• Published 8th Jun 2013
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The Fighter Filly Girls! - Mod On Death

When trying to find some way to earn their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders come across Discord, who decides to give them super powers! With their abilities, these three will form the Fighter Filly Girls and fight crime and the forces of evil!

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Clothes Make the Supermare

Chapter 3: Clothes Make the Supermare

Being smart was really working out for Apple Bloom. She had somehow managed to work in the bugs as a factor of health in the bears with their hibernation and helped them to get an A+. She also told her friends after class about how it would have been a bad idea to let anypony know that it was them that were the ones who fought the hydra.

“How exactly can we keep our powers a secret when we use them? They aren’t exactly subtle,” Scootaloo asked.

“Well, we were moving really fast in that fight, so nopony was able to see us then. Maybe we just need to do that and we’ll be fine,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“While that might be possible, we still have the issue of other ponies being able to see the colors of our coats when we’re flying fast. If anypony were to really get into investigating who we were, they might use that as a base to find out who we are.” The group knew that Apple Bloom was right. They’d need to keep their powers hidden, so that meant hiding anything that could give them away.

“So how exactly are we gonna cover our entire bodies so nopony can tell who we are?” Sweetie Belle instantly smiled when she heard Scootaloo’s question. “Um, Sweetie Belle, you okay?”

“I have just the plan!” Sweetie Belle told them. “Follow me!”

The three girls followed Sweetie Belle over to the Carousel Boutique, where Sweetie Belle revealed her plan. “All we have to do is ask my sister if there’s any clothes she doesn’t want and we can use that!”

“Great idea, Sweetie Belle!” remarked Apple Bloom. “But won’t Rarity know that we’re using her clothes as disguises?”

“All we have to do is find some clothing that’ll cover our coat so when we zoom by nopony can tell. She sometimes makes basic dresses just for fun or practice. She’ll forget about what she made when it comes to that.” Sweetie Belle’s explanation seemed satisfactory, and the three entered the place.

“Oh, hello girls!” greeted Rarity. “What brings you here?”

“Oh! Hey sis,” replied Sweetie Belle. She had thought that Rarity would be out that time of day, so any chances of them getting some practice dresses quietly and sneaking out were ruined. “We, uh, we were just talking about how sometimes you make practice dresses and wanted to see what you come up with when doing that.”

“Oh, those are just things I experiment with. Nothing too fancy. Well, sometimes they’re TOO fancy for their own good to the point that wearing it could injure the wearer. You shouldn’t bother with those,” the older sister replied quickly.

“Come on, sis! We really wanna see that stuff,” Sweetie Belle begged.

“No! I don’t want you to see them. I consider those dresses to be my failures and never want to see them again. Now go away before I go into a deep depression with the thought of awful designs.” Rarity slumped over to her desk, head plopping down out of anguish.

“What do we do now?” Sweetie Belle asked the group.

“I’ve got an idea,” Scootaloo told them, going up to where Rarity was. “Miss Rarity,” she began, “I’d really like to see those dresses that you consider awful. After all, what you consider bad by your standards I consider to be gorgeous. I’d love to see anything that you’ve made, even if it is a failure.” Rarity got up out of her slump and stared awkwardly at Scootaloo.

“Scootaloo, I never knew that you were into fashion,” she asked, surprised at the tomboyish mare’s attitude.

“I’m not into it actually, just your stuff,” she replied. Rarity couldn’t help but feel embarrassed by such a compliment.

“Oh dearies, if you want, then I suppose I can make an exception. I’m just glad Twilight and Rainbow Dash aren’t in town. Those two usually enter at the most awkward of times when it comes to me and my dresses. I’d hate to see what they’d say about these disasters.” The three girls remembered that Twilight had gone to Canterlot to see her family and that Rainbow Dash had been called over for some more Wonderbolt Training. That actually explained why the hydra was able to
go on its rampage and not have either of those two to fight the beast.

The three girls were led into the basement of the store, a large door with many lock on it containing the dresses too horrible for the light of day. Rarity took out a key wheel and selected the twelve keys she would need to open the door.

“Now, I need to open these locks in fifteen seconds or else the entire basement will be flooded with water,” Rarity told the fillies. With a quick flourish, she opened the locks on the door, a creaking noise appearing with its opening. A musty smell filled the room, letting the ponies know that it must have been at least a week since the door was last opened. It tended to get musty fairly quickly with the emergency flooding tank placed right next to the room. Rarity turned on the lights to reveal her abandoned creations. “These were the children of fashion who were so hideous that their creator banished them into darkness,” she told them solemnly. The four walked through the place, admiring fashion designs gone wrong.

“What’s this suit supposed to be doing?” Scootaloo asked, pointing at a clothing article with two sleeves.

“Oh, that was supposed to be for an experimental clothing item I had been working on. What you would do it put it on over your hind legs. Didn’t work since you’d have to manage your tail with it,” explained Rarity.

“Why not put a hole for the tail to fit through?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well I-“ she stopped for a second, thinking over the advice. The fashion making mare then put her front hoof onto her face, making a “Gah!” noise.

“Hey, that’s a great idea!” a sugary voice said.

“Pinkie Pie? How did you get here?” Rarity asked. Then again, this was Pinkie Pie.

“Through the door silly!” she replied. They looked behind them to notice that the super secure door was left open. “So, watcha doin?”

“They’re checking out some of my fashion failures of the past. Honestly, I don’t even remember why I keep these clothes locked up down here anyway instead of just burning the things. I mean, what’s the point?” Rarity wondered.

“Well I think that these suits are fun!” Pinkie Pie declared, putting on one of Rarity’s forgotten children. Rarity remembered at that very moment why she hadn’t burnt them when she noticed that burning the suit that Pinkie Pie was wearing would be a very, very bad idea.

“Pinkie Pie, don’t move! That suit you’re wearing is dynamite!” she warned her pink friend.

“Really? I’m guessing it goes with my eyes,” she joked, laughing hard. “But yeah, I totally just realized that they’re explosives as well. Just look away for a moment and I’ll be safe.” Everypony turned around for a second and when they turned back Pinkie Pie had suddenly gotten out of the suit.

“I’ll never figure you out, dear,” Rarity said to her friend. She then turned her attention back to the three fillies, searching through the relics. “Was there anything you girls were specifically looking for?” she asked them.

“We were actually wondered if you had made anything with fillies like us in mind,” Scootaloo let her know.

“I actually did, but I could never really get the dresses to look fabulous. Not that much you could do when it comes to fashion with children. I actually put those clothes in a box. Hold on a moment.” Rarity went over to a box in the corner labeled ‘Filly’ and brought it to them. They opened it up to see that it contained what looked like fairly simple designs. Each dress was a different color and seemed to have a black band around the waist of each one. The three girls looked at each other and realized this was just what they were looking for.

“These don’t look that bad,” Pinkie Pie told her friend.

“Yes, well, I just didn’t see myself selling clothes for fillies. I knew that it wouldn’t look good when I created a full mare outfit with those designs. I never thought purple could actually look ghastly on anything before that,” she explained. “You girls can do whatever you want with the clothes. Except burn them. Don’t do that. I’m going to have a little chat with Pinkie Pie about not entering homes without being invited.”

“OOH! I love that chat!” Pinkie Pie responded enthusiastically. The three fillies checked through the box and picked out different outfits.

“Alright, we have to pick an outfit that’s at least different from our coat color. For me, I’ll choose pink. It’s my second favorite color next to red, which is SOMEHOW not in here,” Apple Bloom said agitatedly.

“I’ve always liked blue. It looks nice,” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully.

“Well, it’s kinda funny, but my favorite color is green. I dunno why, but it works,” Scootaloo told them. The three took out their new uniforms and put them on. They fit almost perfectly on them, each flying around the room to get used to the feel of the dresses.

“Alright, now there’s just one last thing we need to do,” Apple Bloom declared.

Discord enjoyed his little spot in the orchard. Most ponies didn’t come by there, but he was still able to get a good view of the town and its inhabitants. He didn’t exactly have much he needed to do, simply spending his free time hanging around and occasionally hanging out with Big Mac. He liked the colt since he didn’t mind the company and didn’t ask too many questions. They also happened to share interest in hobbies that Discord did not like to announce to everyone. That’s right; everyone. He hated the term “everypony” since it excluded other races like dragons and seemed like a pun to some degree. It didn’t matter though, since he was there to max and relax.

“Hey, Discord!” Apple Bloom called out, seeing his tail from the tree he was resting on. He had wondered when they would come back to him with questions about their powers.

“Yes girls. How may I help you?” he asked.

“We totally used our powers to fight a giant hydra that attacked the town! It was awesome!” the enthusiastic leader yelled out. Her two friends joined her in the reenactment involving ‘pew’ sound from the lasers, ending with an ‘ack’ as the monster died.

“Glad to hear I could help!” Discord responded. “I assume you’re here for something else however.”

“Actually, yeah. We got these new outfits,” Apple Bloom pulled out the three dresses, “and were gonna use them when we used out powers, that way we could keep our identities a secret.”

“Why would you girls wanna keep your powers a secret?” he asked, confused at such a lack of boasting. “You three should be parading your abilities around, making everypony jealous!”

“It might seem fun, but everypony would be wondering where we got our powers from, and if we ended up telling them that it was because of you, they’d probably annoy you to get their own powers. We didn’t wanna do that to you.” Sweetie Belle’s explanations made Discord’s heart flutter. He couldn’t believe that such fillies had such consideration for him in a time where most still feared him. He couldn’t help but smile at that thought.

“Anyway, we were wondering if you could use some magic or something so that whenever we wore these dresses that nopony would know our identities. Also, it’d probably be a good idea to make the clothes really strong in case we got into a big fight,” Apple Bloom finally asked. Discord didn’t even say anything, but merely snapped the fingers on his claw hand and a poof appeared. “Thanks! When we have our next big ba-“ Apple Bloom stopped talking at that moment, and then looked sad again.

“What’s wrong, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo asked.

“I just realized that we may never really have a chance to use our powers ever again. I mean, most of the time Ponyville is peaceful. That, or Twilight and her friends usually take care of it. We won’t have much a chance to do anything like that ever again.”

“Oh,” her two friends solemnly responded. They understood that their powers were only really good when it came to fighting, at least with the really fun ones. Apple Bloom would still have her smarts she could use, and maybe Scootaloo could come up with an explanation to how she could fly when her wings didn’t seem to flap enough to allow it. Sweetie Belle didn’t seem like she’d have much she could do, and she’d probably never be able to go out on Nightmare Night and be scared without blowing away half the town.

“Thanks for the powers Mr. Discord, but I don’t think we’ll be able to use our powers much,” Apple Bloom told their new friend. “I guess there aren’t really many super villains or monsters that attack Ponyville that we can personally fight.”

“Huh,” Discord said to himself, thinking over what they had just told them.