
Viewing 281 - 284 of 284 results

Paul's Monday Reviews XXI – "Final" Edition · 10:56am Jul 27th, 2015

That's right, folks, after today there will be no more Monday Review blogs. No, I'm not quitting the reviews, I'm just moving them to Thursdays. Why Thursdays? Because they're my easiest workday of the week and thus make the perfect day to do these things, plus it spreads out my blogs through the week so my activity seems more... err... active? And yes, that does mean we'll be seeing two review blogs this week. Nifty, huh?

We've got a mixed bag today. Let's get started, shall we?

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Twitter, do better, be useful. · 3:01am Feb 9th, 2022

I'm not sure why normal people even use Twitter, normal as in right-wing and conservative.

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Facebook memes! · 12:46am Sep 27th, 2016

So yeah. This "describe yourself with three characters" thing. I finally came up with something, so to be lazy I'm just going to share the screen cap.


Read It Now Reviews #67 – The Personal Ponderings of a Post-Time Displaced Princess, Market Day, Flapjacks, Anyone You Want Me To Be, Pinkie Pie’s Perfect Plan · 7:31pm Jan 3rd, 2016

After a week of having a badly distorted sleeping schedule that made me too tired to be productive half the time, I have finally righted the ship of sleep to the point where I am actually awake during daylight hours and asleep at night (for at least a few hours). In celebration, I thought I’d start attacking all the new stories I missed reading while I was dazed and confused for the holidays.

Today’s stories:

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Viewing 281 - 284 of 284 results