• Published 3rd May 2013
  • 923 Views, 19 Comments

The Slave and the Master of Chaos - TheGreatestGecko

For centuries, discord has been thought to be the lord of chaos, but what will twilight do when she realises he was merely a slave?

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A casket of lies

Twilight and the other elements sat in mournful silence as they received the letter in the mail announcing Discord's death. Or rather, murder. The letter didn't state it blatantly, but how else would somepony die of decapitation? Fluttershy was first to break the silence with uncontrollable sobbing, soon followed by the consolation of rainbowdash.

Twilight was the only one not staring at fluttershy or the letter. She was looking past the group, at a black coated and red maned alicorn making its way to them.

"Girls," Twilight said warily "who is that?"

As one the elements turned toward the menacing alicorn almost upon them.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle the first" the stallion said in a mocking tone "I am Lord of Chaos, Xanth. Before you ask, I didn't kill discord, though it is my fault he's dead. But that's beside the point. I came here to tell you you have 13 more days to live. Before you try to get the princesses to come to your rescue, they're both sealed inside canterlot. Best of luck" he said before disintgrating into dust.

Three days later, twilight awoke to another grey sky. She knew the pegasi make cloudy days in the event of a funeral, huth the sky had been boring and dull since Discord's murder. She never knew why, but would have easily had she nothing better to think about.

The princess nudged spike from his sleep "Wake up, Spike" she moaned sleepily "we have to get our funeral clothes from Rarity, then go to Discord's funeral" Spike rolled slowly from his bed

"Come on, Twi, just five more..." The dragon stopped as he realised this wasn't the sort of occasion in which he should ask for more sleep.

The pair set off wordlessly towards Rarity's shop. Ponyville was almost deserted, aside from the few ponies who never trusted discord. Those selfish bastards. Look at them, just going about their day as if nothing's wrong Twilight thought hatefully.

When they had at last reached Rarity's shop, rarity as waiting for them in front of the circular building. "Oh, darling twilight, I was just told the funeral is an hour earlier than scheduled!" Rarity exclaimed in her usual tone "it's bad enough he's dead, but why arrange time to remind us of his greatest vice!?"

Twilight and spike quickly donned their plain black suit and dress, and hurried to Fluttershy's cottage, where the funeral was to be held. All the while, rarity ranted on about timing and scheduling, adding to Twilights internal sense of rage.

When they arrived at the site, ponies were already saying what a great person Discord could have been, had his life not been loyal to only chaos. When it was Pinkie Pie's turn to speak, she wasn't sad in the slightest.

"Discord, you were always evil and stuff, but when you turned good and all you were so cool and fun and awesome and great and fun!" Pinkie's heartless praise of discord seemed insane to twilight. Twilight finally let loose her pooling rage. With a style of combat magic preformed by utility magic, she slammed pinkie into a tree then tossed her into the air, watching her fall like a discarded doll. The sharp crack of her landing was almost drowned out by two grey ponies with red manes laughing hysterically.

As one the mare and stallion stopped laughing and gazed slowly at twilight. The crowd parted as they headed straight for the purple princess. The grey pair spoke at the same time the mare said "Ten days, Twilight". The stallion said "Twilight, days ten" when the mare swatted the stallion with a wing, she saw that the mare was a pegasus and the stallion an earth pony.

The pegasus spoke first "I am Princess of heartlessness, Heather. Discord hasn't been lord of chaos for thousands if years. His life was a lie, and what you knew of him was too" the cross-eyed earth pony was next " Norman, insa--" he was cut short by another swat "I am Lord of Insanity, norman. Discord doesn't even look like that. He's an alicorn similar in appearance to princess luna. Im sure he won't appreciate his only friends not knowing who he is" then, like the lord of chaos, they disintegrated into dust, though there was a banana amidst norman's dust pile.

Author's Note:

The banana comes back later.