to form a victorious chorus; the horrible symphony dominating the murky black.

And that’s when it happened.

Fluttershy exploded.

Her fierce eyes rained a fiery doom upon the alpha, her voice echoing tenfold in the wooded clearing.

“How dare you?! You, a big wolf, taking on a helpless pony?” She stomped the ground near the white mare’s body for emphasis. The pack simultaneously paused and looked to the alpha for guidance. Should they proceed?

Fluttershy noticed their hesitation and seized the opportunity. “I know you have to hunt, provide for your pack and babies, but this?!” She angrily pointed at the wide circle of wolves surrounding the clearing. “What will the Mother think about this?” Fluttershy was referring to the matriarch of the timberwolf society who all packs recognized as supreme leader.

The lead timberwolf stumbled, wood legs clacking back a few paces. His prey usually cowered and then was eaten. But this one knew of the Matriarch and her disregard for those who ate ponykind. This prey was different and…it scared him. And what was with its eyes!? He shivered, his wooden frame rattling with the force of it. When he met those eyes, he felt compelled to crawl into a very deep hole and stay there.

Fluttershy trained her piercing stare on each and every remaining pair of green eyes. The alpha slowly started to back away from the ponies. She spread her wings wide and stood taller, every feather trembling with righteous fury.
“Every predator in this forest knows better than this! Shame on you all!” she scolded.

The pack whimpered, torn between hunger and fear. “Go on! Scat!” Fluttershy angrily shooed the pack with mighty flaps of her yellow wings.

The alpha turned tail and fled. The rest of pack followed quickly behind, sounding off mournful whines.

Fluttershy remained where she flew, sternly staring after the wolves until she could no longer see any glints of green. The stress of being chased overwhelmed Fluttershy and she collapsed wearily to the ground next to her charge. Tears fell unbidden as Fluttershy realized just how close she was to being eaten. She gulped down air, trying to calm her frantic heart.

The white pony barely breathed. Noting this, Fluttershy stood. She had to get her to safety. There were other creatures in these woods, ones that she couldn't scold into submission. Once again, Fluttershy gathered the pony in her forelegs. With frayed nerves and eyes half-blind with tears, the quiet pegasus resumed her hurried flight out of the woods.

Fluttershy had flown to Applejack’s and then traveled to the hospital. She wearily followed the white mare as she traveled the gauntlet of departments. To the E.R, x-ray, to surgery, and then to I.C.U, where the mare now lay asleep, ensconced in tubes and wires. Fluttershy had offered to stay the night, to wait the in the uncomfortable chair until the mare woke. Which Nurse Redheart had assured her, hours ago, would be “soon”.

Fluttershy glanced once more out the window, sunrise now prominent on the horizon. And smiled. No pony would ever know what had happened out in the woods, for Fluttershy would never tell them. There was no need. She was content with being thought of the quiet pony, who left bravery to others. But maybe-

Nurse Redheart appeared at the entrance of the waiting room and beckoned to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy sat up in her chair, lazily stretching her wings. The chair replied in earnest, squeaking indignantly at her. She rose demurely and followed the nurse out of the little room.

It was true that no pony would know. But Fluttershy would and maybe…that was enough.

In fact, it made all the difference.

Author's Note:

A little bit longer this time. Let me know what you think!

*12:16-rewrote Fluttershy v wolves. agh.