Nikola Tesla Fanclub 173 members · 4 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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On July 11, 1856, Nicola Tesla, quite possibly one of the greatest scientists who ever lived was born. Even to this day his inventions remain some of the most important scientific breakthroughs ever (A.C. power, radio and R.C. technology).

The world would do well to remember Nicola Tesla.

And we could not give all the credit he deserves if we bucking tried. There's just so much!

1267509 Especially since most of his ideas were in his mind. He never put them down onto paper.

One of humanity's brightest minds. His achievement in gifting humanity with progress is immense.

The singularly most gifted inventor we've ever had.

1267501 That man was a legend. Happy birthday, Tesla!

1267501 Truly one of the greatest minds to ever grace this earth. A toast to you, Nikola! :moustache:

He also did quite a bit in the field of hydroelectricity as well.


Tesla is a role model and inspiration for me. I'll try and make the day the best it can be in his honour. Happy birthday!

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