
Viewing 81 - 100 of 324 results

Deleted Story · 9:23am Mar 12th, 2018

If you keep up to date with my stories, you may have noticed I recently deleted "The Broken Warrior".

I really don't think I have the time for multi-chaptered stories, so I'm sticking to one-shots for now. Not to mention, I really felt like the story was taking a much different direction than I wanted it to.

There are some stories to come soon, though, so don't worry.


Report TehSpy1 · 257 views · #important #update

Okay, so quick vent I guess. · 1:38am Jan 19th, 2020

Okay, I have a bad habit of starting a story and getting nowhere with it after. I say I plan things but I plan it so shallow that the plan falls apart because I'm hasty and I only get motivation in quick, intense bursts. All of my stories have strayed from their original path which I have no idea how I did that with how little there actually is to stray from and also within only like four chapters, but its an issue, and my main problem is that I start with an idea for something cool but I don't

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Report Wild Wire · 233 views · #Important-ish

Life is screwed up for me right now! · 1:23am Mar 15th, 2019

Hey Guy's I am about to ask you guys to do something that I have been trying to avoid and that is I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind a complete pause on all of my stories until I get my life fixed. I have been dealing with life and have been having a little bit of trouble with family matters and so I need help and you can help by understanding and supporting me. I will still be around to reply to PM's and The Please Read My Story Group but I won't be making new chapters to my stories

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I only dropped in to share this. · 9:44pm May 27th, 2021

*refuses to elaborate any further*

Report BradyBunch · 120 views · #memes #important

My Reflection! · 7:00am Dec 30th, 2019

I have decided to thank about all the people I have helped but did I really help? I guess I was just wondering if you guys ever thought about all that I have done for some of you. Am I really a good person or am I just a person who gets in the way? I don't know how many people I have helped but I know how many people I have failed so why do I have to just remember everyone who I have lost? Ithe people I have failed? I promise to do better by them but I ended up failing someone else. I don't

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I can't take this anymore! I can't keep going! · 3:47pm Jan 13th, 2020

I just can't keep going I don't know what to do. I just can't keep going! My life is just not right. I like to say I love my life but I have always tried to have a good life and be loyal to my family but I just can't anymore I can't take it anymore. I need help and advice.


Do you want fimfiction to stay alive and keep it going forever? Then join this group · 11:11am Jul 21st, 2017

Do you want fimfiction to stay alive and keep it going? You must join this group to get this group started please keep it alive and letting fimfiction go forever so come on everypony this is a must group join for everypony here's the group name: [FPS] FIMfiction Protection Society.
So come on everypony and join this group today created by Sketch Leaderboard.


What would you guys like? · 2:57pm Jul 2nd, 2017

So... I changed a bunch of stuff here but never actualy asked what you guys thought about it...

Would you like to see this account as an FoE only and I post a blog talking about another work I've done?

Or would you like this account to stay as iy is right now and have multiple kinds of stories?

I ask this because, to be honest, I have a fuck ton of FoE stories planned but only about, what? 3 - 5 stories not FoE related...

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A New Story Coming Soon! · 5:07pm Oct 13th, 2018

I've started working on a new story, and this time I'm actually very motivated with it.

Also "The Villain Adventures of Mick, Mark, Max, and Michelle" is now cancelled. Sorry! I'm not cancelling Break the System though, It's just gonna stay on hiatus for a long time.


Want to know more about me? · 2:59am Mar 6th, 2019

So I was wondering if you guys wanted to know more about me. I have tried my hardest to help people on this site and have succeed but I tend to disappear after I help them and so I thought why not throw up a blog asking if you guys wanted to know more about me.


Very sad news · 8:35pm May 6th, 2021

Hello everypony. This is Solar Force.

If any of you are followers of Madforce Entertainment, you may already know or may soon know this, but I think this needs to be said here as well. I won't go into details about why this has happened, but you all need to know that it has happened.

As of today, me and Mad Page are no longer writing partners. I am now the solo author of all the stories on this channel.

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How many of you guys moved on? · 5:09am Mar 2nd, 2020

Hi guys so I know I have been skipping out on my stories for some what a while now and I know that I have told you guys that I was working on getting into college and everything else but I have started to realize that I haven't wrote anything for a long time and now I keep wondering if you guys have moved on from my stories. I am asking this because I am wondering if you guys would like me to continue on my stories when I can come back?


So here I am again wondering if I have completed my goal? · 4:01am Dec 10th, 2019

The title says it all I have been trying to figure my self out but in the end I am an anomaly that shouldn't exist in yet here I am still Breathing. I have started to think about what I do to help people and I always feel like I accomplish something and I always feel like I have done the right thing but right after my 13-year old Cat died a few days ago I have been wondering if this my purpose in life is never going to be realized. I believe my life's purpose was to help anyone I can but it has

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Micro Update Part 2! · 12:55am Dec 26th, 2019

Wings of Change visual novel Game play: working in progress!

A great visual novel game on steam that I have heard was based off of the type of choice that mass effect choice system. Which means that I will have consequences for my choices.

Fallout Equestria 76: Working in Progress!

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Rewrite · 11:41pm Apr 25th, 2017

I rewrote and add a lot more to Chapter One of Indigo Moon. It's the same, but better, with what was originally Chapter 2 tacked onto it.

Report IndigoMoon · 129 views · #Rewrite #Important

Okay so I have had requests to write a story based on my experiences and my personal problems. · 3:50am Apr 23rd, 2020

As it says in the title I have been requested to write a story about myself and for the longest time I have struggled to decide on if it's really something I want to take inspiration from. Pain is a double edge sword. It can be a really beautiful thing to take inspiration from it or it can be extremely toxic and biased with the plot. I have honestly been thinking about it and I have decided that I am going to write the story on my terms. Which means that the lore of the show won't be present in

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What a seizure is like. · 2:02am Jan 18th, 2020

I have a medical condition called Epilepsy and my condition is severe Epilepsy. I have seizures that could kill me normally or used to be normally until I got meds for my Epilepsy. So you guys are probably wondering what a seizure is. Well it's when you're brain overloads it's own signals and shut down without warning. The obvious negative impact is that the person you once were is no longer there. Until you wake up after your brain restarts but in the worst case scenario you're brain will

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Hey everyone. I am just making a quick update. · 7:53am Sep 16th, 2021

I have and haven’t been doing to well recently. I had a lot of anxiety attacks recently due to stress but I am keeping myself largely busy for the most part with games. I plan on recording some games maybe and posting them on YouTube and as for my stories I really really want to write again but I know I can’t under the current condition I am in and so please wait for a bit. I am also getting worried because my birthday is coming up and well My birthdays don’t tend to end well. I am trying to

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Signal Boost: The Elephant in the Equine Room. · 9:34pm Dec 31st, 2017

I don't normally do this, and I certainly didn't think this would be the first blog post I do here again in over a year, but this needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed now.

Please read this blog, arm yourself with knowledge, and please remember to stay safe at any and all conventions you attend in the coming year.

Stay safe, my friends.


Report Sylvian · 240 views · #Important #signalboost

I am sorry. · 3:14am Jan 15th, 2020

I was kind of told that I shouldn't blog about my personal life and I should only use them to announce stuff about my stories. I guess I never noticed how much of a burden I can be. I always have thought of my Followers as friends and I guess I have become a burden on you guys I am sorry that I have annoyed you and have plagued you with my personal problems. I guess my personal problems aren't important enough to mention on here. I thought that maybe you guys would help me and you guys did but

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 324 results