Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Admin

It's been a few years, and as appropriate as the wrecked library banner might have been, I figure it's time for a change. Restoring the classic banner didn't feel right, though.

So, I'm trying this one for the moment. This library certainly had a claim on being Twilight's library long before the one in Ponyville. It's just been mothballed for years, awaiting her return.

Besides, it has Moondancer in it.

It's not necessarily final, but it certainly feels less depressing...


Group Admin

Thank you so much. That other banner was just too negative.

Group Admin

No problem. It was rather hanging over the group any time I went there. It accurately represented how I felt about things at the time I put it up, but things have faded since than, and I'd rather have one that was more upbeat, and not discouraging.

It's also probably a better representation of the state of the group as a whole, anyways. And I rather like the design of the place. There need to be more stories about it. Though I'm pretty sure I remember reading a fanfic a long time ago about Twilight returning there to bring her books to Ponyville...



It was rather hanging over the group any time I went there.

Well of course it was. It's a banner.

haHA her head is so big


Though I'm pretty sure I remember reading a fanfic a long time ago about Twilight returning there to bring her books to Ponyville...

I know of at least one: 100% Move = 50% Fire. Though I wouldn't be surprised if there were more.

Group Admin

That's pretty much guaranteed to be the one I'm thinking of, since it shows as read and is also in Twilight's Library.

It really does seem like there should be more on that theme, though, doesn't it?

That last picture? Yep. It's from Applebuck Season, in fact, from when Rainbow Dash crashes into the library. I used to have that on the front page of the group, before groups had banners.


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