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You know I've been thinkin, we don't know when Fallout 4 is coming out right?(at least I haven't heard anything) well, while we wait what's stopping us from just making our own? Now I don't mean making a mod or some other elaborate project. I mean this is a site full of writers right? I'm sure we can think of some cool ideas. So let's pretend that we were put in charge of Fallout 4's development from the beginning. We have been given complete control over everything from the story to the UI. What would the main quest be? Who would the PC be and how is he involved? What new factions, weapons, and items would we create? Let's ignore all the hints as to what will happen and instead imagine what could happen.

Let's make a game people!

New York! ICBMs underneath the Statue of Liberty! You know, fallout style crazy.

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

I would like something that involves Skyscrapers somehow. Like 574915 said, New York would be awesome. Or Los Angeles maybe?

Or perhaps somewhere not in America? Fallout UK would be pretty sweet. Or maybe Canada, under Communist Chinese oppression? (As in the descendants of the Chinese Army run it like a giant slave camp)

A slave uprising would be sweet.

Massachusetts, thy promised us the Commonwealth.

574922I wanna be an android!

only america is left, because only they had vaults, any other country might be just ghouls

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

Actually, no.

Firstly, it was a war between China and America. So plenty of other countries should be fine. Why would either of them Nuke Madagascar, for example?

Secondly, not everyone outside a vault died in the US. Plenty of tribals about. Las Vegas was practically unharmed, for example.

So no, the rest of the world is not entirely made up of Ghouls.

Group Contributor

So are we from a Vault again or are we a mercenary/traveler of some kind?

Professor Plum
Group Contributor


Who would the PC be and how is he involved?

You need to use your...


574936 Whatever you think would be cool or interesting.

I've heard a lot of talk that Fallout 4 will be set in Boston. And with the new graphics engine, it's gonna look fucking amazing.

574928 A country of ghouls would be interesting. It could flip the bigotry around and make regular humans the victims.

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

Boston would be interesting.

As I said before, Skyscrapers and vertical combat would be sweeeeet, but anything that is even slightly like The Pitt would be mind-blowingy awesome

574953 Besides Mothership Zeda, the Pitt was by far the best DLC in the game.

Group Contributor


Alright then he/she is an escaped android from the Commonwealth. He/she has been out in the world for several years and as such has gained a large collection of skills and weapons. Unfortunately misfortune befalls our character and he/she is ambushed by a group of Enclave Remnants who seek to use his/her knowledge of the Commonwealth to infiltrate it and take over. They use their technology to wipe most if not all of the skills that he picked up out in the Wasteland from his hard-drive/brain and send him in as a sleeper cell thinking that they’ve reprogrammed him. However their attempt failed and he’s still very much in control of his action and despite his dislike for those who created him/her the android doesn’t want them to all be destroyed/taken over by the Enclave. And so the player must choose whether or not he wants to side with the Commonwealth where he was raised or with the Enclave who may or may not be a better alternative. All the while other factions in the Commonwealth show up and offer zany sidequests.

I vote for a slave in San Francisco. Him/her working and then escaping could be the tutorial.

574955 I like it, but theres one thing that I think would be difficult to make work. Writing the Enclave back in would be tricky... they've... kinda had a bad run of luck these last few games. I challenge you sir to do this! How did these remnants survive?:pinkiehappy:

574954 I thought Point Lookout was better. You got a whole area to explore with that one.

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

Personally, I'd swap the Enclave with the BoS.

It'd give a nice moral choice. Do you trust them in their assertions that they'll use the tech to help others and attack the fairly peaceful Commonwealthers, or refuse to help them, effectively make the Commonwealth declare war on one of the most technically advanced groups in the wastes

I think it would be cool if the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout 3 created a nation similar to the NCR, with the technology of the Bortherhood and the Enclave remnants. The PC would start out in Boston as one of the Enclave recruits that were fleeing retribution from the Brotherhood of Steel, while the nation they created was expanding Northward into former Massachusetts. While running from the Brotherhood, the PC is captured and detained.

(The background of the PC is that he/she was enlisted in the Enclave by force when the Brotherhood were killing off most of their soldiers, and Raven Rock was destroyed. That makes it so the PC wouldn't have too strong of a disposition towards the Brotherhood, similar to if the player never played Fallout 3.)

Forward a couple weeks, and the PC is questioned by none other than Sentinel Lyons from Fallout 4. The PC then has the option to cooperate with the Brotherhood's cause or attempt an escape. After that, it's all up to the player.

Also, I really really really really really want Three Dog to make a comeback in Fallout 4.

Group Contributor

They’re a splinter cell who avoided contact with the old Enclave and as such haven’t suffered the widespread destruction of the other branches. Their leader is still a bad man, but he’s actually logical in the way that he goes about things which is something that the Commonwealth desperately needs if it’s going to survive. They’re also not quite as high tech as the other Enclave and while they still utilize power armor it’s begun to fall apart due to lack of supplies and innovations which is another reason why they need what the Commonwealth offers. Think Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout 3 except not nearly as nice along with a leader who thinks that occasionally disintegrating the mayors of towns in full view of the citizens is a good way to keep order.

574964 Elder Lyons would have to be dead. Maybe his sucessor is a bit more... aggressive?

574963 That was cool too, but it wasn't too much out of the ordinary. Plus, those fucking Feral Ghoul Reavers were around every corner. It takes 20-something shots from a Gauss Gun to kill just one.

574965 yeah, I never knew how much I missed Three Dog until I realized how boring Mr. New Vegas could be.

574966 Gotta agree with both of you guys about including the Enclave. I was somewhat disappointed when my evil character wasn't allowed to join them in Broken Steel like he was promised. It would be cool to see things from their side.

574971 By the time my character got to Point Lookout he was pretty overpowered. He needed that challenge.

574977 Yeah, but then you gotta go find a doctor to sell you stimpaks in a swamp wasteland where there don't seem to be many merchants.

574980 I already had hundreds of stimpacks by the time I got there. I was prepared. :rainbowdetermined2:

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

Elder Lyons only runs a small faction of the BoS called the Lyon's Pride

Most of them are technophilic xenophobes who don't give a rat's arse about any tribal they come across.

Think Father Elija dialled up to 11.

574981 I certainly wasn't. Basically, the woman came up to me and asked me to help find her daughter, and being the wasteland savior Three Dog always told me I was, I went there immediately with about 5 stimpaks. I was fucked after the first Reaver.

574982 Lyons controls the eastern most chapter of the brotherhood and most of the BoS in the west were killed by the NCR. I guess maybe the outcasts in Fallout 3 could go north? Or maybe some guys from Chicago? Also isn't The Lyons Pride just an elite squad led by Sentinal Lyons?

574983 Three Dog is clearly a bad influence on you. He encourages you to do dangerous things.

574952 Ghouls do live a very long time after all. Could combine it with the slave uprising idea.

574962 What about Alaska? The Chinese invaded it once so it makes sense they would put a lot of stock in refortifying it. Or did the bombs drop straight after the Americans booted them out?

574966 Perhaps have the Commonwealth make technology that is really advanced but really delicate and then the Enclave have far more hardy equipment that isn’t quite as powerful. The plot could revolve around them trying to steal each other’s technology and assimilate the other to become the dominating ideology. Say, the Enclave barges equal rights for androids but dose some nasty stuff to mutant communities that the Commonwealth are happy to live and let be. However androids are basically slaves but you really have to work hard if you want to even begin to change that, maybe vice-versa with Enclave mutant attitudes. The Brotherhood could be a third side but they don’t have the man power to settle things so if you don’t work hard to give them the advantage they’ll bug out before the fight even begins.

574990 He does. he asked me to fix his toaster after I diffused that bomb in Megaton. Do you know just how dangerous tampering with toasters is? We're talking 2nd degree burns!

574982 Nah. The DC Brotherhood aren't nearly as Xenophobic as their Western counterparts. Remember that the Brotherhood assisted with the first Project Purity, and at the end of Fallout 3, they were working with Rivet City civilians to distribute the fresh water (if you decided to help the Brotherhood).

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

Aye, he controls one of the Eastern Chapters (mostly, there are some ironically named "Outcasts" who stay true to the original oaths) but there are plenty others out there.

And not all of the Western ones were wiped out. Elder McNamara was proof of that.

And there are plenty of other chapters around the place that haven't been wiped out that we know exist (like the Midwest and Texan branches) so it's hardly unreasonable that others exist out there.

Most of the soldiers during the war were in places like Alaska and Canada, right? So it'd make sense for some BoS chapters to patrol those areas. A chapter coming down from the north would make sense.

Or maybe it doesn't have to be the BoS at all. Chinese soldiers, random Tribals, even talking Deathclaws could fulfil the role of promised saviours/tricksy invaders.

Professor Plum
Group Contributor

I know. The DC chapter is Lyon's group.

I was thinking a different chapter.

Maybe some kind of system similar to Skyrim’s vampires and Lykens just with types of mutants and cyborgs. It would also be cool if some perks had visual effects on your character.

575007 Yes! Sentient Death Claws please! Bring them back! Never got to play fallout 2 but the idea is awesome in of itself.

574999 I don't believe there's much canon about Alaska after the war. Guess anything's possible there huh?

575005 Second degree burns? ... My god...

575007 Yeah... Elder Macnamara is still around... I totally didn't... cause any explosions or anything... *shifts eyes*

575007>>575031 If they had talking deathclaws I would camp outside of my nearest gamestop a week in advance to get that game on its midnight launch. Coolest. Things. Ever.

How about Chicago and as for the quest it could be about trying to find some pre-war Artifact of doom or about maybe trying find out what happaned to the Vault Dweller. As for faction's return of the legion sounds nice , but I think it would be cool to fight regular gangs all Mad Max style like in F1 and F2 just because
I think we could use a break from saving the wasteland from armies fighting over control. Lastly Cars and motorcycles, we were able to have a car in Fallout 2 I think it would be nice to get to places instead fast travaling all the time or waking,

575075 They tried putting more cars in Fallout Tactics but they made the mistake of having them run on gas though and everyone threw a fit about it. Personally I would love to see more cars as long as they ran on energy cells Fallout 2 style.

Fallout 3 story cont., you find the final remnant of the Enclave in the entire universe in a not really that secret underground lab with shitty ventilation and its all sweaty and stuff so you have a sweat meter instead of a geiger counter and you find a portal and trip into it and BOOM ELDER SCROLLS VI DRAGONS AND MISSLES AND SWEETROLLS XTRME

575117 the cars are obviously nuclear, why else would they cause your geiger counter to race when they go *KABOOSH*


They could implement cars but have them increase your rads if you use them

599961 Why would the person who restored the car keep the radiation leaking engine instead of replacing it with one that runs on energy cells like Fallout 2?

603397 because it makes it just that much more interesting, your driving your car and suddenly BAM extra arm

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