• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 1,470 Views, 131 Comments

"The Pink Theory." - PrincessLunas Assistant

An omnipitent being comes to Equestria and makes offers...

  • ...

10. Stolen things...

When Nate and Pinkie caught sight of the Castle gates. Nate put his hoof down as hard as he could on the accelerator and took the last mile of steep road at 80 miles per hour. He honked the horn in continuum to alert the Canterlot citizen of his presence. Guards and well dressed citizens came galloping out to see what the noise was. The gates to the gleaming white Castle and buildings was wide open. Ten minutes until three o' clock in the afternoon, Nate got onto a flatter area soaring fast at 100 miles per hour into the city. He slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop, scooping and flinging dirt with his tires. With the car at a complete stop, Royal Guards surrounded the car. Nate opened his door and stepped out.

"Sorry about that lads and lasses. I like making an entrance." He said with a sly grin. "Now. Take me to your leader."

They exchanged suspicious glances. Having never seen Nate before they were unsure of what to make of him, his black metal monster and his pink side-kick, who had just stepped out of the car. Suddenly, a shadow of a flying being appeared near the car. Nate looked up and was able to make out the shape of alicorn through the glaring afternoon summer sun. As the being landed, Nate was able to get a clear view of the being. It was a bit smaller than Celestia. A dark bluish-purple with large wings and a horn longer than most. Nate had guessed from the volume of the body and its muscles it was a female, so in this case: she wore a look of constant determination.

"Stand down." She ordered the guards. "This stallion and his pink companion were invited by 'Tia." She said meeting eyes with Nate. "Your early. Twilight Sparkle hasn't even arrived." She said with a smile. "I like it when a stallion knows to never leave a mare waiting for too long..." the alicorn said with seductive under-tones in her voice.

Pinkie rushed to Nate's side. "Hooves off, Luna!" She exclaimed wrapping a hoof around Nate.

Luna seemed disappointed after that. "Fine. Follow me."

As Nate and Pinkie followed Luna through the streets, Nate looked back at the car and saw the doors all lock in unison following his mental command. The keys flew fast from the car and hid away in Pinkie's puffy mane, without the pink mare even noticing. Nate and Pinkie stayed close to one another. Walking through the streets Nate saw a few posters pasted on walls with free space and a few banners announcing the fact that some event was closing in.

"What is a 'Grand Galloping Gala'?" Nate asked looking to Luna.

"A yearly gala. Quite a fun event. Dancing, food, the general celebratory items. I think 'Tia said something about having problems though. Maybe you could help us out with that if you have the time. However there is a bigger issue though. I'll let my sister explain that one to you." Luna said as she walked a few feet in front of Nate and Pinkie.

"Huh. We'll see." Nate said.


Luna guided the duo through the street and into the crystal clean castle. Going and up many flights of marble stairs to a tower where Celestia's room/office was. Her office was on the top floor located at the end of long hallway with many portraits of Celestia, Luna, etc. Luna guided Nate to two large sturdy wooden doors. She opened the one to the right and allowed Nate to walk in but stopped Pinkie Pie with an extended hoof blocking the doorway. "Sorry, Pinkie. Your going to have to wait out side with me."

Nate looked back at Pinkie past Luna's hoof. "It'll be okay dear." Nate said as he closed the door with a gentle smile.

He looked around in the well furbished office room. It was very square in structure. Bookshelves lined the larger 5meter tall walls, a desk with many pens and random papers and packets scattered across it was against the wall opposite to the doors. Nate looked to his right and saw a single mahogany door. That door opened and the larger of the Princess stepped through in full outfit. Golden crow and all.

"Good day, Nate." She greeted in a polite, calm tone of voice with a nod towards the demi-god.

"Good day, Princess Celestia. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked returning the nod.

"Theres been a small discovery. You see...Twilight Sparkle and her friends use their friendship as a defensive weapon when ever the need arises. However a catch to this is if one of them loses the item that allows them to do so...we lose a defensive capability." Princess Celestia explained growing grimmer by the word.

"May I assume you called me here because you lost one of these weapon components?" Nate asked trying to simply cut-to-the-chase.

"Not one. All of them. Except for Twilight's. I kept them locked away in my bed room at the time. Somepony was able to stealthy make their way into my bed room and steal them from a place I only told Luna of. Since you're an outside source no pony besides, Pinkie, Twilight, Luna, and I have ever heard of, I concluded that you would be best to lead the investigation. Sadly on your own. If I gave you Royal resources we might scare off whom ever stole them." Celestia stated as she looked at Nate with a glimpse of hope in her voice.

"Alright. I'll do it. I'll need a description of the weapon components taken and any suspicious personal since the theft." Nate said.

Celestia though for second on the matter. "Well...the components are called the 'Elements of Harmony'. They are small golden amulets of sorts, each one of definitive shape and color. The only suspicious activity I can think of is that of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Princess Cadence is a large pink alicorn, Shining Armor is her husband and Twilight's sister."

"Alright. I'll go talk to them. See if I can't dig up anything. If they turn up cold I'll go and look else where for leads." Nate said very confidently. "In my sister's universe I was on a vacation and took up a position as a private detective in the 1940's. I loved it and caught a lot of perps."