• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 274 Views, 3 Comments

Harmony Itself - ceilster

The Elements of Harmony didn't originate from everywhere, they originated from the alicorn Harmony herself. Find out how this mare with no ordinary significance became amazing. What did she do? And howdid she accomplish this?

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That Feeling When Your In the Wrong Time

Harmony was checked out from the hospital four days later with a full recovery. Altair never did visit her again but she wasn't bothered because her siblings and Red came as much as possible. They settled her back into her room with a few extra pillows and someone had placed flowers and balloons in her room. She smiled at the red tulips in the jar. She got up from her bed and walked over to the flowers and grabbed the card.

Sorry I didn't visit, I was held p by other duties. I hope you get better soon and enjoy my next appearance.


Harmony smiled for some reason unknown to her and slowly walked over to the door. She twisted the handle and proceeded to go downstairs, leaving her white room behind. Her father ran over to her daughter. "Where are you going?" he asked nervously.

"Is it alright if I go see the princesses?" she asked. Chancellor nodded his head and opened the door for her. "Thank you, I should be back soon," Harmony told him. She walked through town, a few ponies noticing the mare who had fallen off of a cliff and survived. With her head high she continued to walk trying not to notice the whispers. A young filly came up to her with a piece of paper and pen.

"Can you sign my paper?" the filly asked. Harmony dumbstruck, took the pen and signed without a thought. Harmony smiled and the filly went back to her mother. Harmony wasn't at all with the idea of being famous for her injury. In fact she was horrified with the idea because of the thought that reminded her of what Discord had done. Distraught, Harmony began to run to the castle, shielding her eyes from anyone who dared to look. The guards didn't think twice before letting her in and a few murmured apologies. She nodded and continued to allow her hooves to take control. The led her to the edge; out of the guards sights. Harmony glared down at the crater of her doing.

Tears were now streaming down her face and heat rose. Aggravated she found a rock and threw as hard as she could at the ground. She was about to angrily scream but she forced her mouth shut. Harmony sat down on the ground and hugged her knees. Her darkness covered her eyes but she didn't bother to move her hair. She was angry and sad with this whole incident, and she was especially anxious to find out what Discord had done to her. Shivers went down her spine as his words continued to replay in her mind. Hooves were heard coming towards her as she continued to sob. "Harmony?" the voice asked, Harmony glared up at the voice but it was quickly melted by the sight of Princess Celestia. "Follow me." A hoof was handed out and Harmony took it; helping her up. They walked into the palace and then the princess led her to the throne room. They sat down and Harmony wiped her tears away.

"What is this all about?" she asked quietly.

"How are you doing?" Celestia asked. Harmony nodded and it was a long silence before she answered. She couldn't decide to tell her or not what had happened.

"It wasn't the rain that caused my accident; it wasn't even an accident," Harmony told her.

"Who did that to you? Was it that pony following you?"

"No, no that pony is my suitor."

"Then who did this to you?" the Princess confusedly asked.

"Discord." Celestia's eyes widened and horror struck her hard.

"What? But-but he's in stone!" the princess told her.

"I know princess, and he's done something to me," Harmony started before she explained everything. The princess placed a hoof on her forehead.

"Oh Harmony, I am so sorry," she apologized. She looked at her with pure content in her eyes as she said, "I will do everything in my power to find out what he did to you and reverse it." Harmony thanked her and left to go home. Her family was waiting for her at the door. The inside of the house was warm and an aroma of delicious food filled her nostrils.

"Harmony!" Morning almost shouted before hugging her. "We're having a special dinner tonight!"

"Special? What kind of special?" she asked while returning the hug. Morning smelt nice of raspberries.

"Guests," Morning whispered in her ear before leading her sister upstairs.

"What kind of guests?" Harmony asked as she changed into a long faded red dress with long sleeves and a V-neck.

"Friendly ones," she answered. Harmony presented herself and Morning nodded in approval of her choice. Harmony was led back downstairs and to the table just as the door bell rang. Folio got up from his chair and opened the door. Chancellor and his soon greeted Red, Comet, Altair, and another mare Harmony didn't recognize. She was dark blue and not a solid blue at all. white spots covered this black maned earth pony. Her light green eyes squinted as she smiled at Harmony. She returned with a small reply of smiling.

Red was wearing a white shirt and black skirt, but her hair was very much longer than before. It had only been three days since they've seen each other and her hair had grown two inches. Altair came in too, and he had a scruffy beard which also surprised her. Altair wore the same cape as he did the last time they saw each other. And Comet had much crazier hair then before. Folio seated them at the table and Chancellor went into the kitchen. Mrs. Dust came out with a fabulous feast for kings and queens. They began to eat the stews (no meat) and the sandwiches. "Harmony, this is Violet," Folio introduced. They were sitting next to each other closely, a little bit to closely.

"Hello, if I may ask, what is your connection with my brother?" she asked nicely.

"Well we're..together," Violet told her.

"Wow! Folio, you have gotten over Jasmine Tea very fast!" Harmony found astonishing. Violet began to seem tense. "Oh no I'm sorry its just that they broke up only a week a go, so I was surprised." Violet was going to say something but then Folio whispered something in her ear. Harmony was confused on why Folio had to remind her something. Everyone at the table seemed to be touchy at the subject of their conversation and were quiet. "Is something wrong?" she asked her little sister. She was biting her lip and was very nervous now. Harmony looked up at her father, who wouldn't look at her.

"So how is business for your family in Canterlot Violet?" Chancellor asked, changing the subject. Canterlot? Harmony had never heard of this Canterlot but she figured if she wanted to know more she would have to listen.

"It's great actually, were setting up a few more carts on the main road that leads up to the palace. That way we can sell more flowers," Violet told him. The main road was where they lived. Harmony leaned down to Morning Light.

"What month is it?" Harmony asked.

"Its August you silly pony!" Morning said before clamping her mouth. "Uh-oh."

"Its-its July though," she said in response. Not even late July, it was early July. Harmony gulped and looked around at the others. How had a month passed already? It had only been three days she was gone, wasn't it? Harmony got up from her chair. Everyone stopped and stared at her. She took a deep breath. "Excuse me, I will be back in just a moment." The pony that is placed out of time walked to the bathroom in her house. She locked the door behind her and turned the faucet on. She sat on the toilet seat and held her head. She took a deep breath; trying not to freak out. She got up from the seat a few moments later and locked at herself in the mirror. A knock came at the door.

"Are you alright in there?" Mrs. Dust asked.

"Um yeah, just give me a second!" she called. Harmony splashed some of the water in her face and returned to looking at herself in the mirror. She looked the same and felt like it was only three days ago that it had rained. With a cloth in her hoof, she dried herself before leaving the bathroom. She returned to the table to find all the food gone and Mrs. Dust laying out desert. Harmony sat down and was nudged by Altair; who was sitting next to her.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned smile.

"I'm fine."

"It's just that you were in there for a while," Altair added.

"I needed to fix my hair," she quickly lied. He nodded and turned next to Red.

"I think she knows," he whispered just loudly enough for her to hear him.

"She couldn't have known! Her father was supposed to explain it to her," Red replied. They were so focused on each other that they didn't see Harmony lean in next to them and ask,

"Explain what?" she asked. Altair jolted and accidentally hit Harmony in the nose with his elbow.

"Harmony!" Altair said startled. Harmony touched her nose and felt blood coming out of her nostrils. Chancellor noticed her bleeding and excused himself from Comet and his conversation. He took his daughter to the kitchen and had Mrs. Dust fix her up.

"Father, how long was I in the hospital?" Harmony asked as she applied pressure to herself to stop the bleeding. Chancellor let out a deep breath and sat down on the chair across from the counter she sat on.

"You were missing for a few days when a guard spotted you in the ground. You were clinging for life when the doctors began to fix you. Harmony, you slipped into a coma. Until a week later you woke up for a day before leaving us for another two weeks. It was a miracle that you woke up a second time and after four days awake they thought you were now okay again. Its been a month since you were last with us," her father told. Harmony now held her head up with her arms that were on her knees. She started to hyperventilate but stopped when she calmed herself down.

"Is that why Red's hair is longer, Altair has a beard, and Folio has a serious relationship with a pony I have never met?!"

"Yes, and there is more news."

"How could there possibly be more? I am not from here! Father what could else be wrong right now?" she asked.

"I must be leaving soon for a journey to deliver my newest inventions to the scientists of Equestria, and I won't be back for quite some time," he told her.

"Father no! This is madness. If you go Folio and Morning will be in disasters. They need you more than anything!" Harmony protested.

"Even more than you?" Chancellor asked. Harmony was about to shake her head but she didn't.

"Yes and I would like to take your place," she told him. She had no idea what she was doing, she couldn't just leave! Her time was already messed with, leaving would cause even more damage to her clock. No one should ever be making life altering choices once they recovered from an injury, especially Harmony! Chancellor stared at his daughter with confusion but she could see the relief in his eyes. "An old man yourself shouldn't go on such a perilous journey. Besides, you should strengthen your bond with Morning anyway. I know for fact that you aren't as close, leaving now would just tarnish it." She added, finalizing her decision.

"I'll have to talk to Comet," Chancellor replied. Harmony got up from the counter and they went back to the group.

"Everything alright?" Comet asked.

"Yes everything is more that fine thank you," Harmony answered.

"Well that is magnificent," he said before turning to Folio, "What do you think of the new fountain in Canterlot?"

"If you don't mind me asking, where is Canterlot exactly?" Harmony asked before adding, "I haven't been here for weeks, a girl must know."

"Canterlot is the new name of our city. They didn't like the Royal City so much," Red told her. Harmony smiled and continued to eat the cake that was placed in front of her. The chocolate cake was very rich and she seemed to enjoy it a little to much. Everyone around her looked like a great burden was lifted from their shoulders now that she knew. They had an excellent rest of the night before it was getting late. They shared hugs by the door as each one was leaving.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier," she said to Violet.

"It is alright, I wouldn't be able to understand how confusing this is for you, but I hope you'll be able to accept us," Violet replied. Harmony nodded before hugging Violet goodbye. Folio left with her to escort her home. Comet was busy talking to Chancellor and Morning was questioning Red.

"Why do you always where black?" she asked.

"It's perfect attire for my job," Red answered.

"What do you do?"

Harmony stood by the door watching them talk before Altair came up to her. "Sorry about your nose."

"It's alright,so what have you been doing all these weeks?" Harmony asked. Altair stood still with his muscles tightening.


"For what?" she asked as she turned to face him. Their faces were right next to each other as she stared into his eyes. She began to turn pink.

"I'll tell you about next time," he said before giving her a kiss on the cheek. The golden eyes of hers widened as he walked away to his sister. She was still in a little bit of shock when Comet, Altair, and Red left for their home.

"What's wrong?" her sister asked, startling Harmony.

"Nothing!" she squeaked before running up to her room. "Goodnight!" she shouted before locking her door shut. Harmony plopped into her bed and didn't bother to change out of her clothes. She fell asleep surprisingly happy and excited for what tomorrow held in store for her.

Author's Note:

They're off to an adventure soon!!!! Yay and I was wondering if anyone thought it was a good plot twist with the comma. Comment!