Maybe if I get to say

by Fat1thatyoulove

First published

Part 39 to the Maybe series Follow the main character thought his newest trails as he tries to better understand the power he possess. And how it affects the ones he loves.

Part 39 in the Maybe series... Planning is never easy and when it comes to having a foal nothing is ever simple, and when Twilight receives a strange a strange book from Celestia. But its not the just the task that has her worried as our characters roll through a so called normal day.

To my old readers, if you know anything about me its that nothing is simple, with that in mind good luck as you read through the ending of this saga... I think you will enjoy this. To new readers I suggest starting at an earlier part if you want to better understand the story.

Chapter 1

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Maybe if I get to...

Chapter 1 – "Nothing is ever simple."

The warm afternoon sun shines in through the large stain glass windows of the Canterlot throne room. Your heart beats at a steady quickness as you focus your eyes to the large white mare talking in front of you. Celestia's words are almost absent to your ears as the warmth in your perfectly fitted black and white tux along with your own nervousness has left you almost paralyzed.

Still even though your body is jittery and your mind is fogged, around the room hundreds of eyes to whom most are unfamiliar now rest squarely onto you. But even though you have these countless and majority nameless ponies staring towards you, you retain a sense of calmness, pride, joy and relief as you stand next to your soon to be wife. This day has finally come and all you have to do is say I do.

Your eyes still stay pinned to the white mare in front of you and your mind is obliterating any meaning to the words her mouth is bringing to you...Your mind has set its desire on focusing on the one few words that matter the most to you.

The white mare's happy expression stays as she continues through the book she floats in front of her, you have no idea what the book is and your best bet is that its the holy book of Celestia or something. This simple comment has kept your mind at ease for the last few minutes you've been standing in your spot. But the moment of thinking is over as you watch the mare's soft pink eyes drift up from the book and pin on you.

You're motionless as you blankly stare to her, but your mind finally picks up to the words as her gaze holds to your own. Celestia's voice is soft and sweet as she repeats herself, "...Do you take Twilight Sparkle to be your wedded wife, until death do you part?"

Your quiet for a moment as your heart beat picks up from its steady rampant beating to a now uncontrollable voice in your ears. You turn your head towards the lavender mare beside you as you stare to her bright white clear crystal covered dress. Your silence turns her head as her soft slightly glimmering purple eyes open to you.

The white-gold band sits perfectly on her horn as you take a split second glance to it, but you rush your eyes back to her as you smile and pick your voice up to a high making sure there is no question and doubt to the two words building in in your throat. You hold your smile as you speak, "...I d-..."

Your heavy loudish voice is dwarfed as a new sound runs past your ears, the room behind you has gone quiet and as the loud chime of magic stops your heart stops with it as the voice behind you plays up in a laugh.

You don't know how or why but everypony in the room excluding you and Twilight have been turned to a grey stone color. You don't hesitate at all as you turn your whole body to the heartbreaking familiar male laugh.

The laughing long dragon like goat holds his sides as he floats above the ground wigglings his legs to the joyish expel coming from himself, "A happy ever after? Really? After everything we've been through?"

The right side of his face is still stone and his body's vibrant color of his mismatched body has not yet fully come back as it still holds a mostly stone grey color. But his one eye that's not stone has a tear in it that he wipes away as he stops his devilish chuckle, Discord's eye is not a joy loving orange or a hate loving dark...Instead his eye and pupil have the same coloring as Sombra's.

You don't hesitate at all as you feel your body already starting to cringe with your magic.

Discord waves his hands out towards you and Twilight with a smile as he talks, "Now now I'm not here too-..." He stops his sentence as he snaps his claw fingers.

A low poofing chime is heard beside you and your eyes only allow you to watch as Twilight's scared expression is vanished in a swirl of orange magic.

"Twilight!-..." You voice is cut off as Discord's figure teleports to the spot where she once stood.

His arms extend as he grabs to your head covering up your ears and pressing your cheeks together, your body has dropped the spell as your mind's burning and screaming to the absent mare beside you takes over your body's desire.

Your rendered motionless to your own fear for her as you unwillingly listen to Discord's happy voice, "...You know what the best part about all this is?" His one tooth smile pokes out as he nods his head, "...The best part is we're all happy here. Ya, we're all happy! ALL HAPPY!" Discord's grip on your ear's has intensified as he moves his lion pawed hand from your head.

He loses his smile as he cocks his head to your pained groans, "...Come on now? Be happy..." He lowers his head to you as his devilish smile comes back, "...You're getting married." The paw that he took from your head now glows a bright green almost flame like magic as he hold you in your spot.

But the paw doesn't stay extended from your head for long as you watch it coming towards your face at the speed of a bullet.

Your body jerks from the covers of your bed as a weight jumps to your stomach. Your breathing is heavy and fast as you spring your head and upper body from the warm bed you once resided in.

The little purple filly with a pink ribbon in her mouth slightly backs away as she sits her flank to the bed next to you.

Your body shutters a little as the realization to the dream that you were just awoken from was just that...a dream. You blow out a little shaky as you rub your hoof over your face, but you only do it for a moment as you bring your hooves from your eyes.

You stare to the little filly sitting patiently in the bed beside you as you look over her face. The white rims that have continued to grow over the last three and a half weeks have really started to define her blue eyes and as you stare to them you're starting to notice the same sparkle like glimmer Twilight's has. You hold your gaze to her happy face until you have pushed the dream to the furthest depths of your mind, since you and Twilight picked Canterlot as the place. Your track record for having a good time in Canterlot has never been good, but you've done your best with keeping that out of your mind seeing as how the date you two choice is not to far off.

You drift your eyes from her to the empty spot in the bed beside you as you talk to Violet in a low almost baby like voice, "Wheres mommy hm?"

Violet just blinks her eyes to you as you turn your head back to her, "Hm?"

She doesn't move her hooves as you start to smile to her wide eyed gaze, "What do you need sweetie?"

To your words her eyes dart down towards her mouth and she wiggles her sitting stance a little. You look over the ribbon in her mouth as you take it from her. You stare at the pink undefined bow in your hoof as you give a little chuckle, I can't tie a bow with watch as the ribbon takes on a purple glow, you float the ribbon over to her as she smiles and stands up a little.

You follow her moving as you sit up a little more and focus your mind to floating the ribbon to her tail, as it touches her tail you picture it wrapping around and tieing into a bow like Rarity and Twilight have done. Sure enough as you watch it, it beings to move into the shape and pull into the bow you're use to seeing.

Violet smiles to it as your magical hold is dropped from it, her happy face comes back to you as she wiggles her front hooves to you.

You give a little chuckle as you pull her close to you for a hug, you close your eyes as you brush your head to her mane but you don't get to hold her for long as she squirms a little in your grasp. You release your hold as you move to the edge of the bed, "Alright Violet, lets get you ready for breakfast ya?"

The little filly doesn't wait for your hooves to extend to her as she tries to follow you from the bed, but she doesn't teleport herself, instead she makes it down on her own with only a little bit of help from you.

She starts up in her childlike hop gallop as she quickly moves towards the door.

You hold your pride filled smile to her as you keep your thoughts from your dream at bay.

End of chapter 1

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 – Just a hop away

Getting Violet ready took a little longer than expected seeing as how she decided she didn't want any help, but the brush maned and fresh breathed filly along with you make your way down the stairs as you both take in the smell of breakfast.

You give a slight yawn as you reach the bottom of the staircase and begin to scan the room. Violet's high chair has been pushed away from the table and you now follow after the filly as she moves to her new seat at the table she's been sitting at for the last two days.

She doesn't really need any help getting into the seat seeing as how its not really too tall, but you still find it necessary to make sure she can before you take your own seat.

But you don't move to your seat as you listen to the hooves coming in from the kitchen, you turn you head to Twilight as she floats over a plate to Violet. Even though you know it was just a dream the fact that you see Twilight has loosened a slight knot in your stomach.

She holds a happy smile as she sets it in front of Violet, "Violet remember to eat everything, you want to be focused on your first day of preschool right?"

Violet blinks to the words for a second before she gives a wide smile and nods her head.

Twilight turns her head back to you as she gives a sheepish smile, "Um, I kind of burned your-..."

You don't let her finish her sentence as you plant a kiss to her, the kiss was a little longer than you intended it to be as you break it and smile to her.

Her cheeks are a little blushed as she shakes her head with a slight giggle, "W-what was that for?"

You hold the smile as you walk over to your seat and sit down, "I didn't know I had to have a reason to love you."

She doesn't move for a moment as you both hold a stare to each other, but your moment is broken as Spike comes into the room with a plate, he lets out a laugh as he walks over to the table, "Ya Twilight tried cooking today..." The little purple dragon puts the plate on the table as he lets out another laugh, "...So everything is either under cooked or burnt."

Twilight's soft gaze is snapped as she lets out a sarcastic laugh, "Ha ha, very funny Spike." She brings her hoof to her chest as she holds her head up proudly, "I'll have you know I did everything by the book."

You shift your eyes to Violet as you watch her pushing the plate of cut up pancakes and eggs towards the edge of the table, the only thing she seemed to eat was the zap apple bits. Her mission falls uncompleted as you reach over to it and stop it before it falls.

"Violet." Twilight grabs at the plate as she looks at Violet, "You love pancakes?"

The light purple filly holds a smile as she shakes her head, you watch her front hooves come up in front of her as she holds her smile.

You give a little chuckle to her as you watch Twilight looking over the plate, "What do you mean those are not pancakes?"

You give a slight chuckle as you think to yourself, Violet eats when I cook.

Spike unlike your small laugh erupts in laughter as he takes his fork from his mouth, "See I told ya i'm the best cook." He stares to his claw as he continues, "Ya its all in the claw." Spike turns his gaze to Violet as he smiles, "You want uncle Spike to make you something don't ya?"

Violet wiggles her hooves to the voice as the purple dragon jumps from his seat with his head up high.

The light purple filly turns her gaze back to Twilight as her front hooves and ears start to move.

Twilight shakes her head as she talks, "No Violet, its not time for school."

You shake your head to the little filly's enthusiasm as you think, Violet you're doing it wrong you're not supposed to want to go to school. You hold your hoof out to her as you talk slowly, "Remember if you don't like it you don't have to go."

You don't get an answer from the little filly as Twilight gives a giggle, "Of course she'll like it." Her voice gets a little bit more excited as she holds a smile to Violet, "You're just going to make so many friends I just know it." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she looks away, "I wonder if Celestia would want you to write friendship reports too..."

You squint to her comment as you think, sure you;ve gone over a few things with Violet but you doubt her name and a few simple words is enough for a report. "I don't think she'll want her too."

Twilight nods her head as she talks, "Oh I know..." She gives a little giggle as she rolls her hoof to you, "She wouldn't do that until Violet enrolled into her school." She taps her hoof to her mouth again as she talks but this time she loses her smile a little, "I-I should ask Celestia about that..."

She stays in thought for a few seconds as she studies the table in front of her.

But her stare doesn't get to stay long as you and her both move your gaze back to the little filly now with a low blue glowing horn. Violet's eyes drift up a little as she holds a slight smile to the low chime from her horn.

Twilight gets her smile back as her voice dips down into an encouraging softness, "What are you doing?"

Violet moves her eyes back to the voice as she stare to Twilight's face, her horn still gives a low chime as she listens to Twilight's voice, "Remember Violet it's not nice to use your magic on other ponies...or Spike."

The little filly hesitates for a moment before she nods her head, after a few seconds of the magical chime it stops and Violet instead starts to move from her seat. But she's stopped as Twilight talks, "Violet you're not playing until you have something to eat."

She blinks to the words for a few seconds before her eyes shift to you, Twilight follows her eyes as she turns towards you, "And yes daddy can't play until then either."

You blow at the comment as you think, ya it will be my luck someone's going to need my help today or... Your thoughts are brought to a halt as you hear a knock at the door. Twilight trots over to it as you nod your head to the table, yep today i'm going to have to get some magical frosting for Pinkie or i'm going to have to get a cat out of a tree for Fluttershy. You smile to the thought as you listen to the tomboyish voice behind you, or i'm going to get a rematch in horse shoe tossing.
You turn your head to the cyan mare as she trots herself in, as you turn her voice starts to become directed towards you, "Oh look for once youre not pink, asleep, or cutting some pony's mane."

You nod your head as you talk, "Ya and for once you don't show up late."

She gives you a smile as she rolls her hoof, "I'm never late, some ponies just start earlier then they said they would."

Twilight gives a slight giggle as she talks, "What brings you by Rainbow?"

Rainbow's voice is cut off as she darts over to Violet and begins to pick her up, "Well Rarity told me to tell you two that she still needs to make a tux and a few last things on your dress." She scoops Violet up to her grasp as she takes herself off the ground, her gaze moves to the little filly in her hold as she talks, "Gosh weezy you've grown since the last time I did this."

You hold your hoof out as you talk, "Rainbow..." But your comment is cut off before you can finish as Rainbow blows to you, "Look Violet you're already making daddy worried, and you've not even had your first heat yet."

The light purple filly doesn't pay attention to the cyan mare's words as she's too busy wiggling her legs to the ground under her as Rainbow floats her around the room in a slightly slower pace than normal.

Twilight watches her friend's slow pace as she talks, "Well we told her she can't play until she finished her breakfast."

Rainbow gives a slight laugh as she continued her slow flight path, "You know when I was a little my dad couldn't even keep me in the cloud for less than fifteen minutes."

Violet's fun is cut off as Rainbow comes back down to the chair and places Violet down, "...But he always caught up with me." She turns to Twilight in a wide smile as she spreads her wings and takes on a slightly leaned forwards stance, "...That was the first thing that made me want to go faster."

At Twilight's nod the cyan mare turns back to Violet who now has a slightly confused face to her quickly ended fun. Rainbow rubs at her mane as she talks, "Sorry weezy, i'm a little tired from early morning cloud duty." Her voice picks back up as she turns to you and Twilight, "Oh man, wait until you guys see the fog we got from the Everfree forest, its going to be the scariest Nightmare Night ever!"

You squint your eyes to her comment as you talk, "I thought it was a party or something?"

Twilight's eyes shrink a little as she talks, "Oh you're right! Nightmare Night is tonight...I don't have anything for Violet..." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she starts to calm her voice down, "Its not like she would stay up past her bedtime but she still needs something."

A thought pops into your mind as you look between them, "So its like Halloween right?"

Rainbow and Twilight both look at each other for a moment before Twilight speaks up, "Like what?"

You roll your hoof as you try to bring out the half of a thought you hold in your mind, "Like costumes and um...stuff."

Rainbow nods her head as she talks, "Right?" But her confusion doesn't last long as her voice picks back up to it's normal tomboyish tone, "Anyways, fair warning I am doing my normal pranks, and no sorry can't let you two slide."

Twilight cocks an eyebrow to her as she talks, "Violet's magic is a lot more susceptible to her're welcomed to get frozen wings."

"Nuh-uh...can she do that?" Her eyes drift back to the little filly sitting at the table.

Twilight smiles as she puffs her chest out a little, "Yes."

You follow her smile as you nod to Rainbow, "Wanna see Rainbow?"

"Pass. I've had enough of magic for one day." She wiggles her hoof out as she talks, "Some of those Everfree clouds don't like to be moved...Anyways I gotta go, we still have a few things to do." She turns her head to Twilight as she finishes, "Make sure you two stop by Rairty's."

Twilight nods her head as she talks, "Goodbye Rainbow."

"C'ya." Rainbow trots towards the door as she spreads her wings back out.

You watch her leave for a moment before you drift your eyes back to Twilight as she talks, "I'm going to see if Spike needs any help, Violet can't be late for her first day."

You give a slight chuckle as you look to Violet, "I think mommy wants to go more than you do."

Violet shakes her head as she moves her front hooves and her ears, you smile as you think over her slightly incorrect reply, but she looks too happy to correct her, "Yep, Violet not real pancakes."

End of chapter 2

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 – Taking that first step

The light purple filly impatiently waits next to the door as she continues to swing her head between you and the door.

You stare at her expression of enthusiasm as you again think to yourself, you're not supposed to want to go to school...

"Ok Violet." You turn your head to Twilight as she floats a light purple pouch towards Violet, "...I cut everything up for you, in case you're hungry for lunch." The pouch is floated to the little filly as Twilight moves closer. It takes her a few minutes to help the pouch around her but she eventually gets it on.

Violet pushes the strap a little that hangs around her side, the pouch is a little bigger than you and Twilight thought, "Hmm..." Twilight taps her hoof to her mouth as she talks, "Well Rarity did use Sweetie Belle as her size tester."

The little filly eventually stops her pulling as she looks back up to you two. Twilight holds her stare as she talks, "You sure you want to go Violet?"

You turn to her voice a little surprised at the tone as you think, she's the one now not wanting her to go? You look over her expression as you start to smile, good now she can feel too old to fast.

Violet blinks to the words before she sits herself to her flank and starts to move her hooves.

You let out a little chuckle as you listen to Twilight's voice, "what do you mean we're slow?"

The little filly turns back to the door as she waits for one of you to open it, she's still too small to reach the doorknob, but just barely. You follow her outside as she happily gallops out, Twilight turns herself back to the house as she calls out, "Spike we'll be at Rarity's after we drop Violet off if you want to-..."

Twilight's voice is cut of as Spike's runs through the house, "Of course!"

She closes the door behind her as she trots past you and Violet, who have stopped not knowing where to go.

You follow after her as you trail beside the filly, "So how long is it again?"

Twilight moves her trot on the other side of Violet as she talks to you, but she turns her head towards Violet as she answers, "Preschool is about three hours and we will be back right after lunch."

The little filly doesn't seem to pay attention to her words as she's too busy kicking up the dirt around her making her hooves a slightly dirty purple like she usually does when she goes outside.

Your walk has brought you into the town as you look around the streets and buildings around you. From what Rainbow has told you and from what you know today is supposed to be something scary or a party...but as you look around you only see ponies putting up fake cobwebs and stringing what look like christmas lights but in the shapes of weird skulls or bats.

The town does look a little bit more busier today and you keep shifting your head making sure Violet hasn't run after something. You turn your head to Twilight as you talk, "So is this what you do for Nightmare Night?"

She takes her head up from the little filly as she looks around, "Well most of the stuff takes place around the town hall." She smiles as she continues, "This is just outer street things...we still need to come up with something for Violet to wear."

You nod your head to her as you speak, "I think I got something."

"Really?" She cocks her head to you as she talks, "Like what?"

Her tone strikes you a little odd as you cock your eyebrow to her, "You'll see."

Twilight nods her head a little as she talks, "Ok but if-..."

Her voice is cut off as you watch a quick bolt of pinkie fur spring around her neck, the energetic ball you know as Pinkie is quick to talk as she looks over you and Violet, "Hi you guys!" She takes in a deep breath as she moves her eyes back to focus on Violet. You prepare your ears as you stop your walk, Areyouguysgoingtogoasafamilyofpouches?HU?causethatwouldbereallyweird." Pinkie lets loose of her hug on Twilight as she starts up in a laugh.

You follow her laugh not really knowing if what she said was funny or not.

Twilight shakes her head as she talks, "No, and we're taking Violet to her first day at-..." Her voice is cut off as Pinkie shoves her hoof to her mouth.

"OH oh don't tell me..." She gives a wide smile as she brings her other hoof to her mouth, "I'm going as Madame Pinkie tonight so I need to practice." Pinkie moves her hoof from Twilight's mouth as she starts to move her hooves around her own head in a circular motion, "Uhm..."

You squint to her weird breathing as you look to Twilight, "Uh, Twilight shouldn't we..."

Pinkie jumps from her stance as she talks, "You're going to go pick poison joke to make the best costumes right?"

Twilight and you both are a little taken back by her loud and happy exclamation but Twilight doesn't stay fazed for long as she talks, "No, we're taking Violet to her first day of preschool."

Pinkie takes another big gasp as she looks down to the smiling filly, "You're going to your first day?! I remember my first day." She lets out a laugh as she talks, "I went to the best preschool the quarry had..." She taps her hoof to her mouth as she thinks out loud, "I think it was Rock school or something."

Rock school? You look over the pink pony still trying to think as you roll over her comment in your head, the rocks must have been made of candy or something.

Twilight nods her head as she holds her hoof out to her friend as she talks, "Well we really should get-..."

"NO wait!" Pinkie wiggles her hoof to Twilight as she talks, "Oh darn I forgot, but I did remember that you still need to pick out a cake." She folds her hooves over her mouth as she talks in a muffled voice, "Oh, that was a surprise..."

Twilight and you both give each other a slight look of confusion as she talks again, "We really need to get going Pinkie."

The pink pony nods her head as she rubs her hoof to Violet's mane, causing it to lose the combed bangs that half resemble Twilight's, "I wish I had a cupcake to give you, but I have to go help Applejack set up the stands."

Violet gives a happy wheezing sound to Pinkie's high pitched voice as she continues to rub her hoof to her.

"Bye Twilight!" Pinkie hops away as her sentences comes to an end.

You turn your gaze back to Violet as you give a little laugh, her mane that you accidentally cut too much the other day has turned back into its point like Rainbow's. Twilight gives a slight groan as she looks over the little filly's messed up hair.

But she doesn't get to stare for long as she picks her low sweet voice back up to Violet's happy face, "Come on Violet, you don't want to be late."

You follow after them as you continue to swing your head around to the ponies around you putting up decorations.

End of chapter 3

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 – Friends?

Your walk has brought you from the town and down another dirt path, but your destination has started to come into view as you look to a reddish pink wood house. You almost do a slight double take to the old timey looking schoolhouse as you try to look over it. It has a large sign in front of it that's shaped like an open book that even from your distance you can read it as, 'Ponyville School'. In Front of the building stand a few older mares and stallions watching what you guess would be there foals going into the building. Seeing this makes you feel a little better knowing Violet's not going to be the last filly inside.

As you get closer to the building a few dull white fences starts to take up around the path leading towards the school house. Even though you know the name on the sign outside tells you what the building was you still had a gut feeling when you saw the large bell on top of the school house.

Twilight holds her gaze to the few ponies as you three get closer, the group's voice's get a little bit more audible as you three move to the group, but you don't really pay attention to anything they say as everypony here is new to you.

Twilight swings her head around the group for a seconds as she starts to search for somepony.

You lean over to her as you talk, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Ms. Cheerilee, she's usually outside before school sta-..." Twilight's voice is cut off as a dull feminine voice comes to you from her side.

"Ms. Cheerilee is out for the day."

You both turn to the dull grey mare with light white-blue mane that sits in a bun atop her head, her voice continues as her half eyed gaze stares to Twilight while she trots a little aways from the group of ponies starting to disperse, "I'm Ms.Pleasant, I teach the three year old foals but i'm filling in for Ms.Cheerilee."

Twilight nods her head as she talks, "Oh, well hello Ms.Pleasant, my name is Twilight Sparkle and we're here to enroll our daughter into the preschool." Violet holds a slight confused face to the older mare as she bends her head down to get a look at her.

You watch the earth pony mare adjust her glasses to her nose a little as she brings her head back up, "Yes, thats fine. She is perfectly welcome to attend today, I will make sure Ms. Cheerilee is informed when she gets back."

Twilight again nods her head as she talks, "Ok thank you." Her voice gets a little lower as she takes a step towards the mare, "Um, her name is Violet Sparkle and she has um..." Twilight;s voice drops down a little to a whisper as she whispers to the mare.

You take your eyes from the conversation as you look around the other ponies that have mostly started to trot away. But you turn back to Twilight as she takes her step back to you.

Ms.Pleasant nods her head as she gives a simple one ha laugh, "Oh believe me Mrs.Sparkles, Violet should have no problem fitting in, after all we only allow the most mature foals into the preschool program.

Violet gets a smile as the words roll past her.

Twilight nods her head as she bends down to Violet, "Ok Violet, mommy will be back in a little..." She gives her a hug as she finishes, "Go and make some friends ok."

The light purple filly gives a wide smile to Twilight as she breaks the hug.

"Come along Violet, I will introduce you to your fellow classmates." Ms.Pleasant trots away a little until Violet follows after her. The little filly doesn't hesitate as she follows after the mare, which kind of makes you feel a little sad even if supposedly preschool isn't a big deal to ponies.

You shift your gaze to Twilight's hard stare as you get a slight smile back, or maybe it's not just you... You nudge her as you talk, "Aren't we supposed to go to Rarity's?"

Twilight snaps out of her stare as she nods her head, "Y-ya." She turns to trot away but doesn't get but two steps before she turns around, "You know maybe preschool can wait a year or two or three." She gives a little laugh as she tries to trot past you.

You follow her laugh as you repeat her, "Three years huh?"

Twilight rolls her hoof to you as she shakes her head, "Or Two and a half."

You give another light chuckle as you shake your head, "I think Violet probably already has made friends." You give Twilight a little nudge as you take on a more serious voice, "If Violet doesn't like it than we can wait a few years." You hold your smile to your comment mainly because you know when she calms down she won't buy into the wait a few years thing.

You and Twilight both stay on the light tone as she nods her head.

- - -

Violet is quick to move into the schoolhouse as she holds a happy smile to the colorful and new faces of the foals around the same age as her.

The school room is big and only a few of it's seats filled with most of the foals sitting to one side of the room. But as she scans the room she can't really find any familiar faces.

But her quick glance to the room around her is cut off as Ms.Pleasant trots over to a wooden podium in front of the chalkboard, her voice is a little loud than a few seconds ago but it still holds its slight dull tone as she talks over the slightly noisy room of broken sentences and misused words, "Good morning class."

The foals around the room all get a little quiet as they hold a slight giggly smile to the mare, "Good morning Ms.Plesntentent." The combination of young and high pitched voices doesn't follow through its sentence as most of the foals start to giggle a little.

Violet's ears pick up to the happy tone as she looks around the room.

The older mare gives a half smile as she turns her gaze to Violet, "Class we have a new classmate today, her name is Violet Sparkle."

The young foals turn their gaze to the new filly as Ms.Pleasant continues, "...Violet has Sombrauism so th-..."

The older mare's voice is cut off as a pale pink filly with silver and dark white mane sitting in the front of the class speaks up, the filly's voice is high pitched and carries a slight whiny tone to it as she holds her blue eyed gaze to Violet, "What does THAT mean?"

Violet blinks a little confused to the other filly's annoying voice but she still holds a faint friendly smile to her.

"Well Pearl Tiara, Sombrauism is when a young foal can't talk or-..." Again the mare's voice is cut off as the filly's eyes shrink a little and she gives a slight whine as she moves in her desk, "Ew, that's weird!"

Violet lose her smile a little as she looks around the room to the other colts and fillies following her motion as they all start to chatter.

"Class...Class-..." It takes a few seconds for Ms.Pleasant to bring the class's noise back down but she gets it down as she holds her hoof to the pale pink filly, "Pearl that was not nice say you're sorry."

The filly blinks to the words for a moment before she gives a slight groan, her eyes drift to Violet as her annoying high pitched words come back to her, "Sorry Violet."

Violet moves her left ear a little but her moment of silent brings the pale pink filly to speak again, she points her hoof to Violet as she talks, "She didn't say thank you.!"

Ms.Pleasent is unamused to her voice as she nods her head, "It's quite alright Pearl."

The pale pink filly crosses her front legs as she looks away with a slight pouty face.

"You may sit where ever you would like Violet." Ms.Pleasant gives a slight smile as her dull voice chimes out.

As the mare's voice hits the pale pink filly in front of her she shakes her head as she looks to Violet, as her annoying voice comes back to Violet, "Not next to me I don't wanna be sick."

Ms.Pleasant holds a stare to Pearl for a moment before she speaks up, "You may sit anywhere Violet."

Violet hesitates for a moment before she walks past the mare and down the row of seats in the front. Her trot brings her to the first empty seat next to a white coated blonde and auburn maned unicorn colt. But as Violet moves to take her seat the colt's voice stops her as he waves his hoof to her, "No, Sir Hoovesy is sitting there!"

The light purple filly stops as she moves her eyes to the empty bench seat behind the desk, but she moves to the next seat in the empty row behind it as she trots away.

As she nears the next seat she brings her blue eyes to an orange coated filly with rose red mane, the filly moves her dark gold eyes to Violet for a moment as she moves back a little in her seat. Her voice comes fast as she talks, "Ah! I don't want to catch your cold!"

Violet stops as she looks down the row of other ponies she would be sitting by, but as she moves her eyes to theirs they all avert their eyes and whisper to the pony beside them. She doesn't understand why these ponies are acting so much different from all the other ponies she knows. But she still holds a slight smile to herself as she trots down the row.

But as she reaches the end of the row next to the other foals her age with none of them even giving her a look she brings her head down and moves to the row absent of any other ponies. She sits down towards the back of the row as she move her pouch from her side and sets it to the ground next to her.

Violet looks around the room to all the other foals happily talking and making funny sounds as she slowly starts to sink to the bench like seat of the school house she's in, not really understanding why they all acted so different to her.

She listens to the ponies around the room for a moment before her ears perk up to a voice.

"Sorry i'm late Ms.Pleaswent."

Violet brings her head up a little as she looks to orange coated colt with slightly slicked back dark blue mane coming into the school house.

Ms.Pleasant nods her head as she points her hoof to the seat next to the pale pink filly, "Better late than never Sparky."

End of chapter 4

Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ms.Pleasant’s dull voice comes over the class again bringing the noise back down as she trots behind the podium, "Can anypony tell me what today is?"

The class is silent as she looks around their faces, but it's silence doesn't stay long as she spots a tan coated colt waving his hoof in the air, "Oh oh I know..."

"Yes?" The mare nods her head to the colt as he stutters out an answer through his young voice, "Today is allnight candy night right?"

The mare shakes her head as she squints her eyes, "Um no..." But her voice is dwarfed by the foals around the calls that give a slight laugh to the comment.

Violet doesn't follow suit in there laugh as she tries to listen to the older mare talking, "...No, tonight is Nightmare night...does anypony know what that is?"

The same colt again waves his hoof in the air as he talks, "Oh oh I do, its candy night! That what my-my brother told me!"

Ms.Pleasant shakes her head as she pushes her glasses up a little more on her nose, "Well Nightmare night as we know it now is a special time of year when young and old ponies get to celebrate Princess Luna."

She stops her voice as she cocks her head back to the class, "Does anypony know Princess Luna? Or have you ever meet Princess Luna?"

The foals around the class fidget a little in their seats but none of them speak up, but at the name Violet gets a smile and copies the motion the colt did as she waves her left hoof in the air.

Ms.Pleasant nods her head to the light purple filly as she talks, "Well at least somepony knows who Princess Luna is. Have you meet her?" Her voice is slightly jokey towards the end of her sentence as she talks.

Violet thinks for a moment before she shakes her head, but as she does this the pale pink filly in the front of the classroom who turned around like everypony else speaks up, "Thats a lie, shes a fibber."

The noise in the class slightly rolls as most of the fillies and colts smile and roll a word, "Ooooohh.."

Violet's ears pick up to their slight laughing as she looks to them a little confused.

Ms.Pleasant takes back her class as she gives Pearl a look, but her voice comes back as she turns back to the class and talks, "Well, Nightmare Night wasn't always about celebration, it actually started back when-..." She stops her voice as she notices the tan coated colt starts to talk again, "Is it lunch time?"

The mare gives a slight sigh as she shakes her head, "No Futty Strokes, lunch is after a lecture."

Another hoof goes up as a filly Violet can't see starts to speak up, "What's a lets-her?"

Ms.Pleasant smiles a little as her dull voice chimes back to her, "Its when I talk more about-..."
The class lets out a slight groan that cuts her voice off, the mare blinks a little confused as she taps her hoof to her mouth, "Big fillies and colts that I teach don't complain about lectures."

Violet blinks to the comment as she tries to straighten her posture in the seat, but as she does this she gets a few werid looks from the other foals around her. Her blue eyes meet theirs as she gives them a friendly smile, but none of the other foals return the smile as they look away and start to whisper and talk to each other.

Violet stops her smile as she turns her head back to the mare in front of the classroom as she tries to listen.

- - -

You continue to nod your head as you listen to the two fillies in front of you, but as you listen to another one of Sweetie Belle's slight voice squeaks you start to drift yourself into thoughts mainly trying to figure out how Violet's first day is.

When you arrived at Rarity's boutique things went like you thought they would, you started talking with Rarity about a tux, making sure to keep your ideas away from the tux in the dream you had. But after you were done with that you didn't really expect Rarity to kick you down stairs just because of Twilight wanting to try on the dress for minor adjustments.

Its not that you're mad or anything...but the two fillies that you continue to mindlessly nod to are starting to wear you down with questions as Scootaloo continues to slightly argue with Sweetie.

"...Nun-huh Sweetie, there's no such thing as a foal phoenix."

You finally drift back to a real thought as Sweetie's hoof points to you, "Yep, he told me and so did Spike."

The light orange pegasus shakes her head to you as she nods to Sweetie, "You believe this little filly?"

You've had no idea how to handle the situation as you again just nod your head from your seat.

Sweetie cocks her head to you as she talks, "Wait, did you agree with her?"

You don't have to answer as Scootaloo blows to the comment, "Duh he agrees, i'm right."

Sweetie again shakes her head as she talks, "That doesn't make it true, he's just nodding to everything." She holds her hoof out to you as you again mindlessly nod your head.

But you stop your nod as you shake your head and try to give a shifty laugh, "What?'re both right."

Scootaloo flaps her wings out as she pokes her hoof to Sweetie belle's face, "Ha, i'm half right!"

The white filly taps her hoof to her mouth as she talks, "But then how do the baby ponies get into the egg if the phoenix doesn't put them there."

"Pff, that's easy...uh..." Scootaloo taps her hoof to her mouth as she stops, "Uh..."

They both turn there heads to you for an answer as you look between them a little wide eyed, oh crap...better use the save me now cheat code, "So uh...hows cutie mark searching going?" You hold a shifty smile to your words as you wait for one of them to talk.

"Not bad." Scootaloo shrugs as you breath a sigh of relief as they change their tones.

"OH!" Sweetie holds a smile to you as she talks, "I know, we could foal sit Violet!"

Before you can speak up Scootaloo chimes in as she holds the same smile to you, "Hey ya! We could get our cutie marks in foal care just like Mrs.Cheerilee."

You shift your eyes between the two fillies smiles as you think, nice try...but Violet's smile is cuter. But you don't get to answer as Rarity's voice comes into the room.

"Sweetie Belle, I do hope you didn't bother him too much."

The two fillies turn to her voice as Rarity trots over towards you, Sweetie shakes her head as she talks, "No, and I took an order for you."

Rarity cocks her head as she laughs a little nervously, "Oh you did ha ha-..who was it?"

Sweetie loses a little bit of her confidence as she talks, "Um...I think her name was Berry Punch?"

"Berry Punch? Oh she said she would stop by around two, its not even noon yet?" Rarity shakes her head as she taps her hoof to her head, but her regular voice comes back to her as she holds her hoof out to you, "Anyways, I believe you will find the dress Twilight picked out just fabulous."

She lets out a slight giggle as she brings her hoof to her chest, "But you know my rules don't look till the day."

You squint to the comment as you nod your head and think, ok? So I can't see it on or off.

You break your thoughts as you watch Twilight and Spike coming in from the other room, Twilight has a large dark purple dress bag floating next to her.

You chuckle to the dark bag as you think, yep Rarity really believes in bad luck.

Sweetie and Scootaloo quickly gallop in front of Twilight as Scootaloo speaks up, "When can we foal sit?"

Twilight gives a little giggle as she talks, "What?"

Scootaloo continues as she points her hoof to you, "He said we could."

Twilight gives you a slight smile as you shake your head, ya I want them to foal sit Violet...ten minutes they will be lost in a forest most likely in a cave.

But before you can speak up Sweetie cocks her head to Twilight, "Did it hurt when you laid Violet's egg?"

Twilight losses her smile as she cocks her head in confusion, "Huh?"

Sweetie nods her head as she points towards you now, "He told us how little foals are born."
Rarity turns her gaze to you as you shoot back an innocent smile, "Uh..."

"What?" Scootaloo gives a little laugh as she talks, "Thats not what he meant, he meant-..." Rarity moves Scootaloo aside as she gives a little laugh, "Ha ha, ok Scootaloo I have your NightMare Night costume all fixed up stairs ok."

The orange pegasus nods her head as Sweetie follows her into the other room with Rarity shelling out one more comment, "And don't touch the fabric please."

Rarity shakes her head as she trots next to Twilight again, "Honestly I don't know why my parents insist on me foal sitting so often, really i'm not going to have a foal anytime soon it would completely ruin my work-...." She stops her voice as she looks between you and Twilight she gives a shaky laugh as she tries to talk.

Twilight stops her as she gives a slight giggle, "Thank you for your help Rarity." She floats the dress bag to the other side of her as she gives her friend a hug, "But I think we need to get back, I don't want Violet worried if we're not there thirty minutes early."

You squint to the comment as you give a light chuckle, and I thought I was worried.

Rarity jumps in front of the door as her eyes get wide, "Wait, you're going to walk home?!"

Twilight cocks her head as she talks, "Um...yes?"

"Oh no no no!" Rarity holds her hoof to the floating bag as she talk, "You could get dirt on the dess."

Twilight gives a little giggle as she tries to trot forward, but again her friend stops her, "Rarity it's not that long of a walk."

Rarity shakes her head as she talks, "No, I simply cannot let you walk all the way there though..." She rolls her hoof as she tries to get the word.

Twilight sighs as she talks, "Dirt?"

"Yes! Now if you won't teleport yourself I will." Her horn glows a faint blue as she straightens her posture a little.

"Rarity, we both know you don't practice teleportation to much."

"Yes, precisely why you should do it." Rarity holds her horn's glow but its a little duller than Twilight's and even Violet's.

Twilight sighs as she trots over towards you, "Fine, we'll teleport, come on Spike." She turns her head to the little dragon as he walks forwards. But before he comes to where you and Twilight stand Scootaloo comes back into the room, "Rarity could you like burn the fur a little more on the custome?"

You blink to the words as you listen to Rarity, "Burn it? Why would you want perfectly made fur burnt?"

Scootaloo rolls her hoof as she talks, "I know it looks cool, but I think a werepony would look a little bit know not so perfect."

Rarity taps her hoof to her mouth as she talks, "I don't even have a way to burn it."

Before you can speak up from your stupid smiling stance Spike jumps in as he cracks his claws, "I think I can handle this Rarity." He turns to Twilight as he talks, "I'll catch up."

Twilight nods her head as her horn sparks up in bright purple, you say good bye to Rarity as you feel Twilight's magic start to creep over your body. After a few seconds the room around you is blinked purple and a low chime fills your ears, but the second only last just that a seconds as you find yourself in the library.

Twilight gives a slight sigh as she trots over towards the stairs, "We could have just walked."

You follow after her as you talk, "How long do we have until we pick up Violet?"

She pause her ascending of the stairs as she thinks, "About an hour."

You smile to her as you talk, "Then lets go out and eat something."

Twilight turns back to you as she cocks her head, "Like a date?"

You can't help but laugh as you listen to the tone she said it in, you shake your head to her as you talk, "Yes Twilight, just you and me."

She gives a sheepish smile as she nods her head, "I'd like that." Her trot up the stairs is brought back as she talks, "Just let me put this up."

You stand at the bottom of the staircase as you watch her trot up stairs, but your happy stare is cut off as you hear a knock at the door.

You trot over to it as you open it and stare to an unfamiliar unicorn stallion wearing a blue vest.

The stallion squints his eyes to you as he talks, "Twilight Sparkle?"

You shake your head as you talk, "She's upstairs."

"OH, thats fine." His horn glows a faint purple as he looks to something outside. At the unfamiliar stallion's moment you start to feel your own magic swirling just under your coat as you talk, "...What did you need?"

"Oh, I just deliver the packages, I don't ask questions." He moves a wooden box with the sides of it being held together with a gold like metal.

You watch the stallion float the box in and place it down next to the inside as you talk, "What's this?" Your voice goes unanswered as he floats a large envelope to you.

"Sorry buddy, I have to go I have other things to deliver."

You nod your head as you take the envelope from him with your hoof and close the door.

Twilight's voice comes back to the room as she starts down the stairs, "Are you ready to..." She stops as her eyes move to the box next to the door, her voice is almost rushed as she just about gallops down the stairs, "Why did Celestia send the Elements of Harmony back to me?! She should have asked me to get them."


Twilight floats the wooden box to the table as she frantically opens it, but she gives a sigh as both you and her look to the gold crown and necklace in the box. She closes the box again as she talks, "Thats a relief."

Her eyes move to the envelope in your hoof as she talks, "What's that?"

You hold it out to her as her purple grasp comes over it, "I don't know."

She tears open the large tan envelope as she pulls out an old looking book and a piece of paper. Her eyes study the page for a second as she reads out loud, "Dear my most faithful student, the book you now have is Starswirl the bearded’s personal journal-..." Twilight moves her eyes back to the old book as she stares at it in almost amazement.

But her stare is brought back to the letter as she continues, "...The very last page contains a spell Star Swirl was never able to complete before he died." Her voice picks up a little as she continues, "...I believe you are the only pony who can understand it and finish the spell-..."

You shake your head as you think over Twilight's last few words, last task? You stop her as you talk, "Twilight put the letter down, you're not doing this now."

She stops her searching of the letter as she looks between you and the book, "But...Celestia wouldn't have sent me something if it wasn't important..."

You shake your head as you take the book from her hold and place it on the table next to the box, "Twilight, Celestia said we had as much time as we needed for this wedding, she didn't mean for you to get this now."

She blinks at your words for a seconds as she swings her gaze between you and the letter, "...But it has to be important if Celestia would send it now?"

"What? No, Twilight we still have stuff we need to do right?"

Twilight closes her mouth as she looks over your face, but she doesn't stay silent for long as she floats the letter to the table, "You're're right...Celestia said we had as much time as we needed."

You nod your head as you talk, "Thank you."

She doesn't stop as she puffs her chest out, "But I still have to at least start on this, just simple research things, that way I can show her i'm still her faithful student, right?"

You give a little sigh as you roll your eyes, anything simple with Twilight is never simple, "Twilight?"

She holds her straightened stance as she talks, "Celestia wouldn't have sent something if it wasn't important..." She loses a little bit of her sure stance as she lowers her voice, "...Right?"

Her voice continues as she bites a little to her lip, "Its not like this a test to see if i'm still a worthy student right?" Twilight's voice has changed to slightly panicked voice and you know she's most likely exaggerating her comments.

But her eyes stop on you for an answer, even though you don't really feel like you can be the one to give her the answer she needs...You know that whatever Celestia wants her to do has to be important, but at the same time you're a little mad that she would send something after she said Twilight could have a break.

You give another sigh as you talk, "Ok, a few things."

Twilight nods her head as she gets her usual sure self back, "Yep, a few things." She gives a little giggle as she trots towards the main part of the library, "I mean come on, it's not like I would focus on this very old and very interesting spell and journal of Star Swirl the bearded all day right?"

You rub your hoof over your face as you lie, "Of course not." You follow after her to help anyway you can as you realize a lunch to relax is no longer in question.

End of chapter 5

Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

It's been about an hour since Ms.Pleasant started her long talking, Violet has kept herself listening as best she could but most of the words the older mare has been using are unfamiliar and the long amount of talking has left Violet feeling a little drained.

Her once straightened stance now no longer holds as she fidgets in her seat not knowing how much longer she’s supposed to be here.

Most of the other foals around the room have either fallen asleep or are mindlessly looking around the room.

But Ms.Pleasant's voice is finally brought to an end as she talks, "...And that was how Equestria was founded, any question?" Her eyes search the room for a moment before they land on the same tan coated colt that has continued to raise his hoof, Ms.Pleasant's voice is slightly a little bit more happier as she nods, "Yes?"

The colt puts his hoof down as he talks, "Um is-is it lunch time?"

The mare loses her happier tone as it goes back to its normal dull, "Yes, Futty Stroke, you are correct this is lunchtime."

The foals around the room spark up in a happy, "Yay." As they all start to move the desk to face each other.

Violet's ears perk up to the noise as she watches all the other fillies and colts turning their desk, but as she looks around she notices from her spot shes the only pony in her row or the ones next to her.

She blinks to the empty seats as she puts her ears back down, she doesn't move her desk as she sits just watching Ms.Pleasant trotting over to a big group of foals.

After a few seconds of looking around the room she eventually looks down to the purple pouch beside her as she brings it to the desk in front of her.

But as she opens the pouch a familiar stuffy nosed voice comes to her, "Hello Viowit!"

Violet turns her head to the small orange colt as he tries to move a desk and chair towards her, it takes the small colt a second to move the two items but he does and sits down. His mouth has a slight milk mustache to it, he moves a bright blue pouch to the desk as he talks, "Why are you sitting back here?"

Violet looks over the colt's smiling face for a second before she moves her front hooves to answer him.

Sparky watches the hoof motion for a second but doesn't pick up on it as he gives a little laugh, "You're you want one of my cupcakes?"

Before Violet can give the colt an answer he's ducked his hooves into his open bag and pulled out a slightly squashed chocolate cup cake, he stretches his front hooves to Violet's desk as he places it down, "Do you like chalk-wit?"

Violet smiles as she shakes her head, but she holds her eyes to the colt's face as she opens up her pouch. Her horn glows a faint blue as she floats a napkin to Sparky's face.

He watches a little confused to the napkin floating over towards him but Violet follows through her motion her mom does when she has something on her face.

Sparky's milk mustache comes off with ease as she floats the napkin back to her desk.

The colt lets out another laugh as he tries to look to his mouth, "That's w-what my mom does." He continues to stare towards his mouth not really able to see it but as he holds his stare a little longer he starts to cross his eyes.

Violet gets a smile to the weird face as she lets out a slight wheezing laugh.

The orange colt's ears perk up to the unfamiliar sound as he uncrosses his eyes and stares to Violet's wide smile, "That's funny, how do you do thawt?"

Violet blinks to the question not knowing what the colt was asking about, but she pushes the comment aside as she tries to copy his weird face. Her tongue comes out a little as she tries to focus on copying him.

After a few seconds of her concentration on the tip of her snout she hears the colt's laugh again as she looks to him with a smile.

But Sparky's happy laugh becomes a little dwarfed as a fake high pitched ha-ha comes to Violet's ears.

Sparky and Violet both turn to the pale pink filly standing in front of the two pushed together desks as she talks to the orange colt, "Why you come over here? She's has cooties."

Violet blinks to the other filly's slightly annoying voice as she tries to understand what she just said.

Sparky holds his smile as he shakes his head childishly, "Nwoo she doesn't she's fun."

The pale pink filly stare’s at Violet with a disgusted face as she looks her over, she gives a slight hmpf as she puts her head straight up, "Well she's a fibber and fibbers should not get sweets." Her comment ends as she takes the cupcake from Violet's desk into her hoof. The pale pink filly sticks her tongue out to Violet as she holds the cupcake.

Violet just stares to the annoying sounding filly in confusion as Sparky speaks up, "Heyy, thats not yours."

The filly blows at the comment as she holds the cupcake away from him, "It's mine now so nuh."

Sparky holds his hoof out a he talks through his slightly stutter childish voice, "My daddy says you're not supposed to twak things that not yours."

"Pff, but I have it, so it's mine!"

Sparky crosses his hooves as he sits back to his chair with a sad face. Violet shifts her head between Sparky and the pale pink pony as she listens to the filly's annoying voice coming to her, "Why don't you go tell Ms.Pleasant fibber?" She gives a annoying ha-ha laugh as she stops her comment.

Violet squints her eyes to the annoying filly as her horn glows a faint green, her motion is quick as she sends a small bolt towards her.

The low chime rings around the filly's head as she stands in shock, her once neatly combed mane now is blown back and her face shivers a little as it's covered with a slight hint of frost.

But her moment of stunned silence is brought to an end as she drops the cupcake towards the ground and gallops away with her head up crying loudly.

Sparky watches the little filly run away in a little surprised but he turns his head back to Violet as he looks over the item she floats towards him.

Violet had grabbed the cupcake when Pearl dropped it and she holds a sweet innocent smile to Sparky as she hoovers it towards him.

The colt copies her smile as he takes the cupcake from her and hoofs it back to her, "Sorrwy Pearl was a meany."

But before Violet can take the cupcake back she's brought to a halt as an older sounding voice comes over to her, She looks up as her eyes bring her to Ms.Pleasant's slightly angry face, "Violet, you should know better than to use magic on other ponies."

Violet blinks to the words for a moment before she nods her head.

"Violet, please go sit in the seat in the corner please, i'm going to make sure your mom and dad hear about this." Ms.Pleasant holds her hoof to a seat in the back of the schoolhouse that faces the wall.

The light purple filly hesitates for a moment before she gets up and trots over to where the older mare's hoof is pointing.

End of chapter 6

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 – Long day

The day has started to move a little slower since Twilight got the letter from Celestia, and like you thought her ability to only do simple things has run out as you look around the clutter table of books where the elements of harmony's box still sits.

Twilight's head is buried in Star Swirl’s old book as she talks out loud, "...This book is almost useless?!" She floats it up next to her with the pages out towards you, but like the few other times she's done it her back and forth trotting pace keeps you from really seeing it, "...How could Celestia have let this book get so damaged? Just about every page is unreadable, and the spell Celestia wants me to complete doesn't even look like a doesn't even rhyme?!"

You have no idea what shes talking about seeing as how she hasn't read the spell nor really stopped to let you see the book. But her wide soft purple eyes focus too as she stops her pacing, you blink to her stare as you think, this is how Spike must feel. You hold the smile as you get up from your chair and walk over to her, "Hey, just calm down, its just a spell."

Bad move, at your word's Twilight cocks her head to you, "Just a spell? Celestia thought this spell was important enough to send when we’re planning our wedding."

You roll your eyes to her as she starts back up her pacing along with her under toned mumbling, "oh...why did she send this now?"

You hold your hoof out to her as you talk, "Maybe you can just have Spike send a letter when he gets home?"

Twilight nods her head as she starts to calm herself down, but her calm eyes don't stay long as her large soft purple shimmer, "OH Celestia! We're going to be late for Violet!"

You squint to her words as she quickly darts over to the table and slowly places the old book down, "Twilight? No we're not?"

She turns her head back to you as she nods her head, "Yes, we're not thirty minutes early."

You give a slight chuckle to her as you walk towards the door, "I'll get Violet..." You turn your head to her as you hold your hoof out to her, "You just need to calm down."

She shakes her head as she smile and moves closer towards you, "But I want to know how Violet's first day was! I want to meet any little friends she might have made."

You look over her wide smile as you think, ya and then you'll scare them off. You hold the dumb thought as you shake your head, "I can get might scare her friends."

Twilight blinks to your words as she cocks her head, "What's that supposed to mean?"

You don't answer her as you give her a smile and start out the door, "I'll be back in a little."

As you leave the house you stop for a moment as you look around the sky above you, you know that it's not time for the sun to go down, or at least you think you do, but the sky around the town has started to take on a darkened color. You keep your head up as you start to trot towards the town, it doesn't look like it's about to rain and as you stare at it a little long you start to think about the clouds Rainbow said they brought in from the Everfree forest. With that thought you bring your head down as you continue your walk.

- - -

The journey through the town and towards the schoolhouse has started to come to its end as you bring your eyes to a group of other ponies, most of the older ponies are mares but as you get a little closer you notice a few stallions.

You stop your walk as you turn to the schoolhouse, the voices of the ponies near you come to your ears but you don't really pay attention to them as you wait.

But your silent stance doesn't get to stay long as you feel a slight gust of wind on your back and a voice above you, "Well hello again."

You turn your head to the dark orange coated pegasus as he lands next to you, you give a friendly smile as you try to think of the stallion's name. You're not completely sure but you finally speak up as you say a name, "Hello Volt."

Your slight guess at a name must have been right as the stallion starts to talk, "Decided to put your daughter in preschool huh?"

You nod your head as he continues, "Well hopefully she had a good first day."

Before you can speak up your voice is cut off by a loud bell ringing, you turn your head back to the school a little surprised the bell actually rang, a slight chuckle escapes your mouth as you think over the old style school.

You watch a few young foals quickly and happily galloping out of the open door, but you don't share in the joy of seeing Violet as your eyes drift to the mare walking next to Violet with another pale pink filly next to her, you can tell by the pale pink filly's hair that Violet did something.

You give a slightly disappointed groan as you walk forward, your voice doesn't come out though as you listen to the older mare.

"Hello Mr.Sparkle, I regret to inform you that your daughter had a bit of an incident today and will not be able to attend our preschool program."

You blink your eyes to her words as you shift your eyes to the sad looking light purple filly, a slightly uncomfortable feeling comes through your stomach as you look her expression over, "What happened?"

Ms.Pleasant's voice is cut off as the pale pink filly speaks up in a high pitched whiny voice, "She's mean and called me a dummy."

You blink to the filly's words but your voice is cut off again as Ms.Pleasant speaks up, "Violet used her magic to hurt another one of her classmates, and we can not allow foals into the program if they are not mature enough to play nice."

You think over the pale pink filly's words as you talk, "But Violet can't ta-..."

"No buts Mr.Sparkle, Violet may not attend the preschool until she is a proper mature age."
You don't get to say anything else as Ms.Pleasant turns towards the group of ponies and trots away with the pale pink filly.

Violet has her head down and her eyes fixed to the dirt as you turn your head back to her.

You give a sigh as you talk, " know not to use magic on other ponies." You watch the little filly shake her head as she doesn't make eye contact with you.

You hold your stare to her still a little disappointed to what you were told but now just a little upset she was kicked out for one thing, "Come on Violet lets go home." You move yourself beside her as you start to walk with her.

But both of you stop as you hear a voice behind you call out, "Hey Viowit, you forgot this!"

You turn your head around as you watch the familiar orange coated colt quickly galloping towards you two with Violet's purple pouch in his mouth.

You take it from the little colt as Volt comes next to him, you nod your head as you float the pouch’s strap around you, "Thank you."

The older stallion next to him nudges Sparky as he talks, "Come buddy, I think we should get going."

Sparky nods his head as he looks to Violet, "Thank you for doing something to that meany."

Volt's ear flicks a little as he bends his head down to the colt, "What meany?" The colt doesn't say anything else as he waves goodbye to Violet and trots away with his dad following close behind him.

Violet copy's his hoof motion as she brings her head back up, you look down to the little light purple filly as you try to piece together what you think might have happened. But Violet notices your stare and again puts her head back to the ground.

You get a slight smile as you bend your head down to her, "You know you have to tell mommy right?"

Violet doesn't move her head as you hold your smile, "...But lets go see if Pinkie ever made those cupcakes hm?"

Her blue eyes come back to you as she holds a slightly confused face to you.

You hold your smile to her as you wait for her to follow after you, her happy hop gallop comes back to you as you give a slight chuckle to it. But your smile is held to your thoughts as you think, it may have took a little longer, but I finally won this argument with Twilight...Violet won't be in preschool to soon. The thought is bittersweet but as you watch the little filly's happy gallop you push any negative thoughts aside as you trot beside her.

End of chapter 7

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 – The cupcakes a lie

Your stomach is full with cupcakes, brownies and a few other sweets you're now regretting on eating. You were right about Pinkie being done with the cupcakes, but you didn't know you and Violet would have to taste test everything. Truthfully you couldn't taste anything after the fifth whatever you ate and you know Violet didn't complain about anything seeing as how she only wanted the cupcakes.

But your soon to be stomach pain was worth it as Violet has her happy smiling face back, you can't really tell if its a sugar rush or not but right now it doesn't really matter as you watch her galloping towards the library door.

Violet waits next to it as you come up beside her and open it, you move your eyes around the room for a moment as you look around the neatly cleaned room. The cluttered books that use to lay atop the table.

The only items that still sit at the table are the closed Element of Harmony box and Star Swirl's book.

"There you two are."

You turn your head to Twilight's voice as you hear Violet's hooves clapping against the wood floor as she quickly moves towards the lavender mare.

Twilight embraces the little filly in a big hug as she gives a slight giggle and looks to her with a smile, "And how was your first day honey?"

Violet slightly loses her smile as she shakes her head.

Twilight squints to the motion as she talks, "No? You didn't like it?"

Violet nods her head to Twilight's words.

Twilight brings her eyes to you as you shrug, "She didn't like it." You hold a slight smile to Violet as you stay quiet about what you were told, you figure your talk with her is plenty.

Twilight hugs Violet again as she talks in a sweet voice, "That's fine Violet...did you get to make any friends?"

The light purple filly pauses at the word before she nods her head.

Twilight's smile holds as she looks to the little filly with a very excited face, "Really?"

But Violet doesn't give an answer as she gives a slight yawn, you speak up as you talk for her, “Ya she must had meet a colt named Sparky in school.” You give a slight laugh to your comment hoping she’ll buy into seeing as how you never told her about Sparky before.

Twilight looks to her tired face as she talks, "Thats great!...but lets get you a nap and then you can tell me all about it." She helps the little filly up the stairs as she walks beside her.

You hold a slight smile to them as they move from your sight up the stairs, you move yourself over to the window as you look outside. The day has started to come close to its end, or at least its starting to get dark from the clouds that cover the area around Ponyville.

The sound of hooves comes back to the room as you turn your head back to Twilight, as you make eye contact with her she speaks up, "So you said you had an idea for Violet's costume right? Because the clouds should make it dark in an hour or so." Her voice comes up in a slight know it all tone as she explains to your slight confused face, "...It gets darker early that way foals can enjoy Night Mare night without getting tired."

You nod your head as you talk with a smile, "I have a costume idea."

- - -

The sky outside has become dark and the time has passed decently fast as you look over the wide eyed filly sitting on the bed. You stare to the dark green filly with a slight smile as you look over the makeshift costume you've made.

But the cut up and now slightly burned grey shirt along with the one pant leg of blue jeans that you used is a little bit more to you than just a costume. The fact that you have finally found a use for those past life clothes means a little bit more to you as you shrug, "Well Violet, nopony is going to know who or what The Hulk is look perfect."

Thanks to the spell Cheesy Heart used on you you were able to remember how to use it, which really makes the costume come together now that her coat has been changed to green color.

You help her off the bed as she starts towards the door, you didn't really expect to dress yourself up...but you found a cape under the clothes you found it necessary to become the real super pony. You hold this thought to yourself as you walk over to the open drawer, you move your eyes to the box you have yet to give Twilight as you watch it float out of the drawer as you push it closed.

You study the box as you float it over towards the bed, your heart pumps a steady fast pace as you place it down for latter.

"Are you coming?"

You call out to the voice down stairs as you start through the door, "Ya." You come to the stairs as you start down them, but you don't really watch your steps as you stare to Twilight's outfit with a slight chuckle, "What are you?"

Twilight has a dark purple wizard like hat on with a dark blue cape that covers her whole body with the same dark blue boots on her four hooves, a small amulet with an M on it comes around her neck.

She looks her costume over as she talks, "Its my Mare-do-well outfit without the mask.

You nod your head as she looks down to Violet with a slight giggle, "Why is she green again?"

You shrug as you talk, "It makes the costume."

Twilight nods her head as she opens the door, but her head goes back to the stairs as she calls out, "Spike don't you want to come with us?"

You both stare to the staircase as you watch the small purple dragon wearing a long white fake beard comes into view, he rolls his arm as he talks, "Not this time, I got sick from all that this year i'm just going to stay in and eat all the candy I don't give out."

Twilight squints to his words as she talks, "But you'll still eat too much?"

Spike shakes his head as he talks, "Naw, i'll be fine."

She rolls her eyes as she opens the door, "Well Spike, we'll be home in a little, I don't want Violet staying up too late."

The little green filly goes out of the door as you and Twilight follow after her.

End of chapter 8

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – NightMare Night

The bright town around you filled with hundreds of ponies in colorful costumes and happy ponies is nothing like the name has suggested. You follow Twilight along with most of every other pony as you three walk to the town hall, from what Twilight has told you is to hear from a special speaker.

As you near the big circular two story building you look around to all the stands that they have set up around the area, the air around here is filled with festive music coming from a few ponies on instruments down a little ways from you.

The area around the town hall building has been decorated with a few spooky items but to you most of the stuff just gives you a slight smile.

Violet even seems unfazed by all the costume covered ponies as she trots next to Twilight holding a happy baby like O face to the weird world around her.

But Twilight doesn't follow the crowd as she moves towards some of the stands on the outskirts of the festival. Her destination comes clear as you see a familiar orange coated mare, Twilight calls outs to her friend as she trots closer, "Hello Applejack."

"Howdy Twilight, nice costume."

She taps the pot on her head as she talks, "I'm the iron-pony." Her eyes shift to you as she cocks her eyebrow to you, "You decided not to dress up?"

You flick your tail a little causing your cape to sway a little as you smile, "Nope I-..."

Your voice is cut off as a loud thunder bolt cracks above you, you jump a little to the unwanted sound as you listen to Twilight's slight yell, "Rainbow!"

You look up to a small dark cloud with the rainbow maned mare laughing on it, shes dressed in a slick black jumpsuit kind of outfit with gold stripes around it.

Her laughing comes to an end as she points her hoof to you, "I'm sorry Twilight..ha ha... but he has a cape on, come on did you even tr-..." Rainbow's tomboyish laugh is cut off as a bolt of small green magic strikes against her.

You and Twilight quickly look down to Violet's quivering lips as she looks up to Rainbow in a slightly scared shock.

Twilight rubs at Violet's head as she talks, "It's alright Violet."

You and Applejack both shoot a glare to Rainbow as she tries to pick some of the frost from her suit, her magenta eyes fall to the little filly as she talks in a low sweet untomboishy voice, "Sorry Violet..."

But you don't take her apology as you bring your head up to the clouds above the festival and start to watch the dark clouds swirling a little faster, a slight lighting cracking can be heard around the area as the clouds start to spin towards the center of mass.

You look around to the other ponies around you as you stare, they don't really seem scared but they all seem to have a confused struck look to them.

You point your hoof up as you bring your eyes to Rainbow, "Not funny Rainbow."

The rainbow maned mare looks up to the clouds as she blows to your comment, "How could I be doing that? I'm down here?"

Twilight and Applejack both look up to the swirling clouds but as you stare at Twilight's face she doesn't really have a sense of fear.

You on the other hand turn back to the now forming funnel of dark clouds with a slight fear filling and confused mind.

The slight thundering sound around the sky, after a few seconds the cloud funnel opens and you watch a dark chariot being pulled by dark armored stallion pegasus coming down from the opening of the funnel.

Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow don't have a bit of fear on them as you watch them slightly smile at it. You quickly move your head back to the unknown chariot as you take up a slight stance and talk, "Twilight what..."

Your voice is cut off as the chariot begins to circle around the festival area, a loud voice beckons from the back of a chariot as a hooded figure stands from it with a dark blue hoof extended out. The chariot rolls around the sky above you all as you listen to a loud beckoning voice, "Ponies of Ponyville, I am your Princess of the night! And it shall be night forever!"

The dark clouds start to swirl down towards the ground as a dense fog starts to roll down around the area.

You feel your magic starting to build under your coat but your thoughts and building heart rate is brought to a halt as a loud thunderous crack comes around followed by cheering and the sound of hooves stomping to the ground happily.

You blink to the noise as you look to Twilight in confusion, even she is slightly cheering as she happily nudges Violet. Her eyes move to you as she talks through the noise, "NightMare night was created to celebrate Princess Luna."

You look back to the chariot that is starting to become shrouded out of sight by the growing cloud cover. You bring your head back to Twilight as you talk, "T-that was Luna?" You stare to Twilight not understanding how the lipsy sounding mare that you let watch Violet just basically scared the crap out of you.

Twilight shakes her head as she still rubs Violet's head, the little filly has started to calm down a little as she moves a little from Twilights side and starts to look around the now fog covered ground.

You're still confused as you try to understand the point of having something like that is fun...but you don't have time to really think as you hear a laugh above you.

"Come on, you weren't scared where ya? She didn't even use the big lightning bolts." Rainbow holds her happy smile to you as she starts to simmer her laughing down, "Well I need to get going, plenty of other ponies I need to scare."

She brings her eyes back down to Violet as she bites off a little piece of the cloud she sits on, as she moves from the dark cloud seat and floats down towards Violet the cloud takes on a fluffy white color as Rainbow takes the cloud piece to her hoof. "Sorry I scared ya weezy, i'm not good at cloud shaping but here you go."

Rainbow holds the cloud out to Violet for a moment as the little filly stares to the white fluff with a happy grin, she puts her flank to the ground as she moves her front hooves to it.

But as Rainbow lets go of the fluff and Violet takes hold of it the cloud piece floats in Violet's grasp instead of staying to her hoof like Rainbow's.

Violet happily tries to keep the cloud piece to her hooves as she tries to stop it from floating away almost like a balloon.

Rainbow quickly darts back to her cloud as she waves to you all, "C'ya."

Twilight gives a happy giggle to Violet's concentration on keeping the peace of cloud to her grasp, Violet's horn glows a faint blue as she wraps her magic around the cloud bit, but it seeps through her grasp and she has to again stop it with her hooves.

You look around to the groups of ponies around you now starting to move away as you talk, "So now what?"

Twilight taps her hoof to her mouth as she talks, "Well I thought we could take Violet trick or treating for a little."

You give a slight chuckle as you talk, "Alright, trick or treat?"

Twilight nods her head as she talks, "Yep, young colts and fillies can go up to house and say, Nightmare night what a fright give us something sweet to bite."

Applejack gives a slight laugh as she talks, "Little fillies and colts? Ha, Pinkie is out right now doing that."

"Really? Where did she start?" Twilight looks around a little as she finishes her comment.

Applejack rolls her hoof to her as she answers, "I have no idea, but if you see her could you tell Applebloom to stop by, she went with Pinkie again."

Twilight nods her head as she turns her head back to Violet, "Alright Violet lets go."

The little filly looks up to the voice for a moment and her concentration on keeping the cloud to her is lost as she turns back to it floating away, her face isn't really sad but it takes her a moment to bring her eyes from it as it floats away from her grasp.

You follow after Twilight as you listen to the festive music starting back up and the chatter of the groups of ponies you walk past. The noise around you doesn't really bother you though as you hold a slight smile to it.

End of chapter 9

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 – If I say...

The light purple filly barely has her eyes open as you near the library, you move a head of Twilight and Violet as you open the door and wait for them to go inside.

As you three walk inside you bring your eyes to the small purple dragon resting his head on the table and holding his sides.

"Spike, did you eat everything?" Twilight floats her hat off and towards the table as she stares at him.

"What no no-..." He stops as he presses his claw to his mouth, "Ok...maybe a little."

Twilight gives a slight groan as she looks him over, but her death stare doesn't get to last long as he moves from his seat, "I-I think i'm going to lay down."

You watch him waddle a little towards the stairs as you roll your eyes, but you move your head back to Twilight's voice as it comes back to the room.

"Alright Violet lets get you a bath before-..." Her voice is cut off as you hear a knock at the door.

You walk over to it as you open it, but the pony you see at the door is not somepony you would have guessed as you watch the tall dark blue mare trot into the room.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight gives a friendly smile as she talks, "Hello Princess Luna."

The dark mare puts her head down a little sheepish as she talks, "What does thou think of our entrance early this evening?"

Twilight gives a slight giggle as she answers her, "Its was perfect Princess."

"We were unsure scaring ponies is what they really wanted, but we did promise we would return." Her voice is stopped as she looks down to the tired filly, "Ah, hello Violet Sparkle, we have to say not having you at the castle makes hiding the royal cookie jar easier."

You give a slight chuckle as you start to undo your cape, royal cookie jar? They better be good.

Violet gives a happy smile to Luna but her eyes still hold their half closed tiredness as she leans a little to Twilight's legs.

Luna returns the smile as she looks back to Twilight, "Well as Princess of the Night I believe it's time for me to get back to guard everypony's dreams" She moves her head to you as she squints her eyes, "Do forgive me if you still seem to have problems in your dreams, humans are...a little harder to get into."

Your eyes are a little wide as you try to make sense of her comment, she doesn't go to every dream...right?

Twilight scoops the little filly up as she talks, "Goodbye Luna, oh and could you tell Celestia that i'll hopefully be done with her spell tomorrow when I figure out what it's for." She gives a slight laugh as she impatiently waits for Luna's answer.
But the dark mare just blinks a little confused to the comment as she answers, "...Yes I will." Luna waves goodbye as she leaves the house.

"Alright Violet lets get you cleaned up, or you might stay green forever." Twilight gives a little giggle to her comment as you and her start up the stairs.

You slightly push in front of her as you duck into your room, the box you foolishly put on the bed still sits there as you quickly float the box behind you as Twilight pokes her head into the room, "I'll be back when I get Violet to sleep."

You nod your head with a smile as you wait for her soft eyed gaze to leave you, as she does you move your undone cape to the drawer as you bring the box in front of you. You don't know why but for some reason you can't give her the horn ban unless its the perfect moment... you move yourself back to sit on the bed as you hold the box in your hoof.

- - -

The dark night sky seeps through the window as you listen to the quiet house, you're not tired and you now lay back down to the bed just mindlessly floating the box above your head. Twilight walked past the door from Violet's room almost an hour ago, and you thought she just went to get the hat she left downstairs...but you doubt it takes that long to walk back up.

The low chime of the purple glowing box above your head has been what's hypnotizing you to keep waiting...but you've waited long enough as you move your gaze to the dark open door.Note to self, tomorrow give her the horn band even if its not perfectly like you want it to be...

You give an annoyed sigh as you float the box into the drawer and close it, you walk toward the door as you hold your gaze to the hallway.

You move quietly towards Violet's room, but as you peer in you only see the little purple filly's head poking up from the covers. You slowly turn back to go down stairs as you move your eyes to the low purple light coming from downstairs.

As you descend the stairs you're slight annoyance turns to a bit of anger as you stare to Twilight's drained tired eyes staring too a few books that float in front of her face.

Her horn glows a very weak purple as you watch her tired eyes squinting to the dim light, your voice comes to the room in a loud whisper as you call out to her while you get closer, "Twilight?"

The low purple glow sparks up a little brighter as her eyes go wide to your voice, but they drop back to their sleepiness as she smiles to you, "Oh...hi."

You glare at her as you nod to the books, "Thought you said tomorrow?"

Twilight rolls her hoof to you as she gives a yawn, "I'm fine."

You roll your eyes as you walk over to her and over power her magical grasp to the books she floats in front of her, that fact that you just did it without even a slight tug helps reiterate that fact shes tired. Your voice is a little louder as you hold your whisper, "Do I have to carry you up the stairs and put you in bed like Violet?"

She gives a quiet giggle as she looks back to the open Elements of Harmony box on the table, "You can't carry me."

You squint to her comment as you think, firebending alien wizard shape shifter super pony librarian... You move a little closer as you nudge her to get up, "No, but I can drag come, you're tired."

It takes her a few moments before she gets up and slightly leans her head on you, she gives another yawn as she talks, "...I just don't understand, Star Swirls spell just doesn't make any sense...from one to another, another to one a mark of one’s destiny singled out alone fulfilled...that just doesn't even sound like a spell."

She gives a slight tired groan as she leans her head on you, "...I'll try it again tomorrow..."

You ignore her words as you walk to her pace towards the stairs.

As you two start to move up the stairs the light purple star on the crown sitting in the middle of the other Elements of Harmony starts to glow a little white...but it goes unnoticed by you or Twilight as you both lose sight of the bottom of the library.

End of chapter 10