• Published 10th Jun 2013
  • 2,169 Views, 50 Comments

Totally Vanquished - Gorgie

  • ...

Taking a trip into town

"What are you looking at Sam?"

Since when they exited the royal gardens, Sam and Celestia had hardly spoke to each other. They just walked in silence along each other. The only difference was the looks Sam was getting from all the ponies around him. He felt the need to ready his weapon, but he didn't want to attract attention to himself. Eventually, he looked towards Celestia and forgot that she asked him a question.

Oh, Sorry Celestia. Was busy thinking. And nothing, just looking around." As he said this, his helmet covered his head. Celestia suddenly remembered something she forgot to ask.

"Oh, I forgot to ask. Sam, how does that work? Your helmet? How does it come off to show the front of your face and go back up to cover your entire head automatically?" Sam looked towards her. Although, with his helmet up, Celestia couldn't tell what expression he had on his face, which unsettled her a tiny bit.

"It doesn't do it automatically really. Well...it does, but on my command. I just think in my head a thought like "helmet on" and it activates, which in turn protects my face." Celestia was intrigued how he used mind control on the suits functions. Sort of anyway.

"How do you do that?" Sam's helmet de-activated again, revealing his face once more. He sparked up a cigarette and took a drag of it before answering her.

"This suit is attached to my nervous system and brain, technically. So, it can tell if I'm under fire or taking serious damage and activates AR mode, which is a sort of a slow motion effect. Don't know if I've mentioned it already. So the helmet basically works the same."

Celestia was gobsmacked. She couldn't remember if he'd told her this already, but the thought of him being able to slow down time to give him an advantage amazed her and scared her at the same time. By the time Sam had taken his last drag on the cigarette and flicked it away, Celestia had spoken up again.

"You can slow down time? That's....incredible. Considering you have no magic."

"Heh. This suit beats magic anytime hun."

She felt like arguing back at that, as she knew it was not true. But she had to admit, his suit WAS really interesting and brilliant, from what he had told her anyway.

They continued their walk into town and finally came across a cafe. Sam and Celestia agreed to eat here and so they agreed on what to have, then he went to sit down as Celestia went to get the food and drinks. In a matter of seconds, she had got their food and drinks.

"How the hell did you do that so fast?!" Celestia giggled at this and pushed a salad towards him.

"One of the perks of being a princess is that I get server first and fast. Quite handy if I do so say myself. Anyway, dig in!" She beamed as she said this and started to chomp down on her hay sandwich. Sam just laughed at this.

"A 'hay' sandwich? Really? Then again, what do you expect from talking horses?" As he thought this, he remembered that he only got a salad seen as NO horses here ate meat. He knew they were herbivores as Celestia had told him before but he still wished he could get his hands on a nice big steak right now or something. Sighing, he took the fork, jabbed it into a piece of celery and just started to munch down.

"Hmm...this ain't half bad..."

Before Celestia could reply or do anything for that matter, a stallion with a camera came up to their table. Celestia face hoofed as she instantly knew who this guy was a part of.

"Oh god, the paparazzi. All I need... He suddenly spoke up, a wide smile on his face, breaking Celestia out of her thoughts.

"Hello Princess Celestia and....what are you exactly?" He looked towards Sam. In return, Sam just grunted, knowing that this stallion was clearly paparazzi due to his camera and the fact that he had come up to their table and looked like he wanted to ask a dozen questions.


The stallion quickly turned his attention back to the princess. "Right...princess Celestia, do you have any answers to the dozens of people asking about your past relationships or your past....intimate experiences."

With this, Celestia blushed and hid her face in her hooves. "I don't want to talk about it..."

The stallion just looked at her confused. "It's only talking about your past relationships your highness, I highly doubt they are important to you now."

Now, she gave him an angry glare and he started to regret he'd ever come up here. But, he kept his ground and put on a stern face.

"No disrespect princess, but I personally think you're hiding something from the press and the people of Equestria about your past relationships. Now, will you talk or do I have to press further?"

Sam's helmet activated as he looked at the stallion. Of course, the stallion could not tell what expression her had on his face, as no one could when his helmet was activated. Sam always thought that was quite cool.

"Look buddy, she said she doesn't want to talk about it. Now leave her the hell alone."

The stallion didn't even acknowledge his words and kept getting ruder with the princess. After a few more seconds of this, Sam jumped out of his chair, landed on his feet and picked the stallion up by the throat, finally shutting him up for a few seconds. He leaned his head over, so his helmet was nearly touching the stallions nuzzle. Said stallion was now quacking, squirming and shivering, trying to break free of Sam's grasp, but to no avail.

"Now you listen to me and you listen good. Unless you want me to snap your neck right here, I suggest you shut the fuck up and go back to your home. Now, when I let go of you, you are going to run home and leave her alone. If you try to do anything, I will kill you with no hesitation. Am I clear?" Celestia was shocked at Sam's sudden aggressive attitude, but she knew he was just trying to help/protect her from the press. It made her smile a bit, even if he was being unnecessarily violent.

The stallion shook his head, gesturing a yes and Sam let him go. And he had instructed to the poor sod, he ran away, presumably to his home. Sam just laughed under his helmet and sat back down across from Celestia.

"Ah, that never gets old. Celestia now stared at him with a wide smile, which he found surprising.

"Thank you so much for that Sam. Damn paparazzi never leave me alone. Makes me smile that you'd protect/help me like that, even if you were a tad bit violent." Sam was shocked at her hearing this. He expected her to be pissed at him for being 'harsh' with the guy, but it didn't seem like that was the case right now. He was happy that she had thanked him though.

"Heh, it's fine. That guy was starting to be a real pain in the ass. And also, you don't deserve people trying to butt in on your personal life and personal history. Why did he ask about your past relationships anyway?"

Celestia blushed and looked at Sam. "It's because...well...I haven't had a special somepony in over 500 years." He looked at her confused.

"Wait...what the heck does special somepony mean?"

"It means my partner, as in the pony I'm in a relationship with at the time." Sam did a comical "Ohh!" at this, finally realising what she meant.

"In my world, we don't say that. We say a girl has a boyfriend and a girl has a girlfriend. Anyway, how has no one tried to chat you up yet?" He saw that blush yet again. "This blushing is starting to get a little bit creepy now...

"Ermm...well...I don't know. Guess they don't want to date royalty."

Sam stood up, showing that he was ready to go, as did Celestia. As they paid for the food they had and walked out of the cafe, Sam made sure to keep his helmet activated, just in case any of these ponies tried anything. He only really trusted Celestia at this point in time. After about 10 minutes, they reached the castle and stepped back through the gates. Although, before he could walk inside the castle, Celestia walked over to the royal gardens and motioned for him to come sit with her by the same oak tree that they did earlier. He obliged and sat down next to her, in the same spot as he was before.

After a while of awkward silence, Celestia broke the ice and leaned her head towards Sam's.

"Sam, de-activate your helmet for a few seconds would you?"


"Just please do it. For me?"

He didn't want to. Even if he did trust Celestia, he still didn't feel safe de-activating it. None the less, he complied and de-activated it, revealing his face.

"Now, why did you want me to de-activate my...MPPHHHH!"

Before he could say anything else, Celestia had pressed her lips against his and took him off guard. He didn't kiss back, instead just waited for her to finish. When she did, he activated his helmet, making sure she didn't try that again. At this, she sulked, but she didn't say anything. As soon as Sam regained his composure, he turned towards her and stood up, as did she.

"Celestia, what the hell?!"

She walked over to him with a sad expression, feeling hurt that he had acted like that after she kissed him for the first time. "I just wanted to thank you for standing up for me earlier today. No one's done that for me in quite a few hundred years."

Sam felt guilty about not returning the kiss, but he'd only known her for like a day and she was a different race. That type of thing for him was out of the question, even if she was pretty for an Equine. He sighed and walked inside the castle. "I'm not mad at you, I just need to go have a rest. I'm quite tired actually."

And before she could say another word, he entered the castle, disappearing from her sight.

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed it!