• Published 22nd May 2013
  • 541 Views, 48 Comments

The Slender: Harmony and Darkness - Lance Skyes

The battle is over, the war may be just on the horizon...

  • ...

Part 5: The Library

Slenderman had Sweetie Belle in his Stare and she was fading fast. I couldn’t just stand around and do nothing, anymore. Without thinking, I shouted “I won’t let you do this, Slenderman!” and flew right at Slenderman and tackled him into a nearby tree. He was stunned for a moment, so I had a chance to save Sweetie Belle. I picked her up and flew over to Applebloom. “Take your friend and run, little filly!” I shouted, throwing Sweetie Belle onto Applebloom’s back. She made no objections and asked no questions. She just took her friend and galloped into the darkness. I had a moment to finally breathe before I noticed Slenderman come up behind me.


The six of us (Time Turner, Lyra, Big Mac, Applejack, Winona (for reasons I’ve long forgotten), and myself) had finally made it to the library where this ‘Twilight Sparkle’ Equestrian lived. “We’re here,” Applejack said. “Let me go in and see if she’s awake.” Applejack walked up to the door, but before she had a chance to knock, the door swung open and a purple alicorn stood in the doorway.

“Applejack?” the alicorn asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I came with a couple of others to see you, Twilight,” Applejack said. “This one in particular wanted to talk to you. Come on over, Silph.” She motioned for me to step forward.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle,” I said to the alicorn. “My name is Silph, and I have an issue I need resolved.”

“Okay,” Twilight replied, unsure of what to make of the situation. “All of you come on in, I guess.” Everyone followed Twilight into the library and instantly broke off and walked in several different directions. Lyra and Time Turner looked at some books, (who knows what either were looking for) Winona ran over to the fireplace and layed down, and Big Mac and Applejack sat down behind me when I sat with Twilight in the corner of the room.

“So,” Applejack said, “first question I wanted to ask: what are you doing awake this late, Twi? And why did you open the door for us?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Twilight replied. “There was some kind of noise keeping me awake. I went outside to investigate, but I didn’t expect you to be here, Applejack.”

“Yeah... the Static was me,” I confessed. “It’s called Slender Static, and I don’t know how to turn it off.”

“Slender?” Twilight asked. “I’ve heard that word used in this kind of context before. I read about it in one of my books. I’d show it to you, but I haven’t seen it in a couple of days.”

“I think Applebloom borrowed it,” Big Macintosh said. “I remember seeing that book on her bed a couple days before the Crusaders left for the forest.”

“Of course! Spike must have loaned it to them.”

“Back to the topic at hoof,” I interrupted, “I needed to talk to you about recent incidents that have involved the Slender Forest. Well, they’ve been going on for a long time from right under your noses. Equestrians entering the Forest and getting killed by the Slender. Most recently, Applebloom and her friends. I’m here to work something out so that no more Equestrians get killed there.”

“Hold on,” Twilight said, putting her hoof up. “When you say ‘Equestrians’, you mean us ponies, right?”

“Well, yeah. What else could I be referring to when I say ‘ Equestrians’?”

The list went on for a while. It included griffons, hydras, even zebras. I think this alicorn just like to hear herself talk.


I knew Twilight’s library was famous for having every book on magic, history, legends, etc. After meeting this half-Slender, my curiosity for the Cube, the only other mystery worth solving other than the human race, was reawakened. I had to find a book that told me something, anything, about it. I looked over to find Lyra looking through some books as well. I figured I could use all the help I could get, so I trotted over to her. “Hey, Lyra,” I said, using my best charmer voice, “would you mind helping me look for a... special book?”

“I was actually about to ask you for a similar favor,” Lyra replied.

“Really? You’re curious about the Cube, as well?”

“Cube? No, I was looking for a book on Anthropology. I’m sure Twilight has something on the topic.”

I hadn’t been this surprised and confused at the same time since I had escaped the Forest. “Well, you’re not going to find anything on Anthropology here. However, I happen to know quite a lot about humans. If you help me, I promise to show you a world full of them once I find the TARDIS.”

Her eyes lit up brighter than Celestia’s sun. “You have yourself a deal!” she shouted, causing everypony in the library (including Winona) to look over to Lyra. “Sorry. Go back to what you were doing.” Everypony went back to what they were doing previously as though nothing had happened. “Okay,” she said to me in a whisper. “What book did you want me to find?”

“I’m looking for something regarding...” I paused for a second and looked around to make sure nopony could hear me. Twilight, Silph, and the Apples were still busy talking and Winona was fast asleep once again. “The Cube of Rubik.”


“So,” Twilight said after a while, “from your description on the actions of the Slender, it seems they’re just territorial.”

“Exactly,” Silph said. “They’re going to kill any Equestrian or other intruder without a second thought. No reason. No remorse.”

“So then how come Lyra, Time Turner and I survived?” I asked Silph. “Why would we be exceptions?”

“I’m not sure,” Silph said, rubbing his chin with his hoof. “That’s one of the many mysteries of the Slender that even another Slender like myself can’t figure out. I’d assume all three incidents had some kind of outside interaction, but who could say what exactly it was?”

“Anyway,” Twilight said, “the best I could do would be to ask Princess Celestia to place a ‘forbidden’ tag on the Slender Forest like the Everfree Forest, but that wouldn’t stop everypony from going in.”

“We’ll take a temporary fix over none,” Silph replied. “We’re sure to make more progress when we have more than a single night to work things out.”

“Good point,” Applejack said. “It is a bit late.”

“Actually, it’s already morning,” I said, looking out a window. The sun was already peaking over the horizon, only being blocked by a few small clouds.

“I don’t know about anyone else,” Silph said, “but I’m not going to rest until we get to this ‘Princess Celestia’. I’m determined to finish what I came here to do as soon as possible.”

“You know what, Silph?” I asked. “You have a point. The longer we wait, the more ponies could get killed by the Slender.”


I turned to Lyra and Time Turner, who were standing next to each other, still looking for who-knows-what book. “Hey, lovebirds,” I called teasingly. This caused them both to jump and turn quickly, stammering nervously.

“She was just helping me find a book,” Time Turner said. “There was absolutely nothing going on.”

“Yeah, totally,” Lyra added. “Looking for a book on... anthropology.” I noticed her try to discreetly wink in Time Turner’s direction and instantly couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on.

“Anyway, let’s get moving,” I said. I then turned to Twilight. “How can we get to Princess Celestia?”

“She lives in the royal city of Canterlot,” Twilight replied. “The fastest way for you to get there would be by train. I’ll have Spike send a letter to her informing of your arrival.”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” I then began walking out the door. “Big Mac, Lyra, Time Turner, the three of you need to come with me. As survivors of the Forest, you’ll be most helpful in any talks. Applejack, you can go ahead and stay here in Ponyville if you don’t want to come.” I walked out of the building/tree and looked out on the day-lit town. There were Equestrians all over the place, going about their business as though nothing were going on in the background. I was looking a little more until I froze. I couldn’t believe what I saw at the far end of the town. I was instantly overcome with a strange happiness that I had never felt before. It was amazing how he stood out among the Equestrians, yet seemed to fit in so well. Honestly, I was sure I’d never see him at all. But there he was, plain as day.


I saw Applebloom walk off, eyes full of tears. I wasn’t sure what she was crying about until I looked over at what she was walking away from. It was Sweetie Belle, laying in a clearing in the Forest and silently screaming in pain and terror. I wasn’t sure if Applebloom could hear it, but I sure could... and I couldn’t take it. I had no choice. I couldn’t let Slenderman torture her any further.

It was up to me to put her out of her misery.

Author's Note:

I dunno, this probably wasn't the best possible chapter. Anyway, thanks to whoever gave me that one like.