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I just watched the finale. It was great, but there was one small thing that shattered my world (yeah it doesn't take much).

You know, I thought Twidash wouldn't get official because they wouldn't want lesbians or something, or maybe because the mane 6 are friends more than anything else. I would have been fine with that, but this is the worst possible outcome.

Did they just confirm Appledash?!:raritydespair::raritycry:
My heart is now broken:fluttercry:

I don't care if it's dead, TWIDASH FOREVER!!!!

Canon or non canon, TWIDASH FOREVER!!!!!!

JWR #3 · Nov 2nd, 2019 · · ·

The writers said that it was ambiguous if Appledash was confirmed. Twidash is still alive as far as headcanon goes if you still want it to be.

It looked heavily implied that they were together. However, you’re right. They didn’t explicitely say it, so it’s not cannon for me. Twidash will always be real:twilightsmile:

Hell naw!
Applejack and Rainbow just walked into the room together and was friendly teasing each other.

Plus fanfiction. Screw Canon screw rules.

And also hell naw Twilight being a carbon copy of Celestia but purple. I want my adorable alicorn princess!

You're right, fanfiction is all-powerful!
Twidash will always be canon for me!

(Yeah Twilight was way more adorable before)

TwiDash will prevail!

Don't get me wrong, AppleDash is sorta cute... but TwiDash just makes way more sense, plus, it's cuter.

This, we can agree on

Rainbow Dash established in season 1 that she loiters on AJ's property, so she could have just been over there.

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Only a heavily vaccinated person would think "Let me help with chores" means it's canon.

Obviously, Dash is dating Apple Bloom. That's why she's over there.

Even if it was canon, I wouldn't want my ship to show up like that when its last episode was one of the worst in the show and did nothing for either character :>

Pretty much just ignore the people who want to insist it's canon no matter what

If it was going to be cannon I'd rather they actually explicitly say it, rather than just barely tease it in the very final moments of the very last episode. Tbh I like both ships a lot, so I'm gonna say no, it's not dead :twilightsmile:

No, Rainbow's dating Granny Smith, duh

I love being right. ;)
Twidash, whoop whoop!

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She dead, doh

She's probably sneaking in to see Sugar Belle and save her from that dead marriage.

I'm with the others, Twidash is definitely still in play for me. That ending may have teased it, but it isn't enough to confirm it 100%. They've teased other ships before anyway.

In all seriousness, I have nothing against Appledash or any other ship for that matter, and if they want to say its that, then okay, it's that, Appledash is official; but, that's mostly just cause I personally believe that as a shipper myself that I'm obligated to be at the very least open-minded about ships that I don't show support for or just feel indifferent towards. While I am aware this going to grind someone's gears, I agree with Whisperer up there, canon or not, I don't think it's going to stop us from still believing or supporting our own preferred ships. I mean, as far as I can tell FlutterMac is still a more popular ship for either one over SugarMac despite it being canon, and I still find the occasional artwork with Dash being shipped with Quibble despite him having a girlfriend.

this is the glory if alternate timelines and universes. Twidash is cannon no matter what anypony says

Actually...Two members of my family worked on the mlp series,And Appledash has not been confirmed people,I repeat Appledash has not been confirmed!!!

I ignore The Last Problem

Even though I now ship AppleDash because of its canonity (I have a soft spot for canon ships, ok? Don't @ me), TwiDash will still be my #1 MLP ship.

What no she's in a poly relationship with Big Mac and Sugar Belle.

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