• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,471 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

3. "Princess of 'a' sun."

"What was that? Did my new-nervous system just try and implode or something?" Nate asked feeling his freshly kissed cheek with one hoof.

"No silly!" Pinkie laughed. "I gave you a kiss on the cheek!"

Nate looked at Pinkie with a look of shock. "You pressed your lips against my face? Is that like a symbolic gesture? What do you wish to kill me or something? Should I 'kiss' the cheek of ponies I don't like or wait....you like me and you wished to show it with a kiss? Am I getting this right?"

"Yeah! You see, ponies kiss each other on the cheek, well mostly mares do this. You see, if you went up to random to mares and started kissing them on the cheeks because you liked them well they'd think you liked them in a romantic way. When mares do it, we're showing we approve of you and like you a bit more than we like others." Pinkie explained with a light and toothy smile. "Now if I were to do something like this..."

Pinkie put a hoof around the back of Nate's head. Before he could protest or question this, she yanked his head to hers and pressed the two together. Squishing their lips together and parting his with her tongue. He panicked at first as the nerves inside of his mouth reported to his mind that Pinkie's tongue was mucking about inside of his mouth. After a few seconds of Pinkie tasting the inside of his mouth, she released him. Nate took in a gasp of air and breathlessly asked. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"No...I don't think so, at least." Pinkie said thinking a moment. "Any how, as I was saying....when ponies that do what we just did are romantically committed to one other and like each other in a special way."

"Well I'm not sure we like each other in that special way." Nate said as licked his lips. "So why did you do that?"

Pinkie smiled, closed her eyes, and shrugged. "I dunno. Seem like it would be fun to try."

Nate regained his composure. "Let's just keep walking. I still need to meet your leader. From a quick examination of the other ponies in town, you seem to be the only one with this sort of.....'Pinkie' mindset. That must be a statement of your rarity. I, an omnipotent being with a five digit IQ, have never seen someone or something with your 'Pinkie' thinking style."

"IQ?" Pinkie repeated as they resumed their light walk to Twilight's library.

"Something a few beings in another world developed. Measures intellegence, the higher the better. Their smartest was about 180 or so. I've done the test on many other sentient beings in other universes and come up with similar, usually between 90 and 180. Odd eh? I'm one of twelve beings in existence to have a 5 digit IQ. I think mine was around sixty nine thousand or so." Nate said.

"Oki-doki-loki! You must be a brainiac like Twilight then!" Pinkie said with a big grin.

"In a way, yes." Nate said.

They arrived at the tree library. Upon entering through the small wooden door, they saw a light lavender unicorn with a long silky mane and lavender colored wings that matched the body perfectly. This unicorn was talking to a taller white unicorn with wings that matcher her body as well. This white one wore a golden crown and odd golden shoe-like items. They were in mid conversation when Nate and Pinkie walked into the big, tree trunk room that the library was built into. The conversation seemed to be oritented on Nate.

".....she said Nate wanted meet the leader of Equestria." The lavender one was saying as Nate entered hearing range.

"I assume that I am the Nate you speak of." Nate introduced, nodding his head slightly. "Good morning, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia." He greeted guessing on which was which from the head gear and statures of the two.

The taller approached him. She raised her right front hoof in some form of shake gesture. "I am the leader of Equestria."

"Glad to meet you." Nate said taking her hoof and kissing it. "I am Nate. Forgive me if I do any gestures or use any terminology that seems outlandish. I am still adjusting to this colorful world."

"We should talk in private, then. I wish to know more about you." Celestia stated, retracting her hoof.

"I have an idea." Nate said. He raised his right hoof, closed his eyes, and said. "We'll be back in a few seconds, girls. " He placed his right hoof on the Princess and the two disappeared.


Nate opened his eyes and took his hoof off Celestia. He looked around at the all-too familiar blackness of nothing. He saw the confused face of the pony Princess. "I thought I'd let you pick a setting."

"What do you mean?" Princess Celestia asked looking at him with a puzzled expression.

"I can create anything out of nothing. This place is nothing and right now, it just wants to create something for you at the moment. Just say any name of any place you know of and this blackness will form into that place." Nate explained with a smile.

"Okay.....umm......A donut cafe." She said to the blackness.

Upon the ending of her sentence a room formed around them. With in a few nano-seconds furniture and decor formed as well. Many circular tables on singular metal legs stood about on a black and white tile floor with white walls and a ceiling with many little shaded upside-down lamps hanging from it by dark cords. A glass display counter with cash register and tip jar had farmed. In the glass display many donuts and small pastries decorated the inside in rows. A closed door behind the counter was marked "Employees only" on a brass plaque. The wall opposite to the counter had a large glass window that showed a sunny day outside in the town of Canterlot. Many ponies on their ways to work and other duties walked about outside but never took notice of the new donut cafe that had just formed.

"Yeah, they don't see us because their not really real." Nate stated. "This is just a formation of your mind."

"Okay...this is amazing, Nate." Princess Celestia said in a state of awe. "No amount of magic I could muster would ever be able to do something such as this."

" Well, of course." Nate said. "Your magic is limited to the capabilities of magic and the user behind it. My powers are only limited to my mind and what things can exist at the same time. Well right now I can not destroy living things or change into an energy-god state due to me being on a sort of punishment from my siblings."

"Punishment for what exactly?" Celestia asked. She was suddenly uncomfortable being around this God. If he deserved punishment he must've done something that could possibly be monstorous.

"I may have gone to my twin sister's personal universe and mucked about with her favorite creatures. I messed with their genes and gave one the knowledge and intelligence to comprehend atomic physics and construct a bomb from that. That bomb proved to be an incredible super weapon and got many killed during a 'World War.' they were having at the time." Nate explained. "My brothers and sisters sentenced me to demi-god status as punishment."

"Interesting." Celestia said levitating a glazed donut from behind the glass display counter to her. Then walking to one of the circular tables with Nate and sitting across from him as she bit into the donut. "Why did they send you my world?"

"They wanted me to live among the beings I didn't even know existed until yesterday. Your world is at the edge of the universe. About four million light years away from here is basically an anti-matter wall that is ever expanding and growing further away. A few billion years ago, your pegasi could have flown up into the sky, had it or this world existed at the time, and touched anti-matter." Nate spoke in a calm and very collective and friendly voice as he explained this to the Princess.

"That is intriguing." She said. "As you can infer from my name, I am a Celestial being. I control a celestial body. Specifically the Sun, my sister controls the Moon. Her name is Luna, by the way."

Nate smiled at the Princess. "Let me just clarify something for you. You are the Princess of 'a' sun" Nate said, matter-o-factly. "Your sister controls one of many moons. Many being a number followed by a number of zeros that could match the Ponyvile population with each zero to one pony. There are many, many, many worlds and suns. They are the stars you can use in the sky at night. Well the suns are. The planets do not generate enough light to usually be seen from the lands of Equestria. "