
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results

The Finish Line? · 3:08pm Sep 1st, 2018

Finally put out the final chapter of my story a couple of days ago, and I think that I'm ready to try something at least a bit different. It took over a year on the last one, and that's a long time to have the same story bouncing around in your head. Actually, I pretty much knew what I wanted to do with it for at least the last six months, but how to it was always the question.

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Landing the Plane · 11:55pm May 27th, 2018

I've been putting it off for awhile now. But there's no escaping the inevitable. I need to get back to work and finish my story. I guess I always had the general feel of what I wanted to do, but some of my reading of recent has lead me to wonder if I can just go with a happy ending, or something a bit more nuanced. As I've mentioned before, perfect justice doesn't happen nearly often enough, but you want something good to come of the bad situation you've created. Whatever I guess. Let's just

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The Peril of Plans · 1:39pm Apr 23rd, 2018

I have made good progress of recent on the next chapter of "The Good Fight", but in doing so, the darn thing has gotten so long that I'm beginning to think that I'll need another chapter to finally finish the story. I know I should probably go for something shorter, but there are a lot of loose ends to tie up. (one of my readers suggested introducing a shotgun into the mix, but I did promise not to let things get that grim). Anyway, I should have things worked out by the end of the week, God

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Report CoyoteXray · 237 views · #Notes

Oh my... · 2:44pm Mar 9th, 2018

Just yesterday I finally took a new look at what I've got so far on my story's final final chapter. Did you ever come back to your work after a hiatus, and just say "....yuck..."? This is a new experience for me. I guess some revisions are in order.

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bringing this in for a landing · 3:00pm Feb 2nd, 2018

Still a bit stymied as to the end of my story. But, to push the process along, I've decided to put part of the last chapter out there and see if there's any response. I figured that it certainly couldn't hurt.

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Delays...delays... · 4:58am Dec 27th, 2017

Still trying to stay on track for the final chapter of "The Good Fight", but it is proving to be challenging to get everything in I want in a way that makes sense. And of course, there is the challenge of human conversation. I hope that people aren't bored with all the talk, but I am going just a bit outside of pure canon, and I want to make sure that what I'm doing makes sense to the reader. I doubt that I'll finish before the 1st, but the story will finish soon. I think I'm ready to go in a

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Report CoyoteXray · 270 views · #Notes

Almost there · 5:40pm Nov 20th, 2017

Finally got the next chapter out, and I'm looking forward to finishing my first story in the next few weeks. I have been tempted to try other ideas, but I've seen way too many incomplete stories out there, and I don't want to take a chance on this being one of them.


The Next Step · 2:33am Nov 13th, 2017

In spite of it all, the next chapter is proceeding forward and should be ready in the next couple of days. Given the length, I'm probably going to post the half that I've got first, then try to bring this in for a landing in the next few weeks.

Report CoyoteXray · 181 views · #updates

Spinning my wheels · 8:51pm Jul 13th, 2017

Feeling a bit stuck in regards to my story. I'm wondering just what kind of person Flash Sentry really is. My plan was to have him play a big part in the next chapter, but do I know if he would get involved in this kind of story given the choice? How do most fans view Flash anyway...nice guy...wimp? I don't know.

August 16th: I have an idea, but I don't know how it will be received. And it all involves the wild card in the deck known as Bold Venture.

Report CoyoteXray · 313 views · #Chapter 4

Yuck · 1:15pm Jun 21st, 2017

Finally completed and downloaded my third chapter, and it is a mess. I don't know if I can blame it on the new updates recently done, or my own lack of sophistication computer wise, but the text that I transferred came through with a lot of punctuation replaced by other marks. I'm sure it's all general computer speak, and probably means that I need to get past cut and paste. In the meantime however, I'm going to have to do a lot of proofreading over the next couple of days. Oh joy.


Trouble in Paradise · 11:14pm Jun 6th, 2017

Making good progress on chapter 3 of my story, but I’ve had to slow down a bit these past few days due to an a-hole of a cold, that is probably more than that. That said, I do still want to get it done before the weekend, as I do have a follower to keep happy. I checked out my ranking on followers today, and I rank at 51,000 and odd change. But what the hell, that really isn’t the point anyway.

Report CoyoteXray · 274 views · #status
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 results