Chess Game of the Gods 1,443 members · 87 stories
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Group Admin

Hello, StandardIssue here(Obviously).

It had been something I've been meaning to do, but now I can actually do it. The best way to revive a group is not only getting participants, but also getting a staff. Now, this isn't tied to canon itself. A staff here is in the terms of Monitoring threads, stories, making sure stories are in the correct places and so on. Kinda a step down from MOD. But you could communicate with us. However, before I go into the fact of staff, the real heart of the matter is this. We need Editors. A designated group of people willing to be Chessverse Editors. Much like the Editor group has their thing, we need people willing to specifically work with Chessverse and other aspiring authors within our group. Seeing how the Editor group tends to be choice orientated, here, we can get a set group of people and section hem off by account name. We will then funnel stories over to these editors.

So, if you are interested in aiding our group, please PM me or comment below your thoughts on this. Editors, we can all agree that we need you. And I believe every group should have their own designated group editors.

Cool plan, but I don't really see this working well. It isn't always true, but most editors tend to pick and choose which fic they want to support, and half of their "payment" is having their name up in the description with the author.

This is something that very few people would agree to without some sort of idea what they are getting into. How many words per day would they be looking at on average? Would they be edited using a shared spreadsheet and Gdocs?

Whatever the plan might be, this group, as it is, is effectively dead. The most recent post was over a week ago. The final straw for the group was probably when all the main author's decided to screw working together because it was too difficult. Destroying the point of the group, the greatest group one-canon story collaboration in fimfic history was what interested most people, and now it's just the greatest group collaboration of clique overpowered self-insert HiEs.

I like how optimistic you are that if we build a staff, users will come, but the best way to revive a group is not to build a staff, it's to get author's interested, and most of them lost that a while ago.

3804188 I would love to, but my schedule is a demanding one, so I don't currently have the time to.
I've always wanted to climb a group ladder, but I am putting all my efforts into school and writing as it is.
If the group is as dead as you say it is, and I won't have to constantly look at stories, then maybe.
However, for now, just now that I am interested, but lack the motivation.

Group Admin

3805294 If you were to pay attention to events, we do indeed have authors. In fact, a lot. We are creating a new canon. AKA, canon Beta. The group is more alive than you think.

3807489 I've been here 2.5~ years, since the very beginning, this place is a shell of what it once was, but good luck I suppose.

Wouldn't editors need to be people who've read most of the fics because the chapter would also have to agree with the current events in the story and the events of another story in the case of a crossover?
Just a thought, but I might be wrong.. Yeah I'm new.

3808688 Yep, the problem with bringing in new authors is that they have a ridiculous amount of required reading to do if they want to be canon.


Hey, can you go to Chess Games Of The Gods Wiki? I added a new page for Joudon_Warrior to use.

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