• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 1,972 Views, 25 Comments

The Return of the Empire - Mr101

[Sequel to Revelations and Lost] When the capital of the Crystal Empire returns, bringing with it King Sombra and Malaskaar. Celestia must summon Grendel Emeric and Turil Tailclaw back to Equestria to finish what was started a thousand years ago.

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Chapter II – Interrupted Celebrations.

The Return of the Empire

Chapter II – Interrupted Celebrations.

The winds of the North blew harshly across the white barren landscape, snow falling from the clouds much quicker than normal. A stallion franticly flapped his wings as he flew across the sky, battling against the wind as it tried to force him to land. His armour was covered in dents and dried blood as was his body, cuts covering the majority of his body where the armour was not covering him. His mane blew about in the wind behind him, his helmet long since gone and forgotten along with his weapon.

The stallion winced as the cold wind stung against his face and struggled to keep his wings going, taking a nervous glance behind him he let out a fearful cry and forced his wings to flap harder as the snow storm began to catch up to him, the storm darkening as it did. Suddenly without warning the snow storm vanished, the stallion saw this and immediately fell to the ground with a thump, his wings giving out to exhaustion as he lay there and panted, trying to get his breath back.

“Got to….make it….back…to…Whitewall.” He panted.

Slowly standing up to his hooves despite the winds harsh blowing, protesting at his actions and trying to force him back down. The Stallion pressed on, slowly trudging through the snow as the wind picked up, squinting his eyes he could just barely make out the silhouette of what appeared to be a wall. This gave him hope, praying to the Princess that it was Whitewall that he could see.

The stallion had been part of a second scout patrol squad that had been sent out several hours before the Captain of the Whitewall guard received a scroll from Princess Luna requesting an update on the patrol Princess Celestia had ordered, the captain had replied that the patrol had not yet returned and was waiting for word from a second patrol she had sent out to see if they could find the first, simply saying the first patrol might of gotten lost as it did happen from time to time. But this was not the case.

The second patrol had been swallowed up by a sudden snow storm that had shadow creatures waiting inside, within seconds the whole squad had been killed leaving on the one stallion as a survivor, having fled the second the screaming started. The stallion wasn’t a coward for not staying; he was trying to get back to Whitewall to alert the others to what was happening and had been chased the whole length by the shadow snow storm. He had been wounded several times when the storm had almost caught up to him, which had forced him to fly faster.

He smiled weakly to himself as he trudged along but it was short lived as he heard the wind pick up once more and turned around, his eyes widened seeing the storm once more bearing down on him and he tried to move faster, his wings refused to listen to him and dangled limply by his side.

“Come on, COME ON!” He cried out.

Within seconds the storm has reached him, a black tendril shot out and wrapped itself around his hind leg and dragged him into the storm, screaming as it did before completely vanishing and leaving no trace of the scout.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

A mare wearing golden armour paced back in forth in a small office, sitting on the desk was her helmet as well as a pile of papers and other kinds of documents. She stopped by the window and looked out of it again with a sigh and frowned slightly, she had sent the second patrol out to find the first one several hours before the scroll from Princess Luna came and it was getting darker, causing her to start to worry.

Normally she wouldn’t send patrols out without knowing beforehand what the weather was like and the weather around Whitewall was usually very calm, and when major snow storms happened there would be clear signs that alerted the soldiers to its approach. But today and the day before hand the weather had been completely normal and no snow storms had been detected by unicorn magic which they sometimes used to trace the storms before they arrived, though the unicorns had been sensing a change in the natural energy flow, a strange feeling like a different kind of magical energy was filling the air.

Looking away from the window she let out a groan of frustration, she donned her helmet on again and headed out of her office. As she walked down the hallways of the barracks, soldiers would salute her as she walked by and she came to a stop outside of a room where reports from other guard barracks around Equestria would be received and delivered to and from. The room was fairly small, it had three desks each with a pony behind it and a box sat on each desk on a corner. These boxes where enchanted with two slots, one for sending messages and one for receiving them.

“Have either of the scouts groups reported in yet?” She asked the mare behind one of the desks.

“Not yet Captain.” She replied sorting out messages.

The captain cursed under her breath, walking over to the wall of the room which had a map of the local area on it she looked over it carefully, rubbing a hoof on her chin.

‘Something doesn’t feel right…’ She thought to herself.

“Scribble Wing.” She said.

“Yes ma’am?” The same mare replied.

“Can you take down a scroll for me please, address it to Princess Luna and mark it as urgent.”

“Of course Captain Silver Hoof.” Scribble Wing replied levitating a blank scroll and quill.

“Princess Luna, I’ve yet to receive any communication from either the first or second patrols I’ve sent out on your request. However the some of the unicorns have stated feeling a change in the natural energy flow, as a pegasi I can’t confirm or deny it but I thought it was worth mentioning that to you.

I still think that the patrols are out there possibly lost due to a snow storm or something and I will alert you to when they arrive, apart from that there is nothing left to report.

Captain Silver Hoof, Whitewall.”

“Understood Captain.” Scribble Wing said.

She finished the scroll and placed it in the out tray and it vanished in a puff of smoke, Silver Hoof was glad she didn’t need to always be to formal with the Princess, after all the Princess was good friends with two of her ancestors, Silver Wing and Steel Hoof.

“I’m heading to the town hall; let me know if either patrol gets back or something develops.” She said.

“Will do ma’am.” Scribble Wing replied.

‘Let’s just hope my gut is wrong about this…’ Silver Hoof thought to herself as she left the building.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“So you guys know when Fluttershy got lost in the Everfree forest right?”

“How can we forget that dreadful day?” Rarity said with a frown.

“Sure as hay ain’t gunna leave my memory anytime soon…” Applejack said softly.

Rainbow and Pinkie remained quiet; the day that Fluttershy got lost was a day they would rather forget. It had been a hard few days for them worrying if Fluttershy was ok but they were so relieved when she returned.

“Well…it’s best if I let Fluttershy tell you this part.” Twilight said.

“Uhm…ok well…you know how you all asked me how I got back?” Fluttershy began.

The girls nodded as they listened, Fluttershy had told them that one of the animals she looked after had helped her get back home, and the girls had been somewhat suspicious of this answer especially Applejack and Twilight. Applejack because she could pretty much accurately guess if a pony was lying or not and Twilight because of what she had caught a glimpse of that day, a strange tall cloaked figure that disappeared back into the forest.

“Well…I kinda lied to you all about it…I’m sorry.” She squeaked.

“Whoa wait a minute…you lied to us?” Rainbow asked.

“I know I’m so sorry.” Fluttershy whimpered.

“Easy Rainbow.” Applejack said as Twilight stroked Fluttershy’s back.

“W-well…I was rescued by a human called Mister Grendel.”

“Wait a second, so when you were talking about the animal Grendel.” Rarity started. “You were in fact referring to this…human?”


“What in the hay is a human?” Applejack asked confused.

“They’re bipedal, like diamond dogs but kinda resemble a tall shaven monkey.” Twilight replied.

“I see…hey now hold on a second, how do YOU know what a human is Twi?” Applejack asked raising her eyebrow.

“Because I told her…I was curious to know if humans had been in Equestria before and Twilight seemed the right pony to ask.” Fluttershy replied. “Please don’t be mad at her.”

“Sugarcube I ain’t mad, I’m just getting mah head around everything.” Applejack replied.

“Neither am I.” Rainbow said.

“How can I ever be made at you Fluttershy? That would be so mean!” Pinkie added.

“Carry on darling.” Rarity finished.

“Well…after he rescued me, Twilight said she wanted to find out more about his race and said she would try to find something in the Royal Archives for us.”

“So that’s why you were making regular trips there the past two years.” Rainbow said.

“Yes, and the last time I went I found something out that is amazing.” Twilight grinned. “If not worrying.” Twilight looked a little worried at the last part.

“What do you mean Twilight?” Rarity asked her.

“Well…you guys know about King Sombra right?”

“Uh…yeah, yeah totally.” Rainbow said.

“You don’t do you Rainbow.” Twilight said in a flat tone.

“Well course I do…but just remind me.”

Rarity rolled her eyes as Applejack and Pinkie stifled a giggle.

“Ok, well he was the ruler of the Crystal Empire a thousand years ago but became obsessed with power and crystals and eventually became a terrible cruel ruler who enslaved his own subjects, he was stopped though by the Princesses and the Elements of harmony.”

The girls listened as Twilight continued.

“But before he was truly vanquished he placed a curse on the capital, banishing it away along with himself and vowing to return one day.”

“Well shoot we all know that story, don’t we Rainbow?” Applejack smirked at Rainbow who glared back.

“Indeed, we all learned about it in school.” Rarity added in.

“Even though those lessons were SUPER boring!” Pinkie said with a dramatic roll of her eyes.

“Well…did you know it’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

The others looked at her and blinked, somewhat confused by her question.

“What do you mean wrong?” Rainbow asked her.

Twilight looked to Fluttershy who couldn’t help but giggle softly.

“It’s a long story…” Twilight chuckled.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Luna sat on her throne as she overlooked several documents floating in front of her; she gave a bored huff as she scanned them. They were the same old documents she would receive on a nightly basis, noble’s requests something that always bored her as they would usually would just be about raising that particular nobles status in the courts. There were other requests that came from the lower classes such as small shop owners or farmers which she tended to pay more attention to because their needs, least in her eyes, were slightly more worthy of her time and effort.

Her horn glowed brightly as two of the forms suddenly had her Royal mark of approval on them; she smiled and nodded to herself before using her magic to write the word unapproved on the forms that were sent to her from nobles.

“Night Light?” She called out.

“Yes your highness?” A small stallion wearing large glasses approached the throne.

“Please take these forms to the sorting office if you will.” She asked him.

“Of course your majesty.” Night Light bowed.

He took the documents in his own magic aura and headed out of the room leaving Luna by herself once more, she let out a contented sigh, happy to be alone for a moment when she was interrupted by a scroll appearing in front of her in a puff of smoke. She took it in her magic curiously and noticed the seal was of the Whitewall guard and she quickly opened it, scanning over the scroll carefully she bit her lip in worry.

‘I should tell Celestia about this…’ She thought. ‘But I’ll wait till morning, that way she will be able to focus her full attention on it.’

She placed the scroll beside her as the doors to the throne room opened and several guards entered, being followed by several nobles. Luna sighed before nodding to them as they bowed to her.

“Ok everypony, the night court is now in session.” Luna said.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“And that’s what actually happened…” Twilight finished.

Everyone sat there looking at her with their mouths agape and their eyes wide, completely unsure as to how to completely process everything Twilight had just told them. She had told them everything she had found out about the Crystal war and the involvement of the humans as well as the two Gods, she then explained how the fact no one in Equestria remembered the true version of the events because of Turil’s last request.

Fluttershy then explained completely in detail what she had told Twilight about Grendel Emeric, every now and again apologising to her friends, and how he had been in Equestria for twenty years, protecting everypony from the corrupted wooden familiar Raven. Twilight then finished by telling the girls about how King Sombra and Malaskaar might return one day possibly within their life time, meaning that Turil and Grendel would return as well, and that if they needed any questions answering they would have to ask the Princess herself. The room was completely silent, even Spike who had wondered down during their talk to get a snack had heard the entire story and couldn’t believe his ears.

“I had a major twitch today…but I’d never guess it was because of that!” Pinkie finally said breaking the silence.

“Your…not just pulling our legs guys right?” Rainbow asked.

“There not…” Applejack said. “They’re telling the truth.”

“Oh…my…” Rarity murmured as she swayed, slightly light headed.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys.” Fluttershy quietly said.

“Flutters quit apologising, you haven’t don’t anything wrong.” Rainbow said rolling her eyes.

“I must admit though…it IS quite a lot to get my head round.” Rarity admitted.

“I know, and again I’m sorry we didn’t tell you any of this.” Twilight said.

“So what happens now?” Applejack asked.

“Well…tomorrow the Princess is going to be here for the celebration, she said she would talk to you girls about everything afterwards. So if you have any questions that would be the best time to ask them.” Twilight replied.

Applejack nodded and left it at that, it was getting late and the girls were all beginning to feel tired. After sending Spike back to bed they all settled into their sleeping bags and said good night to one another, all looking forward to the celebration the next day.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

“This is indeed troubling…” Celestia said with a sigh.

“Does it mean that…your nightmares are telling the truth?” Luna asked her.

The two were walking side by side heading through the palace to where the chariots lay waiting for them in order to take them to Ponyville, they were being accompanied by Princess Cadence and Shining Armour and much to their annoyance, Prince Blueblood, knowing full well he was coming along just to make his own self-image better.

Luna had personally come to Celestia’s bedroom as soon as possible in the early hours of the morning with the scroll she had received the night before hand, and apologising for not giving it to her as soon as she had received it. Celestia forgave her and smiled before reading it, as she finished her smile had gone and was replaced with a look of deep concern. The two had then gone to have breakfast and began to discuss the possibilities for what the scroll meant, trying their best to come up with any theory that didn’t lead to the return of King Sombra and Malaskaar.

Sadly though they couldn’t think of anything, and after receiving the scroll Celestia had to admit that for a while now she had felt something different in the magical energy of Equestria but until now hadn’t really thought much about it.

“I think they are Lu-Lu…” Celestia replied.

“Then what do we do? Do we tell our subjects what is going on? Or do we wait and see?”

“I think its best that we summon our friends back to Equestria at least.” Celestia began. “And even so, they will have to return to help us when the time comes so we might as well reveal them to our subjects now to let them get used to them.”

Luna let out a happy squeal before blushing and coughing as Celestia giggled, they continued walking down the hallways before coming to an exit that led to the chariots. Cadence and Shining were already their waiting for them and smiled when they saw the sisters coming, waving to them as they did.

As they got into the chariots they waited for what seemed like hours until Blueblood finally showed himself, he was shouting at a handful of servants that were rushing behind him all looking tired and worn out.

“Blueblood…why do you have all these servants with you?” Celestia asked him.

“Because Aunty, I need to always look my best if I’m going to be around these…peasants, and they’re re there in order to make that happen.” He replied with a sniff.

Cadence placed a hoof on Shining’s shoulder as he gritted his teeth, he didn’t like Blueblood referring to the ponies that lived in Ponyville or any place as peasants, especially the town where his little sister lived.

“Oh for the love of…” Celestia muttered. “Just get in the chariot Blueblood please; we’re late enough as it is.

Blueblood huffed as he got into the chariot behind Celestia’s followed by his servants; the chariots then took off and began to make their way towards Ponyville. Celestia closes her eyes and began to think of the best way to tell her subjects about the Crystal Empire, as well as King Sombra, Malaskaar, Turil and Grendel.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

The sun shone brightly down on Ponyville and everywhere you looked there was movement, everypony was busy with their own individual tasks and no one was left out. Mayor Mare and Twilight were walking side by side inspecting each of the stalls and tables that were set up to make sure everything was perfect. Berry Punch along with Apple Cider were in charge of dealing with the drinks, Mr and Mrs Cake along with Pinkie were in charge of the sweets and pastries, Applejack and her family were also helping with catering with their own apple related treats such as pies and fritters.
Pinkie was also helping Rarity and several other ponies that were in charge of setting up the decorations for the event around the town, up in the sky above the town the pegasi weather team led by Rainbow Dash were hard at work clearing the last of the clouds out of the sky.

Satisfied that the stalls and weather were in order, the two headed back to the town centre in order to make sure that the stage that had been set up for the Princess was in working order and safe, on the stage were several seats as well as a podium that had the emblem of Celestia and Luna on it. Twilight watched over the town with a smile on her face, letting the Mayor do her checks. The thought of meeting the two human’s still racing in her mind as well as the others, she was brought out of her thoughts by the sounds of fanfare and looked up into the sky.

The town cheered as the three chariots landed in the square and the three Princesses and Prince stepped out, Twilight rushed to Celestia and the two shared a quick embrace before she noticed Cadence and Shining and ran up to them, giving them a hug as the three laughed. Blueblood sneered at the scene and walked to the stage with his head held up and took a seat on one of the chairs.

After the initial greetings form the Mayor were done, Celestia thanked her for such a warm welcome and she, Luna and Cadence took to the stage. Shining and the guards that had accompanied them took positions around the Royals ready for anything of the unexpected. As Celestia reached the podium, she waited for the crowd of ponies to fully gather and settle down. She cleared her throat and smiled, looking down on them before speaking.

“My loyal subjects, we thank you all for such a warm welcome and it gives me great pleasure to announce that this year’s harvest celebration has officially begun!”

The crowd stomped their hooves in applause as they cheered her, she smiled back down on them but frowned slightly.

‘I guess now is the best time to tell them.’ She thought to herself.

“But before we begin.” She said interrupting the applause, confusing the crowd. “I have something I must tell you which is of the upmost importance.”

The crowd noticed her serious expression and began to murmur to one another in confusion, Twilight and her friends frowned at this, knowing what Celestia was going to say. Celestia raised her hoof up to silence them as she carried on.

But before she could carry on, Celestia was interrupted by low hum from behind the crowd that caused everyone to turn around to see what was going on. The humming was suddenly followed by a blinding flash of white light; everyone cried out in shock and shielded their eyes from the light. As soon as the light had appeared it suddenly vanished, trying to get used to the natural light again. As they blinked they all gasped at what they saw, their eyes widening in shock and fear.
Standing in the middle of the square with their backs to them were two bipedal creatures, each one wearing robes of sorts, one was brown and the other dark green. The two creatures looked around before one of them let out a joyful sounding laugh.

“We’re back…we’re truly back.” The one wearing the brown robes said with a chuckle.

“Five hundred years it’s been…” The other one replied.

“Always trying to one up me aren’t you?” The first one chuckled.

“Well you were here only a year ago, I had to wait five hundred years for this day!” The second one grumbled.

“STAY WHERE YOU ARE!” Shining suddenly shouted.

Within seconds the guards snapped themselves out of their shocked states and began to ready their weapons, at the sound of the cry the two creatures turned around to see who was shouting. The ponies gasped seeing two hoods over the heads of the creatures, as the creatures lowered their hoods Shining had seen enough, he wasn’t sure what on Equestria these creatures were but he was willing to protect the Princesses with his life. But before he could say anything to his guards, a mare’s voice cried out in pure joy.


Shining looked to see a blur of yellow and pink race out of the crowd at a speed that rivalled that of Rainbow Dash and tackle the creature wearing the brown robes, everyone watched stunned and shocked as Fluttershy, the usually shy and timid mare, began to cry happily, laughing and hugging tightly to the creature. The creature chuckled happily as it held the mare tightly to its chest in a warm hug, a smile on its face.

“It’s good to see you again Miss Fluttershy, my dear friend.” Grendel chuckled as Fluttershy nuzzled into his cheek.

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors feel free to let me know.