Uncommon Shipping Pairs 1,273 members · 2,105 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Just a thought, but the idea of uncommon might need to be reexamined. Flarity currently has 150 stories devoted to the pairing, and that includes friendshipping. Meanwhile you've got Raritwi listed as uncommon when that pairing has 176 stories just in romance and close to 300 total.

Some things become more common as a ship catches on.


"Know that me timbers have been shivered by ships most common and lily-livered. For no matter the caliber of writing, nor effort of labor, such ships must be met with pistol and saber."

-Blackbeard 1705

Are you suggesting that either of those have slipped from uncommon to common or from uncommon to rare?

I'd believe the latter sooner than the former.

Well, Flarity is still quite uncommon, but thanks to the efforts of Mono, Raritwi has become much more common.

The mod is dead, it seems but some new folders and alterations would be nice...

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