
Viewing 81 - 100 of 1,710 results

Legends of Magic #12 Review · 2:57pm Aug 25th, 2018

With word that Season 8 was finally ready to air, the IDW comics no longer needed to support the hiatus and the main series continued to fall by the wayside and be relatively ignored. Meanwhile, the Legends of Magic series was ready to draw to a close, with only one issue left and then its annual before it would be done for good. So was this issue able to wrap up everything in a neat little bow, or did it somehow bring it all crashing down? Well, let's find out.

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Nightmare Knights #1 Review · 4:37am Aug 20th, 2019

It's time for another comic review, and as always these comic review open with a bit of a retrospective on the state of the fandom at the time.

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Legends of Magic #10 Review · 8:01pm Aug 23rd, 2018

With 2018 dawning and information about Season 8 spiraling out of control from the leaks, the fandom faced a great deal of controversy and conflict over the planned direction for the new season. Meanwhile the IDW comics continued to putter along, the main series bouncing from issue to issue with no clear direction or any sembelence of quality. So it was up to the Legends of Magic series to keep the comics going, even as they were starting to wind down. Was this issue able to keep the narrative

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I saw the new Jumanji film, the remaster. · 1:37am Apr 17th, 2018

It really wasn't that great in my opinion, I have to give it a 6 out of 10, I'm old fashion I miss the dice that the original had, but I did rather like jack black's role in the new one, he did surprisingly well. the old jumanji still has a 10 out of 10 from me.

Report Matt11 · 248 views · #jumanji #opinion

Nightmare Knights #5 Review · 11:12pm Sep 3rd, 2019

As information about Season 9 finally bubbled to the surface, the comics faced another dilemma as their planned seventy-fifth issue was delayed until March. So Nightmare Knights got the opportunity its predecessors had been denied, a chance to hold the spotlight solely on its own for its final issue. Was it able to go out on a high note, or did it only show in the end that IDW made the right call by ending it at five issues? Well, let's find out.

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IDW Main Series #9 Review · 3:07am Dec 26th, 2015

It's weird talking about a time when the main series of IDW comics was universally loved, for good reason, considering that as of lately it has been in a state of decline that seems impossible to recover from. And the "Friends Forever" series has largely bounced all over the place in regards to quality. But back in mid 2013, during the hiatus between Seasons 3 and 4, when all the fandom had to tie itself over was the first "Equestria Girls" movies, many people were flocking to

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IDW Main Series #60 Review · 3:14pm Dec 29th, 2018

As the fandom settled in for another hiatus after the end of Season 7, the comics were once again left to fill the void. However, this hiatus would be a little different. Due to leaks, some episodes of Season 8 were released online with fully recorded audio but no background music, so already details about Season 8 began to seep out (including things that were meant to be kept hidden, like Spike's wings). Undettered, the comics continued along as if nothing had happened. Legends of Magic was

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IDW Main Series #90 (Season 10, Episode 2) · 3:24am Aug 31st, 2021

So it was that the comics would keep chugging along, and the visit to Zecora's homeland would be the first four parter the comics had provided since the ill fated Cosmos arc in 2019 (which was itself noted for being the first real multi parter since the infamous Accord arc of late 2016/early 2017). Information about what else was in store for "Season 10" was slowly seeping out, including the fact that one of the big arcs (the Diamond Dogs one with Rarity) was going to be confined to an annual.

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IDW Friends Forever #15 Review · 11:50pm Aug 21st, 2015

March 2015 was an unusual month for the IDW comics, which were starting to slide downhill very fast. Due to a shipping problem, Friends Forever #14 and Main Series #28 (both of which were massive disappointments) did not release in Feburary, and were instead pushed back to March. Fortunately (or maybe I should say unfortunately), IDW did not let this set back delay their schedule, and Friends Forever #15 and Main Series #29 still released as originally planned.

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Opinion/Techblog - 3/23/2017 · 11:12pm Mar 23rd, 2017

I'ma just use the current date. Makes it easier on me. :facehoof:

Why don't phone manufacturers include radio apps on their phones anymore? My old phone, an HTC Inspire 4G/Desire HD, comes with a built-in FM radio app, and it was made back when Android 2.3 was the latest and greatest. Even now, I still have yet to see another phone with an FM radio app preinstalled.

Every day I cringe a little more as I think about where humanity's headed with what's currently going on in this world.

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IDW Main Series #21 Review · 3:34am Dec 29th, 2015

I already talked a lot about the state of the comics prior to this issue when I reviewed Main Series #22, so I'll just sum it up briefly to avoid repeating myself. Now that "Reflections" had ended, there was concern amongst the fans that the comics may dip in quality upon their return to two part slice of life tales. Deciding to borrow some inspiration from one of their Friends Forever comics that featured Trixie, IDW had a two part mystery story focused on her. Did it work as

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The Quickening: 5 reasons why Slice of Life is the most overrated episode of the show · 4:43pm Oct 7th, 2016

While I was reviewing the past seasons before season 6 started I said I was going to review this particular episode. The time has come. I know I'm going to receive a lot of hate considering the amount of love this episode has but in every family there's a madman.

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Report Smashology · 607 views · #Quickening #opinion

IDW Friends Forever #34 Review · 2:07am Dec 30th, 2016

With the show's sixth season having wrapped up alongside the newest Equestria Girls film "Legend of Everfree" in November, the comics were in a bit of a slump. The main series had the "Ponies of Dark Water" saga that started off promising, but with only three issues ended up horribly rushed by the end, and then a two parter dedicated to parodying Trump v.s. Hillary that ended with the wrong political prediction (it predicted a Hillary victory like just about every major media and

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IDW Main Series #13 Review · 8:13pm Dec 30th, 2016

Turns out I had one more comic being shipped besides the two that just shipped yesterday, so it's time for one more review and then we'll likely have to wait a while for the remaining comics to arrive.

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Friendship is Magic's Wall of Shame, Version 3 (Season 6) · 4:33pm Nov 11th, 2016

No new episodes from Seasons 1-5 made the cut here compared to the second version, which can be found here. So instead, we're just going to look at the episodes of Season 6 that failed, and then compare them to the totals from Seasons 1-5 and find out how many episodes of the show have been a let down so far. Remember, this list is not official by any means.

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The Top 50 BEST Episodes of FiM · 12:15am Nov 16th, 2016

I probably could've done this as early as the end of Season 5, or even the mid season hiatus in Season 6, but I decided to wait and see what would change in Season 6 and hopefully get a couple of new episodes to talk about. And now that we've got almost 150 episodes, I figure there's more than enough to do a list of my picks for the Top Fifty BEST Episodes of the show over the course of six seasons!

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Mane Eight Ranking, Version 3 · 8:37pm Oct 22nd, 2016

Now that a full season has come and gone, it's time to see where our cast of main characters currently stands and what (if anything) can be done with them to maybe change their rankings next time. Here's the previous version, from during the month long hiatus between the first and second half of Season 6. Remember that this list isn't official so feel free to disagree. Now let's see who moved up, who

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The Second Half of Season 6 v.s. The Second Half of Seasons 1-5 (Episodes Only) · 7:43pm Oct 23rd, 2016

With the remaining 14 episodes of the season having come out, let's see how they compare to the episodes of other seasons and see if Season 6 takes away Season 5's title of "Best Season" and if so by how much? First, however, let's see how the episodes stack up, and remember this is by no means official.

Episode Rankings:
14. The Cart Before The Ponies
13. P.P.O.V (Pony Point Of View)
12. Where The Apple Lies

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Plan, and requests. · 6:33pm Jul 10th, 2016

High people, again! Don't worry, last blog of the day... probably. (May put something fun out there later, don't know.)

So, if you are reading this, it's probably because you found it in your hearts to watch me. Well, thank you for that. With that said, I need to kick start myself back in gear, but I really don't know what to do. I'm working on a secret project that should be released in the next month or two, but in addition to that, I want to put out something fun.

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IDW Main Series #10 Review · 4:10am Dec 27th, 2015

Rather than stretch out the arc for 4 parts like they did with the previous story lines, IDW decided Big Macintosh's story would be told across two issues. So, were they able to capitalize on the success of the previous issue, or somehow sink the story all together?

Well, let's find out.

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Viewing 81 - 100 of 1,710 results