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hey what are yins favorite parts of the winning verse stories and characters myself all the lunar rebellion fics and freeport character wise favorite pone is midnight besides twilight middy is best sparkle on the freeport side id say kukri
what about yins

... just what dialect are you typing? Rummy? Ginnish? Perhaps Vodkan?

Honestly, out of all the characters wrapped up in the Winning Verse, Cloud Kicker will always be my favorite. Seriously, who can resist that sass, snark and unabashed banging? That mare is my role model!

Now... back to your dialect...

I haven't seen even one "hey c'mere" in there, sot it's probably not Tequillian.

And about the characters... Sparkler's just great, and I'm glad her ship with Star Kicker is canon.

"Oh yeah ... We had very sexy sex. Sexily."
“Sex. And banging. Fornication. Coitus. Pearl-diving. Doing the pony pokey. Dancing the horizontal tango. Making muffins."

sides 17 to damn young to drink hell 18 in 2 months still till young

Not to young to type in some commas, dude.

and no need to be nebby im not drunk

Oh, I like you. You're my new friend.

So, at what Blood Alcohol Content does Pittsburghese manifest?

none western pa born and raised

just type in western Pennsylvanian English it will tell you all about us yinzers

One more important quote:
:rainbowhuh: Doodie.
And if you tell me where you got your avatar, I'll be sooo happy.

I don't remember where I got it. It's drawn like a selfie.


hey what are yins—

Hi neighbor!

—favorite parts of the winning verse stories and characters

I'm torn between the amount of character growth in the core story and the authors' impeccable skill at shipping. I would never have considered PinkieDash viable if not for Chengar and Company.

check the 2 jagoffs above you they think im drunk :rainbowlaugh:

To be fair, you're kinda typing like you're drunk. Capitalization and punctuation are key!

eh im to young to drink anyway

and honestly you think that's bad see how i write absolute shit course the cp probably does not help

and to be honest with ya i type fast with 1 finger and i don't evin know how to spell all the words plus i don't know where the damm keys are for comas and shit

My favorite part is that it is typed competently.

Blossomforth and Sparkler in the main series.

Dusk Charger and Midnight in the Rebellion spin-off.

Puzzle Piece in the Freeport series.

Can't say I have a favorite in the Empress timeline yet.

6498015 6497883
My reply was going to be 'punctuation' but I see I've been beaten to it. :trixieshiftright:

You'll need to be more punctual.

i get my writing sucks but yins don't have to be jagoffs about it

its just a question fuck my writing i just want opinions that's it if i wanted to be told my writing sucks id go back to school if the teachers can deal with it yins can to

i probably sound like a jagoff right now but im serious i KNOW my writing sucks just yins do me a favor and drop it anyway anyone else have middy as a favorite character


I have Jim Jeffries voice in my head when I read this.

Shadow, bar none. Though probably for all the wrong reasons. Okay, pegasus extole her as the peak, a sort of war variant of budhhist enlightenment, and tend to see her in as best the light they can. Chengar plays it as an Honor versus Morality false dichotomy. Now, perhaps its done unintentionally, but I highly suspect some form of revisionist chichanery is afoot in club Shadow is best waifu. Not lying, or putting their own words in her mouth, but omitting certain things and caring more for Shadow Lady Protector as opposed to Shadow as a mare.

Whats so great about just that? Hemming and hawing about law aside, she ultimately saw her fellows act disgracefully. Not merely tarnishing some obscure mumbling by some half aware codger used to justify some ugly deed, but flat out acts of sedition, the worst manner of hypocrisy (Bright started the war, went back on her word, sent her daughter out into it, then expected kid gloves? Believed that somehow, being a mother, and by extension, a mare, meant she and hers got a pass. Mares might throw in the act, but Wars a stallions games, done stallion in its entirety, and goes by stallions rules. Wanna put on your barding and join the colts, you best be ready to either be a fucking stallion and run with the herd or stay back and watch the spouses and foals on the porch. And in the end, males, or stallions, might consensus, but a loved one falls, all else in null. Shadow lied when she said she didn't know what she'd do if Gale died... bull. She'd hunt down the sod after the dust settled and gut them in their sleep. She'd toss out all that confrontation bullshit and not take the chance they'd flee possibly for good. Mother might know best, and Fathers never are wrong, but in matters where their own sense of being a person of integrity is harder when one knows best. Because then it means you were right and whoever else is just ungrateful. The other may never err, may never bend when something risks that cost only themselves, but when it comes to those they love, the resolute bend like reeds in a fierce wind. And even if their hated, or even loathe themselves, as long as their beloved is safe and alive to hate them, they'll live.)

Shadow was pretty much a loveable curmudgeon. Oh, certainly would have rather hugged a porcupine tarantula then another pony, but when it came to actually loving others, she did so not only not seeing it as weak, but couldn't care less what others said about it or even if the pony was worthy. Hell, she rutted Sunbeam for God's sake! She always struck me as one who saw such things as something you really had to be someone she felt deeply for, someone she knew she could be in such an unguarded state with. She was, as I've learned as I've read his journals, much like my grandfather: he was, as most said, a skinflint bitter and all round prick of all of the Jews. He was stinkmeiner in yiddish, a grouchy unyielding force of business who took no pleasure in rainbows, kittens, or good times with good friends. He busted his hand on his son with never a sorry and ever sought his wifes continued bitter life with his abuse, greeting the morn not with a hello good morning but asking where his damned slippers were.

But when the church burned, when a store was in need of supplies, a business a loan, a sick affliction in need of the always to expensive doctor, a loan that nine times in ten was seemingly forgotten, there he was. Now he's loved and revered and the toast of the town, the whole time just working with nary a single word of comfort or how brave they were or how everything was going to turn out okay. He'd learned of the cassocks, had seen War 1, and while he saw no reason to call God evil, he felt no need to try to lift spirits in the face of misery or suffering with some pep talk, instead seeing work and completion its own therapy. And then when he was gone, those old jew ears no doubt turned deaf to Cratchetts pleas to let him attend tiny tim in sickness or engulfed with the clink of vault gold, he was back to being a bastard.

Shadow is the pegasus edition of Granda Perpetually Disgruntled. She took no pleasures, but allowed others their unless it caused to much hastle or turmoil. When the Doo's foals were making cloud ponies, she thought it silly or even undisciplined, but she ultimately found herself unwilling to make her opinion known and didn't even see them as lesser for it. She thought it silly, but could admit it more a flaw then a good aspect. When Gale flat out disgraced her with her demand her Grandfather still be called such, an act in of itself putting Shadow well within her rights and more to point duty to first strike her daughter, then put her either in a sweat box for a few days or strip her of her weapons and put her on civilian works in ways furthest from any sense of worth in a proud Kicker. She let her subordinate, the filly she put a roof over head and a bed under the rest, throw every last sense of instilled tradition, ever last stern reproach, every stony silence from the mare she loved over all others she would rather never pass again or at least be shortened by a sincere attempt at earning Shadow's trust again, and gave it the old heave ho in front of all and sundry, God in stern shaking while baby Jesus bounces angrily in a baby blue pram, and threw every act Shadow had done as her mother, often in spite of her duty or honor, right back into Shadow's face. She more then likely broke her heart more then either fathers death, or even Rightly's. Gale was the one pony she knew was a pony she had, and because of a fit of pique, it all was for naught.

And what does she do? A mare like Shadow, honor tarnished, heart broken, betrayed by those she raised and whom she saw as family, one after another, when ever law, pony, and every last inch of her and down to the very core of her being demanded no less then retribution, to see the ungrateful put back in her place before being kicked down the pack to the tail, to make it clear that not ever blood would hurt Shadow Kicker, one who would never be hurt... because she would allow none so close to cut that deep. She stands, walks away, and locks herself in her room to weep for her father. She desperately wanted Gale there, but... it just hurt to much. Shadow hates to be hurt, as i reckon. And once that was done, she sought out her child.

She swallowed her pride. She loves Sunbeam, sees fillies like Midnight who all others would see dead all for their birth circumstance, sacrificed her entire tribes culture for her own clan, which I suspect was initially done less as cleanly as proposed and more Mom Shadow getting the foals and foals who thought themselves adult underwing and clan hold placed as fast as feasible. And done less as a Machivellean type manipulation and more Mom Shadow was getting a I'm not going to be able to rutt because of this pain headaches and was more then will to employ her dear Strikers sires secret method of assuring and eager recruit: Well one of two. One was promising a very unpleasant midnight not fun time with Shadow dressed in full mime outfit and would be done as unpleasant as could be managed at as high an impact as was time alloting. The other was her breaking her hoof off in some featherbags ass. Or she could just knock their heads together like some gryphon clutch mother and tell them to fly right or... nothing. They would do what mama said, one way or the other.

But she didn't with Gale. Anyone else she'd just dismiss as cruel like Sunbeam, to be seen as inept, or frankly told they were wrong like with Celestia. She could deal with any stupid clan shit, could be a stern mother or unquestioned leader, could propose punishments ludicrous and often overtly sexual despite her dead cold expression of said punishment being fun for no one and no Kicker thinking for one second it was something being even the slight realm of just scaring you, could be a cold hearted bitch because no one expected more. But Gale knew her well beyond a mere daughter. Its not a incestuous thing, but goes beyond anything between Bright and her girl. More then rank, more then family, Gale was and always would be someone Shadow could simply not have in her life once she was in it. The one thing in the world if it came down to it, between slicing her own throat for dishonor or a life in shame with a daughter who'd love her disgraced fool mom, she'd take a life of disgrace. She'd chose life with ponies she loved even when it meant she would have to slice away her own sense of self, to be less of a Kicker for those she held.

For those I love, I'll sacrifice. In Shadow, we see this doctrine in life embodied, and done knowing what it cost. She was, in the end, a mensh. A person of integrity who'd endure all of lifes slings and arrows, a shield remade from a thirsting blade. She gave up the pursuit of glory, sought even in battle to spare the lives of enemies and even fools in armor, and who sought the betterment of others not for Celestia, or clan, or for her own vanity, but simply because they could be better. If she could, anyone could. But no, its the weeaboo effect, yay single samurai mom slaughter train, huh, she must be a prude to not rutt a mare she just met in some obscure broom space because hey, hot milf who is literally going to do it in the middle of the day. Sunbeam... huh, name rings a... nope, don't care, crazy just adds too how crazy a mare gets in the corner of the broom closet!:pinkiecrazy:

TLDR: She was a mare who knew Sunbeam Sparkle... and loved her. She slept with her, saw her as a friend, and whatever they broke up over (Which I think was because Sunbeam flaked) Shadow still saw her as a dearly beloved friend, who knew her about as well as Gale, admitted her cruel and a horrible pony, but loved her in full knowledge of it. Heck, if Sunbeam was Ash's sire, Shadow would have seen it as proof of what she always knew. She loved Sunbeam Sparkle, warts and all, when others abhorred her, used her, or tolerated her. Sunbeam was probably cruel for the simple reason of simply having a pony in her life who was as all fired stubbor as she was in every sense, and wasn't playing her for a trick. Ergo, her seeming nihilist viewpoint of everypony for themselves was shaken. And since Shadow ignored her at her most bitchy, and at every point of snide or cruel,

Sunbeam was trained with positive reinforcement and lack of notice like a australian shepherd. In short, the great vizier and proposed genius was ultimately taught how to be a wife. She pulled my grandma on the mares answer to the cranky Grand Perpetual. It was all a simple matter of letting her tire herself out and letting her self assuredness and sense of power tell her entitled that she was treating Shadow with a touch less of her usual self because she, Sunbeam, declared it was to be done. Shadow Taming Shrewed her!:pinkiecrazy:

You know... I can't even say I hate her. I think she's someone whose used to getting her way is all. Winning Pony and all that, and most times its not done out of spite or at others cost. And if someone doesn't like it, well, good riddance to jerks. She surrounds herself with yes ponies and even if she does fuck up, its someone else. Dash hurt her, so she had her life in fear of pregnancy coming. Cloud was hurt, so her fuck up was okay.

Dash wants to talk, Cloud ignores her for years with injuries long healed in contrast to a life she inflicted on Dash. Acts an ass at work, Blossomforth smacks her. Its not enough for Dash to try to make amends, she has to beg. And when Dash comes to a point she's exacerbated an old wound that Cloud gave her, well Dash is just stupid now as she was then. Mom looks to have turncoated, so off to see the old girl sent the choir invisible goes Cloud.

Except no. Because Cloud will, maybe, possibly, because clan, and others like Alula, and its really their fault because they'll abuse us for my mothers actions, and I have to do this, kill my mother, and its so da drama except I don't even like the old cunt, but I'm not some fucking monster, bitch or no, shes mom. But I gotta cause no one directly or indirectly ever said too, but being a blonde, and having banged myself into a state where on half of thought make meat is sex, sex, I love you, gimme sex, while the other does not trouble much over the complexities of life but your bog standard stallion stock assesmnet of strategem, resources, and how much food, with the idle ruminations of Shadow when I feel less like energy isn't worth the high maintenance and if our old Mater's bragging about cherry stems was just talk. To quote Lyequinegus, in the young we find a bite and sweetness, but more they dearest mares in taste with times passage. The young mares, so eager and shameless, willing to act in their pursuits with no qualms. I have in great weariness sought their minds made right, that a pony who does anything is just a knifes edge from a lover to one who hates them entirely The young and vibrant is what one desires in foaling, but in the older and experienced on finds a willingness in rutt with a assertion of respect earned, that she is one willing to those who know it is only done so long as she is held as a thing valued. They in short, will not demean themselves for others approval. And of course, as any earth stallion can attest, one finds it best to tend fields that are oft plowed. Huh, maybe a black ops matricide isn't the time to think of serious dad studs. Or sexing historical figures... okay, no brain, Shadow back in your era, Lye you return to military strategem and being a guy into older women and its probably good we lived in different times. If we hooked up, the banging could risk spontaneous combustion.

Okay, I'm gonna kill her now! Oh no, Blossomforth guilted me into not killing someone I was desperate to not kill so its her doing! I'm in the clear!

Okay, moms dead. And I'm sad now, because... Uhhh... Because I'm a good pony! Sure, I'm not perfect, but I'm not like mom or Shadow, I don't go out of my way to be a bitch, and I tell ponies the rules. Its on them after that. Unless of course I need to use someone under the guise of needing comfort, using someone who adores me like some stranger, turning something special into her being a dildo I forgot was a person. Can't break the rules again, so have a nice empty bed wake up pony who loves me!

Time to gain absolution by getting decked by Derpy. Because this is elementary, and as long as I'm hurt back, its all okay. Okay, I'm pretty much Karma deep sixed for eternity for making Derpy cry, but that because the fate dudes are jerks who just are no fun!

See the trend here? Believe it or not, I actually want to write her faithfully, but that means that I also have to write Cloud honestly. So, that said, am I being unfair? I mean... she's better, but still has this habit of putting her own actions on others and when it goes to hell, nope, not me. Because I'm winning, and being right about everything. And when others find that a poor quality, she just dismisses them, or guilts them into accepting her apology that she said really loud in her head.

"I'm sorry Derpy I couldn't be who you wanted" pretty much sums up Cloud. Not she was wrong, or sorry she cheated, or begging to still be friends even after if Derpy wanted, or even admitting what she'd done broke the heart of someone who'd always and on all but one thing had only ever been loving and supportive. So if she expected anything at all after all that, pfft. On her if she wanted one concession from me. Nope, her broken heart is because she saw a pony who she knew could be better, OR AT LEAST WOULD NOT RUTT THE ONE PERSON SHE ASKED HER NOT TOO.

I wanna like her, and a lot of characters, but then they do horrible shit, but worse, see themselves just and fair. Its... ugghhh

Congratulations, Perpetual. You've pointed out every flaw Cloud has got. Every reason I can understand her. I'm a little cracked, but she beats me by miles.

... in describing Shadow, you kinda described my mother... sorta. She threatened to shoot my dad and I because we broke the table while fighting. Granted, we fixed it, but how managed to break it in the first place... not a clue.

I'm not even interested in reading your TL;DR. It isn't the length of your posts that is a problem, it is the extra effort needed to translate them into English.

You like Shadow Kicker. Fair enough, that's an opinion. You, I think, dislike Cloud Kicker and you felt the need to express that in reaction to someone else who does like her. I picked up both of these bits of information from a mere skim and picking out keywords. I can't be bothered to dig into your reasons, because they're hiding behind so much fog that I simply don't care. I can probably sum them up as "she has flaws I dislike."

Near the end, I read a paragraph, and as best as I can tell, you seem to take Derpy's side in the Life and Times conflict between her and Cloud that ultimately resulted in Derpy not being part of Cloud's romantic relationship. Considering that is primarily a story about Cloud Kicker, then it seems a bit odd to focus on Derpy's POV. Not invalid, merely a bit odd. I can only imagine the rest of your paragraphs of mixed content and poorly organized thoughts are along those lines. Simply your preferences and observations, which I may or may not even agree with.

Perhaps moving forward, you could take a bit of writing advice and find yourself being actually read by others more often. Use paragraphs to organize your thoughts. A sentence is one idea-chunk. A paragraph is related sentences which all support each other and often center around a topic sentence. Indeed, this very sentence is itself centered around the topic of paragraph formation to aid in readability and organizing thoughts. "Use paragraphs to organize your thoughts" would be that topical sentence, with all others in it supporting it and that idea.

When you switch topics mid-paragraph, you are derailing the thoughts of potential readers. While related to the above, this paragraph focuses on the negative effects of not using the advice. Related and could possibly be placed with the above paragraph, but also sufficiently different to warrant its own. Readers whos thoughts are derailed are spending more time figuring out what is going on than simply absorbing your meaning.

There is a threshold of brainpower available whilst reading. It varies from person to person. Exceeding that threshold simply renders your meaning lost. Taxing that limit renders your meaning murky. Grammar rules and so on are all built on this idea, and increasing readability is the goal of the rules of language. Not to get away with pushing the limits of brainpower, but to render everything and anything written easier to read, so more meaning can be conveyed to readers. A less taxing presentation gives readers more resources to retain and understand the meaning.

I wanna like her, and a lot of characters, but then they do horrible shit, but worse, see themselves just and fair.

This is, in fact, all people. Everyone justifies their choices internally. Everyone sees themselves as the main character/protagonist/hero of their own story. Even when doing things that are objectively wrong, or at least things you, the reader, see as wrong (or even horrible).

What also happens with Cloud is that others don't immediately treat her choices as right. The world doesn't bend around to agree with her. Challenge and conflict don't skitter away in fear of the always right Cloud Kicker. Indeed, you could say the world does a lot more kicking and presenting consequences to Cloud than she presents consequences to the world.

Take yourself. You've written not only this post but every post you've written before this. I can only imagine that you think what you've written is intelligible and worthwhile to read. You're wrong, of course. You get plenty of feedback from pretty much everyone that you're not. You may even be unhappy with my feedback to you right now. You may feel your ego insisting that you're right and that I'm just being mean. Clearly, everyone else is in the wrong for not appreciating the lengthy and time-consuming display of brilliance you're crafting and have crafted.

You commit horrible crimes upon the Ghost of the English Language, but you see what you do as just and fair. I'm sure you have interesting things to say, but very few of us want to deal with the cost of translating your words to comprehensible to do so.

Would it be accurate to presume that you are a professor? Because I haven't witnessed an English lesson such as that since college.

I like the Midnight stories and Sparkler and Star’s relationship. It’s adorable.

"A sputzee in da han is worth two in da bush." - Ben Franklin

Ask not wah yinzes country can do fer you n'at. Ask wah yinz can do fer yinzes country" - John F. Kennedy

"I pledge allsegiance to da flag anna United States of America. And to da republic fer which it stands, one nation under Gawd, indivisible, wit liberty and jestice fer alls." - Millions of children

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