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Your Courier and your Wanderer are thrown into an arena fully armed and are told that they have to kill the other to get out alive. What happens? GO!

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They work together and kill the ones that put them there, obviusly

Group Contributor

They stare awkwardly at each other for awhile, and then work together to escape, killing the guys who put them there in the first place.

Post-escape coitus optional.

Edit: In my case, he just awkwardly walks out, because my Wanderer and Courier are the same person.

My wanderer gets the shit beat out of him.
then executed with an incendiary round from the Anti-Material Rifle to the face.

Group Contributor

David (my Wanderer) active his alien teleporter and teleports both him and Scarlet out. Scarlet then hit him for scaring her with the teleporter (if haven't figure it out Scarlet doesn't like the teleporting process).

Though to play along with this silly little game. Scarlet will win since she carries the Pulse Gun around her at all times and David always wears power armor.

My Wanderer crashes so often that my Courier would win by default when George freezes up and explodes.

481672>>481699 So two complete strangers from the savage wasteland who constantly have to fight to survive just automatically agree to trust eachother.

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481768 Who says it was "automatically"?

And if George didn't freeze up?:duck:

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Well yeah, their pipboys would probably show that they were friendlies, and besides two powerarmored titans would at the very least stop and see if the other was evil before attacking anyways if for no other reason than the fact that the battle could get very expensive in terms of how much it would cost to repair their equipment

481798 Your logic is sound.

Group Contributor


Thank you, now if you'd asked what would happen if an evil wanderer and good Courier were thrown into this then the answer would be very different although my money's on the Courier

He'd die of Tetanus as soon as he got a poke from Courier's bumper sword.

Late Night Delight
Group Contributor

Probably as follows.
Cheyenne would most likely just look at Michelle (My wanderer) and probably tell her her armor looks crappy. Michelle would then shoot her with a dart gun tranquilizer, pick up the body, and take it back to her Tenpenny tower suite for some "Processing"

She probably didn't count on Cheyenne's extreme distaste for capture, and get the shit beat out of her.

Hate sex ensues.

Perception Filter
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481664 Courier wins. My courier is full on every single skill, can carry 300 pounds of weight and has: 1 Anti-Material Rifle, 1 Sniper Rifle, 1 Minigun, 1 Blood Nap (Unique knife), 1 (almost every unarmed weapon), 1 Elite Riot gear, 1 Ranger Sequoia, and all the associated ammo that comes with them, AP, HP, and all that.

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I always imagined the two of them going at it in a 'Deadliest Warrior' style battle. The Lone Wanderer would have the ridiculously strong Enclave Hellfire armour and would have weapons such as the Super Sledge, Incinerator, and other Misc. Big Guns. The Courier would have the Pre-War Elite Riot armour from the Divide, along with a variety of guns, such as the Anti-Material Rifle, Riot Shotgun with Dragon's Breath Rounds, etc.

The Battle would rage for several minutes with the Wanderer taking the brunt of the impact, but none of the Courier's weapons actually getting through the Power Armour. The Wanderer wouldn't be able to hit the Courier, though. The climatic showdown would end when the Wanderer pulls out the Experimental MIRV...


Frank DuFresne (Doc)
Group Contributor

After a long battle which destroyed most of the surrounding environment, they would agree to a truce. My courier would then ask if my wanderer wants to go get drunk, to which my wanderer will reply with an enthusiastic "Fuck yeah!".

482352>>482677 I like your answers best so far.

My courier is evil, so he would walk, over to my full good karma wanderer and bitch slap him in the face with his own super sledge which he pickpocketed of him.

He would then strip the body bear and give it to the gomorrah.

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