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I need a cover art for the verry 1st lovecaftian fic of the series, a recirding of a missing pony, the fic is an alternate universe of yakity sax. We learn that pinkie is the daughter of igneous rock pie, but cloudy qwarts is actually the stepmother of pinkie pie, and marble and limestone are half sisters. The true bloodline of pinkie and maud pie are far mor disterbing than what they comprehend.

Story: A recording of a missing pony

Genre: altrrnate universe, dark, adventure, horror

Warning: Gore, violence

A pony have been missing for several years celestia wanted me to send this to 5 of her pony's friends.

It is an audio recording of pinkie pie we have evidence of whare she is but the note told us to here the audio recording before we see them

This story was based off of HP lovecraft's cthulhu mythos hope you enjoy

I need a cover art, and only one illustration.
Portrayed the cover art whenever you wish, but the illustration will be the transformation from pinkamena, into an eldrich horror at the end of the fic.

If you are interested in making the cover art for the fic feel free in uploading the art in the description below.

Does anybody want to give me cover art and illustration?

Wrong group my dude you want the Artist group, this is the editor's group

Comment posted by Thomasfactoryuntold deleted May 21st, 2019

no i'm not going back to art for fiction, and i never will. it's more of an comission art group then a free art group.

You problebly remember My post about art for fiction, here is a link.


I left art for fiction 3 months ago. Is there an artist group you know of other thsn the group I just left?

well hate to break it to you buy you aren't going to find free art anywhere.

Group Admin

Seconded. Artists deserve at least some kind of compensation for their work unless they explicitly state that they're doing free commissions.

Comment posted by Thomasfactoryuntold deleted May 21st, 2019

Well what the hell am I supposed to do!? All I can draw is scratches! Nothing but scratches! I don't have the right equipment to make digital Art. And the illustration would look like that it was written on paper, and I do not want that!

What am I supposed to do, cancel my series!?

either pay for the art or don't have a story that needs it. Its a simple thing

So in other words from the second option, cancel it. Right?

Group Admin

Not necessarily. You don't need art to have a story, and no matter what your art skills are, there's always gonna be some way or another for you to improve. :twilightsmile:

And even then, if you're fine with simple, clear-cut, high contrast covers, then even something such as a mouse and keyboard should do fine as far as making your own art. I recommend using a program such as PaintDotNet if you do, as it's a free program that's got plenty of plugins should you want any kind of special effect. I've used it quite a few times to make my own cover art, and the learning curve on it really isn't all that steep anyway.

I don't have my own computer, and no I will not fill up the phone I am using. All I can do is to upload scratches on fimfiction, and that's it.

And apparently what i've been getting at from chaos nightmare is that there's no sutch thing as free art, or at least what it sounds like. I know that it is a toxic mindset to have, but right now i've really upset.

Btw a mouse would not do Jack crap for me, I would use a drawing pad, to make the digital Art look better, and Keira is what I prefer

Although you made a good point with a story not having Art, but I would prefer putting illustration so the reader can see what I am talking About, and I really need an audio reading for the story too. To entertain.

Group Admin

Well, all I honestly can say is to keep looking if you can't draw it yourself then. Free artists are pretty hard to come by, but there's the occasional art giveaway that (funnily enough) pops up in the Art for Fanfiction group. I've gotten my fair share of free art from small contests and giveaways, and even the occasional artist just looking to mess around and have a good time. Though, in the case of everything save for the contests, usually things are gonna be really simple in detail.

Basically, you're much more likely to get something memeable like this:

Than this:

Both of these pieces I got for free, but the former was from making jokes with Grim_Grin, while the latter was from an art giveaway to the first person to reply to a post. Though it was free for me, the contest holder ended up paying roughly around $30-$50 for the art if I remember correctly.

Free art does indeed exist, it's just a little hard to find, and when you do find it, it generally is gonna lean more towards the lighthearted, comedic side than anything with a major amount of detail.

I was exaggerating when I seid it. What I ment is that I can't find any free art, witch is a gigantic problem I am having, I have followed to rivermoon but she wasn't active at all, and I can't find her deviantART page.

Group Admin

Might I recommend to you Keriwi1?

I've requested art from her a couple of times before in the past, and she doesn't seem to mind the occasional free drawing or two. I'm not sure if she still accepts commissions, given how long it's been since I personally requested anything, but here are some examples:

Second image was colored by myself, but I really don't like how it ended up turning out after I colored it.

Mabe I'll try, if not then i'm sticking with sketches, and coloring scratches os not an option.

And the second image you broght up is not that bad. She almost looks like a mountain with a head attached, but that's just a bit pick, it didn't bother me that Mutch.

Group Admin

Alrighty then. Good luck!

Btw even if she does, will you color the art she gives me? I think you did it really well with the second art you gave me, and I think you color them too if not then mabe you color my scratches? If not then fine I will stick with sketches then

Group Admin

Er... I can try? I'm not much of an artist myself, and the cover art I do make myself I tend to make with help from my sister. As far as coloring goes, I literally just use the paintbucket tool and add some shadows. Nothing more.

That's good enough with the paint bucket tool. And who is your sister? Is she of fimfiction too?

And also what was the is a cover art of?

Group Admin

Old story that I really don't care about anymore.

Yes she is, but she doesn't normally draw ponies, and she's not active at all in the site.

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