• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 8,123 Views, 89 Comments

Shadows of Giants - kaiju and pony fan

Fluttershy, after being sucked into a mysterious portal and transformed, finds herself in a world where humans try to survive in the shadows of giants.

  • ...

The Festival

"So, how does this look, Mom?" Haruka asked, showing Aki her purple and pink flower-decorated yukata. The ten-year old was just so excited for the Ifukube Festival tomorrow she would even settle for a dress that no longer fit her. Aki looked at her daughter and scrutinized it.

"I don't know, sweetheart, that looks a little small for you. I could make a new one for you."

Haruka's excitement instantly died as her gleaming smile faded into a pout. "But I wanna wear this one!"

Aki sighed, "Okay, how about this? Try it on and I'll decide whether or not I need to make you a new one."

The youngest Akamoto smiled at that offer as she put on her yukata. Sadly for her, she got as far as the first step before she started struggling with holding together the two sides of fabric. Her mother instantly saw this.

"Looks like you need a new one." she told her in a deadpan voice.

Haruka groaned at her mother's words as Aki walked past her, carrying a roll of blue and gold-flower decorated fabric under her arm.

Upstairs, the Equestrians-turned-humans were also preparing for the festival by trying on their own yukatas made by Rarity and trying out new hairstyles for the occasion.

"Our first festival in another dimension! Can you believe it?" Twilight said excitedly. Twilight was trying on a dark purple yukata with the constellations decorated onto it such as the human versions of Andromeda, Orion, Gemini, Cassiopeia, Auriga, Virgo, Sagittaurus, Boötes and Perseus, somewhat like her intended Gala dress that got rejected. Her hair was bunched up into a bun held together by a silver pin.

"How is this any different than the summer festivals in Neighpon?" Rainbow Dash, currently wearing a light blue yukata decorated in storm clouds, each shooting out a lightning bolt of every different color of the rainbow. Like Twilight, her hair was also tied up but more into a messy pony-tail held in place by a scrunchy.

"How 'bout because it's in a human dimension?" Applejack rhetorically asked. Applejack wore a yukata composed of golden brown silk with shining red apples decorated onto it. Her trademark ponytail had been turned into a long braid that dangled down to her back.

Rainbow just scoffed, "Whatever."

Spike and Shining Armor wore their own respective uniforms. They had asked Rarity for something simple and so Shining Armor's yukata was just a tri-blue color with a silver-white sash while Spike wore a dark purple yukata with a vibrant neon green sash. However, Rarity did sneak in some extra details such as Shining Armor's shield cutie mark on the shoulder which was orange as opposed to the usual dark blue to pop out among the other colors and multi-colored gem decorations on Spike's sleeves.

Pinkie Pie admired herself in the mirror. Her yukata was hot pink with neon blue and yellow balloons. Her hair was tied into a messy bun of curly pink strands also held together by a pin.

Rarity, however, was stricken with a predicament. She had made two yukatas. One was what she called the "Diamond Dozen" which was a purple robe decorated in silver-white diamonds and blue highlights and another she called the "Nightmare" which was dark purple, almost black with light blue, cat-like eye patterns, gold decorations on the arms and blue, plus-shaped stars decorated all over it.

"On the one hand, the Diamond Dozen is sophisticated and familiar, on the other hand, the Nightmare has a mysterious beauty to it. But of course the Diamond Dozen feels more like me but then again, there's no harm in mixing things up a bit." Rarity pondered to herself. "Hmm, Nightmare, Diamond Dozen, Nightmare, Diamond Dozen-"

Applejack saw this and rolled her eyes, "Rarity, we ain't goin' to a fashion show, we're goin' to a festival. Just pick one."

Rarity's eyes shifted from the Nightmare to the Diamond Dozen until she finally went with the Nightmare.

Meanwhile, Kenji was waiting for Fluttershy to finish up in the bathroom putting on her yukata. He wore his own blue and gray one that was stitched together by his grandmother. He was rather surprised to find out it could still fit him even after all those years. "You done in there, Fluttershy?"

As if in answer, the bathroom door opened and Kenji's eyes widened at the sight in front of him. When Rarity told him she was one of the most skilled seamstresses in their world of Equestria, she definitely wasn't lying. Fluttershy looked absolutely beautiful. Her long hair was collected into a loose pony-tail/braid that hung over her back, revealing both of her turquoise eyes. She was dressed in a long yukata made from shining yellow threads that seemed to catch the light and give off a radiant glow while the stitched in butterfly decorations, each a different color of the rainbow, followed in suit as she twirled herself around on her bare toes.

"How do I look?" she asked.

Kenji was so awestruck that he couldn't answer, causing Fluttershy to frown. "It's too much isn't it. I could ask Rarity to water it down a little bit if that's okay with you. Maybe ask her to get rid of the butterflies or just stick to one color or maybe-"

Kenji stopped her by placing his finger on her lips and smiled at her. "I think you're going to wow everyone at the festival tomorrow."

Fluttershy immediately brightened up and hugged him. When they pulled apart, both human and former-pegasus locked eyes both feeling rather faint before leaning in to each other, their lips extending. However, just as they were about to meet...

"Hey, is Fluttershy done getting her yukata on?" Pinkie Pie popped her head into the bathroom only to be greeted with the sight of Fluttershy and Kenji embracing each other. "Did I interrupt anything?" she asked.

Both Fluttershy and Kenji exchanged glances before coming to grips of their current situation and let each other go stammering denials. "I think it's time to go to bed, I mean look at the time!" Kenji stammered pointing to his invisible watch. "Um, yeah. Bedtime!" Fluttershy joined in rather clumsily, both flashing strained, full-toothed smiles.

Pinkie Pie eyed them as if there was something suspicious going on before brightening up. "Okie-Dokie-Lokie. Night night!"

Both Kenji and Fluttershy sighed in relief before looking at each other. "Um, good night I guess." Kenji started.

"Y-yeah, um, good night to you too."

With that, both Fluttershy and Kenji changed out of their respective yukatas and into their nightclothes; a pair of gray sweat pants and a white tank-top for Kenji and a yellow nightgown for Fluttershy.

Later that night, Fluttershy couldn't sleep. She looked over to Kenji who was sound asleep. Were we about to kiss? she thought to herself. She decided she needed something to calm her nerves as she wriggled out of the sleeping bag, her movements briefly stirring Ami who looked at her for a second before going back to sleep, and tiptoed downstairs to the kitchen. Upon arriving, she poured herself a glass of water and drank it slowly. However, she was not alone.

"Having trouble sleeping, darling?"

Fluttershy, startled, whipped around to see Rarity, dressed in her nightgown and her hair bundled up into a knot leaning against the kitchen doorway.

"Um, Rarity! I was just, um- you see- um, I-"

Rarity chuckled and shook her head, "Relax, Fluttershy, you and I can talk. Besides, you're not the only one who can't get any sleep right now," she added under her breath. "What with Rainbow Dash snoring up a storm in there, I'm surprised anyone can get any sleep."

Fluttershy twiddled her fingers as if she were thinking about something to say. "Um, Rarity? Have you ever met someone whom you regarded as a friend but as time went on you saw them as someone else?"

Rarity thought for a moment, "Well there was Blueblood who I thought was going to be my Prince Charming only to be nothing more than a spoiled royal brat."

Suddenly her eyes widened. "Is that what's happening between you and Kenji?"

Fluttershy hesitated and twirled her hair as if afraid to answer. Rarity, upon seeing this, asked, "You love him. Don't you?"

Fluttershy paused for a moment before answering, "I guess I do."

Rarity sighed as her voice turned serious, "Then you do understand that we'll have to be leaving when these weeks are over, right? That means you'll have to say goodbye."

Fluttershy nodded sadly. "I understand, Rarity."

Rarity gave her friend a sympathetic smile and placed her hand on her shoulder, "But that doesn't mean you can't make the most of it. Now, how about you and I try to get some sleep."

Fluttershy smiled and gave the former unicorn a big hug and she followed her upstairs, determined to make the best of her short time in this dimension.

The next evening, the Akamotos and the former Equestrians all waited at the bus stop all of them dressed in their yukatas Aki was dressed in a lavender one decorated with white cranes. Asuka wore a red yukata decorated in silk flames while her hair was tied into a braid. Kimiko wore a striking green yukata with her hair string into a ponytail near the end. All the while, little Haruka pouted in her new yukata that looked similar to the one she used to have only larger. It may have looked the same but it didn't feel the same to her.

"Okay, do we know the rules?" Aki asked her children.

"No wandering off with strangers?" Asuka asked before adding snidely to Kimiko, "Even if they're cute studs?"

Kimiko growled, "That happened one time and one time only!"

Asuka smirked, "Riiiiight."

"Exactly." their mother nodded, "Also, be on your best behavior, as in don't fight. That means you Haruka and Asuka."

Asuka's face flushed, "Wait, I'm gonna have to get along with the brat!?"

The Akamoto matriarch's stern face answered her question.

Asuka groaned before answering, "Fine."

Haruka took note of her older sister's distress and smirked. "That means you're gonna have to hold my hand~!" she told her in a mocking sing-song voice.

"Don't get too comfortable, Half-pint."

With that the bus arrived and the passengers boarded and took their seats; Haruka and Aki, Shining Armor and Spike, Twilight and Rarity and Kimiko and Applejack to the left side and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy and Kenji to the right. As soon as everyone got on board, the bus began its destination.

After an hour, the family and former ponies (plus former dragon) arrived to their destination as the sounds of taiko drums, laughing children and more filled their ears. All around them were booths of either carnival games, food and more. Giggling children ran around in their own yukatas, chasing each other while their parents had a hard time catching up to them.

"Okay, remember the rules and also remember we're leaving around nine." Aki told her children.

"Got it, Mom!" her children responded. While, Haruka dragged Asuka along with her after spotting a fish bowl game with Kumiko sticking right by her mother, Kenji and Fluttershy went off exploring the expansive festival. As they explored, Kenji bought Fluttershy an odango as well as one for himself. As the two snacked on their skewered treats, the sounds of J-Pop began to fill the night sky. Just then, Kenji had an idea.

"Hey, Fluttershy?" he asked, his voice barely heard over the cheers and blaring music. Fluttershy turned to him with a confused look on her face. "You wanna dance?"

Fluttershy blushed. "I-I'm not all that good at dancing actually."

Kenji smiled and held out his hand. "Then think of this as a learning experience."

Fluttershy held out her hand. With that, Kenji got her started with a simple waltz. Then he started to get more intricate as he applied spinning her around. At that time, Fluttershy took the lead and returned to the waltz from before, this time much faster paced than Kenji's. Just like that, the world around them dissolved as though they were the only ones separated from time and space with only the music from the J-Pop band as company. Suddenly, as the two spun together, time seemed to slow down as Kenji gazed upon Fluttershy herself. How her long, sakura-colored hair flowed like a river and her teal eyes looked like rare jewels. Like that, the two stopped dancing and stared into each other's eyes, even the music stopped as their heartbeats replaced it. Kenji and Fluttershy began to lean into each other, closing their eyes as their lips inched closer and closer to each other just like yesterday. Then...

"Um, I'm not interrupting am I?"

Fluttershy and Kenji's eyes snapped open as they noticed Rarity standing next to them. They then looked down to see their lips were touching against each other. They slowly pulled away with Kenji flashing a strained smile. "I-I think I'm gonna go get some more odango. You girls want me to bring you anything?"

Rarity gave him a coy smile. "No, I think we're good. Thanks for the offer though."

As soon as Kenji went off, Fluttershy was left alone with her friend as she touched her lips.

"How was your kiss, Fluttershy?" the former unicorn asked.

Fluttershy blushed but gave a small little smile. "It- it was... great actually."

Rarity put her hand to her hip, keeping her smile, "You really do love him, don't you?"

Fluttershy hesitated then with a fuller smile she replied.


Marianas Trench

Godzilla slept deep in his undersea ravine, his belly since filled with the Oodakos he hunted. His wounds were now fully healed, even the wounds inflicted upon him by the Fuel Air bombs had nearly faded entirely. His head was filled with the dreams of his past life; his days as his past self, being left for dead by the humans, his transformation into who he was, the pain they inflicted upon him and how he would make them all pay, his battles with the other giants brought upon this world, all of it.

Just then, something familiar tickled at his mind, disrupting his dreams. At first it didn't seem too bad, then it became so grating it forced him to awaken. As his burning eyes filled the darkest depths of the Marianas Trench with light, Godzilla began to recall why this felt so familiar. It was the call. The same call that brought him and the spiky monster together. It was the same call that tickled his mind days ago. With a roar, muffled barely by the water, Godzilla began to swim to the surface.

The call had been answered... And this time NOTHING would stand in his way.

To Be Continued.

Author's Note:

Yeah, sorry if the last chapter felt short and for the lack of monster-on-monster action, but keep in mind that I'm structuring this like a Godzilla movie, not just in terms of monsters fighting monsters or destroying cities or humiliating the military, but also how a Godzilla movie would play out. Like I said in Chapter one, the Godzilla movies have always focused more on the humans as opposed to the monsters. This has been a common practice since the 1954 film. But don't fear because we are going to get to some real Kaiju carnage.

Also, count the Easter Eggs.

Oh, and one more thing...

I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACK! And since I've been away for so long, I see no reason to not at least get you ready for the next chapter so I'll let this serve as a hint: