• Published 17th Jul 2013
  • 2,509 Views, 47 Comments

Discord's Villain Reform Program - shinigamisparda

Discord's back in Ponyville after a long vacation. Caught between his desire for chaos and wanting to keep his few friends, can Discord sate his desire for mischief in a way that doesn't warrant punishment? Duh, look at the title.

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Back in Town

It was autumn in Ponyville, the time when the winds blew colder and the nights grew longer, and for nearly all of Equestria this used to put a bit of damper on everypony’s mood, and not only because the cold weather made it harder to be outside and daylight burned quickly. With Canterlot not too far away Ponyville had always had a special connection with the mighty and beloved Celestia, the alicorn Princess of the Sun and essentially Goddess of all ponydom. Because of her alignment with the bright ball of light in the sky, the ponies naturally favored the daytime due to its relation with their wise and benevolent Princess. However, in recent years the night had begun to become popular in Ponyville as well, especially with the foals, due to the rise in popularity of a certain “Princess of the Night.” This was the time of year that was the most active for Princess Luna, ironic considering its association with her formerly terrifying form, the holiday of Nightmare Night, a time for fear and fun. However, a different being that inspired true fear in the hearts of ponies everywhere was making a return this night…


“Yeah! This is the best Nightmare Night ever!”

“Little one, you said that last year as well.”

“’Cause it’s true! Thanks, Luna!”

Princess Luna blushed for a moment. She walked back towards Ponyville with the foals around her, young Pipsqueak the closest to her as they talked. They had just finished the candy offering of the night, where the children (and some of the adults) had offered their sweets to the statue of Nightmare Moon, with Luna’s scare closely following.

“I greatly appreciate your enthusiasm, Pipsqueak, and the support of all the other citizens of Ponyville.”

“So, what’re you going to do now?”

“Hm… Perhaps I will participate in the pumpkin-throwing contest this year. It is one of the few events I have yet to try,” she mused.

“Can I go with you?” the young colt asked with a sparkle in his eye.

“But of course!”

“Yes! I’m warning you, Princess, I won’t go easy on you!”

“I had hoped you wouldn’t, young-“

The princess was cut off by a loud crash from behind them causing all the ponies to hide behind Luna, who was obviously startled herself.

“Hahaha! I got you!”

Everypony looked up to see a rainbow haired mare in an evil racing outfit rolling in laughter upon her cloud.

“Rainbow Dash!” Luna scolded.

“No complaining, Princess! This is Nightmare Night after all, and you got me with the same trick before!”

“Actually, I was going to criticize your repetition.”


“I hear you do the same trick every year. Perhaps you should try something new?” the Night Princess suggested smugly.

Oh, I agree completely.


Everypony scanned the surrounding area, looking for the source of the echoing voice.

And more than that, it’s so cliché. A lighting bolt, that’s it? Let me show you a real jump-scare!

The sky suddenly darkened as clouds began to gather, blocking out the stars and moon. Thunder rumbled and lighting crackled, and without warning the clouds formed a massive demonic face that bore down upon them. Everypony screamed as the face laughed maniacally. Everypony, that is, except the alicorn princess.

“STAND BACK, MY SUBJECTS!” she bellowed in her traditional royal Canterlot voice as her eyes shined with power. Magical energy began to gather in her horn.

Wait, what’re you-? No, nonononono-!


A bolt of energy shot from the Princess’ horn which almost instantly struck the cloudy face. With a deafening boom and blinding flash the ominous clouds were scattered, and a singed body plummeted from the sky and collided with the ground with a graceless thud behind the trees of the Everfree Forest.


There was a moment of silence that was soon broken by a groan. The shuffling of brush indicated the being’s approach and within seconds the mismatched creature floated before them.

“Now was that really necessary?”

“Discord?!” Luna exclaimed, her shock causing her to drop her more intimidating display.

“Discord!” Rainbow Dash seethed.

“DISCORD!” The ponies screamed before running off in terror.

The draconequus simply watched as they scampered off for a few moments before chuckling.

“Heh, is that all it took? If I knew it’d be that easy to scare them I would’ve just snuck up behind them and said ‘hi’!”

“Just what’re you doing here, Discord?!” Rainbow Dash yelled at the master of disharmony.

“Why, I came to join in the festivities,” he said matter-of-factly with a smug look on his face. “There wasn’t a Nightmare Night before I was turned to stone the first time, and how could I pass up a holiday based around scaring the bejeesus out of everypony?”

“Don’t give me that! You’re up to something! I just know it!”

“I too find it difficult to believe that you are here for no other reason than harmless pranks,” Luna added. “Do not think your previous… ‘antics’ are so easily forgotten.”

“Oh, isn’t this rich,” Discord pouted. “You all force me to play by your rules and then you won’t even let me come to your parties because you can’t let go of a grudge!” He folded his arms indignantly. “Well, who needs you? I’ll just go and be with somepony who’ll appreciate my company. I don’t suppose you sticks-in-the-mud will tell me where Fluttershy is?”

The pegasus and the Princess stopped for a moment, surprised to see that despite the unease around him the “Mad God” really did seem to see the timid pony who defeated him with naught but kindness as friend.

“Well,” Rainbow Dash began, “if it’s anything like all the other Nightmare Nights…”


Discord gently knocked on the door.


Discord stared at the door in shock for a moment before chuckling.

“Wow, and I thought she was loud when she scolded me before!”

“So, yeah, you’re not gonna be talking to Fluttershy anytime-“


Discord pulled Raindow Dash and Luna into the bushes to hide.

“What exactly are you-?” Luna started.

“Shush!” Discord snapped back before snapping his fingers.

Before they could utter a word both of their mouths clamped shut. The two pulled at their jaws, Luna even attempting to use magic, but they couldn’t move their lips in the slightest. They failed to notice that Discord had floated back over to the door until it was too late.

Discord quietly cleared his throat. “Come on, Fluttershy, you can open the door for a friend, right?” He asked. The alicorn and the pegasus looked on in shock from what they heard. Not because of what he said, but rather how he said it. Or, rather, in whose voice he said it.

“Twilight? Is that you?” the timid pegasus asked. “When did you get back from Canterlot?”

As Fluttershy creaked open the door Discord floated just above her, out of plain sight. Confused, Fluttershy peeked her head out further to try and see where her friend was. The draconequus craned his neck down and leveled his mouth with her ear.


The result was nearly instantaneous, as the pegasus let out a shriek before darting back inside and slamming the door. Luckily for his own neck, Discord had pulled away as she shrieked in terror and was now tumbling through the air in laughter.

“PRICELESS!” he managed to shout through his laughs.

Rainbow Dash had had enough. She darted over to Discord and gave him a piece of her mind, or at least she tried considering her mouth was clamped shut. After a moment of realizing just how difficult it was to speak she glared at Discord and pointed at her mouth. The draconequus simply smirked but, after a harsher death-glare, finally rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, undoing the spell to both Rainbow and Luna.

“Discord, you jerk, what the hay do you think you’re doing!? I don’t care how much you two get along, there’s no way you’re gonna scare Fluttershy like that and-!”

“Discord?” a tiny yet noticeably surprised voice uttered, immediately cutting her off.

The meek pony cracked the door open to peek through, only to immediately throw it open and dash outside.

“Discord, you’re back!” she shouted as she flew forward and wrapped her forelegs around him. Both Rainbow and Luna were a bit taken aback by this.

“Well hello there,” Discord responded, wrapping one arm around her and giving her a friendly noogie with the other. “And just how’s my favorite pegasus doing?”

“Oh, well, um,” she stuttered as she let go, “Well, actually, I’ve been a bit scared all night, so, um, just ok, I guess?”

“’A bit!?’ You were practically a blur when you flew back inside after Discord scared the hay out of you!” Rainbow Dash butted in.

“Oh, hello Rainbow Dash! I didn’t see you th-“ Fluttershy began before seeing the dark blue alicorn behind her. “Oh no! I-I-I mean, ‘Oh! F-Forgive me, your majesty!’” she stammered as she bowed. “I d-didn’t see you there, Nightmare- I mean, Princess Luna!”

Luna sighed. “And greetings to you as well, Fluttershy, and once again I must insist that you have nothing to fear from me.”

“Seriously? You’re afraid of her and not him?” Rainbow Dash complained.

“I chalk it up to my natural charm and good looks,” Discord said with a positively smug look on his face.

“Oh yeah, scaring the one real friend you have the second you get back, real charming,” she retorted, laying the sarcasm on especially thick.

“Oh! That was you, Discord?” Fluttershy asked. “But I thought I heard Twilight.”

“Fluttershy, you’re forgetting who I am. I can warp the entire world any way I want, do you really think that changing my voice would be difficult?” he explained with a prideful smirk.

“Oh, well, I guess that does sound easy by comparison. So, how was your vacation?”

“Oh, it was wonderful! Let’s go inside, I’ll tell you all about it!” he answered wrapping one arm around her as he lead her back into her house.

The door closed itself behind them, leaving a rather startled Rainbow and Luna outside.

“I can’t believe this!” the pegasus shouted. “He just comes back after disappearing without telling anypony and she completely forgets he just scared the wings off her!”

“Gather the other members of the Elements of Harmony, Rainbow Dash,” the Princess ordered.

“Huh? What for? It’s not like we can turn him back stone since Fluttershy won’t use it against him.”

“I know, and I also do not wish to go against the wishes of my sister. However, I still believe you all should be ready to oversee him and stop him should he step out of line. After what we’ve experienced tonight I think we can say that even with his ‘reformation’ old habits die hard.”

“Gotcha. But, what’re you gonna do?”

“I will first head to Ponyville and inform the citizens of Discord’s return, as well as attempt to ease their fears. Then I will head back to Canterlot to do the same, as well as inform my sister and Twilight Sparkle. I’m sure our newest Princess will wish to return to Ponyville immediately upon hearing of Discord’s return.” Luna gathered magic in her horn before firing it skyward. After traveling some distance it exploded like a firework in the shape of a crescent moon. Within moments Luna’s chariot, pulled by her bat-winged stallions, came into view. “I am sorry to ask this of you on a holiday night such as this, but-“

“Don’t sweat it, Princess, I would’ve done this myself if you hadn’t told me.”

Luna smiled and nodded before flying up to her chariot. “You may go ahead, Rainbow Dash. I place my faith in your great speed.”

Rainbow smirked and perked up at that. “Don’t you worry, Princess, I’ll get everyone here in a snap!”

And with that the cyan pegasus streaked off across the night sky as the lunar princess and her escorts flew at their own pace.


“Wow! So it sounds like you really had a great time!” Fluttershy commented, handing her guest some hot chocolate. “I was worried when you ran off and only left a note.”

“Worried? About me? Oh Fluttershy, I think you worry far too much for your own good,” Discord replied while taking the mug offered to him.

“Well, it’s just that it wasn’t long after you promised to be good that you left, and I was afraid you might go back to your old ways without me around.”

“Fluttershy, I thought you had more faith in me than that,” Discord complained with a sad puppy-dog look on his face.

“Oh no, that’s not what meant! I mean, well, yes I was afraid you might make some chaos, but I was also worried about what Celestia might tell us to do if you went back on your word.”

Discord looked surprised for a moment before a warm smile stretched across his face. “Fluttershy, you continue to surprise me,” he said while gently rubbing her head. “You really are the best friend a draconequus could have,” he said before taking a quick sip of his hot chocolate. “Unlike those other ponies,” he muttered.


“I’m sorry, but I’m still a bit cross. I pull one little prank and everypony and their grandmare jumps on me! It’s Nightmare Night, I’m supposed to scare everypony!”

“Discord,” Fluttershy started in a tone that belied her usually shy demeanor. “Was it really just a little prank?”

Discord shifted his eyes for a moment before confessing. “Ok, so maybe it was a big prank, but it wasn’t like I was putting anypony in danger! I mean seriously, how do I get flak when all I did was move around some clouds and that pegasus doesn’t get anything more than a slap on the hooves when she uses lighting?!”

“Oh, don’t you dare try and shift this to me!” a familiar voice complained before bursting through the door.

“Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked, surprised.

“Couldn’t you knock?” Discord complained without missing a beat.

“Unfortunately he’s right Rainbow dear, you should really be a bit more focused on your manners,” a familiarly elegant sounding voice stated.

“Is now really tha’ time for that?” said another voice.

A unicorn and an earth pony followed in soon after the cyan pegasus, the former dressed as an elegant vampire and the latter as a zombie farmer, complete with Stetson hat.

“Seriously, do you ever take that hat off?” Discord asked.

“What’s it to ya, anyway?” Applejack retorted.

“Nothing really, I just wanted to see how easy it would be to get you upset,” the draconequus stated smugly before taking another sip of his hot chocolate.

“Why you little varmit!”

“Discord!” Fluttershy scolded.

“Oh come on, its too easy! She’s practically begging for it!”

“Fluttershy, how can you stand him?!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“But you aren’t even giving him a chance!” Fluttershy complained. “He’s improved so much! See, he’s not even taking Angel Bunny’s spot on the couch!” she said while pointing to the fact he was sitting in mid-air, and also how Angel Bunny himself was clinging to his seat cushion.

“Oh don’t even bother, Fluttershy. The three of them are just jealous that they don’t have someone as awesome and handsome as me going out of their way to hang out with them.”

“As if, you-! Wait, ‘three?’” Rainbow began, only to cut herself off. She looked back to Applejack and Rarity confused.

“What’s wrong, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Where’s Pinkie Pie?”

“She’s probably on her way,” Rarity suggested.

“But, I found her before I got to any of you and I told her to-“

Rainbow Dash was interrupted by a speeding pink blur that pushed Rarity and Applejack aside. After everypony took a moment to gain their bearings they saw the pink mare dressed as a rubber ducky with her hooves planted on Discord’s chest, glaring intensely into the chaotic god’s surprised eyes.

“Givemeonereasontobehappyyou’reback. Now,” she demanded.

After taking a moment to process what she was saying Discord stroked his beard with he free claw while thinking. After a moment he snapped his fingers and from outside came a flash of light followed quickly by an earth-shaking thud. Everypony turned to see that right outside Flutteryshy’s home was a large and elaborate fountain made of peppermint spraying chocolate into the air.

Everypony could almost feel Pinkie Pie gasp in joy before dashing outside, only to dash back in a moment later with her Party Cannon in tow.


The cannon fired and within an instant the inside of Fluttershy’s cottage was adorned with balloons, streamers, and even a banner that read “Welcome Back Discord!”

“Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash shouted after spitting out some confetti.

“Well isn’t this a surprise! Looks like there’s more than one pony who’s welcoming me with open hooves!” Discord exclaimed with glee.

“Yup!” the pink mare nodded.

“Sugarcube, I never thought ah’d hafta ask ya this considerin’, but ‘Are you right in tha’ head!?’ How can ya be happy ta see Discord again!?” Applejack screamed.

“Well, because he’s fun!”

“I’m sorry darling, but ‘fun’? We are talking about the same Discord aren’t we?” Rarirty asked with a completely stunned look on her face.

“Yeah, fun! Thinking back on it now, a lot of the stuff he did was fun! You know, aside from the destroying Ponyville part. And the taking away horns and wings part. And the tricking us into being the opposite of ourselves part. And the flooding Apple Acres part. And the not having any whipped cream to- oh!” Pinke Pie cut herself off before jumping back onto Discord and glaring at him in the same matter she did when she first arrived. “Cotton candy cloud. Chocolate milk rain. With whipped cream this time,” she demanded.

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash asked while facehoofing.

“Well, aren’t we pushy?” Discord mused smugly. “Still, I do appreciate the party favors, so I guess I can accommodate you this once.”

With another snap and flash a ten foot tall glass with a red and white striped silly straw long enough to stretch down to the ground appeared outside. With another snap the long awaited cotton candy cloud appeared above it and rained the brown sweet liquid into the glass, which filled from left to right. The cloud disappeared after its job was done.

Pinkie Pie clapped her hooves in glee and dashed outside to sample the drink before pausing.

“Hey, what about the whipped cream?” she asked in a frustrated tone.

With an ever widening grin Discord snapped again, a bright flash following immediately after, but it came from above the pink pony this time. As she looked up the door suddenly slammed shut. Not a moment later the sound of a mass of something hitting the ground came from outside and the windows were covered with white.

“What’d you do!?” Rainbow Dash shouted, raising a hoof threateningly.

“Oh relax would you?”

The front door swung back open and right outside was Pinkie, covered in whipped cream and thoroughly enjoying her sweet treat via the massive straw provided for her.

“See?” Fluttershy said. “Discord’s on his best behavior. I mean, well, maybe not best, but he’s at least-“


Before anypony realized what happened Pinkie Pie was now hiding under the couch.

“Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow asked confused.

“What’s wrong, darling?” Rarity joined in.

“My tail’s twitching!” the pink mare answered nervously.

“But that means-“

Before she could finish a scream came from outside, growing in volume signifying the approach of its source. Moments later something fell into the large glass, sending the chocolate milk splashing up into the air and raining down upon the ground outside as well as Fluttershy’s home.


“Just what was that?” Applejack asked. Everyone gathered towards the glass only for their eyes to widen in realization after recognizing the purple pony inside.

“T-Twilight?!” the five mares called in confusion.

“Ugh… Guess I’m still not used to flying,” the violet alicorn moaned. Magic gathered in her horn for a moment before she disappeared in a flash of light, only to reappear a few feet away. With another quick spell the chocolate milk and whipped cream disappeared off her body. After a sigh of relief she turned towards her friends.

“Hey girls, sorry to give you a scare,” she apologized with an embarrassed smile.

The other five ponies sprinted forward and hugged her, showering her with affection.

“Good ta see ya back, sugarcube!” said Applejack.

“So good to see you back, darling!” Rarity chimed.

“I’m so happy to see you that I totally forgive you ruining my chocolate milk with whipped cream!” Pinke exclaimed, giving Twilight and extra tight hug.

“Thanks Pin-Wait, what?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, anyway,” Rainbow continued getting back on topic, “What’re you doing back? I thought you couldn’t leave Canterlot for a few months with those whole ‘princess lessons’ or whatever.”

“Well, technically I am still taking my lessons,” Twilight explained, her tone turning somewhat more serious. “Princess Celestia thought that now might be a good time to get in some ‘field work.’”

“’Field work?’”

Twilight gently broke away from her friends’ hugs and looked to Fluttershy. “You understand what I’m talking about, don’t you Fluttershy?” It was more a statement than a question. The yellow pegasus seemed to shrink a bit in response. She opened her mouth the respond but soon closed it and simply nodded. The violet alicorn nodded back with a sympathetic yet still stern look on her face and stepped passed her.

“Oh, now why did you have to ruin that?” the draconequus complained with a pouty look. “I was enjoying myself! It was cute and, more importantly, unexpected!”

“Hello, Discord. Good to see you doing well,” Twilight responded with a practiced tone of respectful antagonism.

“Now now, you shouldn’t lie Sparkle,” Discord teased with a smug look.

Twilight Sparkle groaned and rolled her eyes but quickly regained her composure. “Ok then,” she started again, her voice failing to conceal her irritation, “It’s not completely terrible to see you here, Discord.”

“There we go! By the way,” he began before two flashes of light came from nowhere. “I see the rumors were true! These prove it, huh?” he commented, holding her wings in his hands.

Shocked, everypony looked to see Twilight was indeed missing her wings.

“Discord!” Fluttershy scolded. “Put those-!”

“That’s it!” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Now we’re gonna-!”


The group was surprised to hear Twilight telling her friend to back down.


“Just hold on for a second,” she said before turning back to the draconequus. “Yes, Discord, I’m a Princess now. You’ve had your fun, now give those back,” she sternly demanded.

“Please, Discord,” Fluttershy added pleadingly.

Discord groaned. “Fine,” he answered and with another set of flashes Twilight’s wings were back where they belonged. “You’ve been spending far too much time with Celestia for my tastes, trying to be all calm and composed. I was hoping for a better reaction than that.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” she responded, laying on the sarcasm extra thick.

“Oh, I’m sure you are. So, ‘Princess Lessons’, huh? Is Celestia teaching you how to down a million cakes without gaining any weight?” he asked smugly.

“Hey! Watch your-!”

Twilight was cut off when Discord pinched both her cheeks. “Aww! You so cwute when you’re all pouty!” he teased in a babyish tone.

“Discord, that’s enough!” Fluttershy scolded with some surprising volume to her voice.

“Oh fine, I’m done anyway,” Discord let go of the alicorn’s face before yawing. “Well, unless somepony’s got something actually important to tell me, I’m going to go-“

“You wait here, I’m not done talking to you yet,” Twilight ordered in a stern yet calm voice. “Fluttershy, could we talk outside for a moment?”

“Um, o-ok,” the shy pegasus answered before following her friend outside.

“Huh, this should be interesting,” Discord muttered as he laid back in mid-air.


“U-Um, so, what did you want to talk about, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. The violet alicorn had simply led her to the side of Fluttershy’s cottage before stopping.

“Well, I’m sure it’s not hard to guess,” she answered.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy complained.

“Look, Fluttershy, I really do think Discord’s reformed himself. And I really do think he’s kept it up even while on his little trip around Equestria.”

“Y-You do?”

“Of course. If he’d caused trouble, we’d definitely have heard about it by now.”

Fluttershy looked a bit disappointed, but responded with a nod all the same. “So, what’s wrong then?”

“The problem that I, and Celestia and Luna, are worried about is if he’ll stay reformed.”

“But Twilight-!”

“Fluttershy, he’s the embodiment of disharmony itself. He’s going to want to shake things up in some way or another, it’s in his nature. Now that doesn’t have to be bad, after all Pinkie Pie’s pretty crazy herself and nothing bad really happens when she does anything crazy, but it’s just… well-“

“I understand, Twilight,” the pegasus answered with surprising conviction in her voice.


“Everypony is still afraid of Discord. I understand. But I know he won’t do anything really, truly bad. I’ll make sure of it. And I really think that Discord doesn’t want to be bad anymore, either.”

Twilight Sparkle just stared for moment before closing her eyes and sighing. She opened her eyes and a warm smile stretched across her face. “I keep forgetting how strong you really are, Fluttershy. After all, you got Discord to give up even after he’d won. I guess I really am worrying over nothing.”

Fluttershy smiled back. “Thank you, Twilight.”

“C’mon, let’s get back.”


The two mares returned to find everything pretty much the same as when they had left. Rarity was pretending to mind her physical appearance while watching Discord through the mirror. Pinkie Pie was enjoying the chocolate fountain Discord had made earlier, while Applejack was watching Discord calmly, doing her best to relax. Rainbow Dash glared at Discord, ready to pounce if he tried anything, and Angel Bunny still clung to his spot on the couch. But there was still something odd about the fragile peace and it took Twilight a minute to realize why: Discord was just relaxing in mid-air. Discord wasn’t doing anything.

The draconequus opened his eyes and smirked at the new Princess. “Well, done with your little chat girls?” he asked.

“Ok Discord, here’s what’s going to happen,” the alicorn began, ignoring his question completely. “I don’t know if you know this, but Princess Celestia had planned to gradually introduce you into the lives of everypony once you’d been reformed, but then you had to go and fly off on your little vacation.”

“Of course. You can’t really expect me to just sit around with nothing to do.”

“Well, you’re going to have to get used to it, at least for a couple of days.”


“Everypony in Ponyville and Canterlot are on the verge of panicking now that they know you’re on the loose, so I want you to stay put for a while so they can calm down.”

“Fine,” Discord mumbled in an annoyed tone.

“In the meantime,” she continued turning to her friends. “We’re all going to be wearing the Elements of Harmony for a while.”

“B-But Twilight!” Fluttershy complained.

“We’re not going to use them, Fluttershy, it’s just to give everypony else some peace of mind. They’ll feel safer if they see we’re ready to stop him for good at any time.”

“But we’re not going to use them, right?” the pegasus asked sternly.

“I promise. Besides, they won’t work if you won’t use yours with the rest of us.”

“I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Rainbow Dash grumbled.

“Rainbow,” Twilight chided.

“Why should we have to put up with this? Why should we have to give him any room to do anything? He’s Discord!” she shouted.

“Now hold on there, sugarcube,” Applejack butted in. “Ah ain’t happy ta see him here neither, but I’m not gonna bring my hoof down if he ain’t done nothin’.”

“Aw, you’re sticking up for me! How sweet,” Discord said smugly.

“Jus’ don’t give me a reason not ta, get me?” she responded, giving him a harsh look.

“I can’t believe this!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Rainbow, darling, just what is wrong with you? I’ve never seen you so upset,” Rarity asked, concerned.

“’What’s wrong?’ ‘What’s wrong!?’ Did you forget what he did to you? To us? He ruined Ponyville and broke us up just because he thought it was funny!” She turned to the draconequus before continuing, her eyes shooting daggers. “You took away my wings because you thought it was funny! You made me turn my back on my friends because you thought it was funny!”

The room went quiet, nopony made a sound. After a few moments of tension Discord sighed and said two words nopony was expecting him to say.

“I’m sorry.”

Everypony froze again. More than just uttering those words was the fact that they sounded genuine. Rainbow Dash completely lost her steam, and a small yet warm smile spread across Fluttershy’s face.

“Y-You… You don’t really mean that,” Rainbow huffed, turning away from him.

“Well, if that’s how you’re going to act, then I guess I don’t,” he responded indignantly.

Rainbow’s temper flared again and she turned back to face the draconequus, seething. “Why you-!”

“Rainbow, that’s enough!” Twilight called.


“Spike should be back at the library with the Elements of Harmony by now, let’s all go to get them and cool off,” she ordered. “And Discord, stop being so… so you for a minute.”

Rainbow Dash snorted before flying out the door, not waiting for anyone else to catch up. The draconequus simply shrugged and went back to his hot chocolate.

As the other four remaining mares left, Fluttershy stayed behind a moment, gazing at Discord with a kind of maternal happiness.

“Discord, I’m very proud of you,” she said simply.

The draconequus looked back to her and gave a similarly warm smile.

“Hey, it’s the least I can do after you stood up for me,” he said simply.


“When you were talking with Twilight,” he explained. “I appreciate it.”

“But, um, how did you-?” she began.

Discord floated down towards her and reached behind her ear. He pulled out a small object and put it in his mouth. It took her a moment to realize it, but his tooth had been missing the whole time.

“I heard every word,” he explained. “Thank you.”

She smiled back. “You’re welcome,” she said before quickly following her friends out the door, closing it behind her.

Discord simply lied backwards in the air and was about to take another sip of his drink when he saw Angel Bunny out of the corner of his eye. The small rabbit still gripped his spot on the sofa, looking to the unwanted guest with a suspicious gaze.

“Oh go eat a carrot, I’m getting enough of that from Rainbow-brain already,” he complained before taking another sip.

Author's Note:

Ok, so my first MLP fic ever. Unlike many of you I've yet to watch the entire series (haven't even finished season 1, aside from a few jumps ahead) so I apologize if not everyone is completely in character.

After a few comics by a phenomenal artist on deviantart about Discord doing his best to reform, or at least render harmless, Chrysalis and King Sombra using methods that would provide him the most personal amusement I just had to make a fnafic of my idea of how it came to be. After all, Discord was the reason I started watching MLP in the first place, so of course the story will mostly focus on him. Hopefully you'll all enjoy and stick with me to the end, which really shouldn't be that long.

Rate and review everypony!