Twilight's Library 4,830 members · 6,274 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Group Admin

Alright, lets talk about the banner for this group.

I created the current banner from a touched up screenshot in gimp back when we first had the ability to add banners.At first, I wanted some variation on the picture on the front page, but it didn't scale well. And it isn't a bad banner. Here's a copy for reference:

I'm starting to wonder if it's a bit bland, though. For April 1st, I temporarily changed the banner to a bunch of silly Twilight pictures, which looked like this:

Funny thing is that that banner is growing on me, and it was at least different.

So, thought I'd look for opinions. Should I stick with the current one, change to the April 1st one, or go with a different one entirely?

And feel free to add other banners to this thread for consideration.

Actually, I like the new one. It fits the sense of scale and grandeur that Twilight's (ideal) library would embody.

Keep this banner. It's austere and brilliant.

I like the one with silly Twily faces.

I actually quite like the banner that's up now. It fits the overall theme of the group.

Group Admin

854258 :rainbowderp:... :rainbowlaugh:
i like the current banner.

Group Admin

Alright, maybe I'm just being overcritical. I do rather like the way your eyes sort of slide to the center when looking at it, and it is thematically appropriate, too. I didn't really call for discussion when I originally put it up, though, and did want some group feedback.

With 5 to 1 at this point, I'll go ahead and keep it, since I can see which way the tide's going. I do like the silly one as well, however, despite throwing it together on a whim. Anyone know a bannerless group that would be interested in adopting it?

(Also, incidentally, all but one of the screenshots in that banner are from the same episode. And all of them were ones I had laying around my hard drive. Taking screenshots while I'm rewatching episodes is a bit of a hobby, actually.)

I like the actual one better, smashed pictures toghether aren't that cool, they are nice pics, but the one already could just be better with a photoshoped twi backwards looking at the library if you let me opine. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin


Yeah, if you look at the large assortment of banners I did for the Scootaloo group in this thread, you'll note that the only multi-image one was the April Fools one. I usually prefer one image for the whole banner.

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