• Published 7th Jul 2013
  • 732 Views, 27 Comments

Maybe if I get to say - Fat1thatyoulove

Part 39 to the Maybe series Follow the main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6

It's been about an hour since Ms.Pleasant started her long talking, Violet has kept herself listening as best she could but most of the words the older mare has been using are unfamiliar and the long amount of talking has left Violet feeling a little drained.

Her once straightened stance now no longer holds as she fidgets in her seat not knowing how much longer she’s supposed to be here.

Most of the other foals around the room have either fallen asleep or are mindlessly looking around the room.

But Ms.Pleasant's voice is finally brought to an end as she talks, "...And that was how Equestria was founded, any question?" Her eyes search the room for a moment before they land on the same tan coated colt that has continued to raise his hoof, Ms.Pleasant's voice is slightly a little bit more happier as she nods, "Yes?"

The colt puts his hoof down as he talks, "Um is-is it lunch time?"

The mare loses her happier tone as it goes back to its normal dull, "Yes, Futty Stroke, you are correct this time...it is lunchtime."

The foals around the room spark up in a happy, "Yay." As they all start to move the desk to face each other.

Violet's ears perk up to the noise as she watches all the other fillies and colts turning their desk, but as she looks around she notices from her spot shes the only pony in her row or the ones next to her.

She blinks to the empty seats as she puts her ears back down, she doesn't move her desk as she sits just watching Ms.Pleasant trotting over to a big group of foals.

After a few seconds of looking around the room she eventually looks down to the purple pouch beside her as she brings it to the desk in front of her.

But as she opens the pouch a familiar stuffy nosed voice comes to her, "Hello Viowit!"

Violet turns her head to the small orange colt as he tries to move a desk and chair towards her, it takes the small colt a second to move the two items but he does and sits down. His mouth has a slight milk mustache to it, he moves a bright blue pouch to the desk as he talks, "Why are you sitting back here?"

Violet looks over the colt's smiling face for a second before she moves her front hooves to answer him.

Sparky watches the hoof motion for a second but doesn't pick up on it as he gives a little laugh, "You're funny...do you want one of my cupcakes?"

Before Violet can give the colt an answer he's ducked his hooves into his open bag and pulled out a slightly squashed chocolate cup cake, he stretches his front hooves to Violet's desk as he places it down, "Do you like chalk-wit?"

Violet smiles as she shakes her head, but she holds her eyes to the colt's face as she opens up her pouch. Her horn glows a faint blue as she floats a napkin to Sparky's face.

He watches a little confused to the napkin floating over towards him but Violet follows through her motion her mom does when she has something on her face.

Sparky's milk mustache comes off with ease as she floats the napkin back to her desk.

The colt lets out another laugh as he tries to look to his mouth, "That's w-what my mom does." He continues to stare towards his mouth not really able to see it but as he holds his stare a little longer he starts to cross his eyes.

Violet gets a smile to the weird face as she lets out a slight wheezing laugh.

The orange colt's ears perk up to the unfamiliar sound as he uncrosses his eyes and stares to Violet's wide smile, "That's funny, how do you do thawt?"

Violet blinks to the question not knowing what the colt was asking about, but she pushes the comment aside as she tries to copy his weird face. Her tongue comes out a little as she tries to focus on copying him.

After a few seconds of her concentration on the tip of her snout she hears the colt's laugh again as she looks to him with a smile.

But Sparky's happy laugh becomes a little dwarfed as a fake high pitched ha-ha comes to Violet's ears.

Sparky and Violet both turn to the pale pink filly standing in front of the two pushed together desks as she talks to the orange colt, "Why you come over here? She's has cooties."

Violet blinks to the other filly's slightly annoying voice as she tries to understand what she just said.

Sparky holds his smile as he shakes his head childishly, "Nwoo she doesn't she's fun."

The pale pink filly stare’s at Violet with a disgusted face as she looks her over, she gives a slight hmpf as she puts her head straight up, "Well she's a fibber and fibbers should not get sweets." Her comment ends as she takes the cupcake from Violet's desk into her hoof. The pale pink filly sticks her tongue out to Violet as she holds the cupcake.

Violet just stares to the annoying sounding filly in confusion as Sparky speaks up, "Heyy, thats not yours."

The filly blows at the comment as she holds the cupcake away from him, "It's mine now so nuh."

Sparky holds his hoof out a he talks through his slightly stutter childish voice, "My daddy says you're not supposed to twak things that not yours."

"Pff, but I have it, so it's mine!"

Sparky crosses his hooves as he sits back to his chair with a sad face. Violet shifts her head between Sparky and the pale pink pony as she listens to the filly's annoying voice coming to her, "Why don't you go tell Ms.Pleasant fibber?" She gives a annoying ha-ha laugh as she stops her comment.

Violet squints her eyes to the annoying filly as her horn glows a faint green, her motion is quick as she sends a small bolt towards her.

The low chime rings around the filly's head as she stands in shock, her once neatly combed mane now is blown back and her face shivers a little as it's covered with a slight hint of frost.

But her moment of stunned silence is brought to an end as she drops the cupcake towards the ground and gallops away with her head up crying loudly.

Sparky watches the little filly run away in a little surprised but he turns his head back to Violet as he looks over the item she floats towards him.

Violet had grabbed the cupcake when Pearl dropped it and she holds a sweet innocent smile to Sparky as she hoovers it towards him.

The colt copies her smile as he takes the cupcake from her and hoofs it back to her, "Sorrwy Pearl was a meany."

But before Violet can take the cupcake back she's brought to a halt as an older sounding voice comes over to her, She looks up as her eyes bring her to Ms.Pleasant's slightly angry face, "Violet, you should know better than to use magic on other ponies."

Violet blinks to the words for a moment before she nods her head.

"Violet, please go sit in the seat in the corner please, i'm going to make sure your mom and dad hear about this." Ms.Pleasant holds her hoof to a seat in the back of the schoolhouse that faces the wall.

The light purple filly hesitates for a moment before she gets up and trots over to where the older mare's hoof is pointing.

End of chapter 6