The New Lunar Republic 1,790 members · 768 stories
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I am not trying to be an ass or anything but can someone please explain to me why its called the Luna Republic and not the Luna Empire because from what i understand Republics are not known for being lead by a Queen/Princess. (whatever she is) in my country the idea off bending the knee to anyone even your tribes chief/king/queen (they are way to many cultures and ethnic groups in the R.S.A for me to get specific) is a joke some of the time, insulting most of the time and only on extremely rare and or unique circumstances taken as a sign of actual respect.

4978099 I don't know where you're from but I've always thought that taking a knee/bowing to a superior is a sign of respect after the fact.

A republic is basically where everyone shares equal power and is led by an elected individual. Anyway, part of the reason why Luna rose up against Celestia and took her Nightmare Moon form was because she believed her night was being shunned. Celestia ultimately holds absolute power in Equestria as far as I'm concerned, and she's demonstrated this ability to handle it during Luna's banishment.

In my opinion, creating eternal night would have made everyone equal in Luna's eyes, because then they would—including but not limited to—eat, sleep, work etc under the light of the moon. She would have led the ponies, not ruled them, and that's the difference between the New Lunar Republic for Luna, and the Solar Empire for Celestia.

An empire has an absolute ruler, while a republic's populace has equal share in power and status while being led by an elected individual. Going off that, and in a sense, Luna saw herself as an equal in comparison to Celestia.

But that's just my opinion/analysis.

My take on it is that Luna didn't want to be associated with an Empire like Celestia's Empire so she went with Lunar Republic as a way to rebel against her sister.

Thanks for explaining the difference between an empire and republic, the answer to where i am from is the Republic of South Africa (R.S.A) our motto is "Unity in Diversity" and just as added info on my people its really hard for us to truly believe that any monarchy/empire/kingdom/chiefdom can be benevolent, its a biased view i know but considering our history with European powers and the mess that came with the cold war maybe not so much.

4978109 Good sir, you've said that beautifully.:moustache:


The honest answer is that thats just something most Luna fans don't think about. They love Luna so much (and usually hate Celestia) to the point of putting her so high up on a pedestal that they forget what the word 'republic' means.

Basically, a republic is a government system where the people elect other people to take care of government stuff for them. The people we elect are usually only in power for a few years before they stand down, or are re-elected. Also, the people we elect are by no means absolute in there power, as to the fact that (in a republic) the government is only as strong as it is supported by the people. In short, a republic is the public leading themselves.

That is why most representations of the so-called 'New Lunar Republic' are completely illogical and are products of lazy writing.

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4978269 Reasons why I have yet to start mine... But yes, you can take a look at ancient Greece and Modern day America as rather grand examples of Republics.

In the NLR Luna is essentially more in a Generals role than anything else, she is merely there to aid them in defeating Celestia since the New Lunar Rebellion actually began without her and formed into the Republic when she joined them and brought her military powers with her. (Aka the Lunar Guard, Shadowbolts, ect) In the end it would remain a Republic and Luna herself would essentially fill either the elected position as their first President, or perhaps a military position (Since she gives me that kind of vibe).

Not gonna wast too much of every-ponies time about how i would feel if my call for democracy got hijacked by an immortal princess with apparently a demons/shadow things power sitting in her body wanting to take over the nation and clear family issues being the initial reason for her fallout with her immortal sister add on that she and her sister appear to love keeping secrets and in all honesty it leaves me feeling cold inside (can ponies really be happy not knowing what goes on in the minds of beings as long lived as the royal sisters?)


regardless, weather it comes down to militarism or Nazi hypocrisy, Ive never read an NLR fic that I enjoy. Then again, Ive always been a Celestia supporter anyway. its not that I don't like Luna, but I cant see any logical way that the NLR would come about, not unless Luna goes all fifth sason finale on us. (if you know any good NLR fics, pease recommend)

Group Admin


What I am saying is that she only really lead the military of the NLR as they actually started without her, she became more of a icon to them to rebel than anything else. Also I've always viewed the NLR as Early United States rebelling against the British during the 1700s.

Which would put Luna in Washington's place.

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