
Viewing 1 - 20 of 99 results

Ordering · 6:51pm Jul 19th, 2021

Even tho Ramirez was finally able to beat her heat she couldn’t beat boredom, another day of work another day of being bored out of her mind. she would wish and wish for something, anything! to happen that would make everything feel less bored, so far no luck!

But today, her wish is finally granted when a familiar face came into the cafe. Ramirez smiled and wagged her tail happily as she watches Griff approach and takes a seat near the counter, the one closes to her!

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Report Iredwolf · 122 views · #Ramirez #Griff

just talking · 5:59am Jun 12th, 2022

"So, leaving now?" Ramirez asked as she drank a cup of sweet tea, savoring the taste of it.

"I'm 'fraid so, Rami" Griff responded "I wish I could stay here a bit longer but I've been here long enough, I dont wanna upset Meta or anything"

Ramirez looked at the umbrum with a smile "I understand, its hard trying to juggle 2 big families when there's only one of you"

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Report Iredwolf · 78 views · #Ramirez #Griff

who's knocking? · 9:12pm Jan 9th, 2022

It had been two days since a messenger arrived in ponyville, calling upon any soldiers on leave to return to Canterlot. Star had kissed Ramirez goodbye and promised her that he will come back, she watched from the window as he along with other fellow soldiers leave for the capital. she waved at him and he waved back before disappearing in the distance, she hoped that he would come back in one piece. safe...and sound.

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Report Iredwolf · 61 views · #Thumbtack #Griff

Rubix Cube (short skit) · 3:02pm Jun 23rd, 2021

“ugh...theres nothing to do...” Ramirez groaned as she laid on her bed, trying to think of something to do today.

“you’ll get an idea eventually...just like me figure out this...fucking Rubix cube” Griff replied as he struggles to solve the rubix cube

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Report Iredwolf · 96 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Father and Daughter · 3:17am Jun 6th, 2022

Zinc currently sat on a bench in the park, next to her is her father Griff. Earlier they were jogging but Zinc's sides started to hurt a bit so they decided to take a break, Griff brought a snack to share with his daughter: Ramirez's homemade tamales.

"Man, Mom can sure as hell cook!" Zinc said happily as she chowed down the Tamale

"Of course, she can make a mean tamale. And watch your language young lady," Griff said, finishing up his.

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Report Iredwolf · 142 views · #Griff #Zinc

Another Visit · 5:35pm Sep 20th, 2021

“Okay, Griff, I’m here!”

“When I see the way you act,
Wond’ring when I’m coming back,
I could do about anything,
I could even learn how to love…” a singing voice echoed through the freezer, announcing where he resided.

The nymph walked on over to him.

“Hey, Flutterbug.” Griff spoke, an audible smile in his voice. He almost sounded back to normal again. 

“Brought a few more things, Griff!” she said cheerfully as she put down the things she had.

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saw something funny so decided to recreate it- · 12:26am Oct 1st, 2021

*looks at her texts and groans* “ugh, I’m so tired of having boys always texting me! everyone just wants a piece of me~”

“of course they would, because you know what they say: low prices always attract customers” *smirks*




Report Iredwolf · 119 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Caco’s Closet (Day ??) · 11:17pm Apr 22nd, 2021

Another day in the closet. Griff thought as he stared up at what he thought was the ceiling in the pitch black darkness. He hadn’t really heard from Cacophony for a while now, so he couldn’t help but wonder what was up.

Or when was the last time he actually ate something edible.

A loud banging on the door jolted him out of his trance. Must be her right now.

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Hot chocolate · 3:39pm Nov 20th, 2021

“Man...what happened last night?” Ramirez asked herself as she sat up and stretched, giving out a little cute yawn in the process “where...where am I?”

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Report Iredwolf · 192 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Morning Jog · 5:26pm Dec 4th, 2021

"-trottin' down the avenue, see how the sun shines brightly in the city-"

“On the streets where once was pity, Mr. Blue sky is living here today! hey hey!”

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Report Iredwolf · 146 views · #Ramirez #Griff

lil skit (something wholesome :3) · 10:11pm Aug 23rd, 2021

“Hey Griff, how are ya?” Ramirez asked as she watches Griff collapse on his couch.

“Good, tired but good. Why?” He responded.

“well” she then took out a drawing that she made and gave it to Griff “I wanted you to have this I know I know, I can't draw good but I did my best”

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Report Iredwolf · 72 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Uh...wot... · 11:05pm Oct 3rd, 2021

“hey Ramirez, I decided that I’ll take you up on that offer about going to chipotle. I’m hungry as fuck and-” Griff stopped as he saw Ramirez there standing in front of her mirror...

wearing his clothes...


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Report Iredwolf · 70 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Brekky · 4:13pm Feb 9th, 2022

"So, how are you enjoying the breakfast I made?" Ramirez asked as she poured herself a glass of orange juice.

"Well, it's great! You're a great cook, you know that Rami?" he said as he sipped his coffee in the new mug she bought him.

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Report Iredwolf · 68 views · #Ramirez #Griff

"Stay home, Rami!" · 2:31pm Apr 1st, 2022

"Griff! Griff wake up!" Ramirez said as she shook him a bit more, earning a groan from him as he sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

"W-what? What's wrong, Rami?" he asked as he looked around, trying to get his eyes to adjust.

"We overslept! we're going to be late for work!" She said worryingly.

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Report Iredwolf · 79 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Staring (Anthro) · 4:54pm Feb 17th, 2022

As Ramirez sipped her coffee while reading a book, she couldn't help but notice Griff staring at her in the corner of her eyes. Putting her book down, she looks up at him "hey Grff, is something wrong?" she asked.

Griff shook his head slowly while continuing to stare "N-No...nothing is wrong, everything is just fine..."

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Report Iredwolf · 7,011 views · #Ramirez #Griff

Special Night · 2:21am Mar 13th, 2022

Ramirez quietly (and happily) let out a small "Eee" as she laid on Griff's back, tonight is going to be a special night for them. The night where they finally make it official! together till the end!

"You know, I'm actually very happy a-and kinda n-nervous" She said to Griff.

"would it help that I am too?" he asked.

She nodded "Mhm!"

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Report Iredwolf · 75 views · #Ramirez #Griff

*smirks* sorry Griff · 1:08am Sep 16th, 2021

“so...Rami, why did you bring me?” Griff asked as he entered Ramirez’s room with her.

“oh yeah! I want to hear your opinion about my surprise gift for Star, to uh...amend for sleeping with you...” Ramirez said as she took out a box from underneath her bed.

“what is your surprise anyway?” Griff tilts his head as he watched her put a box on the bed.

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Report Iredwolf · 71 views · #Ramirez #Griff

🍍 · 11:22pm Mar 27th, 2021


“Woah. You okay sis?”

Flutterwings turned away from the trashcan, walking back to the table. “I’m fine. I think I bit into the wrong pizza slice.”

“Was it Hawaiian?”


“I’m guessing you didn’t like the taste...”

“...No. I didn’t.”

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Like Brother, Like Sister · 9:28pm May 22nd, 2021

I’m now starting to imagine that Bez and Hero have a brother-sister dynamic.

“Hey, boys, what’s taking you so—what the?” Bezier froze as soon as she saw the male changeling floating on his back in the vat of Sparkle-Cola. “...what’s Hero doing?”

“Nevermind that, Bezzy, just get him outta there.”

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Report BezierBallad · 61 views · #Bezier #Griff #Hero

Terrible Nightmare · 4:32pm Aug 29th, 2021

“Star! Griff!” Ramirez shouted happily as she ran up to both of them “how are you guys?

“Um...good but...who are you and how do you know my name?” Star asked, tilting his head and trying to remember if he met the changeling before.

“Same with him, who are you? do I know you from somewhere?”

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 99 results