> Harmony Itself > by ceilster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In A Land Far, Far Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The eyes fluttered open. They were golden; her eyes. Her hair, that was as black as darkness itself, almost covered her eyes. She gloomily lifted the blue covers off of her white body; the only pureness of good she had. She walked over to her dresser and reluctantly put on her dark red shoes and cape. She was depressed, useless, and helpless. Not even the warm welcoming sun that shown through her window could help her problems. She was to be married of to a mysterious suitor, she can't clean, or cook, or bake even with her abilities. As an alicorn she should have been able to fly and perform magic. But after her mother died in a severe storm while she was flying home, Harmony couldn't bear to fly. And all magic she was supposed to be able to do wasn't found and no teacher could fix her. And top it all off she was useless at all the tasks she was given besides calming down her siblings! "Harmony! I need your help with your sister and your brother won't stop reciting tragic poetry," her father called. Lord Chancellor was waiting for Harmony as she walked down the steps slowly, as a lady was supposed to. She didn't like the fact that as a lord's daughter she had to act like a princess, but she what was she to do? "Father," she said as Chancellor greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Harmony!" Morning Light, her sister, whined. Morning Light was faded dark blue pegasus with dark blue hair and light pink highlights. Her muzzle was faded pink like her highlights and her eyes were light green; like our mother's eyes. She wore her white shoes and in her hands were a white bow. She was only a filly. Harmony walked over to her younger sister. "Yes my Morning Light?" Harmony asked her, putting on the most convincing smile.Her sister had calmed down and handed her sister a bow. "Will you put my bow on for me?" she asked in her baby voice, which she hadn't grown out of yet. "Of course I will," Harmony told her as she made the bow in her hair. "Anything for my flying queen." Even though Harmony wouldn't fly, her sister didn't have a second thought about it. She was too young to remember her mother so she was told her mom died from disease, instead of a storm. She already had her cutie mark at such a young age; it was a cloud with the morning sun shining behind it, Harmony smiled at her sister as she sat down at the table and ate her breakfast. "Harmony, your brother," her father said as he continued to pick up around the house a little bit. Harmony trotted over to her brother who was staring outside with a glum look. Folio was a dark green unicorn that was also faded. He had spiky light green hair with white highlights. And his eyes were dark blue. "She was there-and then she was gone. She stole my heart with her claws and I turn deeply cold. Nothing will ever bring back to happiness as she continues to steal hearts," Folio kept repeating. Harmony knelt by him. "Folio, Folio look at me," she commanded softly. He sadly looked at his sister. "Did you and Jasmine Tea break up?" He nodded sadly. "She found someone else," he said, his lip trembling. Harmony stood up and hugged him. "It will be alright, You'll find someone better than that wench. You're going to be fine. And guess what?" Harmony asked as she broke from the hug. "What?" Folio responded still frowning. "When you get to the top with the books you write, you won't have to give anything to her," Harmony told him. He gave her weak smile. Folio was a writer and a book keeper. His cutie mark was even a book being written with a quill.Harmony hugged him again and smiled. "Why don't you go eat something?" Folio nodded and went to the table to eat. Chancellor got up from his seat and went over to Harmony. Chancellor was a light greenish-yellow faded unicorn with just plain dark blue hair and dark orange/brown eyes. He wore his black fancy suite and glasses. "Thank you," he said as he hugged her again. Harmony smiled and sat down at the table, hoping to have a nice morning without worrying about her problems. She seemed very functional and that was the image she wanted her family to see. "Harmony." Harmony looked up from her breakfast. "Yes father?" "Three weekends from now, you will be meeting your betrothed," Chancellor told her. Well there goes Harmony's plan to not worry today. She frowned. Her father scowled at her. "Darling, I understand why you are frowning, but we need this to work out." "I'm disappointed in you father for using your children to make business deals," Harmony told him. "Yes, but without this deal, we might loose everything," Chancellor said. Everything went quiet as Folio and Morning Light stopped talking to look at us. Tension formed, but nothing broke out when Harmony got up from her chair and placed her plates in the sink. "I'm going to take Morning to school and look around for materials," Harmony said quietly, trying not to start an explosion with her father. They had fought many times before, but it was never in front of Morning Light. She knew talking with her father was like a minefield, ever since her mother died. Morning Light grabbed her books and followed Harmony out the door of their home and into the streets of what would later become Canterlot. They trotted down the busy streets, playfully chasing each other. They slowed down a bit to catch their breath and so they wouldn't reach the school breathless. "Why don't you have a cutie mark Harmony?" Harmony looked at her sister. "I just haven't found anything I'm good at yet." "But you're such a great sister!" Harmony smiled and they kept walking. After a few minutes Morning Light looked up at her sister again, "Why don't you fly?" "I told you..." she said softly. "I know, but why won't you ever answer?" she asked again. "Morning Light," Harmony said growling. Morning Light stopped and continued to walk in silence. Eventually they were at the school at the edge of the city. Many young ponies ran inside and were playing before morning classes started. They said their goodbyes and Morning Light ran into the school. Harmony turned around and began to walk back so she could gather some supplies. Many ponies were there, lively trading and selling goods. Talking and meeting they were all doing as they went on with their busy days. She walked all around the market looking at all of the goods that were there. Harmony felt like she was being followed at one point. She definitely knew after her fifth stop at a merchant. She could see at the edge of her eyes a stallion with a grey coat and white hair following her. She made a quick twirl and looked pass him to get a better look. He had dark blue highlights and green eyes. He wore a cape with stars on it and he was in fact a unicorn. As soon as he was out of her sight she bumped into someone. She fell and her plan to be unnoticed was terminated. The mare she bumped into scowled and helped Harmony up. "Watch where you are going," she said with a glare. "Sorry, I just thought I heard a bee," Harmony lied. The mare's eyes widened. "A bee! Where? Where is it? I'm allergic to bees!" she asked very loudly. Everyone started to look over at them. "No, there isn't a bee, it was just a fly," Harmony told her calmly. The mare stopped hyperventilating. "I apologize for my actions, I was just afraid there was a bee," she told her. Harmony smiled and they parted ways through the market. Now that Harmony knew someone was following her, she went to get help. She slowly trotted down the streets to the home of her earth pony acquaintance Red Hoofed. Red Hoofed was known for her ability to get away with anything making her name redundant (Red Hoofed as in Red Handed as in caught red handed.) Harmony knew her because she indeed was caught red hoofed when she tried to steal Harmony's diamond necklace. Harmony was interested in her line of work so she met with her every now and then learning about her trade. She didn't want to be apart of organized crime, but she was intrigued on how a female pony was able to live so independent in these times. Red Hoofed was surely able to know how to get him off of her trail. Harmony knocked on the door. It creaked open and Harmony uneasily went inside. No one was there and the whole space was vacant. "Red Hoofed?" Harmony called but there was no reply. Harmony went over to the table and read the note on it. Dear Harmony, You are the only one who cares about me in this city, which will make this painful when I leave. I fear the police may know where the thief empress, as in me, is. So I must relocate, but I will always be somewhere in the shadows taking things for myself. I hope you find yourself and forget me. I will make sure that none of my employees or anyone in this business will steal from your family. That is all I will be able to do for you, but I hope to find you some day in the future when it is safe to meet again. -Red P.S. If you don't want a visit from the cops, I'd suggest burning this letter. Harmony sighed and crinkled up the letter and went over to the stove. She turned it on and watched the letter burn. She looked around and wondered if she was going to be able to see the mysterious stallion from the house. With no luck as usual, Harmony turned off the stove and walked out of the house. Suddenly when she saw the pony, she got an idea. "The forest!" she whispered to herself as she galloped to the forest as fast as possible, She could tell the stallion wasn't far behind and continued to run. She began to cover up herself as much as possible with her dark red, almost brown, cape over her white fur. she hid behind a tree when she was far enough for him not to see. He ran past the tree and stopped in the clearing. He looked around for her. He was breathing heavily and began to look up and turn to search for the mare. "How did I loose her?" he asked angrily as he punched a tree with his hoof. He winced before looking around again. While he wasn't looking, Harmony took a chance. She leaped towards the stallion. > New School > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She landed on him just as he turned around. Harmony pinned the mysterious stallion on the ground and stared at him with the most scary and angry face she could manage. "Who are you and why are you following me?" Harmony demanded to know. The stallion struggled underneath her trying to escape. She pushed down harder. "I said who are you?!" she shouted this time. Then he knew what to do. The mystery pony rolled them over, which surprised Harmony. He then pushed off of her into a tree and got up and galloped as fast as possible. Harmony slowly got up and finally realized what had happened. She sprinted after him, but he was lost in the crowd of people. Harmony angrily kicked the ground with her hoof. With nothing to do, the white alicorn walked back home replaying in her mind what had happened. When she got home she slumped on the couch by the fire. Then a few minutes later Mrs. Dust came into the house. She was their maid and occasionally tried to teach Harmony how to clean/cook. "You lazy child," Mrs. Dust sneered. Harmony looked up from the couch and glared. "Yeah, well I'm useless!" Harmony shouted. Mrs. Dust came over to the couch and sat down next to her. "And I wonder why," she said sarcastically. "Oh close your mouth. Will you be teaching me something today that I won't be able to perform?" Harmony asked. Mrs. Dust nodded."What will it be?" "You are going to help me bake a cake for my husband," Mrs. Dust told her. They got up from the couch and Mrs. Dust instructed Harmony on what to do. About two hours later, the kitchen was in a mess and the cake was on fire. By then her father had come into the house. "What did you do?!" he half asked half yelled. "Umm, we were trying to bake a cake," Harmony told him. He began to message his temples with his hoof to calm down. Mrs. Dust quickly began to cleanup the kitchen, which she could do in seconds. "I'm so sorry for the mess sir, I was just trying to improve your daughter's skills in baking, but I think I've now learned that that is impossible," she apologized. "It is fine Mrs. Dust, you may go. Tell your husband I said hello, I can take it from here," Chancellor said. Mrs. Dust quickly went her way, but before she left the home she turned around and mouthed sorry to Harmony. Harmony nodded and waited for her punishment. "I'm sorry father," she said. "Harmony I have news I must share," her father said. They sat down on the couch and he held her hoof. "What is it?" "I have found you new teachers," Chancellor announced. "Who? Who are my new teachers?" Harmony questioned. "The rulers of this land themselves!" he exclaimed. Harmony's eyes widened and she started to freak and not in a good way. "Wh-when do I start my lesson?" she asked nervously. "Tomorrow!" he sounded so happy. He wanted what was best for his daughter, but she didn't like what he had in mind. "And how many days do I visit?" "Everyday, this way you can learn what you've missed out on for so long!" Chancellor exclaimed. Harmony gave a fake smile so he would think she was excited. But inside she was frowning, and it was the largest frown. ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ It was the next morning and she struggled to open her eyes. Depressed as usual, she got up from her bed. There was no hope for such a useless pony who had to go to the princesses for lessons because she was unable to perform the basic task of opening a jar of jam. Harmony looked at herself in the mirror and continued to to get dress. She brushed her hair and placed her red shoes and cape on. She walked down stairs to be greeted by her siblings who were really excited for her. Her brother seemed to be better and was busy scribbling down words on a piece of parchment and her sister had managed to tie on her own bow. "Harmony! You get to have the princesses be your teacher!" her sister exclaimed. "Yes Morning Light, but every teacher does a fantastic job," she told her. "Especially you," Morning Light added, which made her smile. Morning got up from her chair and ran to hug her sister. When they broke, they sat down and ate their breakfast. Their father greeted them late, in fact he met them right before they began to leave for the day. Folio parted ways with them to go to his library. Morning Light and Harmony continued on their way to their schools. Morning Light ran ahead and left Harmony before they could reach her school. Harmony understanding her message turned and walked to the ginormous castle. The guards allowed her in without a question and she ate up the view. It was amazing and so new to her. Even with their reign so short, the castle was magnificent. She walked through the halls slowly and nervously for what the day may hold. Princess Celestia was supposed to teach magic and Princess Luna was to teach her flight. They were both alicorns like her, but they had decided to split up the work. She continued down the halls looking for the throne room when she finally found it. The princesses were sitting at their thrones when she entered. They were having a long discussion on desserts. Finally, Harmony went up to the princesses and knelt. "You must be Harmony Eclipsa," Princess Celestia said. Harmony nodded and raised from her kneel. "I thank you graciously for allowing me to be your student your majesties," she said in the most formal way possible. "Please, you do not have to be formal with us child," Princess Luna said loudly. Her sister gave her a look and talked in a softer voice, "Sorry." "Thank you," Harmony said. "Now today you will be taught by Princess Luna in the morning and me in the afternoon. We will have lunch together if you please, but you may always go home for lunch," Princess Celestia told her. Harmony nodded. Luna looked over at Harmony. "I see you have not found your special talent yet," Luna said. "Correct." "And your father has told us that you haven't practice magic in a long time," Celestia added. "Correct." "Why is that?" Harmony looked down at that question. "I'd rather not talk about it," Harmony told her. "It's alright if you don't want to," Celestia reassured her. They got up from their thrones and Luna escorted her out to the garden. "Will you show me your skills in flight?" Luna asked. There was a long silence from Harmony as Luna stared curiously. "I have not flown or practice magic since the death of my mother, unlike my siblings it took a large toll on my life," Harmony explained frowning. "If you don't mind me asking, how did she die?" "An unexpected storm. She was flying home when the lightning struck her," Harmony answered. She didn't take her eyes off of the ground and she continued to bite her lip as a pain reliever from the memories. "I understand why you wouldn't want to fly again after that, but maybe you will be able to find joy in it again. You just have to try," the dark blue alicorn told her. Harmony nodded after a few minutes and looked up at the princess. "I would like that." The princess nodded and then unfurled her wings. Harmony nodded and let out her wings. It was a new sensation, and it felt good to have her wings be free again. The light breeze moved her feathers and it felt even better. "Now, I learned how to fly by being pushed off of a cliff, so," Luna said. Harmony didn't realize what she said until Luna pushed her. They were at the edge of the land and now Harmony was plummeting to the ground. She began to flap as fast as she could but she hadn't used those body parts yet and they were just waking up. Harmony flapped as fast as she could and prayed for dear life for her wings to work. Then it happened. Harmony's wings began to work again and she wasn't falling anymore. She smiled as her wings brought her back to the surface. She was only floating, but it was a start. Luna was waiting for her and smiling too. Harmony was so happy that she was able to do such a thing again. "Did you see me? My wings brought me up here!" Harmony exclaimed. Then she remembered what Luna had done to her. With out thinking, Harmony hit the princess's arm. "Ow! What was that for?" Luna roared. "You pushed me to the ground!" Harmony told her. "Well it worked," Luna replied, softer. "Now I won't be able to trust anyone," she said. "I'd rather be able to not trust someone than to never fly. So, was it fun?" "Yes-I mean no, I don't like flying," Harmony told her trying to cover up her excitement for flying. "Right. I think its time for you to learn how to actually fly. So let me just set up an obstacle course and we can continue. Can you go get my sister for help?" Luna asked. "Sure, I'll be back soon," Harmony told her. Harmony walked back into the castle to go look for Celestia. ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ He was perched on the hill staring down at the castle. "She probably thinks I'm a stalker," he said to his companion who was laying in the grass. "Calm down. When she learns who you are she'll understand why you followed her," the companion said. "That easy for you to say, you never get caught following someone. You're a pro," the first one said. "Altair, you aren't a criminal like me," the companion told him. "Well Red you should know. Did I mention she caught me by surprise, she doesn't even have a cutie mark and she caught me!" Altair exclaimed. "Yeah you mentioned, like a thousand times," Red Hoofed told him. "And she knew where you lived, do you know her?" Altair asked. "Nope," she lied like it was the easiest thing in the world. "I wonder why she there then." "She probably saw you and thought if she hid for a while you would leave her," Red Hoofed suggested. "Why are you so invested with her anyway? Like you said, she doesn't have her cutie mark." "I told you, our parents are forcing us together. I might as well learn about her," Altair explained. "Okay, but she probably isn't that interesting. I know for a fact that she can't fly or practice magic. She's practically an earth pony. What a waste of an alicorn," Red told him. She knew very well why she didn't do those things, but she didn't want to make Altair think he knew her. "How did you know she was an alicorn?" he asked. "You aren't the only one who can spy on someone, at least I can stay hidden in the shadows." "You're right, maybe I should just let you keep an eye on her," Altair said. "My guys are already doing that, do remember what my business is darling," Red told him. "I know I can count on you." Red nodded and they continued to watch the girl. > Strange Meetings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harmony walked down one of the longest halls in history. But to her it wasn't so bad because paintings of the important ponies in history were placed down this hall. Many different mares and stallions from different powers looked down at Harmony with their large eyes. As she neared the end of the hallway, voices began to sound clear. There were two voices and one of them was Celestia. The other was male and seemed to be taunting. Harmony stopped at the corner to listen to what they were saying, it may have been eavesdropping, but the white mare couldn't resist. They were having an argument of some sorts about their places in Equestria. "I banished you to your prison," Celestia told him in the least kind voice of them all. "Well I escaped," the voice said. Harmony peered over the corner to see the voice, but all she saw was a hood. She ducked back quickly hoping no one saw her. "You manipulative bas-how did you escape?" the princess asked. "I have magical abilities too you know," it said. "Well I do not want you here, you should know you can't regain control," Celestia said. "Don't count on that, I can reek havoc with just a snap," "And I still have the Alicorn Amulet." "I will be back, soon enough I will rise to power," the figure said before vanishing. "And I will be waiting to stop you," Celestia said to herself. Harmony backed up and began to walk like she was searching for someone around the corner. "Oh! Princess Celestia, there you are," she said to the princess. "Why hello Harmony, did you need me for something?" "Your sister needs your help and she sent me to go fetch you," Harmony explained. "Yes." She said before they walked down the halls and back to the courtyard. "I heard another voice as I neared. if you don't mind me asking, who were you talking to?" the young alicorn asked at the edge of the outside. "An old friend stopped by," Celestia answered. Harmony couldn't tell if she was lying or not, but the stranger seemed sketchy to her. She nodded and they continued to approach Luna. The princess had created half of the course and Celestia immediately began to help her. Within a matter of minutes the other half was made revealing a long path of obstacles and turns. The older princess said her goodbyes and left to return to her own duties. Luna smiled at Harmony and brought her closer to the course. "I just want to see your abilities in flying that way I will know if I have to explain turning or not. So just let instincts take over," Luna explained. Harmony nodded and stretched out her wings again. She began to flap them so she cold start hovering. She leaned forward and with that she slowly went through the course, balancing her way through each turn. "Maybe I won't be too useless," she told herself in hope. "But then again, I will be useless in these times for being a house wife." Luna greeted her at the end of the course with a small smile. "So you can fly! But you spent the rest of our class time flying so slow, I regretfully tell you that our classes are over." "I apologize, I will try to fly better and faster," Harmony replied. "You'll get there. So you will be joining us for lunch?" she asked. "I would rather eat at home so I must apologize," the new flier answered. Luna nodded and returned to the castle. Harmony turned around and trotted back to the city. She decided not to flaunt her knew found abilities and not to cause any trouble because she was still a very bad flier. Realizing she was back in the open, the mare began to frown. Her stalker may be hiding in the crowds next to her. With these thoughts in mind, she went as fast as she could to any familiar building where she could take refuge. She knew Red's home wasn't a good idea and her own home was too far from her to hide in. She scanned the area and spotted the perfect hiding places. The mare slowly walked towards the building with a huge smile on her face. The bell rang as she opened the door alerting the owner a customer was here. Her brother popped up from his stacks of books to see the visitor. "Harmony! What are you ever doing here?" Folio asked. She shrugged before answering, "I just wanted to have lunch with my older brother." "Of course! Let me just clear the table," he said before using his magic to move the books and make some food appear. They sat down at the table and ate their dandelion sandwiches. "So how are the lessons going?" "They are great, guess what I've learned to do?" "What? Can you know teleport? Can you teach me? I was sick that day, remember?" "No silly I didn't learn to teleport but I have learned to fly!" Harmony told her brother with glee, but he slumped down in his chair. "But-" he looked up," when I do learn, you will be the first to know." He smiled and they continued to eat lunch. "Anything else interesting occur?" he asked. Harmony stopped eating and stared at her food, deciding to tell him or not. "Harmony?" "I think-I know am being followed by a pony," she answered. Her brother tensed up. "Do you know what they look like?" "Yes. He has dark grey fur and his eyes were green. He had white hair and blue highlights. And he was unicorn," Harmony started before telling him about everything. She let out the part about Red, but she told him everything that had happened yesterday. He scratched the underside of his muzzle in interest. "I think you should tell the authorities or the princesses about this threat. And as soon as possible," Folio told her. Harmony nodded and continued to eat her lunch. When they were done, Harmony left to get back to her lessons. On her way back to the castle, she kept making turns that were pointless so she could get the stallion that may have been following her off of her tail. After making thirteen strange turns, she got to the castle. She turned around one last time and saw no one behind her. Her legs carried her through the gates of the castle and through the halls while she continuously thought about what her brother said. She walked through the doors to the throne room where the princesses finished eating. "Why hello Harmony, we were just finishing up. Are you ready to start our lessons?" Celestia greeted. Harmony nodded and she got up from her chair. Celestia led her down the hall to another room filled with books. "This is our classroom, my sister has informed me of your reasons to not practice in such a long time. I will not push you to do anything, so if you would rather not practice, you may read anything here instead." Harmony nodded and the princess watched as she approached the shelves filled with books. She examined the spines and took out one of the books. "If that is your wish," she said. Celestia sat down at a table with a book of her own as Harmony began to read. She grabbed a book called, The Past of Equestria. She knew only a little about it and read as much as possible. She touched up on her knowledge of Hearth's Warming Eve and the Discord reign that lasted until the princess combined forces and used a spell to trap Discord in a statue. They almost lost their horns too, but with the two there they defeated him. Harmony continued to read until about ten minutes before her class was over. "Princess?" Celestia looked up from her books. "Yes?" "I have a problem and I was wondering if you could help me," she told her. "Well, I'm glad you would come to me for help, what is wrong?" "Yesterday, a stranger kept following me everywhere." "They may have just been going to the same places as you," Celestia suggested. Harmony shook her head. "He followed me to the forests and when I confronted him, he ran away," she explained. "I think you should wait and get all the facts before going to the authorities besides me, I regret to tell you I cannot be involved in speculations," the princess informed. The black maned mare nodded and slumped back in her chair for a few moments before getting up again. She walked over to the shelves and randomly grabbed one of the books from the shelves. "May I borrow this book for the evening?" she asked. The princess nodded and Harmony left the castle. She trotted back to her home and once she settled in at her home, she began reading. Nigh time had already come so she had to light a candle to continue reading. It was maybe the most helpful book she had ever read. It was about restarting magic. > Prince Charming Is A Stalker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the next three weeks, Harmony wet through an intense teaching of flying and magic. She could fly so well it would make Wanda R. Bolt (the most famous flyer) jealous. But Harmony was still struggling with her magic. It seemed to be against her all the time so she used the small amount of magic she could use to perform simple tasks like opening doors to cleaning the dishes to levitating objects. Celestia saw this as improvement, but Harmony saw it as rubbish. She still wouldn't fly to school and home or anywhere in between her sister made her promise that on Monday they would fly to school together. Even though her magic wasn't the greatest, Harmony felt like she finally found a life preserve in her sea of depression she could hold onto for breath. Harmony was walking home again after a long day of school work as usual. The moon was up and the stars shown brightly through the darkness, guiding her back home. The light to her house was still on when she was nearing it and she smiled when she saw her father waiting for her. He was reading a book on the couch with his spectacles on. The mare crept through the door and into the house. "Ah Harmony," her father said knowing she was there without even looking. "Father," she nodded before walking towards the door. "Do you remember what tomorrow is?" Chancellor asked. "Yes, I do father." "Then I hope you remember to dress nicely, I won't be here in the morning so will you hold down the fort until I come back for you?" "Of course," she answered before continuing up the stairs.Her father nodded and continued to read his book. Harmony flopped onto her bed with exhaustion and disappointment. If anything she didn't want to see this boy, much less look nice for him. He could be a slob or hideous, these were just the few horrendous thoughts that came to her mind as she dozed off into her nightmare, ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ In the morning she woke up again. And this time she got up without a fight. The struggling pony didn't need to cause a fuss on this already dreadful day. The sun shone through the window, which made her feelings idiotic. She had hoped that there would be rain but her father must have been the genius to schedule this meet on a sunny day. Harmony went over to her dresser and took out the dress. It was dark blue and sadly to her there was no red on it. White lace on the bodice and it was also sleeveless. It was the only piece of clothing that she owned that was fancy, which was odd because of her families wealth. Harmony pulled on the dress and a pair of black shoes. She went over to the mirror and brushed out her mane and placed it in a low bun. Then she put some black eye shadow and mascara. The pony was surprised with her self that she dressed herself up so nicely for a stranger. "Oh well," she said to herself as she let out a deep sigh. She got up and walked downstairs where she was met by her brother and sister. They were playing cards at the table and laughing it up. Her brother looked up and immediately stopped laughing. Her sister turned around and found Harmony in the dress. Morning Light immediately got up and ran to her sister. She circled around her and examined every inch of the dress. "You haven't worn that since your tenth birthday!" she exclaimed. "I'm surprised you remembered because you were only two," Harmony replied. "It's been a long seven years," Folio added. Harmony nooded and they sat down at the table. "Deal me in," she said. Folio gave her seven cards and they continued to play Go Fish. "Are you excited?" Morning Light asked. "I'm nervous more than excited." "Worried he's pony killer?" he guessed. "Among other things," she said before they continued to play card games for hours. Around noon, their father came in. "Harmony," Chancellor said. Harmony nodded and got up from her seat. Folio and Morning said their goodbyes and they were off. Chancellor led his daughter outside to the carriage that was waiting for them. He led her inside and once they sat down the carriage began to move. "You look lovely." "Thank you father. If you don't mind me asking, what is the name of my suitor?" she asked. "He will tell you himself." Harmony gulped and she seemed to get even more nervous. After ten minutes of sitting in the silent carriage, it slowed to a stop by a courtyard. They had arrived at a mansion nearby the city.Outside a pony with a servants suit waited for them to get out. In his hoof was a tray with two glasses of champagne on it. Chancellor and Harmony both took one from the tray. "Comet Swirl is waiting for you inside," the servant said before leading them inside. Harmony leaned towards her father. "Swirl? As in Star Swirl the Bearded?" she asked but he only smiled. She became even more nervous. the servant took them inside the house and into the parlor of the home. The rooms were white and green drapes covered the windows. Dark blue couches with golden floral design were in the center of the room around the oak coffee table. Sitting on one of the couches was an older stallion. He had wild white hair with very dark blue highlights and dark grey (almost black) fur. Chancellor sat down on a chair across of the stallion and Harmony sat next to her father. "Tea?" Comet Swirl asked. Harmony slowly nodded and using his horn, Comet made tea appear in front of them. He looked down at his red watch, which made his yellow glasses almost fall off of his green eyes. "My grandson should be arriving shortly," his old voice said. "So Comet, how is business going for you?" Chancellor asked. "The telescopes you designed are being made as we speak," he answered. Her father as an inventor was very interested in science so he develops many scientific tools. Comet turned to Harmony and smiled which couldn't be seen to well with his long mustache in the way. "Hello Harmony, I am Comet Swirl." She nodded. "It is very nice to meet you sir." "I hope you'll find my grandson as interesting as everyone says he is." "What is your grandson like anyway? If I may ask," Harmony replied. Comet closed his mouth and thought for a moment. "I don't think there really is a word to describe him," he said. Harmony looked extremely worried now and Comet noticed. "But in a good way my dear, he is magnificent as you'll soon find out." She nodded and continued to sip her tea. Then a servant came into the parlor and whispered something in Comet's ear. He nodded and the servant left immediately. "Is there something wrong?" Chancellor asked. "No no, my grandson has just requested to meet Harmony alone in the courtyard," comet told them. Harmony gulped. "Well darling," Chancellor said, edging her to go meet him. She nodded and got up from her chair. "If you excuse me," she said before curtsying. Comet nodded and Harmony slipped out of the parlor. A servant led her down the hall and to the outside. From a distance she could see a stallion examining some roses near a willow tree, but she couldn't see his face. Harmony walked down the stairs and proceeded to weave herself through the garden to the pony. She turned around once to see Comet and her father watching on the balcony. She continued to walk on the stone path until she reached the tree. The black maned pony turned around to look for the pony but he was no where in sight. "You are a very strange pony," a voice said. She turned but no one was there. "In what way?" she asked. "Well for starters you are an alicorn." "And that is genetics for you," she replied. "So you know some of your sciences," it said. "Show yourself," Harmony demanded. "I have noticed that you prefer to not use your hooves," the voice continued. "What is wrong with that?" "Oh nothing is wrong, its just peculiar in my opinion." "And I find it odd that you won't show your face to me," she responded. "But what if you attack me?" "There is a difference between what ifs and reality," Harmony said. "You've attacked me before so I do have a good reason for my if," the voice added. "Then you will just have to risk it," she answered with a hint of confusion in her voice. "Well you asked for it," he said. Harmony turned around again and found a stallion behind her near the tree. It wasn't just any stallion though. It was her stalker. Harmony tensed and her eyes widened. Her nostril flared in anger and her anger continued to increase. She began to walk towards him. "Now just wait a minute, I can explain." But it was too late because as soon as he was against the tree, Harmony raised her hoof and slapped him. "What is wrong with you?!" she shouted at him as he cowered against the tree. She slapped him two more times before storming off farther into the garden. She turned to see her father and Comet in confusion. The angry pony heard hooves coming towards her and she increased her pace. The stalker caught up to her and his face was still red. "I'm sorry I followed you," he told her. Harmony rolled her eyes and continued to walk as fast as possible, trying not to tear her dress. "Come on Harmony, you must have been curious too." She stopped and turn to him. She got close to his face. Angrily she asked, "How do you know my name?" "Don't you know mine?" "No," she answered. He backed up from her and let out a hoof. "I'm Altair." "Well Altair, can you please escort me back to my father so I may leave?" she asked. Without an answer Harmony continued to find her way back. Altair followed her. "You shouldn't be so angry with me, that would be bad for our relationship," Altair told her. "Relationship? We do not have any form of a relationship," Harmony replied while walking faster. "Come on, you know we're going to. So lets just restart and have a good start," he said. "Okay, lets restart with you not being born. I think that could work." "Well that's not going to happen anytime soon." "I can make it happen," she threatened. Altair frowned and continued to follow her. "Fine be that way, but I've got to know," he started. "What?" she barked. "Do you know Red?" Altair asked. Harmony stopped and turned to him. She leaped onto him and pushed him to the ground. Their families couldn't see them as Harmony pinned Altair. "Don't you dare go near her!" Harmony roared. Altair's face got red and for a second time he turned the tables and was pinning her to the ground. She struggled against him and dirt started to get on her dress. Her bun was gone and her hair was sprawled on the ground. "How do you know her?!" he asked, and this time he too was angry. "She's my friend!" "She's my friend!" They continued to struggle for a few more minutes before they realized what they had both said. Altair was the first so he let go of her and Harmony angrily pushed him to the ground with her back hooves. He got up in a flash and Harmony stood up, still furious. "Well this is unfortunate, I was waiting for this to happen later," a familiar red pony said. The first thing you could see were her deep blue eyes and then her yellow and blue a hair before you knew it, you could see her red wings. "Red?" they both asked. "Sorry guys, but I had to keep you two separate," she told them. "Red you told me you didn't know her," Altair said, distrust was in his voice. "You aren't supposed to be in town!" Harmony almost screamed. "This wouldn't have happened if you had told me sooner you were marrying my brother!' Red told her. She backed up and stared at the two of them. "She's adopted," he said before turning to her sister, "Why didn't you tell me?" "I don't know! I panicked and decided not to tell you guys, but what good of plan that is," Red explained. "It's not like she's apart of a crime family and I'm apart of a police family! Its not like we would shoot each other and fight over turf!" Altair replied. "Obviously, but I just like it better when Grandpa doesn't know and with the two of you under the same roof makes my secret coming out easier!" Red said. "Hold up, is your name really Red Hoofed?" Harmony asked, obviously behind in the conversation. "Yes-well no, okay so my birth name is Red Hoofed, but my adoptive family changed the name to Red Dwarf," she explained. "What's with all these astronomy names?" "Our great, great, great grandfather is Star Swirl the Bearded and so the astronomy paths just kept coming," Altair explained. "Is that why your name is a star?" Harmony asked and he nodded.Harmony sat down on the ground rested her hands in her hooves. This was to overwhelming her. Her stalker and her crime acquaintance are siblings and she is marrying her stalker! "You could have told us," Altair told his sister. "I could have but I didn't, will you ever forgive me?" she asked as she placed a hoof on her forehead. Sarcasm was in her voice, making fun of mares today. "I guess." "How 'bout you?" Harmony looked up and the two of them were staring at her. "I will forgive one of you," she stared at Red, "and as soon as I get up, I'm going back to my home to leave this town like you told me you were doing." "Why are you leaving?" Altair asked. "Guess," she said. Red looked at her brother. "Don't do it," she told him. "Sorry," he said to the both of them before his horn started to glow. "What are you do-" And BAM! Altair casted a spell on Harmony. "What did you do?!" "Inhabit spell, you can't leave the Royal City without his consent," Red told her guessing what Altair had done. She stood up and she looked like she had no opinion. "Harmony?" Harmony started to walk away from them, back to the house. Altair ran up to her. "Harmony?" "Don't Harmony me, do realize that I have just as much power in magic as you do. And what I said was true, I'm going to go home and leave town. If that takes me a while then so be it, but I am not staying here with you," she told him before going back to the house. Comet and Chancellor were waiting for her and Altair, but he lacked behind her. "Darling," Chancellor said.She put a hoof to his face. "Sir Swirl, I have regretful news that I must leave. It was very nice meeting your family, have good rest of the evening." Harmony told Comet. He nodded and she took started to walk towards the doors. Her father wasn't behind her, but he would catch up soon enough. She heard hooves behind her, but she didn't stop walking. "Father, I do not care what deal you have made, I will not be apart of that deranged family." "Says the pony who cannot fly," Altair said. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him. "Who say's I cannot fly?" she asked. "Well-" "Well what?!" she started to shout, her last straw was finally pulled. "Do you want to know why I don't fly? Do you? Do you?" There was a silence from Altair. She walked up to him got so close to his face her muzzle was almost touching his. "I don't fly because my mother died flying. And I have a feeling you understand what that is like because your parents are clearly not around, so either they left you or they're dead. Either way, I'm out of here." And with that she opened up her wings with such a mighty force, a tornado could have formed. She started to flap her wings and she began to fly, and fly she did to her home in less than a second, leaving Altair back in the dust. > The Curse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Surprisingly, the sun was setting when Chancellor came back. He was angry, very angry when he walked through the door and his daughter was just on the couch eating chocolate cake. "What happened?" he almost yelled. "His grandson isn't very nice," she told him as she took another piece with her hoof, not bothering to use the fork. "All you do, all you do is complain! I need you for one simple task and you blow it! You're an alicorn for Celestia's sake," her father said. He sat down on the couch and took some of her cake. "Hey!" she scowled. "Hey! You messed this whole thing up! Are you even listening to me?" Chancellor asked. "Yes and I'm sorry. But father I will not stand for this. Their family is outrageous!" "They're Swirls, what do you expect. And look whose complaining. You're practically an Earth pony my dear." "And what's wrong with being an Earth pony?" "Nothing, but when you're an alicorn it makes your abilities a waste," he told her. She took another bite, "You know, I told them I was going to skip town. But then that Altair spelled me into not being able to leave without his consent," she told her father. "You were going to leave town?" Chancellor asked. "Not really, but they seemed to buy it," Harmony explained. "They?" "His sister was there." "Ah Red, she is very peculiar isn't she." "Please don't use that word," Harmony pleaded. "Why?" "He used that word and it just doesn't settle right." "Altair told us what you said about his parents, I want you to go apologize to him as soon as possible." "No," she told him. "Harmony," he said, his voice forceful in a way. "Father, he said things to me about mother." "I thought we agreed to never talk about that," he reminded her. "Yes, but I am going to." "Harmony...." "Father....." "Go to your room before you start a fire you cannot control," Chancellor order. Harmony's body pulled herself upstairs while her mind stayed in the room. "You are horrible," she said under her breath, which even her father could hear. ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ This time Harmony woke up to the rain and thunder beating on her windows. She smiled; letting her eviler side roam wild. She got out of her bed with happiness and grabbed her shoes. She ran downstairs with happiness. "Why are you so happy?" Folio asked. "Its raining!" "Its thundering and I can barely see a thing," he complained. "Well I can see clearer than ever before," she said as she walked over to the door. "Where are you going?" The mischievous (for the moment) pony turned and showed her gleaming golden eyes. "Out," Harmony said before left the house. "You do realize what happens in thunder storm?" he called. "Lightning happens and I will only worry when a storm is unexpected brother!" she called back before skipping in the rain.For some odd reason, Harmony was unafraid of lightening and rain, instead focusing on the abilities that were trusted and then betrayed her mother. She decided to go to the princesses, maybe they'll be able to teach her something in such beautiful weather. The rain soaked the stone paths and ponies everywhere were falling. Mud was everywhere and puddles were waiting to be jumped in. Foals were outside playing in the rain like Harmony but their mothers rushed them inside. Her white fur started to get damp, but she shook it off. The lightning lit up the sky for only second a before grey came back. Harmony continued to skip along the path to the castle. The guards let her in and were a little confused on why a pony was so happy with the weather. "It's just rain miss," one said. "Yes, but it is my favorite kind of rain; cold but the weather is warm. This is the best part of rain in May," she explained before skipping to the castle. There was no light in the halls and only the lightning lit up the path. Rain beat down on the windows and not a sound came from inside the castle as the thunder roared from outside. She slowed down after realizing no one was there. "Celestia?" Silence. "Luna?" More silence. "Princesses?" Not a sound came. She continued down the hall until she bumped into someone when she turned at the corner. "I apologize," Harmony said. It was the figure in the black hood she had seen earlier. "No, I apologize," it said. You could see him grinning as the ten foot tall figure looked up, revealing his hideous face. Gray face and long white goatee. His eyes were yellow with red pupils and on his head was an antler and a horn. "You're-you're," she stuttered. His smiled went even larger. "I believe the word you are looking for is Discord," he told her. Harmony's eyes went large and her pupils shrank at the sight of the powerful Discord. Harmony turned around and ran as fast a possible outside; away from Discord. "That's right pony, run, run!" He told her as he flew next to her. She continued to run as fast as possible when he turned her into a deer. She sprinted down the halls while he got bored. "I liked you better as a pony," he told her before snapping his claws. making her turn back into herself. Harmony pushed through the doors and out to the pouring rain. Lightning ran wild and all of the guards had retreated to a safer area leaving Discord and Harmony in the open. She continued to run to the gates, but Discord placed a wall towards her and cornered her to the edge of the land. "What do you want with me?!" she asked. Her eyes pleaded for the answer and Discord only found her actions amusing. "I like to disrupt things," he started, edging her closer to the edge, "So lets change your life!" Discord snapped his claws and changed something within Harmony. She could feel herself differently. "Goodnight." He told her before pushing her off of the edge. Harmony fell through the air and to her death as her wings betrayed her. She screamed, but the rumblings of the clouds blocked the sound of terror. The only thing she could see was Discord's smiling face. Gravity made her life worse and so when Harmony landed on the ground, everything went black. "Lights out," Discord murmured to himself before disappearing in a cloud of dust. ~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~ Harmony was in a crater created by her fall but when she woke up she was in a hospital bed. Her sibling and father were near her bed. Morning Light was leaning against the bed, her eyes were red from crying all night. The rain had stopped, but the new day was still gloomy. Harmony could see the Princesses' silhouettes behind the door. She turned her head to find Red, Altair, and Comet sitting in the chairs. Red had been watching Harmony the whole time and she smiled at her friend. Harmony gave a faint reply of happiness, but she winced as she tried to move. The bruised mare looked at her self to find that surprisingly she didn't break any bones, but just to find scratches and scars all along herself. Morning Light had noticed her stirring and looked up. Morning jumped up and began to hug her sister and kiss her forehead multiple times; making a commotion too. Folio and Chancellor got up and ran to their family member. Red slowly stood up and went up to her, Altair behind her. He didn't make any eye contact but he seemed relieved that she was alive. 'Why does her care?' she thought to herself. The princesses had heard the noise and they poked their heads through the door. They both smiled that their newest and most interesting student was fine. They closed the door behind them as they left. "What happened?" her sister asked, not letting go of her sister's hoof. "I slipped off of the edge with all the mud and everything," Harmony lied. Everyone seemed a little bit suspicious, but they didn't question her story because no one was there to disprove it. Before any of them could ask her more questions a nurse came in. "I see Ms. Eclipsa is awake, but visiting hours are over so please leave immediately," the nurse informed. They nodded and one by one they left. Morning, Red, and Altair were left. Red had to pull Morning off of her arm and she made her leave before she could run back to her sister. Harmony smiled at Altair. 'Why did I just smile at him?' she asked herself. Altair also looked confused but rested his hoof near hers anyway. "They were all worried about you," he told her. She nodded. "'I'm sorry about what I said," Harmony told him, still surprised with her efforts to be nice to him and make friends. "I cannot tell if you mean that or not." "It is your choice on what to believe," she replied, edging her hoof to his hoof. It was as if her body and mouth wouldn't agree with her mind. "Umm," he laughed nervously, moving his away. "I should probably go, but I'll be back later." "I'll be waiting," she smiled. He began to laugh more nervously and immediately ran to the door, which he accidentally ran into. He nodded goodbye before jetting out of the room. Harmony's smile faded and was replaced by the most confused face in existent. "What is happening?" she asked aloud. She got up from the bed and walked over to the window. The rain began to pour again. The pony shuddered as the memory of what led to her injuries resurfaced. And then she did the unthinkable. Harmony took step back right before leaping through the window to the outside world. Glass from the broken window was still on her fur when she opened her wings. And it felt good when she felt the freedom blissfully overwhelm her as she began to soar into the new territory known as the sky. But dread hit her like the lighting bolt that killed her mother; fast and painful. Where was she to go? What was to happen when they found the window broken and their patient missing back at the hospital? And what was even worse is that she was flying. The wings that kept her afloat now were the same ones that betrayed her to her doom earlier. A shiver went down her spine before she turned and bolted back to the room. She began to pace in thought and confusion of what would happen next. The confused pony noticed the window that was still broken a moment later. Harmony turned to the window and fixed her body and mind at it. Her horn began to glow goldenly as the pieces of the window came back and placed themselves together like a puzzle. She smiled when her was done and all the new magic she learned was finally helping her. "Maybe learning levitation by myself wasn't such a bad thing," she said with a smile before yawning. She looked over at the clock and realized how late it was. Her eyes started to close drowsily as she crept to the bed. "Did they give me something?" she asked before falling asleep. > That Feeling When Your In the Wrong Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harmony was checked out from the hospital four days later with a full recovery. Altair never did visit her again but she wasn't bothered because her siblings and Red came as much as possible. They settled her back into her room with a few extra pillows and someone had placed flowers and balloons in her room. She smiled at the red tulips in the jar. She got up from her bed and walked over to the flowers and grabbed the card. Sorry I didn't visit, I was held p by other duties. I hope you get better soon and enjoy my next appearance. ~Altair Harmony smiled for some reason unknown to her and slowly walked over to the door. She twisted the handle and proceeded to go downstairs, leaving her white room behind. Her father ran over to her daughter. "Where are you going?" he asked nervously. "Is it alright if I go see the princesses?" she asked. Chancellor nodded his head and opened the door for her. "Thank you, I should be back soon," Harmony told him. She walked through town, a few ponies noticing the mare who had fallen off of a cliff and survived. With her head high she continued to walk trying not to notice the whispers. A young filly came up to her with a piece of paper and pen. "Can you sign my paper?" the filly asked. Harmony dumbstruck, took the pen and signed without a thought. Harmony smiled and the filly went back to her mother. Harmony wasn't at all with the idea of being famous for her injury. In fact she was horrified with the idea because of the thought that reminded her of what Discord had done. Distraught, Harmony began to run to the castle, shielding her eyes from anyone who dared to look. The guards didn't think twice before letting her in and a few murmured apologies. She nodded and continued to allow her hooves to take control. The led her to the edge; out of the guards sights. Harmony glared down at the crater of her doing. Tears were now streaming down her face and heat rose. Aggravated she found a rock and threw as hard as she could at the ground. She was about to angrily scream but she forced her mouth shut. Harmony sat down on the ground and hugged her knees. Her darkness covered her eyes but she didn't bother to move her hair. She was angry and sad with this whole incident, and she was especially anxious to find out what Discord had done to her. Shivers went down her spine as his words continued to replay in her mind. Hooves were heard coming towards her as she continued to sob. "Harmony?" the voice asked, Harmony glared up at the voice but it was quickly melted by the sight of Princess Celestia. "Follow me." A hoof was handed out and Harmony took it; helping her up. They walked into the palace and then the princess led her to the throne room. They sat down and Harmony wiped her tears away. "What is this all about?" she asked quietly. "How are you doing?" Celestia asked. Harmony nodded and it was a long silence before she answered. She couldn't decide to tell her or not what had happened. "It wasn't the rain that caused my accident; it wasn't even an accident," Harmony told her. "Who did that to you? Was it that pony following you?" "No, no that pony is my suitor." "Then who did this to you?" the Princess confusedly asked. "Discord." Celestia's eyes widened and horror struck her hard. "What? But-but he's in stone!" the princess told her. "I know princess, and he's done something to me," Harmony started before she explained everything. The princess placed a hoof on her forehead. "Oh Harmony, I am so sorry," she apologized. She looked at her with pure content in her eyes as she said, "I will do everything in my power to find out what he did to you and reverse it." Harmony thanked her and left to go home. Her family was waiting for her at the door. The inside of the house was warm and an aroma of delicious food filled her nostrils. "Harmony!" Morning almost shouted before hugging her. "We're having a special dinner tonight!" "Special? What kind of special?" she asked while returning the hug. Morning smelt nice of raspberries. "Guests," Morning whispered in her ear before leading her sister upstairs. "What kind of guests?" Harmony asked as she changed into a long faded red dress with long sleeves and a V-neck. "Friendly ones," she answered. Harmony presented herself and Morning nodded in approval of her choice. Harmony was led back downstairs and to the table just as the door bell rang. Folio got up from his chair and opened the door. Chancellor and his soon greeted Red, Comet, Altair, and another mare Harmony didn't recognize. She was dark blue and not a solid blue at all. white spots covered this black maned earth pony. Her light green eyes squinted as she smiled at Harmony. She returned with a small reply of smiling. Red was wearing a white shirt and black skirt, but her hair was very much longer than before. It had only been three days since they've seen each other and her hair had grown two inches. Altair came in too, and he had a scruffy beard which also surprised her. Altair wore the same cape as he did the last time they saw each other. And Comet had much crazier hair then before. Folio seated them at the table and Chancellor went into the kitchen. Mrs. Dust came out with a fabulous feast for kings and queens. They began to eat the stews (no meat) and the sandwiches. "Harmony, this is Violet," Folio introduced. They were sitting next to each other closely, a little bit to closely. "Hello, if I may ask, what is your connection with my brother?" she asked nicely. "Well we're..together," Violet told her. "Wow! Folio, you have gotten over Jasmine Tea very fast!" Harmony found astonishing. Violet began to seem tense. "Oh no I'm sorry its just that they broke up only a week a go, so I was surprised." Violet was going to say something but then Folio whispered something in her ear. Harmony was confused on why Folio had to remind her something. Everyone at the table seemed to be touchy at the subject of their conversation and were quiet. "Is something wrong?" she asked her little sister. She was biting her lip and was very nervous now. Harmony looked up at her father, who wouldn't look at her. "So how is business for your family in Canterlot Violet?" Chancellor asked, changing the subject. Canterlot? Harmony had never heard of this Canterlot but she figured if she wanted to know more she would have to listen. "It's great actually, were setting up a few more carts on the main road that leads up to the palace. That way we can sell more flowers," Violet told him. The main road was where they lived. Harmony leaned down to Morning Light. "What month is it?" Harmony asked. "Its August you silly pony!" Morning said before clamping her mouth. "Uh-oh." "Its-its July though," she said in response. Not even late July, it was early July. Harmony gulped and looked around at the others. How had a month passed already? It had only been three days she was gone, wasn't it? Harmony got up from her chair. Everyone stopped and stared at her. She took a deep breath. "Excuse me, I will be back in just a moment." The pony that is placed out of time walked to the bathroom in her house. She locked the door behind her and turned the faucet on. She sat on the toilet seat and held her head. She took a deep breath; trying not to freak out. She got up from the seat a few moments later and locked at herself in the mirror. A knock came at the door. "Are you alright in there?" Mrs. Dust asked. "Um yeah, just give me a second!" she called. Harmony splashed some of the water in her face and returned to looking at herself in the mirror. She looked the same and felt like it was only three days ago that it had rained. With a cloth in her hoof, she dried herself before leaving the bathroom. She returned to the table to find all the food gone and Mrs. Dust laying out desert. Harmony sat down and was nudged by Altair; who was sitting next to her. "Are you okay?" he asked with a concerned smile. "I'm fine." "It's just that you were in there for a while," Altair added. "I needed to fix my hair," she quickly lied. He nodded and turned next to Red. "I think she knows," he whispered just loudly enough for her to hear him. "She couldn't have known! Her father was supposed to explain it to her," Red replied. They were so focused on each other that they didn't see Harmony lean in next to them and ask, "Explain what?" she asked. Altair jolted and accidentally hit Harmony in the nose with his elbow. "Harmony!" Altair said startled. Harmony touched her nose and felt blood coming out of her nostrils. Chancellor noticed her bleeding and excused himself from Comet and his conversation. He took his daughter to the kitchen and had Mrs. Dust fix her up. "Father, how long was I in the hospital?" Harmony asked as she applied pressure to herself to stop the bleeding. Chancellor let out a deep breath and sat down on the chair across from the counter she sat on. "You were missing for a few days when a guard spotted you in the ground. You were clinging for life when the doctors began to fix you. Harmony, you slipped into a coma. Until a week later you woke up for a day before leaving us for another two weeks. It was a miracle that you woke up a second time and after four days awake they thought you were now okay again. Its been a month since you were last with us," her father told. Harmony now held her head up with her arms that were on her knees. She started to hyperventilate but stopped when she calmed herself down. "Is that why Red's hair is longer, Altair has a beard, and Folio has a serious relationship with a pony I have never met?!" "Yes, and there is more news." "How could there possibly be more? I am not from here! Father what could else be wrong right now?" she asked. "I must be leaving soon for a journey to deliver my newest inventions to the scientists of Equestria, and I won't be back for quite some time," he told her. "Father no! This is madness. If you go Folio and Morning will be in disasters. They need you more than anything!" Harmony protested. "Even more than you?" Chancellor asked. Harmony was about to shake her head but she didn't. "Yes and I would like to take your place," she told him. She had no idea what she was doing, she couldn't just leave! Her time was already messed with, leaving would cause even more damage to her clock. No one should ever be making life altering choices once they recovered from an injury, especially Harmony! Chancellor stared at his daughter with confusion but she could see the relief in his eyes. "An old man yourself shouldn't go on such a perilous journey. Besides, you should strengthen your bond with Morning anyway. I know for fact that you aren't as close, leaving now would just tarnish it." She added, finalizing her decision. "I'll have to talk to Comet," Chancellor replied. Harmony got up from the counter and they went back to the group. "Everything alright?" Comet asked. "Yes everything is more that fine thank you," Harmony answered. "Well that is magnificent," he said before turning to Folio, "What do you think of the new fountain in Canterlot?" "If you don't mind me asking, where is Canterlot exactly?" Harmony asked before adding, "I haven't been here for weeks, a girl must know." "Canterlot is the new name of our city. They didn't like the Royal City so much," Red told her. Harmony smiled and continued to eat the cake that was placed in front of her. The chocolate cake was very rich and she seemed to enjoy it a little to much. Everyone around her looked like a great burden was lifted from their shoulders now that she knew. They had an excellent rest of the night before it was getting late. They shared hugs by the door as each one was leaving. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier," she said to Violet. "It is alright, I wouldn't be able to understand how confusing this is for you, but I hope you'll be able to accept us," Violet replied. Harmony nodded before hugging Violet goodbye. Folio left with her to escort her home. Comet was busy talking to Chancellor and Morning was questioning Red. "Why do you always where black?" she asked. "It's perfect attire for my job," Red answered. "What do you do?" Harmony stood by the door watching them talk before Altair came up to her. "Sorry about your nose." "It's alright,so what have you been doing all these weeks?" Harmony asked. Altair stood still with his muscles tightening. "Preparing..." "For what?" she asked as she turned to face him. Their faces were right next to each other as she stared into his eyes. She began to turn pink. "I'll tell you about next time," he said before giving her a kiss on the cheek. The golden eyes of hers widened as he walked away to his sister. She was still in a little bit of shock when Comet, Altair, and Red left for their home. "What's wrong?" her sister asked, startling Harmony. "Nothing!" she squeaked before running up to her room. "Goodnight!" she shouted before locking her door shut. Harmony plopped into her bed and didn't bother to change out of her clothes. She fell asleep surprisingly happy and excited for what tomorrow held in store for her. > Off To An Adventure! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Harmony was in the carriage again with her father. In her hands was a bag filled with some belongings. It had been two weeks and it was the day to leave for the journey. She had no idea what the crew looked like or their names, but she knew what each of them did. A captain for the transportation, an engineer to keep the transport working, a cook, Comet, and her as a representative for her father. There was also supposed to be a security guard to look after the products. Her father had reluctantly agreed to her kindness of taking his place on the journey. She had said goodbye to her siblings who were very sad, but neither of them protested. Harmony figured she was right when she told her father they need him more than her. Depression had still lingered along with the constant reminder of the unknown of what Discord had brought upon her. The carriage was taking her to the mansion where Comet lived. A nervous excitement was overwhelming for what this adventure would bring. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore her red cape. The carriage slowed to stop as the house became larger. Harmony stepped out of the carriage and into the sun. Near their ride was another vehicle unfamiliar to her. It had six parts to it. The first part was a square with a triangle at the front and some sort of chimney. The other five parts were rectangles with different types of roofs with some windows. There was a pony loading luggage and crates into the last compartment with a rectangular roof. Chancellor led Harmony over to the pony and told her to give the pony her luggage. "Excuse me I have some luggage," she told him. "Glad to take your luggage Miss-" he asked. "Harmony, and you?" "Security Officer Coden," he introduced. Harmony nodded to the navy blue stallion. His eyes were covered by black sunglasses and his hair was slick black. Coden didn't seem to like his job at the moment with his suit on. She nodded to him and went back to her father. "What do you think of Coden?" "I hope the rest of the crew is as nice as him," she replied before father took her inside to the mansion. Comet was waiting for her inside with Red and Altair. They smiled and she smiled back but was especially nervous at the sight of Altair. 'What's going on with me?' she asked herself for the millionth time. She didn't visit either of them after the dinner party. In the parlor, three other ponies were waiting to be introduced. Two were male and the other was a mare. She had brown fur and black soot all over herself. She was concerning to Harmony because her eyes were covered by red and black goggles. Her hair was dark brown and dark green in a tight ponytail. She stood up to Harmony and took out a hoof, "Fira Caol." Harmony shook her hand and told her name. The pony next to her stood up and let out a hand. His hoof was far to the right of her's and so she had to move her's to shake his. "Ranch, Ranch Dressing nice to meet you," he said with a smile. He was maroon with a green mane and french mustache. She stared into his eyes to realize that the unicorn was blind. His orange eyes weren't looking at her, but a little bit above her. She was about to say something when she moved on to the next pony. He had sandy yellow fur and dark red and black hair. His blue eyes were very circular and he wore a huge grin, cowboy boots, and blue vest. "Howdy Ms. Harmony, I'm Buck E. Roo," he told her. She smiled and shook his hoof. They all sat down in the chairs in the parlor. "So are you all ready?" Comet asked. They all nodded and got up. Chancellor handed harmony a sack of something. "In case of emergency there is some money in here," he whispered in her ear. "Thank you father," she said before walking out with the rest of the ponies. "So what is this device?" Harmony asked. "Its a train, I helped make it myself," Fira told her. "Train?" Fira stared at her. "What haven't you been here at all last month? We were building it all the time and made so much noise that even the comatose would awake!" she joked but Harmony didn't laugh. "Do you not like jokes or something?" "Its not that," Harmony was about to explain but they were getting onto the train. "So I'm the engineer and Buck is the captain. Ranch is our cook," Fira informed. "But isn't Ranch blind?" she asked. "As blind as a bat, but he knows where everything is in the kitchen so don't mess with anything," Fira warned. Harmony nodded and they got on the train. Fira showed her to one of the compartments. Inside were three beds nailed to the wall. Two were bunk beds. There was a door on the ceiling and Harmony assumed that the luggage was stored in the odd closet. A desk and a mirror were at the ends of the compartment and four rectangular windows with green curtains were separated on both sides. And finally two lights were one on each end. "I called the top bunk." Fira told her before turning to the exit. "Where are you going?" "I'm the engineer, I have to go to work!" she answered. Harmony nodded and she left to go to a different compartment. Harmony looked at the other beds and chose the separate one. A few moments later the train started to move. Harmony rushed over to the window to wave goodbye to her father. She waved to him but then her eyes widened as she saw Comet next to him. And just then the door opened. "HELLO!" Red shouted with joy. Harmony, eyes glaring, pounced onto her. "Are you kidding? I especially came on this journey so I would get away from you and your brother!" she shouted as they were on the ground struggling. "Don't you remember? You can't leave without my brothers word or without my brother," Red reminded. "Then why are you here?" "Ahem, would you rather be stuck on the train with my brother or be here with your friend?" she asked. Harmony let go of her and got up. "Sorry," Harmony said, guilty of what she had done. "It's alright, I can understand," Harmony helped her up and then she left the compartment. She went farther down the train to what she found out was the kitchen. Ranch was busy away creating something with the ingredients he found. "Ah, Harmony, nice to meet again," he greeted. "How did you know?" "You smell of lilac, also I felt a darkness arrive," the blind pony explained. "Darkness?" she asked. "I know for a fact that you are hiding something, but I will not pry. How are you doing?" Ranch asked. "Fine," Harmony answered. Ranch stopped mixing in the bowl and turned to face her. "That did not sound fine at all!" And he was right, but she couldn't decided what to tell. "I am being forced into this marriage with a man I don't even know and to top it off he's here with us!" "Ahh, Altair I believe, am I right?" "Yes, how did you know?" she asked. "He spoke highly of you earlier when he came to greet himself. I don't know about you, but he seems to know very much about you. Now I must ask how you know so little of him and he knows so much," Ranch replied. "Ranch, Altair had followed me without me knowing for who knows how long!" "I believe pay back is in order, will you taste this for me?" Harmony nodded and tasted the batter that was delicious. "Chocolate! Oh its the most magnificent!" "Really? Maybe I should teach you one of these days," Ranch told her. "Nooo, I'm no cook or baker. I'm sorry but I must excuse myself." Ranch nodded and continued to work when Harmony left the kitchen and returned to her compartment. But not to long later did she move to the next room. It was just like hers except there were four instead of two. Altair was actually on his bed reading a book when she came in. Harmony closed the door loud enough for him to hear. Altair dropped the book and he sat up to stare at her. "Harmony?" he greeted in confusion. "I've got to know, how long did you follow me for?" she asked and he stared blankly for moments. "Three days, and they were the most interesting days I have ever witnessed. I mean you Harmony! You were just so interesting," he told her but she one gulped in with her dry throat. "What you may think you know about me is very different than what is real," her reply hurtful to both. "What do you mean?" Altair asked. She wanted to scare him or think she is worthless so he'd leave her alone, but at the same time she somehow felt that she wanted in a small way, as in an overly crazy amount, to make her last response be erased and start anew in a deep loving way. These feelings to her were crazy and she wanted to shove them in a box and ship them to another dimension. "I'm dangerous, so [stay away from me," she decided after choosing to scare him off with the truth of that may hide inside of her from Discord. Altair stood there motionless for a second before stepping closer to her. "No," he said. One word, one word was all I took for Harmony to hit him to prove her point. Altair jumped from her burst in energy and quickly dodged another blow, shattering the belief that she would not have harmed him again. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ Red was examining the compartment she would be spending a long time in. She wanted to believe that there was a hidden room here. She knocked on all the sides of the walls and even the floor. She let out a sigh as the red furred pony sat down on her bed. Red stared down at the floor for what seemed for hours to her before jumping up from the bed and accidentally hitting her head. "Ow!" Red shouted before looking up at the ceiling. She grabbed a broom and began to poke the ceiling. It was completely hollow; the ceiling, and so she opened her wings and tried to use her strength to push open a hatchet. Eventually she found and the door began to lift open as she entered the secret room. Inside was a small room that could fit maybe fit a bed for two ponies. the floor was wooden and the walls were white. The only rays of light came from the round circular window that was very similar to a porthole. Red climbed inside and sat on the circular red carpet. Around her were two trunks that had a thin layer of dust acting as a blanket and a bookshelf with cobwebs. This surprised Red about the hidden room that was untouched because the train was the one of the newest trains around! She continued to think about this for a while before she heard the door from below begin to turn. Red quickly got out of the room and closed the hatchet, unsure if she should tell her visitor of her discovery. Just as she landed the door opened and in came Altair. He was holding his cheek. "What is wrong?" she asked. Altair sat on the bed. "Harmony." "Oh my Celestia! What is going on between you two!?" Red quickly spat. "I have no idea! One minute she hates me, then the next she's acting all weird, and now she's hurting me again. Its as if that fall did something to her-" "Yes." "In the head." "No, there is nothing wrong with her head but maybe she's just having problems with losing all that time." "I'm not so sure," he said just as the train began to slow down. "Now arriving in Hollow Shades!" Buck shouted.