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Sorry to ask this, but do people here disagree without being disagreeable? I've been burned by a couple of FimFic groups. Some opinion of mine came up, and then people got angry and threw hisey-fits (I was civil, but they were determined to be angry).

Here are two opinions of mine that made people angry: I don't think child erotica (“foalcon”) should be in the featured box. And I don't think LGBT stuff, polygamy, etc., should be in kid's shows.

Now, I don't really expect those particular opinions to come up much in this group. But before I seriously conciser joining this group, I'd like to know: Are people in this group grown-up enough to respectfully disagree with an opinion. Without getting angry or throwing fits?

To be clear: I don't plan on shoving my opinions down people's throats. And I don't care if you agree or disagree with those opinions I mentioned, that's not the point! What I care about, is if the people of this group can disagree without being disagreeable. Without anger, without name-calling, without fussing or fitting. And with civility and respect. If you guys can do that, then I think I've found my group!

Now I don't necessarily agree with you on everything but that is not the point I want to make, the point I want to make is that wherever you go on the internet there will always be the small minority that want to kick up a fuss. Those are perfectly valid opinions and we could debate the rights and wrongs all day.

this group might be a bit of a lost cause. I wouldn't call it an active group.


"[W]herever you go on the internet there will always be the small minority that want to kick up a fuss".

You have a point. But that small minority should not be allowed to dominate, or speak for a group. People who are determined to be angry, who want to kick up a fuss: They should be banned or warned or something.

I truly think you're blowing all of this out of proportion. I agree with you about the foalcon showing up in the Featured/Popular Boxes. That garbage has no business there.

Your opinions on the "questionable" episodes, while they are your opinions and I respect that, are way out in left field. The LGBT, poligamy, etc., that you mentioned was created mostly by the fanbase, not the writers. Sure there were some allusions to Lyra and Bon Bon possibly being lesbian (this is the biggest example in the series) but they never shared anything past a friendly hug onscreen.

One last thing, I won't be responding to any replies to this comment. I'm not going to get sucked into a heated debate over one of your opinions that's a non-issue.

I'm not talking about fafiction, I'm talking about kid's shows (and kid's shows in general, not MLP specifically). Fanfiction written by adults for adults, that's a different question.

If you're referring to this blog post of mine: I only mentioned the show itself there, I didn't even touch on fanfiction (Edit: Plus LGBT stuff in the show was only a small side-point in my blog post).

And like I said, I don't care if you agree or disagree with the opinions in my first post. What I care about, is that you don't react to them by throwing a fit (and you didn't).

Edit: To be clear, I don't plan on getting into a debate (heated or otherwise) about those opinions in my first post. That's not why I started this thread. I'd just like to know that people here don't throw a fit when they disagree with an opinion, before I join this group. And I think those opinions in my first post are litmus tests.

Yeah but it's like a plague they never truly leave. Heck if they really want to they just make a new account and do this same rubbish.

Yeah, that can be a problem. Still, if they come back after being banned: You can delete their posts on sight, and ban them on sight.

Edit: But what's really important, is not to let the haters and pricks speak for the group. Not to let them tell us what we can and can't say. And not to let them tell us what opinions we're allowed to have.

While I don't care if foalcon shows up in the feature box ( I have mature content off most of the time anyway so I don't see that side often) I do agree that LGBT stuff should stay out of children shows. They don't need to be seeing that and getting confused on how it works. I was raised with different beliefs so I won't dive too much into that topic but that's my opinion on it.

I'm impressed. So far, the worst response I got in this thread was irritation (and that was only from one post). No one's gotten angry. No one's called me a "homephobe". No one's spewed a bunch of hate at me.

All-and-all: It seems you people just don't care that I have those opinions. Good! That's what I'm looking for. A place where nobody cares, if you have a difference of opinion. A place where people can talk freely, without fear that someone's going to throw a fit, if some opinion of yours comes up that someone doesn't like.

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