
Viewing 161 - 180 of 277 results

Limits of Care · 1:42am May 11th, 2019

In times where we face ourselves, there is little to exchange. One would believe we have much to say of our own being, yet to ourselves, all is there. All is not known, yet knowing oneself is a sisyphean task, for the process of learning, too, changes our being. Then, instead of talking with ourselves, we merely talk at ourselves, at what we cannot affect grasp, yet our actions can influence, as it always does.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Celebration of Conception, countdown 10 · 9:59pm Aug 16th, 2019

Greetings, and welcome to Filthy Friday~.

Today we have a tale that has been marinating and brewing for a while, ready to pounce when you least expect it... A situation the story's protagonist is all too familiar with, as it turns out his step mother is a-...

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Spotlight Friday~

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Tail Tendrils and Configured Cyborgs · 11:50pm Feb 22nd, 2019

Long we await, in times passing where not experienced. I would dread, turning back on my road, and getting a glimpse of my footprints, seeing how many of them were spent in the emptiness of unaction. Yet, it is with these moment we can create, express, and live. Without them, there would be no live. Without negative space, there is no road.

Wishing you all a Happy Filthy Friday~.


A Frisk Mind · 12:49am Feb 4th, 2023

Perhaps I should not be trusted to my own desires? What would I do if given free reign? How much would I craft and consume, how much would be wasted by my hands? How much would I devour to sate my own desires? The desires planted within me, and grown through neglect and inaction?

Perhaps it was never my trust to give.

Happy Filthy Friday.


"Friends in a bind" · 9:24pm May 5th, 2023

We continue the tale of Twilight and the surprise party that never happened, how will we get through to her?

Time makes fools of us all, for in the end we are a product of the now, and the now never lasts. Those in the past may as well be on a different planet for all the connection we have to them, yet some we place on pedestals for what they have done. That will one day be us. Yet, the past also shapes our now, the most relevant factor to the present.

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Vacation back to Pony Month? · 11:17pm Jul 14th, 2023

And here I thought that Pony month was over. Instead we have a fun filthy vore tale about Rarity inviting Applejack to a particular indulgence. Find a link to it down below.

I can taste the grease in the air. Once I walk out the door, the air becomes infected. All around me are machines and people performing nefarious actions, breathing in what purity is left in our oxygen and expelling billowing clouds of grease. The air is fat. It clogs my gullet to inhale. I am left struggling.

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Eclipse Black · 12:12am Sep 24th, 2022

When I close my eyes, I want to be gone from the world. Everything that was before me, just to be darkness. Just behind my eyelids, an expanse of complete blackness and solitude. However, that is a fantasy. When I close my eyes, the darkness takes shape. The impressions of chiaroscuro filling my perception. An afterimage of the world with light pouring through. As if reality is saying I better haven't forgotten it, and won't escape it or my problems so easily.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Wash your Hands, Filthy Friday · 10:26pm Mar 20th, 2020

Time comes as many would call it, too often for our own good. Too often are we made aware of it, acknowledge it. That is when it holds dominion over us. For mankind is a species of intellect, where issues are waged in the abyss of the conscious and unconscious, such have we isolated ourselves from the world.
Even when it pierces our defenses, it is our own thoughts and machinations about the outside, that haunt us the most.

Happy Filthy Friday~.

Keep clean and safe.


Legions of the Past · 2:38am February 10th

Sometimes I miss the old days, sometimes I forget there were any other days. The present belongs to those alive, and it always has, though few get to enjoy that gift. Few compared to the past ruled by legions upon legions of souls, innumerable, yet locked to their times. I stand with my back against an army of ghosts, and I smile.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


Days Of Importance · 10:04pm Aug 7th, 2020

As days blends into months, our perception picks up speed, as years go by each day becomes an ever diminishing part of our lives. What was once a week feels as but a day, and hours shave as minutes once did.
And yet, some days lasts, if we make it so.

Happy Filthy Friday, and a Happy Vore Day~.


A Form of Anniversary · 1:39am Feb 11th, 2023

We have a new story out this week, where the human Rarity and Applejack (also human) have been together for a whole year, and that simply has to be celebrated.
Find the story below, but know it is quite filthy~.

Sometimes it is just sad. Sometimes you just want to hurt people, as if it would sate the cosmic balance. Sometimes everything falls apart around you, despite your words, despite your struggle, despite you.
We try to keep that a "Sometimes".

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A kneading Experience · 3:18am March 30th

Sometimes I just want to bake bread. What kind? One I can knead, one which I can force all the thoughts and distresses of the day to day into, one that not only is capable of taking the force, but will grow from it, will mature and develop until it is presentable. I strive to do the same.
One day I will develop gluten.

Happy Filthy Friday~.


A nightmare of ambitions · 11:00pm Oct 30th, 2020

Wash your hooves, and get some candy ready~. You never know who will come visit.

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WTFIWWY-Die Historic on the McNugget Road · 7:37pm Sunday

This week's life lessons learned:

-Don't use your cell phone while driving. Especially don't do so while on a zoom call to the court room where there is a criminal case going on for you driving with a suspended license, that is what lawyers call self-incrimination.

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Past Sins ~ Pen Stroke's Masterful Creation? Or Imminent Downfall? · 9:46pm Jan 22nd, 2016

My oh my this shall be a very interesting blog post. In fact I might add it may be just the way I see Past Sins now, compared to how I saw it back then. So to those of you who either despise, love, or somewhere in the middle with Nyx, do not worry. This isn't necessarily a rant that is meant to attack Pen Stroke or his story. It's just my own opinion towards one of the famous stories that FimFiction has to offer. So in regards this can be

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Alright, So I'm A Bit Ahead. · 10:16pm Jun 6th, 2017

I’ve got two chapters of A Thief’s Tale written. They’ll need to be edited and proofread, but I do that the day before posting the chapter, so that’s some words right there. In any case, Chapter Forty is finished and I’m debating on what to do next. I was thinking of doing a short story because I have a decent backlog now and that creative spark for the main story is waning a bit. I’ll take succinct suggestions for short stories, but the main thing I want to know is if I should make

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Bi-Weekly Update Schedule · 1:18am Jul 31st, 2017

The title says it all. Instead of being posted on every Monday, A Thief's Tale will be updated on every other Monday. Basically, the 31st of July will get the usual update, but the next one won't be until August 14th.

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Chapter 28 is a shit show. · 3:31am Apr 29th, 2017

After going multiple days without sleeping or eating, I finished up chapter 28 and am now editing it. The only thing that's wrong with it is that there are entire paragraphs of complete nonsense. I don't remember writing them, and I don't know what they were even supposed to be about, they're just jumbled up words that have little meaning.

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TOP ONE FU*KING HUNDRED (In Length) · 11:33am May 12th, 2017

A Thief's Tale: The Road to Redemption is the 87th longest story.

Can you quack, mother f*cker?

Slap happy af. So hype. I'm so very hype, like you can't even comprehend.


Today Is An Important Day. · 7:08pm Dec 26th, 2017

One year ago today, I was unemployed, down on my luck, and was still depressed while trying to get my medication straightened out and some of my behavioral quirks in check. However, I just so happened to be desperate enough to turn to that cartoon for little girls that I used to watch when I was just starting high school since it used to make me smile when I needed it most, regardless of how retarded I thought I was for actually enjoying a kids show. I got through a few episodes and decided to

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Viewing 161 - 180 of 277 results