• Published 29th Jun 2013
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The Return of the Empire - Mr101

[Sequel to Revelations and Lost] When the capital of the Crystal Empire returns, bringing with it King Sombra and Malaskaar. Celestia must summon Grendel Emeric and Turil Tailclaw back to Equestria to finish what was started a thousand years ago.

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Chapter I – Celestia’s Concern (Prologue)

The Return of the Empire

Chapter I – Celestia’s Concern (Prologue)

A group of soldiers trudged through the snow in a two line formation with one at the front, they had been marching for a good hour or so on a routine patrol in the frozen north between Equestria and the long since gone Crystal Empire. Nothing was left here save for a few towns that had become a part of the Equestrian Kingdom many years ago, the snow whipped around the legs of the soldiers as it blew harshly at them, chilling them to the bone despite their magical enchanted under layer of clothing that did its best to fill them with warmth.

“Damn its freezing!” One of them cried loudly over the wind so he could be heard.

“Quit your whining Private.” Another snapped back.

“But sir, why are we doing this stupid patrol anyway? There’s nothing here save for snow, snow and guess what? MORE snow.”

The stallion in front sighed and stopped raising his hoof up signalling for the others to stop as well; as they did he turned round and prodded the chest of the Private who had spoken.

“Because Private, Princess Celestia herself requested this patrol and it doesn’t matter where you are on the border of our Kingdom danger still lurks there, and as for why you are here personally, you were caught sleeping on duty!” He barked.

The others in the patrol snickered as the Private grumbled to himself, the lead soldier turned back around and began to move, signalling the others to follow suit. They carried on marching for a few more minutes before a different soldier could just make out what seemed to be an approaching snow storm.

“Sergeant! I think there’s a snow storm approaching!” she called out.

The leader stopped and looked back, seeing the soldier pointing to her right he followed the direction and squinted his eyes, sure enough there was an approaching snow storm. He let out a disgruntled sigh.

“This is why I hate the north…” He muttered to himself. “Alright, take positions!”

At his command, the patrol huddled close together and the three unicorns in the group cast a simple shield spell around the group. They waited as the storm came closer and closer and soon was billowing all around them blocking their view of anything, this didn’t worry them as they were carrying an enchanted compass that was specifically enchanted to navigate the harshness of the North’s cold weather. The sergeant tapped the compass to his chest armour to make sure the arrow was working, satisfied that the compass was working; he and his group began to proceed on their original pathway the shield keeping the snow storm from battering them about.

As they carried on, the sergeant noticed something was off as the snow storm began to darken around them. He raised his hoof up and once again stopped the small patrol that looked at him in confusion.

“Sir?” One of them asked?

“Something doesn’t feel right…” He muttered in reply.

Suddenly the shield began to crack as red eyes began to form in the storm as the storm itself become as black as night, before they could react the shield shattered and the shadows enveloped them, silencing their screams of horror as soon as they left their mouths. When the snowstorm began to fade into nothing more than normal weather, there was nothing left of the patrol except for a dozen hoof prints in the snow.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Twilight Sparkle slowly made her way down the main streets of Canterlot, her head lowered slightly as her mind was lost in thought as she went over everything in her head, trying to figure out the best way to tell the other girls what she had learned. Remarkably, she managed not to bump into any of the other passers-by as she walked.

‘I think it’ll be best if I get Pinkie Pie to gather everyone for the sleepover, no pony can say no to her when it comes to something like that.’ She thought with a chuckle. ‘And whilst she’s doing that, I’ll go and talk to Fluttershy and discuss how we can both tell the others, and then tomorrow the Princess can fill them in on anything else they need to know.’

She concluded to herself that the idea was the best one to go with she looked up at the clock on the clock tower in the city centre and realised that the next train to Ponyville was due to leave soonish. Muttering to herself she raced through the streets again avoiding anyone as she went.

Twilight muttered in annoyance when she heard the whistle of a train nearby as she turned the corner onto the street where the train station was, quickly running into the main building and onto the platform she came to a screeching halt and panted, looking down the platform to see the train slowly making its way into the station. She let out a relived sigh and smiled as the train slowly pulled into the station and came to a halt, composing herself she got into the carriage after letting the passengers already on board get off and made her way to a seat.

Taking out her journal she used for her studies out of her side bag as well as an ink pot and quill, she placed them on the table in front of her and looked out of the window to watch the ponies rush to and from the building and train.

Twilight lurched forwards as the train jolted and began to pull out of the station, deciding to do some note taking, she opened the journal and levitated the quill over to where she had left off. She had been jotting down a number of things to do relating to the Revelations tome, among the many things were a bunch of questions she was dying to get the answers to. She had received a lot of answers from Fluttershy when she spoke to Twilight in confidence about Grendel and she had not stopped thanking her for asking Grendel the questions, but there was some questions she still needed answering, ones that only Grendel or Turil could answer.

Before she left, the Princess has told her that Turil had promised to return to Equestria if ever Malaskaar and Sombra returned, this got Twilight asking about Grendel returning as well and Celestia said she wasn’t sure if he would to but it was a possibility. This was the answer that had sent Twilight’s mind into overdrive with questions she wanted to ask them, but she kept her mouth shut and didn’t tell Celestia she wanted to but she could sense that Celestia already knew Twilight wanted to do that. She had compiled the list before she had left to return to Ponyville, the top question being.

‘How does magic work in Cyrium?’

She had a basic understanding from what Fluttershy had already told her, but she wasn’t one hundred per cent happy with the answer. As the train rumbled down the track, she took a break and looked out of the window to watch the fields go past and felt her eyes grow heavy. It was somewhat peaceful to her to just watch the world go by as the train quietly rumbled along the track, she smiled to herself as she closed her eyes and yawned, it dawning on her that during the time she had begun reading ‘Revelations’ she hadn’t actually slept and was now feeling the tiredness creep over her.

‘I think I’ll have a nap before arriving back home…I feel exhausted.’ She thought with a yawn.

She closed her journal and levitated it back into her bag along with the ink pot and the quill; she then settled herself warmly into the cushion of the seat and leant her head against the window before yawning once more and slowly drifting off to sleep.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Twilight awoke with a startled yelp as she felt the train jolt again, blinking her eyes rapidly she realised the train had come to a stop. Sighing with a smile she gathered her things before getting the feeling she was being watched, she looked to the window and let out a startled scream at what she saw and flailed, falling onto the floor of the carriage.

Gasping for air and holding her chest, she glared at the image of Pinkie Pie who had her face pressed tightly against the glass of the carriage, a crazy but happy grin on her face as she peered into the carriage. Twilight made her way off and was immediately scooped into a crushing bear hug by Pinkie, coughing as her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.


“CAN’T…BREATHE!” Twilight chocked.

“Oops.” Pinkie giggled letting her go. “Sorry.”

Twilight gasped for breath giving Pinkie a glare, she caught her breath and smiled to her friend, they began to walk out of the station and down the streets talking to one another about the previous day with Pinkie doing most of the talking.

“So where are the others?” She asked them.

“Well Rainbow Dash has weather duty today, Applejack is out in the orchards collecting apples for the apple pies for the celebration, Rarity is busy making more decorations for tomorrow and Fluttershy is out by the edge of the forest helping out some animals.” Pinkie replied.

“Ah I see.” Twilight replied. “Pinkie…can I ask you a favour?”

“You want me to go to the others and tell them to come over for a sleepover at the library because you and Fluttershy have an uber awesome super-secret you want to tell us?” Pinkie replied.

“Yes…how…how in Equestria did you know that?” Twilight asked.

“Just a hunch.” Pinkie replied with a giggle.

Twilight was about to press it further but just let out a frustrated groan and shook her head, it was Pinkie after all and she couldn’t be bothered to try and get any kind of logical answer out of the Pink mare.

“Well think you can do that for me? I’ll tell Fluttershy myself seeing as I need to talk to her now anyway.”

“Okie Dokie Artichokey.” Pinkie saluted before zipping off to tell the others.

“One day I’ll understand how she works…maybe.” Twilight muttered as she began to head off to meet with Fluttershy.

As she walked through the town she walked past the ponies setting up all of the decorations for the harvest festival, which took place once a year in a different town or city around Equestria which the Princesses would attend. It was one of Twilight’s favourite holidays as it was a signifier that autumn was soon coming, a season she enjoyed very much.

Twilight walked past several stalls and tables that were being set up, she spotted Applebloom and Big Mac setting up a table that she knew Applejack would be manning tomorrow and gave them a friendly wave which they returned, next to them was a table that was currently bare but she knew it would be where the Cakes would be, selling their sugary treats for the festival goers. Twilight was looking forward to assisting Mayor Mare with the pre-celebratory inspection and smiled to herself, not wanting to waste any more time she quickened her pace as she headed over the bridge that led towards Fluttershy’s home.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Fluttershy hummed to herself happily as she fed a small family of squirrels some nuts, she smiled at them as they happily picked up as many as they could before retreating to the small hole in a nearby tree where they lived. She turned her attention to some birds that were sitting on some branches watching her and she picked some seed form her basket and chucked it on the floor for them, the birds fluttered down gently and began to peck at the seed.

“Eat up everyone, there’s plenty for all.” She said with a smile.

She picked a second basket that contained some chicken feed, Fluttershy flapped her wings gently humming again as she flew over to her chickens who clucked happily waiting to be fed. As she tossed the feed onto the ground for them she heard the sound of somepony calling for her, she looked behind her to see Twilight approaching with a smile. Fluttershy placed the empty basket of chicken feed on the ground and flew over to her friend.

“Oh hello Twilight, I didn’t know you were back from Canterlot.” Fluttershy said giving her a soft hug.

“I just got back Fluttershy; I see your animals are looking happy.” Twilight replied hugging her back

“Oh yes, they are just having some lunch.” She smiled as she looked over the animals eating away.

“Anyway Fluttershy, can we go inside I kinda need to talk to you.” Twilight asked her.

“Of course Twilight, would you like some tea as well?” She asked.

“That would be lovely, thank you.” Twilight smiled to her.

The two walked up to Fluttershy’s house and entered it; Twilight took a seat on Fluttershy’s sofa as Fluttershy went into the kitchen to turn on the kettle. She soon returned as Twilight heard the sounds of the kettle rumbling and Fluttershy took a seat in a small armchair next to the sofa.

“So what’s up Twilight?” She asked.

“Well…I’m having the girls over for a sleepover tonight, which of course you’re invited to.” Twilight said.

“Oh that sounds wonderful.” Fluttershy replied.

“The thing is…you know what you told me? About Grendel Emeric?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy nodded.

“And that I’ve been going to the Canterlot Archives to try and find out anything else about humans and Cyrium?” Twilight said.

“Yes.” She nodded again.

“Well…did you know they’ve been here before?” Twilight asked.

“Yes I do, Mister Grendel mentioned a friend of his came here before but...he didn’t go into that much detail and I thought it was best not to press him on it.”

“Well, his friend’s name was Turil Tailclaw.” Twilight began and levitated out her journal. “He came to Equestria a thousand years ago.”

Twilight began to tell Fluttershy everything she had learned about Turil and Cyrium, whilst downplaying some of the more serious elements such as the death of Krustallos and that the elements failed to destroy Malaskaar on their own and they had also gone over the plan for that evening about telling the other girls.

The other girls didn’t know the full story of how Fluttershy got out of the forest, she had told them that a woodland creature helped her get out and they had been reluctant to believe her, thinking that she was possibly hiding something but soon gave up asking. So their plan was for Twilight to confirm about the real events of Fluttershy’s rescue then add about her trip to the archive, and follow it up with reassuring the girls that the Princess would be willing to answer any questions they had, they knew it was going to be a long night.

“And that’s the idea, that sound ok to you Fluttershy?” Twilight asked her.

“Mhm, it makes sense that the others should know…although I’m a little scared about King Sombra and this Malaskaar returning.” She admitted.

“Don’t worry; we’ll have the elements on our side.” Twilight said.

Truthfully, she knew what happened last time from the tome about how the Elements had little effect on Malaskaar himself, she just prayed the Princess was wrong about their return. The two finished their tea and decided to head on over back to the library and meet up with the others, Fluttershy promising her animals that she would come back later that day to give them all their dinners.

As they made their way back to the library, they passed once again past all of the townsfolk who were nearly finished with the basic preparations for the following day’s celebration and couldn’t help but feel happy about the occasion. Upon entering the library they were greeted by the others who were waiting for them, all with their sleeping equipment and they immediately began to chat amongst each other as they would normally do at their sleepovers.

Soon enough the rest of the day began to fade into evening and the girls had all gathered on the floor of the library each in their own sleeping bags, around them was an array of snacks and drinks courtesy of Pinkie. As they continued to talk Twilight looked to Fluttershy who nodded back, it was time.

“Girls.” Twilight started. “Me and Fluttershy…have something we need to tell you.”

“What’s that sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Pinkie said waving her hoof madly. “Pick me I know I know!”

“Pinkie please settle down.” Rarity said. “Give the poor mare a chance to speak.”

“Thanks Rarity…well…where do I begin?”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Celestia walked down the dark hallways, the only light being the moonlight that shone through the palace windows and the torches that were lit along the hallway. As she walked by herself hearing nothing but the sound of her hooves on the floor, she let her mind drift into deep thought.

‘Maybe they won’t return yet…maybe…maybe Varlos’s spell still holds.’ She thought to herself. ‘But I doubt it…’

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt the presence of Luna beside her; she looked up to see her sister looking at her with concern.

“Tia are you alright? You seem troubled.” She asked her.

“It’s just…I fear that Varlos’s spell is weakening.” She replied.

“But…but how can you tell?” Luna asked with more concern in her voice.

“I didn’t tell Twilight this but…the nightmares I had back then, the ones with the dark voice of J’skaar…they’ve returned to my dreams.”

Luna’s eyes widened as she shook her head.

“No…I’m the master of the night and everyponies dreams, even yours Tia but I have not sensed any distress from your dreams.”

“I’m not lying Lu-Lu…” Celestia said walking over to a window.

“I’m not saying you’re not sister, I’m just making sure that you are absolutely certain that these nightmares are not just old ones resurfacing.” Luna replied.

“There not…the voice says something different then the last time…”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

As the moon shone down over the land of Equestria, Celestia whimpered as she curled tighter into her duvet, her mane was a mess and she was covered in a sweat as she writhed about her breathing rapid. Her eyes were darting about under her eyelids as her nightmare worsened by the second.

‘Where am I?’ She thought to herself.

She was walking down a long hallway of dark grey and the shadows were darker than a normal pitch black, she came to an abrupt stop in front of two large doors. She stared at them intensively for a few moments, wondering why they looked so familiar to her before it dawned don her just exactly why they did. She started to turn around to run but let out a noiseless scream at what she saw.

Standing in front of her was a tall bipedal creature covered completely in shadows, save for two glaring red dots around its face. She backed up against the doors and fell to the ground in a crash as they suddenly opened; the creature began to advance towards her slowly a low rumble that formed into a dark laugh leaving it.

“S-Stay back!” Celestia cried.

“I told you before Witch…” The creature spoke with a low growling voice.

It raised its arm up and Celestia felt her neck tighten and was forcibly thrown towards it, it wrapped its fingers around her neck and brought her face to its.

“This world will burn…my servants are free of their curse and will soon enough take what is mine…not even your precious human allies can save you this time…”

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
Luna stood there unable to think of what to say to Celestia, if the voice in her nightmare was to be believed then Sombra and Malaskaar had indeed broken free and Varlos’s spell had broken, she leant in and gave her a reassuring nuzzle to her cheek and offered a small smile.

“It might just be old memories twisting themselves in your sub conscious playing tricks on you.”

“Perhaps you are right Lu-Lu…” Celestia sighed. “But I’m still concerned; I have yet to hear from a scout patrol I sent near where the capital once was.”

“Do you want me to send another scroll asking for an update? It is my time in court now.”

“If you can please Lu-Lu…If I am right on this though…I’m going to summon them back.

“You mean…” Luna gasped, her lips forming into a small smile

“Yes Lu-Lu…even if it turns out to be nothing I still want to be ready, and they are the only two people that can help us if King Sombra and Malaskaar are back.”

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors feel free to let me know.