The Slender: Harmony and Darkness

by Lance Skyes

First published

The battle is over, the war may be just on the horizon...

Applebloom has been killed and Silph could do nothing about it, and Big Macintosh is a mess because of it. However, that could change when Silph travels to Equestria to try to fix everything.

Meanwhile, two seemingly unrelated ponies sense something isn't right in the town. Somepony is here who isn't supposed to be here, and they're probably just as angry as Big Mac is.

(Told from the First-Pony view of differing characters.)

Part 1: The End of the Beginning

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I held Applebloom close to me, and I could literally feel her slip away into the darkness. The darkness Slenderman had brought upon her. “For you, Applebloom,” I said, “I’ll make sure your sacrifice won’t be for nothing.” I closed Applebloom’s eyelids with my hoof and whispered two final words to her:

“I promise.”


I sat in my room, doing my best not to cry after what I had just heard. Slenderman had finally killed my younger sister, Applebloom, as well as her friends. How did I know? The curse Slenderman put on me when I was just a colt. It keeps him in my head for as long as I live. I can hear everything of him. His static, his kills... the screams of his victims... I was still thinking about this when I heard a knock on my door. “Come in,” I called.

Applejack walked in, looking worried. “Are you alright, Big Macintosh?” she asked me. “You haven’t come out of here for days. And have you seen Applebloom around, lately?”

I reacted a little on the inside when she mentioned Applebloom, but I didn’t show it. “I’m fine. I just wanted to be alone, that’s all.”

“Okay, but what about Applebloom?”

I wondered what I should tell her for a moment. Should I tell her about the curse? Would she even believe me? “When I saw her last, she said something about getting her cutie mark as an explorer. She and the others said something about the area to the West of Ponyville, but I don’t really know anything beyond that, except...” I trailed off on purpose, hoping I wouldn’t have to say anything else.

“Except what?”

“Except... I think something happened to them. Something bad.” I started tearing up, but I did my best to hide it from Applejack.

“Well, how would you know that?” she asked. I was hoping she wouldn’t ask that question in particular.

“I... I can’t tell you. You wouldn’t understand. Nopony would.”

Applejack was silent for a moment before I turned around to look at her for the first time since she walked in. (For the first time in days, in fact.) She had a worried expression on her face, but it had some confusion mixed in, as well. “Well why can’t you tell me?” she asked. “Why wouldn’t anypony understand?”

I just looked away from her and back down to the floor. “I just... don’t want to talk about it. That’s all there is to it.”

She didn’t say anything, but I heard her hoofsteps as she left the room. “Well, come on back out when you feel like it. You’re pretty behind on your chores and I can’t fill in for you forever.” I just sat there and listened as she closed the door and trotted down the hall.

“Chores,” I said to myself. “What good would that do, anymore?”


I made my way out of the Forest, the image of Applebloom dying in my hooves still fresh in my mind. The image of Slenderman killing her.

The images and screams of all of the victims of the other Slender.

I did my best to push these thoughts out of my mind as I finally reached the edge of the Forest, finding the magic fence that formed the border between the Forest and the outside world that I’ve heard be called “Equestria”. I could use almost no magic, but I was still somehow able to pass through the barrier when other Slender and Equestrians couldn’t. I was sure it had something to do with my father, but I never really knew. I stepped out from the other side of the barrier and found myself in a world far unlike the Forest. The grass was green. There was grass. The trees were better spread apart so they didn’t form the dark canopy the Forest had. And the sky, it was a dark shade of blue with a little orange-ish and pink behind me over the Forest. I heard from the memories of those passed in the Forest that this was called a sunset. It marked the end of the day in Equestria, and it was usually beautiful. I couldn’t see it from behind the Forest, though, so I couldn’t see any truth behind that in particular. I looked around and tried to remember where Applebloom lived. I seemed to remember that it had something to do with her own name, but I couldn’t quite place my hoof on what it was, exactly. After a while, I saw something in the distance. It looked like a bunch of apple trees. I figured that was a good place to start, so I started flying towards that place, rising into the clouds so that I wouldn’t be seen by any of the Equestrians. I suppose I didn’t need to hide, though, since Equestrians slept at night.

After a while, I was laying on a cloud right above the orchard. I looked down to find an orange earth pony and a dog walking into what I guessed was their house. “Come on, Winona,” the pony called to the dog. However, Winona was still standing a little ways away from the pony, looking up at me.

“Stranger! Stranger!” Winona barked. “Stranger on the cloud, Applejack! Applebloom in danger!”

Oh no, I’ve been exposed before I could even start my mission. However, I noticed that the pony wasn’t paying any real attention to what Winnona was saying. “What are you barking at, you crazy dog?” I heard the pony ask.

“Applejack, stranger! Applebloom in danger!”

After a while, I realized that the pony couldn’t understand Winona. I was the only one who could. “Come on, Winnona,” the pony said, picking her dog up off the ground. “Let’s get inside.”

The pony walked inside with Winona on her back, Winona still barking “Stranger! Applejack? Stranger?”

Once the pony and Winnona were inside, I flew down to the ground and looked up at the building.

And that’s when one of the windows lit up, and a familiar-looking stallion looked right at me in horror.


Applejack and Winona were on their way inside, Winona barking at something. I figured it was time to go to bed, so I just rotated a little in my bed and pulled up my covers. I closed my eyes, still hearing the Static that I could always hear every moment of the day. I wasn’t asleep for long before I heard some kind of shift in the Static. I knew what had happened, but I couldn’t believe it. The shift in the Static almost felt solid, and that could only mean one thing. There was a Slender nearby. I turned on the lights and ran to the window. That’s when I saw him.

The last thing Applebloom saw before she passed.

Part 2: Worlds Collide

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I stood in front of the mysterious forest, opposite of the Everfree Forest. I reached into my saddlebag, pulled out my flashlight, and clicked it on. I took one last glance back towards Sweet Apple Acres. I would only take an hour or so to look around the forest and come back before Granny Smith would even know I was gone. It was near midnight, but the forest looked darker than ever in the moonlight. I shook off what little fear I had and trotted into the forest.


I stared in horror as the very Slender who killed Applebloom stood just outside of my house. His Static was as loud as ever, but that may have been just me. I was sure Applejack could hear it, but I didn’t hear her do anything about it. However, I did hear Winona barking her head off downstairs. “Good dog,” I found myself shouting. “Get that Slender! Drive him out of Equestria!”


“Stranger!” I heard Winona barking over and over again from inside the house. “Stranger! Go away!”

“Shh, Winnona,” I tried to say quietly.

“What are you barking at, Winona?” I heard Applejack ask. She opened the door to look outside, but before she could even see me, Winnona charged right at me.

“Stranger! Stranger, go away!” Winona lunged right at me, biting the foreleg that I used to try to block her.

“OW!” I exclaimed in pain. “Get off of me, Winona!”

“Stranger?” Winona asked in a muffled voice. “Stranger knows my name?”

Just then, Applejack rushed over and pulled Winona off of my leg. “Are you alright?” she asked me.

I was about to respond then a voice stopped me. “Get away from my sister, you Slender!” the voice shouted. I looked over to find the familiar stallion standing in the doorway.


“Get away from my sister, you Slender!” I shouted as Applejack pulled Winona off of the Slender’s leg. “Applejack, run!”

“Big Macintosh,” Applejack said angrily. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m trying to save you from him!” I pointed an accusing hoof at the Slender, who had the same look of confusion Applejack had.

Wait... he had a look of confusion? But Slender don’t have faces. What was going on, here?

“Save her from me?” the Slender asked. “I’m not here to hurt anypony! The same can’t be said about your dog here, though.” Winona barked once. “Yes, I know you have a name. You don’t have to bark it every five seconds.”

“Are you... talking to Winona?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah,” the Slender replied. “I don’t see why it’s so weird.”

“Applejack,” I said, “get away from him, already! Can’t you hear the Static?”

“Static?” Applejack asked. She then turned to the Slender. “Do you know what he’s talkin’ about?”

“He’s talking about this noise that Slender make when they’re near,” the Slender explained. “Usually-”

“DON’T TALK TO MY SISTER!” I shouted. In a fit of rage, I lunged right for the Slender.


I barely had time to defend myself as the stallion charged at me and tackled me to the ground. “Stranger in trouble!” I heard Winnona bark.

“Big Macintosh!” Applejack shouted as he and I struggled. “Get off of him!”

Big Macintosh tried punching me in the face several times, but I managed to block a couple of blows. I tried using my wings to get an advantage over him, but the most I could do was tickle his side and throw him off balance for a second so I could throw him off of me and recover.

“Well,” I said, dusting myself off, “I suppose there’s worse ways to say hello.”

Big Macintosh was about to lunge at me again, but Applejack held him back. “What is wrong with you, Big Mac?” she asked angrily.

“What’s wrong with me?” Big Mac replied. “Don’t you even know what this creature is?”

“If I could just say something,” I said. The bickering siblings paused for a moment and looked at me. “I have a name. It’s Silph.”

“Silph,” Big Mac repeated. “I didn’t know you Slender had names.”

“What’s a ‘Slender’?” Applejack asked.

“They’re monsters,” Big Mac replied before I could say anything. “Dangerous creatures who prey on innocent ponies. He’s the one who killed Applebloom!”

“Not entirely true,” I quickly said. “While the Slender are dangerous and they do prey on ponies who invade the Slender Forest, I’m not one of those Slender. In fact, I think I’m the only one who doesn’t want to kill ponies. Also, I tried to protect Applebloom and her friends. She was actually killed by the eldest Slender, Slenderman.”

“I don’t believe you,” Big Mac replied. “How do I know that all you’ve said just now is true?”

“You’re linked to the Slender, aren’t you? You have the Curse. You should know that, while Applebloom died in my hooves, it was Slenderman who actually killed her. You were just so blind with rage that you wouldn’t take a second to think.”


I took a second to think about what the Slender (Silph? Was that what he said his name was?) had just said. “I-I guess I was being a little irrational,” I said, hanging my head in shame. “I was pretty angry about Applebloom being gone.”

“Hang on a second,” Applebloom said, causing Winnona to bark suddenly. (“Yes,” Silph said to Winnona, “I know she startled you. She startled me too.”) “Just what the hay are you two talkin’ about, anyway? Slender, curses, Applebloom bein’ dead. Is it too much to ask for a little explanation every now and again?”

Silph and I explained everything each of us knew. He knew a lot more than I did, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from telling my side of the story.


After Big Macintosh and I had finished our explanation on the Slender, I went on to tell them both my purpose here in Equestria.

“All I really want if for the death and suffering to end,” I told them. “And the only way I can see that happening is to convince you Equestrians to stay out of our Forest. That way, the other Slender will have nopony to kill and peace will be within hoof’s reach.” I did my best to smile, but I don’t think it really helped.

“So,” Applejack said, “what you're sayin’ is that you don’t want any of us ‘Equestrians’ to go into your forest?”

“Yes,” I replied.

“Well then...” Big Macintosh said, “I guess I owe you an apology, then.”

“Don’t bother. I didn’t make the most polite of entrances, myself.” I extend my hoof towards Big Macintosh. “Besides, I’m the one who should apologize for not being able to save Applebloom.”

Big Mac took my hoof and shook it. “Apology accepted. As long as you can manage to get this ‘peace’ you’re offerin’.”

“It’s a deal. So, who’s your figure of power here in Equestria?”

“Well,” Applejack said, “Princess Celestia is the real ‘power’ here, but you could start by talkin’ to Twilight. I’ll bring you to her.”

“And I’ll come to,” Big Macintosh said. “Better you have another pony who’s actually survived you Slender.”

“Sounds fair enough,” I said with a little chuckle. “Lead the way, Applejack.”

“Follow!” Winona barked.

“Applejack, can Winona come too?”

“If she want’s to. After all, there’s nopony here to take care of her if she stays.”

“Twilight!” Winona barked. She then jumped onto Applejack’s back and we made our way into their town, Ponyville.

I wasn’t wandering for long. Just a few minutes at most. I was thinking about turning back when I found something on a tree. I trotted over to find a piece of paper with only one word on it. “Run.”

Part 3: The Song of the Slender

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It was here that I would prove them all wrong. Here that I would prove to Ponyville and all of Equestria that humans existed. Here that I would become somepony and not just another little filly with a wild imagination. I lit up my horn and trotted into the dark forest.


“Here we are,” Applejack said. “I give you... Ponyville.” I looked around, but didn’t find any Equestrians around. “Well, everypony’s asleep right now, so it’s nothin’ spectacular.”

“Oh, it’s pretty nice compared to where I used to live,” I said. “After all, I was the one who lived in a forest full of darkness and evil for fifteen centuries.”

Applejack let out a little chuckle. “Come on, Silph. I’ll take you to the library.” We then began walking through Ponyville, but Big Macintosh stopped after a while.

“What’s wrong, Big Mac?” I asked.

“I hear something...” he said.

“Again, I don’t know how to turn the Static off.”

“No, not that. I hear something... over your Static.”


I knew it was late, but I couldn’t sleep. Not with the Nightmares persisting. The Nightmares of what happened to me when I was just a filly. What narrowly happened to me.

What happened to so many other ponies before and after me.

I did what I could to push these thoughts to the side whenever I could, and tonight, being a full moon, seemed as good of a night as any. I picked up my harp, trotted over to the window, and sat down. I then used my magic to play the harp. My music was well known for being the most relaxing and angelic music in Ponyville, but I would never accept it when ponies said I was the best in Equestria. My music couldn’t have been that good. Still, it was nice to be complemented. I looked out of my window as I played. I saw three ponies looking right at me, listening to my music. Applejack, Big Macintosh, and...

“No,” I said out loud, dropping my harp. Right as I stopped playing, I heard it. The Static. His Static. I covered my ears, but that wouldn’t have helped. I would have heard it either way. “You couldn’t have followed me. You just couldn’t have!” I let out a scream that shook the entirety of my house.


“The music...” I said, “it stopped.” Just as I had said this, there was a loud scream from where the music was originally coming from.

“Come on,” Applejack said. “Somepony’s in trouble!” She then galloped to the house where the scream came from and bucked open the door. Silph and I followed close behind. “Everypony all right in here?”

Silph and I rushed into the doorway to find a light blue unicorn with a similarly colored mane cowering in a corner, being comforted by a yellow-ish earth pony with a dark blue and hot pink mane. “Shh, shh,” the earth pony said, stroking the unicorn with her hoof. “It’s all right.”

“It’s not alright!” the unicorn shouted, pointing at Silph. “HE’S HERE!”


“What are you talking about?” I asked the unicorn.

“You!” she shouted. “It was you! You’re the one who chased me when I was a filly! You’re the one who haunted my nightmares! It’s because of you that everypony thinks I’m crazy!”

“Wait a second...” I said. “Are you Lyra Heartstrings?” The unicorn nodded her head. If I had fingers like Slenderman, I’d have snapped them just then. “I know exactly what you’re talking about.”


“Who are you, anyway?” Bon Bon asked the Slender.

“Bon Bon,” I said, “don’t talk to him. He’s dangerous!”

“I’m sure you think I am, Lyra,” the Slender said to me. “However, I can assure you that what happened to you wasn’t caused by me.”

I didn’t believe him. I remember everything that happened clear as day, and it was definitely him who chased me. “It was you and I know it. I remember a pony that looked exactly like you stalking me for days.”

“Yeah...” the Slender said. “There’s another Slender who looks like me. You were chased by a Slender known as Slendermane. He’s a Slender who took the form of a pony, but there’s one big difference between me and him.” The Slender then outstretched his wings. “Well, several differences, I guess. But the primary difference is that I’m only half-Slender.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked.

“It means 1: you have nothing to fear from me, and 2: I’m not the one who chased you down when you were a filly.”


“Think about it for a moment,” I said to Lyra. “Did the Slender chasing you have wings or a horn? Or even a face, for that matter?”

Lyra didn’t say anything for a moment. “I guess, whenever I did see him, he did look almost nothing like you.”

“Exactly,” I said. I then turned to Big Macintosh and jokingly added “Seriously, do you Equestrians ever think?” I don’t think he took the joke too well.


I didn’t really find Silph’s joke very funny.


“Lyra, is there anything you haven’t told me?” Bon Bon asked me.

“Well,” I said, turning to Bon Bon. “Remember that story I told you of what happened to me when I was a filly?”

“No, not really.”

“Yeah, there’s kind of a reason for that.”

I then told Bon Bon all about when I explored the Slender Forest as a filly. About how I thought I’d finally find humans if I looked around. How I quickly learned the mistake I had made. How I found myself trapped inside a magic fence with some kind of monster chasing me. How I narrowly survived by collecting the pages scattered throughout the Forest. How I found the eighth page just barely before Slendermane caught me. How he got me anyway even though I had the last page in my saddlebag. How I woke up suddenly in my old house, as though the whole thing had been a nightmare. Nothing more, nothing less.

But it wasn't a nightmare. It was real.

“Wow,” Bon Bon said after I had finished my story. “Sounds like you had quite the fillyhood.”

The Slender stepped forward towards me. I jumped a little as he approached me, but I had to remember that he wasn’t truly one of them. “Lyra,” he said to me. “Do you want to come with us to make sure nopony has to suffer the same fate you did or worse?”

I looked up and felt my own eyes light up. “Really?” I asked. “That would be great.”

“Silph,” Big Mac said. “Don’t you think two ponies is enough to accompany you?”

The Slender (Silph was his name, apparently) turned around to face Big Mac. “Of course it is, but what if we had more than two? Strength in numbers, am I right?”

“I guess that’s a good idea,” Big Mac replied. “Come on, Lyra. You’re coming with us to talk to Twilight.”

I jumped up and trotted over to Applejack and Big Mac. “Wait!” Bon Bon shouted. “What about me?”

“I’ll be back,” I said to Bon Bon. “Don’t worry.” I then turned to Applejack. “Lead the way, AJ.”

The four of us (and Applejack’s dog, for some reason) then trotted out of my house and made our way towards the library.

I was galloping as fast as I could while still keeping my horn alight, but the Static and hoofsteps kept getting louder and closer. I was already very tired, but whatever was chasing me was going to catch me if I stopped galloping, and I couldn’t run in the dark with all these trees around. Before I even had a chance to consider my options, I tripped over a rock and fell to the ground below.

And my horn went out as well.

Part 4: A Matter of Time

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I could never remember where it was. After all, I had been searching for the TARDIS in this world for about two years, already. Maybe it was in this strange forest I stood before. I did remember some trees around where I materialized here in her, so it was worth a shot. I pulled out my Sonic Screwdriver, which doubled as a handy flashlight at times, and trotted into the forest.


I couldn’t sleep, that night. There was something in the air. Something I just couldn’t put my hoof on. Something... sticky, like humidity. These were the kinds of things I used to be more than happy to investigate. More than happy to charge headfirst into. But ever since I lost the TARDIS and my Sonic Screwdriver stopped working correctly, I was little more than another pony here in Ponyville. A lost face in the crowd, a pony with no purpose, and a Time Lord with nowhere to go.

I got out of bed, wondering where Ditzy was right now. Knowing her, she probably wasn’t asleep, either. I looked out the window, up towards Cloudsdale. “A Time Lord should never be alone,” I said out loud, probably thinking Ditzy could hear me. “I need companions... I need the TARDIS back.” I walked back to my bed and collapsed onto it. “But Celestia knows I’m not getting either anytime soon.” I did my best to fall asleep, but no matter what, there was something in the air that kept my eyelids from staying closed for too long. I shot straight up when I suddenly realized that there was literally something in the air keeping my eyelids from staying closed for too long. Something was nearby. Something so familiar yet so unknown.



“So...” I said, breaking a silence the four of us had been walking in for the longest time, “how has everyone been since your... encounters?”

Lyra and Big Macintosh just looked at me for a moment. “Well,” Lyra said, “for most of my life, I’ve been plagued by nightmares about the Slender.”

“Really?” Big Macintosh asked. “I haven’t had any of those nightmares. However, I have always heard the Static since I escaped. That hasn’t happened to you, Lyra?”

“No,” Lyra replied. “Perfect silence when I’m awake.”

“Really?” I asked, turning around. “Odd. I wonder what could have caused this?”

“Do you think maybe it was because they were chased by different Slender?” Applejack asked.

“I hadn’t thought of that,” I said, hitting my forehead with my hoof. (Nearly breaking my horn.) “That’s an excellent idea, Applejack. Not all Slender are exactly the same. The differences are more than just physical.” I turned around to face Applejack, walking backwards. “You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were just another workhorse, but after spending this past... hour with you, I’ve realized-” I was stopped suddenly when another galloping stallion ran right into me, knocking me into the ground.


I was galloping as fast as I could. I wasn’t sure whether I was running towards or away from... I wasn’t entirely sure what I was running for. I wasn’t even sure it had anything to do with the Static, anymore. All I knew was that, that night, I had to find some way to live the life I used to have, even if other ponies are sure I’m making it up. With or without Ditzy, I just had to-


I ran right into another pony. I wasn’t sure who it was that I ran into, but I knew it was a stallion, and I also knew something else. He was my ticket away from here. I wasn’t sure how, but I knew I was finally going to escape these hooves and be returned to my old life. I looked up, but what I found wasn’t at all what I expected.

It was a Slender.

“Stay back!” I shouted, waving my Sonic Screwdriver in his face. It didn’t work properly, but it still emitted a bright light. “You won’t get me a second time!”

“Ah!” the Slender shouted, turning his head. “Get that out of my face!” He was stunned. This was my chance to run. I galloped as hard as I could, but I didn’t get far before something bound my hooves. It was rope. But how did that Slender even get a rope. How did he even know how to use it? Before I could have even a second to think about this, I started being reeled in towards him. I struggled as hard as I could, but it was useless. I never was good as far as physical strength. I looked up at the pony who caught me with the rope. It wasn’t the Slender at all. It was Applejack.

“Applejack!” I shouted. “What are you doing?”

Applejack was about to respond, but the Slender stopped her. “Leave this one to me, Applejack,” the Slender said. “This one’s a pretty popular case among the Slender.”


“You must be Time Turner,” I said to the stallion.

“I prefer the name ‘The Doctor’,” Time Turner replied.

“Yes, of course...” I cleared my throat before continuing. “So, ‘Doctor’, you’re pretty popular for all the wrong reasons.”

“Yes, I have made many differences in history and in the future.”

“No, that’s not what I meant. I mean that you... well, you were crazy before you even stepped hoof in the Slender Forest. You actually walked in looking for a blue box that you refered to as the, uh... Tannis, was it?”

“TARDIS. It’s called the TARDIS. It’s stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space.”

“Yeah, that.”

“Wow,” I heard Lyra say on the side to Big Mac. “This guy’s the pinacle of crazyness, huh?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac replied.

“But it’s true!” Time Turner shouted. “I just can’t remember where I parked it. It’s happened in the past.”

“Yeah,” I said, still not believing Time Turner. That’s when I realized something. However crazy he was, he was a survivor of the Slender and therefore, important in my mission. “How about this. Do you want come with us on our mission to keep the Equestrians out of the Slender Forest so that no other Equestrians get killed by the Slender?”

“Really?” Time Turner asked. “I knew this would be my ticket back to my old life!” He tried to bounce around happily, but his hooves were still bound, so it looked pretty pathetic.

“Go ahead and untie him, Applejack,” I said. With one swing of her end of the rope, Applejack managed to completely untie Time Turner, allowing him to bounce around freely, cheering and laughing and not caring who sees. (Good thing all of the other Equestrians were asleep.) He then rushed up and hugged me.

“Thank you, Slender,” he said, apparently trying to crush me.

“Again, I have a name. It’s Silph.”

He finally let go of me and said “I suppose I’ve had companions with weirder names. Anyway...” He looked past me to the others. “Applejack, Big Macintosh, and Lyra Heartstrings. Do I have all of your names right? Good. I make it a point to learn all the names of my companions as soon as I meet them. Now, let’s get going. Allons-y, everypony!” He then trotted off, none of us following him.

(“Did he say ‘Allicorns-y?” Lyra asked. “What the hay is that supposed to mean?)

I facehoofed and sighed loudly. “We're heading for the library. It’s the other way.” I pointed in the exact opposite direction from where Time Turner trotted off. He then came back around and started trotting in that direction, the rest of us following.

I was galloping as fast as I could. With a little luck (and four legs) you could sometimes outrun Weeping Angels. After I had put plenty of distance between me and them, I slowed to a trot to examine a piece of paper on a nearby tree. I took it down and examined it with my Sonic Screwdriver. When I finally got the results, my eyes widened in shock and fear. “Well this can’t be right,” I said. “According to this, this page is part of the Cube. But how?” Before I even had a chance to think, I heard a howling noise in the distance, coming straight towards me. “Oh... I don’t think I’m being chased by Weeping Angels, this time...” I was pretty much paralyzed in fear, every part of me except my legs shouting ‘RUN LIKE HELL!’
Then the Static came right towards me, accompanied by growling and snarling.

Part 5: The Library

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Slenderman had Sweetie Belle in his Stare and she was fading fast. I couldn’t just stand around and do nothing, anymore. Without thinking, I shouted “I won’t let you do this, Slenderman!” and flew right at Slenderman and tackled him into a nearby tree. He was stunned for a moment, so I had a chance to save Sweetie Belle. I picked her up and flew over to Applebloom. “Take your friend and run, little filly!” I shouted, throwing Sweetie Belle onto Applebloom’s back. She made no objections and asked no questions. She just took her friend and galloped into the darkness. I had a moment to finally breathe before I noticed Slenderman come up behind me.


The six of us (Time Turner, Lyra, Big Mac, Applejack, Winona (for reasons I’ve long forgotten), and myself) had finally made it to the library where this ‘Twilight Sparkle’ Equestrian lived. “We’re here,” Applejack said. “Let me go in and see if she’s awake.” Applejack walked up to the door, but before she had a chance to knock, the door swung open and a purple alicorn stood in the doorway.

“Applejack?” the alicorn asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I came with a couple of others to see you, Twilight,” Applejack said. “This one in particular wanted to talk to you. Come on over, Silph.” She motioned for me to step forward.

“You must be Twilight Sparkle,” I said to the alicorn. “My name is Silph, and I have an issue I need resolved.”

“Okay,” Twilight replied, unsure of what to make of the situation. “All of you come on in, I guess.” Everyone followed Twilight into the library and instantly broke off and walked in several different directions. Lyra and Time Turner looked at some books, (who knows what either were looking for) Winona ran over to the fireplace and layed down, and Big Mac and Applejack sat down behind me when I sat with Twilight in the corner of the room.

“So,” Applejack said, “first question I wanted to ask: what are you doing awake this late, Twi? And why did you open the door for us?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” Twilight replied. “There was some kind of noise keeping me awake. I went outside to investigate, but I didn’t expect you to be here, Applejack.”

“Yeah... the Static was me,” I confessed. “It’s called Slender Static, and I don’t know how to turn it off.”

“Slender?” Twilight asked. “I’ve heard that word used in this kind of context before. I read about it in one of my books. I’d show it to you, but I haven’t seen it in a couple of days.”

“I think Applebloom borrowed it,” Big Macintosh said. “I remember seeing that book on her bed a couple days before the Crusaders left for the forest.”

“Of course! Spike must have loaned it to them.”

“Back to the topic at hoof,” I interrupted, “I needed to talk to you about recent incidents that have involved the Slender Forest. Well, they’ve been going on for a long time from right under your noses. Equestrians entering the Forest and getting killed by the Slender. Most recently, Applebloom and her friends. I’m here to work something out so that no more Equestrians get killed there.”

“Hold on,” Twilight said, putting her hoof up. “When you say ‘Equestrians’, you mean us ponies, right?”

“Well, yeah. What else could I be referring to when I say ‘ Equestrians’?”

The list went on for a while. It included griffons, hydras, even zebras. I think this alicorn just like to hear herself talk.


I knew Twilight’s library was famous for having every book on magic, history, legends, etc. After meeting this half-Slender, my curiosity for the Cube, the only other mystery worth solving other than the human race, was reawakened. I had to find a book that told me something, anything, about it. I looked over to find Lyra looking through some books as well. I figured I could use all the help I could get, so I trotted over to her. “Hey, Lyra,” I said, using my best charmer voice, “would you mind helping me look for a... special book?”

“I was actually about to ask you for a similar favor,” Lyra replied.

“Really? You’re curious about the Cube, as well?”

“Cube? No, I was looking for a book on Anthropology. I’m sure Twilight has something on the topic.”

I hadn’t been this surprised and confused at the same time since I had escaped the Forest. “Well, you’re not going to find anything on Anthropology here. However, I happen to know quite a lot about humans. If you help me, I promise to show you a world full of them once I find the TARDIS.”

Her eyes lit up brighter than Celestia’s sun. “You have yourself a deal!” she shouted, causing everypony in the library (including Winona) to look over to Lyra. “Sorry. Go back to what you were doing.” Everypony went back to what they were doing previously as though nothing had happened. “Okay,” she said to me in a whisper. “What book did you want me to find?”

“I’m looking for something regarding...” I paused for a second and looked around to make sure nopony could hear me. Twilight, Silph, and the Apples were still busy talking and Winona was fast asleep once again. “The Cube of Rubik.”


“So,” Twilight said after a while, “from your description on the actions of the Slender, it seems they’re just territorial.”

“Exactly,” Silph said. “They’re going to kill any Equestrian or other intruder without a second thought. No reason. No remorse.”

“So then how come Lyra, Time Turner and I survived?” I asked Silph. “Why would we be exceptions?”

“I’m not sure,” Silph said, rubbing his chin with his hoof. “That’s one of the many mysteries of the Slender that even another Slender like myself can’t figure out. I’d assume all three incidents had some kind of outside interaction, but who could say what exactly it was?”

“Anyway,” Twilight said, “the best I could do would be to ask Princess Celestia to place a ‘forbidden’ tag on the Slender Forest like the Everfree Forest, but that wouldn’t stop everypony from going in.”

“We’ll take a temporary fix over none,” Silph replied. “We’re sure to make more progress when we have more than a single night to work things out.”

“Good point,” Applejack said. “It is a bit late.”

“Actually, it’s already morning,” I said, looking out a window. The sun was already peaking over the horizon, only being blocked by a few small clouds.

“I don’t know about anyone else,” Silph said, “but I’m not going to rest until we get to this ‘Princess Celestia’. I’m determined to finish what I came here to do as soon as possible.”

“You know what, Silph?” I asked. “You have a point. The longer we wait, the more ponies could get killed by the Slender.”


I turned to Lyra and Time Turner, who were standing next to each other, still looking for who-knows-what book. “Hey, lovebirds,” I called teasingly. This caused them both to jump and turn quickly, stammering nervously.

“She was just helping me find a book,” Time Turner said. “There was absolutely nothing going on.”

“Yeah, totally,” Lyra added. “Looking for a book on... anthropology.” I noticed her try to discreetly wink in Time Turner’s direction and instantly couldn’t help but wonder what was really going on.

“Anyway, let’s get moving,” I said. I then turned to Twilight. “How can we get to Princess Celestia?”

“She lives in the royal city of Canterlot,” Twilight replied. “The fastest way for you to get there would be by train. I’ll have Spike send a letter to her informing of your arrival.”

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle.” I then began walking out the door. “Big Mac, Lyra, Time Turner, the three of you need to come with me. As survivors of the Forest, you’ll be most helpful in any talks. Applejack, you can go ahead and stay here in Ponyville if you don’t want to come.” I walked out of the building/tree and looked out on the day-lit town. There were Equestrians all over the place, going about their business as though nothing were going on in the background. I was looking a little more until I froze. I couldn’t believe what I saw at the far end of the town. I was instantly overcome with a strange happiness that I had never felt before. It was amazing how he stood out among the Equestrians, yet seemed to fit in so well. Honestly, I was sure I’d never see him at all. But there he was, plain as day.


I saw Applebloom walk off, eyes full of tears. I wasn’t sure what she was crying about until I looked over at what she was walking away from. It was Sweetie Belle, laying in a clearing in the Forest and silently screaming in pain and terror. I wasn’t sure if Applebloom could hear it, but I sure could... and I couldn’t take it. I had no choice. I couldn’t let Slenderman torture her any further.

It was up to me to put her out of her misery.

Part 6: A Colt by the Name of Silph

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”Mommy, mommy!” I called from atop a cloud. “Mommy, watch me fly!”

“Be careful, Silph,” my mom called back. But, of course, I didn’t pay attention when she said that. I leapt off the cloud and began fluttering my wings as fast as I could. I was airborne for a while, but I was quickly losing altitude. I almost fell before my dad flew up and caught me.

“Thank you, daddy,” I said, hugging him. “You’re the best daddy any colt could ask for.”

“Of course, my little Silph,” he said back. “And you’re the best son any father could ask for.” I looked up at him and smiled. He didn’t look like most other daddies that I saw in Equestria, but that was because he was one of a kind, and nopony was like him. That was because he wasn’t even a pony.

He was Discord, God of Chaos.


I was galloping as fast as I could towards him, paying no attention to the others trying to call me back. All that mattered at that moment in time was me and my father. When I finally got near him, I leapt up and hugged him, causing him to nearly fall to the ground. “I can’t believe I found you after all these years!” I said out loud, hugging him as though I was never letting him go and my eyes filling full of tears.

“Who are you?” Discord asked. “Un-hoof me!”

I looked back up at him. “Don’t you recognize me, dad?”

Suddenly, his expression changed from angry-surprised to shocked-surprised. “Silph? Could that really be you?” He placed his talon hand on my head and rubbed it. “I can’t believe what those Slender did to you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “They told me that I was born like this.”

The others finally galloped over to where Discord and I were. “Will somepony tell me what the hay is going on?” Applejack asked.

I finally let go of my dad and turned to the others. “Everyone, meet my father, Discord.”

“Most of us are... well acquainted with him, already,” Twilight said, glaring at Discord.

Discord looked over and sent a quick smirk Twilight’s way, but then turned back to me, his expression back to a frown. “We have a lot to talk about, my son, but I’d like to know what you’re doing in Equestria, first.”

“I’ve come regarding the most recent killing in the Slender Forest. Three fillies by the names of Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. For a long time, I’ve been trying to prevent deaths in the Forest, but because of the fillies, I’ve realized that I’ll make no progress if I stay in the Forest. To this end, I’ve come here to warn the Equestrians of the Forest and see what I can do to keep them out, altogether.”

“But... how did you get past the barrier? The spell your mother cast should have kept everything in the Forest, including you.”

“What do you mean ‘including me’?”

Discord just sighed. “There is, indeed, much you don’t know about me, your mom, and even yourself, as it would seem. I suppose now is as good of a time as any to tell you all I can.”

“Excuse me,” Time Turner said. “Sorry to interrupt this little father-son reunion, but don’t we have a train to catch, or something?”

“Yes,” I said, “we do. Couldn’t we just take the next one, though? I mean, I haven’t seen my dad in about fifteen centuries. The least you could do would be to let me catch up a little.”

“Very well,” Time Turner said. “It’s been much longer than that since I saw any relatives. Well, there was my grand-daughter, but that was about 50 years ago. I suppose The Master was technically a relative, as well, given the fact that he’s a Time Lord. River Song’s my wife, so maybe she counts. Hm...”


Wait, he’s already married?


I left Time Turner to think about lord-knows-what and turned back to Discord. “Now then, dad... what do we have to talk about?”

”You were just about nine or ten years old,” Discord started. “You were a lovely little colt. Your coat was a dark greyish-blue, your mane and tail were dark green with a similar greyish tint, and you had the brightest of red eyes. There wasn’t a single thing in the world that would make you sad. You were rather skilled in magic, but you never could fly very well.”

(“That’s a bit ironic,” I said to myself smiling a little.)

“Anyway, your mother and I were very proud when we had you. I had only seen her as happy as she was then once before. You lived a very happy and enjoyable life... until one fateful day.” Discord paused for a moment to hold back some tears before taking a deep breath and starting again. “One day, you got horribly sick. Neither mine or your mother’s magic could heal you or even figure out what had happened to you, and you only got worse by the day. You were on the brink of death before I got one final, although desperate, idea. I took you to a power stronger, darker, and more mysterious than myself. The Slender. Even I didn’t trust them, partially because their power was greater than that of me, your mother, or your aunt. I was standing in front of the Forest in which they resided and was about to turn back. However, when I looked down at you, I could see that you were in so much pain. I just couldn’t take it. I walked in and began searching desperately for one of the Slender. Eventually, I came across Slenderman, the eldest of the Slender. I pleaded with him for something, anything that would save you. His face was expressionless, but his voice sounded pure evil. ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘I will help you. Give me the colt.’ I reluctantly handed you over, putting all of my hope into this creature of death and darkness. He took you in his hands and a strange, almost grey light, began surrounding you. ‘This spell will save your son. He will live... but as a cursed half-Slender with no memory of his past.’ He then began laughing evilly. I was completely overcome with rage.

“‘Give me my son back!’ I shouted, lunging right at Slenderman. However, he knocked me back with a blast of magic. I could only watch as he cast his spell on you. You were screaming in pain and probably fear the entire time. Your coat faded to black while your face faded to white. Your mane completely disappeared and your tail turned black, as well. The rest of your body grew larger and more, in a word, slender. Your eyes faded from red to black, also mirroring the rest of your body. When the transformation was complete, he caused you to disappear, also vanishing, himself. For a moment, I couldn’t believe what had just happened. My only son had just been taken from me before my own eyes. I was filled with a rage unlike any other I had ever felt before and a sadness that no creature should ever have to feel. I left the forest and unleashed my anger upon Equestria, using my power to cause widespread chaos that resembled the way I had felt just then. My rage went on for a long time before your mother and her sister used the Elements of Harmony and sealed me in stone. Fifteen-hundred years passed and here we are, today.”

Discord had finally finished his story, and I couldn’t believe what I had heard. Everyone, including myself, was in tears. “That... really happened to me?” I asked. Discord nodded silently. I looked down at my hooves. Suddenly, it felt like I was staring at the hooves of another creature. “A curse... my whole life was a curse.”

“Wait,” Twilight said, stepping forward towards Discord. “I couldn’t help but notice something about your story. Silph’s mother had a sister, and the two used the Elements of Harmony to seal you in stone. Was Silph’s mother Princess Celestia?”

“Yes,” Discord replied. “Yes she was.”

“So, we’re going to see my mother?” I asked. “We’re on our way to talk to Princess Celestia and all this time she was my mother? I can’t believe what kind of day I’m having. I think I need to sit down for a moment.”

“You can take that moment to sit on the train,” Time Turner said. “I think it’s leaving right now.”

“Allow me,” Discord said. With a wave of his arm, we were all teleported to the train station, where the train to Canterlot was, indeed, about to take off. “Go, Silph. Go meet your mother. Go make sure no more ponies suffer at the hands of the Slender. Go fulfill your true destiny.”

“Okay, dad.” I took a moment to give him one more hug before following the others onto the train. Applejack, Winona, and Twilight stayed behind, but Big Mac and the others were coming. “I’ll see you soon.” I then let go of Discord, my father, and boarded the train. I took a seat next to the window facing the station. I waved to my father as the train began moving. Moving towards Canterlot.

Moving towards my mother.

I was laying next to my daddy under the night sky. There wasn’t a single cloud, so all the stars were out. “My Aunt Luna really brings all of these out every night?” I asked.

“Well, your mom helps her, sometimes,” Discord replied. “You wanna know something cool, son?”

My curiosity was peaked and my ears perked up. “What?”

“Each and every one of those stars are hoof-made. Not a single one is a copy of another. That’s because each and every pony in Equestria has his or her own star. That means, if you’re looking up at the night sky, you’re pretty much looking out upon all of Equestria.”

“Woah. Is that true? Do we have stars up there, too?”

But before daddy could answer my question, the world around me suddenly went black and I fell to the ground, silently screaming in pain and confusion, though I couldn’t feel the scream coming from my mouth. It was silent and my daddy couldn’t hear it.

Though I trusted the fact that he could feel it.

Part 7: Passage to Canterlot

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I wanted to go home. I wasn’t sure how long I had been trapped in this forest, but all I knew was that I had to keep running. Keep looking for these stupid pages. Keep hoping Granny Smith and Applejack could manage without me. I really missed my little sister, but I didn’t have much time to miss her before I had to start galloping again when I heard the Static.


The train was well on its way to the royal city of Canterlot, where my mother, Princess Celestia, was. Originally, these three ponies (Could I call them my friends, yet?) and myself were on our way there to talk to her about the Slender Forest and keeping the Equestrians out so that no more of them get killed by the other Slender. Now, however, I was on a personal quest. I already met my father after all these years, so I had to meet my mother now, as well. I looked out the window of the moving train, where I had a decent view of Canterlot. It was more magnificent than anything I could have ever imagined. I honestly couldn’t believe I was on my way there right now. I was so busy staring at it, I jumped a little when Lyra came up behind me.

“Hey, Silph,” she said to me.

“Hey,” I said back, turning around. “What’s up?”

“Well, I just wanted to let you know that this train isn’t going to get to Canterlot until tomorrow morning, so I wanted to let you know that you have to find your bed in the Sleeper Car.”

“You used the term ‘wanted to let you know’ twice,” I said, “but thanks.” Lyra gave a little smile and walked off to the next train car. I turned back around to look back out the window. I could still see Canterlot, but I could also see something else. A sunset. I had never seen one before. Of course, there was the evening when I left the Forest, but I couldn’t really see the sunset, then. This time, I could see all the colors the sun created. The sun itself was a brilliant orange, and the colors around it radiated from a similar orange to a lovely purple with very few clouds around it. “It’s beautiful, mom,” I said to myself. “Thank you.” I noticed that all the ponies had cleared the train car I was in, so I decided it was time for me to clear out and get to bed, as well. I never slept before and I never needed to. Being half-Slender had some perks, I guess. Still, I didn’t want to draw attention to myself, so I figured I’d just climb into the bed and just lay there for the night. I wasn’t sleepy, but I certainly was tired. After all, I had a pretty eventful past couple of days, so a little rest wasn’t the worst idea. I got up and walked to the train car where Lyra went.


I yawned loudly and climbed into my bed. It was very comfortable. I could have fallen asleep in an instant if I didn’t notice Lyra walk into the train car. “Hey, Lyra,” I said. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” she replied. “Just talking to Silph.”

“Oh. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Lyra jumped into her bed on the other side of the car from me. “Come on, Doctor,” (It was the first time anypony here had called me Doctor, but she said it with a teasing, almost mocking tone. Still, did she actually call me ‘Doctor’?) “it’s getting late. Let a pony get some sleep. We can talk in the morning.”

“But you don’t understand. The Cube could be-”

“Good night, Doctor,” Lyra interrupted, rolling over and pretending to go to sleep.

“What’s this about a ‘Cube’?” Big Mac asked from the bunk above me.

“Absolutely nothing,” I replied. “Go to sleep.” Big Mac gave me a skeptical look, but got back in his bed and went to sleep anyway. After that, I figured I’d get some sleep, too. I had just laid down when I heard Silph walk in. “Ah, Silph. There you are.”

“Hey, Time Turner,” Silph said. “Can you tell me where my bed is? I don’t really sleep, but I figured I’d rest my hooves, anyway.”

“Ah, it’s the same thing with me. You’re right over there next to Lyra.” I pointed to the bed behind Lyra’s. He was about to walk over, but I stopped him. “Silph...”

He turned around. “Yes, Time Turner?” he asked.

I was about to ask him if he knew anything about the Cube, but at the last moment, I decided that it was best to wait until I had more information on it before I went around telling everypony about this long-shot idea. “What’s it like? I mean, meeting your father after fifteen centuries?”

“It’s... strange, actually,” Silph replied. “I mean, for so long, I thought the Slender were the closest thing to a family I’d ever have and I accepted it. Now that I know who my real parents are...” he paused and looked down at his hooves, again. “I’m not even sure I know who I am, anymore.” He turned and got in his bed, but then turned back to me. “Why do you ask?”

“No reason,” I replied. “Just go to bed.” I rolled over and tried to get to sleep. I could hear Silph get in his bed and lay down, but I knew he was just as restless as I was. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I survived the Forest. There was something familiar in the air right at the moment when the Slenderwolf was about to pounce. Something I just couldn’t put my hoof on. There was honestly no real way to explain it. It was almost as though... an angel had saved me. Just then, I shot straight up in my bed with a sudden, horrific realization.

It really was an Angel that saved me.


“Good night, Doctor,” I said, trying to get Time Turner to shut up. I then rolled over and pretended to go to sleep. I heard Big Mac ask Time Turner something, but I didn’t really pay attention. I just closed my eyes and tried to go to sleep.

I could feel him getting closer. Slendermane was right on my tail. No, wait, he was right in front of me! I turned to the right and began galloping again, but he was there, too. I turned, but Slendermane appeared before I even had a chance to take off. I turned this way and that, desperately searching for a way to escape, but no matter where I turned, there he was. There was about a dozen of them surrounding me. The Static they all produced together was unbearable. I was sure I was about to die just from the sheer volume of the Static.

“You don’t have to fear,” a familiar voice said to me. I looked up to find all the clones of Slendermane gone. Only one of them remained, however. Though it wasn’t Slendermane at all. It was Silph. “You’re safe now, Lyra. You’re safe.”

I woke up suddenly and took a huge gasp of air. It was another Nightmare. I was breathing heavily and sweating enough to flood the whole train. “It was just a dream,” I tried to say to myself. “It was just a dream.”

“It must have been one heck of dream, then,” Silph said to me, causing me to jump and yelp a little. He was standing right next to my bed, just looking at me.

“Silph, you almost gave me a heart attack!”

“Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway, did my spell work?”

I wasn’t quite sure what to make of the question. “What spell?”

“Well, I’ve been trying to practice my magic, and I figured I’d try one of my more complicated spells to help you. Did you see me in your dream?”

“Yes. Yes I did. What were you doing there, anyway?”

“Trying to help you overcome your Nightmares. I understand that I can’t help you completely recover from what the other Slender did to you, but I can at least help you, Big Mac, and Time Turner cope with it.”

“Oh, well... thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Anything for a... friend, I believe the term is.”

“What do you mean? You say that as though you’ve never had a friend before.” I had only just finished the sentence when I realized my mistake. “Oh, right. Fifteen centuries in a dark forest. Sorry.”

“It’s all right,” Silph replied, shaking his head and smiling. “Just go back to sleep. I’ll be here to protect you all night.” He then turned back to his bed, but he stopped for a second and cast a spell on a restless Big Macintosh. At first, Big Mac looked like he was struggling to stay asleep. Though after Silph cast his spell, Big Mac seemed to calm down, almost as though a huge weight was lifted from him. “Getting better at it,” he said to me with a smile. He then turned around and got back in his bed. What was that smile supposed to mean? I figured he hadn’t seen a single mare in the fifteenth centuries he spent in that forest, but he couldn’t have felt that way about me.

Could he have?

It didn’t matter. I just needed to get some sleep. Besides, Time Turner was the real stallion for me. That much, I was sure of. I laid back down in my bed and went to sleep.

I was walking through the Forest, again. I wasn’t sure how I got there, but I could feel the Static all around me. Surrounding me. Enveloping me.

Consuming me.

I was just about to start galloping when the Static suddenly died down. I wasn’t sure how, but Slenderman was moving... away. Away from me. But how? Why?

“Don’t be afraid,” I heard a voice tell me. “You’re safe with me.”

“What?” I asked, turning this way and that. “Who’s there?”

“Go back to sleep, Big Macintosh. You don’t have to return to the Forest.”

Just as I recognized the voice as Silph, the Forest faded away. I was a colt again, back on the farm. Before I could make sense of what was going on, Applejack, also a filly, ran up to me and gave me a hug. “Please don’t leave us again, big brother,” she said to me with tears in her eyes. “We really missed you.”

I just hugged my little sister back, not questioning what was going on. “I missed you too, AJ.” While I was hugging her, I looked up to find Silph standing behind a tree in the middle distance. He gave me a wink and walked away out of my view.