SALT Monthly Contest Archive 15 members · 11 stories
Comments ( 55 )
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Group Admin

A big YO to all.

So, I'm running the contest this time round. This means we're likely to get another repeat of the SCP one, in that it'll probably run on Valve time. So, in light of all that, have a scattering of prompts to have a ponder over, and then chose which one you'd like to see as the official one. Why? Because I've proven I can't be trusted alone/not to die, that's why.

Oh, also hey new peeps. I'll be the occasionally cranky, usually jokey bullshitter in chief. General tips for provoking/placating me focus on heavy doses of Scoots. I'm not quite sure why [/lies].

Prompt 1: Never The Same Place Twice

Pone would be called Raindrops. Story surrounding it 'tis yours to discover.

Prompt 2: Out Of Time

I've been having a 'Minuette's awesome' phase recently. It doesn't show, does it?

Prompt 3: Love Me. Love Me Not

This one's hells of a lot more restrictive. You're pretty much confined to romance if you pick this. (Note: Pls accept challenge to make this not about romance.)

On the other hand, I am glowing in masturbatory self-love about that title. Because of that, feel free to change that period/full-stop into a comma, semi-colon or colon depending on your preference.

Prompt 4: Drifting away

Oh my goodness, Mane Six prompt! Aquillo, what is wrong with you: you'd think they were the main characters in the show or something...

Prompt 5: Of Little Warthogs


Oh, and before we go doing shizzle, you have one day to cast a 'I like X best' or 'Y is stupid' or 'Z won't leave me alone' type thing in the thread. I'll post my choice (influenced by what you say) to Daggers for confirmation, and then we'll get a prompt to start doing shizzle with. Shizzle's awesome.

You have one whole day to make up your minds. Oh, and if you have any other questions, chuck 'em down below to. And now, before you go, have a little story (you guys like stories, right?).

>Type 'Minuette Pony' into Google
>Nearly all pictures clop
>Readjust SafeSearch to 'strict'
>Few SFW images vanish
>Pic Related

Group Admin

414995 I cast my vote on #2. Brushie, brushie!:raritywink:

Frederick the Saiyan
Group Contributor

414995 Number 2 seconded. I will work in Scootaloo! :scootangel:

Group Admin

Either one or two.

Group Admin

So everyone likes 2 so far? That's good. Cos I totally didn't start doodling down ideas for 1, get hit by guilt and come zooming back on here to have a steaming confession before removing it from the list.

And, because I don't want people to think I'm stealing some of Anonymous_'s glory...


Something To Look Forward To got through?! YES! I've spent so long trying to shove that fic down people's gullets. I'm glad someone with more people-pulling power than me's helped it get some of the attention it deserves.

And, on that note:


Have you two read it yet? Huh huh huh?!

Group Admin

Fred's been helping me pick fics to read out of the growing list I get thrown at me. He told me that he cried like a per-pubesent man-child... or something.

Frederick the Saiyan
Group Contributor

415334 Dude, I'm the one that read it and advised that it be promoted today. That thing was BEAUTIFUL. :raritystarry:

415356 Close enough, yeah. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin


All I can say is that if the other one of the two turns out to be by RedSquirrel456, I'm going to go scream angrily at a wall.

Or something :pinkiesmile:

Frederick the Saiyan
Group Contributor

415369 Wait, confused, sorry. XD
One of two what, sorry?
And Redsquirrel?

Group Admin


Dags mentioned that two fics got through. If the other turns out to be Whisper Sun, Silent Moon by RedSquirrel456, I will throw a hissy fit the likes of which you have never seen. The fact that you're confused over the name makes me hopeful: I've gone goofed and Daggers has got an awesome fic lined up for me to read.

Jesus Christ, that's arrogant of me. It's like I'm expecting the two to be the ones I submitted in. WHY MUST I INSIST ON PUTTING MY FOOT IN MY MOUTH?!

Group Admin

Nope, he's still in the queue. Give Fre... us a few days to process this stuff.

Group Admin


Best possible outcome.

Frederick the Saiyan
Group Contributor

415397 I'm poking at the list right now. 'Whisper Sun, Silent Moon' just jumped to the next one I will look at. :twilightsheepish:

415389 Sorry I missed you just now, I was in another room. :unsuresweetie:

D G D Davidson
Group Contributor

Prompt 2 is looking best to me at the moment. Well, actually, prompt 3 looks best to me, but I got my own ideas for a Celestia/Discord romance and I'm saving those for later. No, on second thought, let me put it this way--

Prompt 2 is good.

Prompt 3 I like for selfish reasons.

Group Admin

415397 415377 415356 415425 Wow, this is like the start of a really weird joke. Three birds(a firebird, a raven and a chicken) walk into a chatroom...

Anyway, the prompt seems all but decided, unless all of our newbies band together and overrule us.

Group Admin


Glad someone else likes three. That pic is adorable (+ I'd been saving that title. Hells, first three fics are based off titles I'd been saving up, and they're the three eveyone likes. Not sure how feel.)


I need to meet these people. Crossing fingers that they all ask for prompt five.

Group Admin

415445 at least two of them check back regularly enough. I wonder where Nagagon is going to weigh in.

Group Admin


Pasadena. He never wades anywhere else. :trollestia:

Group Admin

415459 I think returning to life has left you a little confused about a few things. Little things, such as the difference between weigh and wade.

Group Admin


>Calls someone out on incorrect word usage
>Uses incorrect word usage whilst doing it

Group Admin

415478 And now you have me confused. where is the incorrect use of a word on my part?

Group Admin


The where. Should be a when.

We know where he's going to be (here). Question's about when.

Unless you mean where as in 'what stance he is going to take', in which case GIVE ME MORE CLARITY BECAUSE I WILL ALWAYS ASSUME WRONG.

Group Admin

415497 I did indeed mean his opinion on our debate. Sorry for confusing you. By the way, do you count as a zombie or are you a different monster entirely now?

Group Admin

415503 If you wanna know what I am, then Pinkie in Luna Eclipsed says it best.

I'll leave you to figure out which quote I mean.

Group Admin

415532 Since we were speaking about editing anyhow, did you ever take a look at that thing I posted a while back?

Group Admin


Took a look at it before it came out. Internet died before I got the confirm on ripping it to pieces.

Would do a bit of work on it tonight, but I'm midway through ranting calmly and reasonably stating the problems in someone's fic at the moment, and I'm not in a polite state.

That, and I'm tired. :ajsleepy:

Group Admin

One hour left to go and I don't think anyone else is going to comment. So it is, of course, number two.

Sharpen your quills, peeps. I've got a good/bad feeling about what's going to come out of this.

Group Admin

416378 Sorry about that, but I got pulled away to fix my car, which decided to have problems and I didn't get back till very late. Followed by working all of today.

Same rules as last few times? 10 days to write 2k?

Group Admin


Nope. Two days to write 10K this time round. :raritywink:

Group Admin

417515 Oh goody, lowering the difficulty level. :rainbowlaugh:

Well I guess I'll be able to see how much bs I can write in a couple of hours once I manage to get to my computer. I can tell this is just going to be tons of fun.

Group Admin

Ok, we've had little to no talk in the archive this time round, and that annoys my narcissism and sense of self-importance. So, just to have a little role call:


How are things going? Good; bad; awful; help me because I don't know what's going on? This is pretty much a check to make see how everyone's getting along.

Sorry for all the flamey flames :derpytongue2:

Group Admin

422406 You never need to apologize for lighting fires. That would just be silly. Story-wise, I am running into a few snags. Honestly I want to just throw open a g-doc and let the party begin but I have a few reservations on that for this particular fic. This one has to be done WELL. I also feel the need to keep it mostly under wraps. Help?

Group Admin



Just open with something interesting, never tell your audience anything about what's going on (aka, let them make up their own minds), create some well rounded characters and you should write a decent story.

D G D Davidson
Group Contributor


I'm a newbie to the group, so I don't know exactly how to proceed with making the story available for pre-reading or whatnot. I like to compose in MS Word and insert the BBCode tags as I write so I don't have to put them in later. I can put what I have so far in a G-Doc if anybody cares or wants to make comments as I proceed.

I have the whole story outlined in my head and I'm happy with it, and I have around 5k written so far, which I'm estimating is a little less than half the story. It does have Minuette and Derpy, but I'm still not sure I can work that giant toothbrush in someplace. I'll figure it out.

Group Admin


I'm sorry. I know there was more to your post, but

>5k so far


I think that's going to be a SALT record. At any rate, I need to get moving. Pronto.

Oh, and yeah. I'll comment on it if you want someone to. I'll just have to go and write down my outline first of all so I know it isn't conflicting.

D G D Davidson
Group Contributor


I lied; I just opened my doc to find it's a little over 4k. So I misremembered.

All righty, I don't care who looks at it, so I'll put the doc up right now and open it for comments. Here it is, what there is so far of "Chronomistress: Out of Time." I slapped an additional word into the title just in case I ever want to write any more Chronomistress stories using the same non-Doctor Who ideas I'm using in this fic.

Group Admin

422447 I must say, by the title alone it seems packed with awesome.:coolphoto:

Group Admin


Looking at it now, and...

Yes. It's good. Damn good. Your ideas and use of world building are as near unique as I've ever come across. That, and the tension sucks you in from the get go. You even gave a great deal of characterisation to a character who's impact is probably only in the first few scenes. It's been a while since I last had a fic I can look at and say 'no real comments on how to improve'. I've missed this feeling; thank you for bringing it back again.

About the only crit I can give is commas. You're adding in all the commas where it's grammatically correct to do so, and it's making your fic look like it's coated in comma fleas. You are allowed to fluff the rules on commas from time to time (or so I'm told).

Or, better yet, I'd go back through and single out every sentence with more than four commas in and either break it up or rephrase it. Too many commas in a confined space makes the reading choppy and disjointed. That, and my inner grammar nazi was muttering 'opened parenthesis... switched to vocative... closed parenthesis..." and it's getting distracting.

Note: making comments as I go; pls don't sue if comment changes.

D G D Davidson
Group Contributor


Okay. I'll be sure to take a close look at the commas when I edit the final draft. I have a bad habit of putting commas in even when it's not grammatically correct to do so. :twilightoops:

Group Admin


I haven't seen any incorrect ones yet (and, if I have, I probably skimmed over them). It's mainly because I have to pause and work out what your sentence is trying to tell me rather than bouncing into it, extracting the information and then being on my merry way.

Or, in other words, it's slightly disrupting the pace.

Again, though: good job. Believe me when I say that I'm impressed.

Frederick the Saiyan
Group Contributor

No, not really. I'm pretty much good, got a nasty test tomorrow, but I still might get to do some Dungeon-mastering tonight. I'll give the SALT a shot in a bit. How're you?

Group Admin


Awesome. And Dungeon Mastering as in the old, retro first quasi-3d game or Dungeon Mastering as in running a D&D game?

Frederick the Saiyan
Group Contributor

422580 Running a D&D game. I seem to have gotten about 8 people interested at once, so it's a bit crazy right now. 0.o

Group Admin

It's my birthday, time to party like I'm :pinkiehappy:

Happy b-day! This is for you!

Sorry I missed this prompt guys, I'll try to get in on the next one.
If it make you feel any better, though, I have written about 5k words in the last ten days, just not about anything suggested here. :rainbowwild:

Group Admin



I had a mild case of internet death, so soz about the lateness.

Group Admin



Unless no-one's ready, and then extra time could possibly be negotiated. Maybe. :unsuresweetie:

D G D Davidson
Group Contributor


Didn't realize it was midnight of the day before these were due that they were due! I have a good chance of being done by then, but I better screw up my awesome to get it finished.

Group Contributor


(Oh hey guys, I'm alive, yay)

I will participate in this! I only have less than three hours to write because of busy Sunday things I need to do. I can make it up though!

Expect it out today.

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