• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,467 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

16. A choice.

Three days of light to moderate laziness later.

Funny. Some days feel like they're going to be dreadful. Others have no feeling at all and just go in line with one another as some string of nothing. The last three days were basically a string of nothing. On those days Nate woke up. Had breakfast with Pinkie, lounged about doing light reading and occasionally shopping for clothing or other basic needs. Then it went onto lunch, dinner, maybe 'woo hoo', then sleep. This repeated for two more days and then this day of dread came about and Nate woke up while the moon was still out.

He grumbled himself out of bed as a distant knocking annoyed his half awake mind. He looked at Pinkie, who was able to sleep through the knocking, he smiled at the peacefully sleeping pony. As Nate walked out of the bedroom, he lit up his horn to avoid bumping into things. The knocking was on the entrance of Pinkie's home, someone had something say at about four in the morning. The knocker picked up his or her speed and knocked more rapidly.

"Not sure if Ponies wear these but....keep your panties on!" Nate called out as he rounded the kitchen counter and opened a cabinet. He grabbed a pink coffee mug and looked about for the coffee. Once he had found it and poured himself a cup he went to the door. The knocker was knocking harder with the force of someone with something important on their mind. Nate approached the door and opened it to see a tall purple-blue figure standing there. Nate's mind took a nano-second and identified the figure as Princess Luna.
"Is this important enough to wake me?"

Princess Luna nodded. "I believe so. May I come in?"

Nate stepped out of her way and gestured her in. "Of course."

Luna took a few steps in. She seemed distracted by something that plagued her thoughts. She pulled something out her mane, it was a small rolled up scroll. "This is a roster of everyone who is employed at the castle or visits regularly. However, there is another thing I need to talk with you about."

Nate sipped his coffee. "Hmmm?"

"You see that night when we were drunk....you and I shared each other. Ever since that night I've been feeling odd." Princess Luna began. She took a quick pause to collect herself. "I've been having odd cravings. I've been eating more ice cream and pickles than usual, I've been more emotional than usual as well. I went to the doctor yesterday to confirm my suspicion." Luna stopped again and gulped.

"What are you saying? Is it your time of the month?" Nate asked. "I'm not familiar with any correlation between us having drunken sex and you having cravings and emotional issues."

"Th-then let me just...say it..........I-I.........Nate....you........are going to be a father." Luna choked out.

Nate was silent for a second. "Uhhh huh. A father of what?"

"A foal, whose mother is Princess of the moon." Luna said "Nate....I'm-"

Time froze around Nate. His left eye began to twitch. "I know what she is going to say." He said to himself as he stared at the frozen Princess, who was in mid speaking.

"Why did I do it?" He asked himself. "Why did I have sex with this......pony?"

He blinked as he sat there in the frozen void of time, staring into the eyes of the anxious princess.

"Three billion years of age, a five digit IQ, and I was seduced and gave whatever seed this body can produce to a princess of whom I'd only met a few hours before." Nate evaluated, just sitting there.

"Am I growing crazy or is this truly what I have done? Will I awake and find this all to be just some strange dream concocted by my mind. Will I awaken upon the surface of my favorite star? To discover that there is no place called Equestria, to discover I'd simply fallen in a dose while thinking about things of the equine nature?"

Nate closed his eyes. Concentrating as hard as he could on his current thought. When he opened his eyes again he saw two other versions of himself. One was a feminine version of his pony-self, the half of him that was a female. The other was his logical form. It was still a pony cosmetically but it possess no emotions what-so-ever. There were many other versions of himself that he could extract, he could split his entire being into segments. Then split them up and converse with all of them at once, but he decided these two would be more useful in this situation.

"What do I do?" He asked them.

The three of them sat in a triangle with the princess in the center.

The female Nate who went by "Natasha." was first to speak. "Marry her of course. You made your mistake you must live with it. Literally." She said in a gentle, lightly pitched tone of voice, walking to the Princess and examining her the Princess's face.

"Ahem." The logical Nate said. "I believe that Nate would prefer to not harm the Pink one's feelings. The most logical course of action would be to sit the princess and the pink one down and talk with them both on the situation. Reach a compromise that satisfys all parties. However there is a high chance that the pink one will not be satisfied with any compromise. She will more than likely be hurt by the fact that you and this princess had coitus."

Nate nodded at his logic. "I like that plan." He looked to Natasha. "Anything to back up your suggestion?"

"I've already made my point. Marry the princess, she can make your few centuries on this world easy. Very relaxing and enjoyable. I see a future of exotic diplomatic trips, sex, and a good bit of the Equestrian government under your influence. And besides every princess deserves a husband who can meet her every need. I think you could easily fill that role."

Nate nodded. "That could be fulfilling."

"Not just fulfilling, but you could use the resources that this princesses has at her disposal to advance their civilization. With your brain you could easily take them into some sort of technological golden age! Curing disease, creating art, and doing much more. You could be the being to give them space travel. At first simple then someday.....warp technology and other things. Allow these ponies to spread throughout the galaxy. Make them your most beloved species. The species you allow have the most powerful foot hold in your universe." Natasha said trying to entice Nate into following her advice.

"That sounds wonderful." Nate said "But to do so would hurt Pinkie. I could do the same thing but slower with Pinkie."

"True." The logic said.

"It is your choice." Natasha said.

"That is a fact no one can change, Nate." His logic said.