Alternative Conversion Bureau 1,050 members · 344 stories
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How racist would TCB be if pony was replaced with let's say 'aryan'?

The story is exactly the same, just aryan replaces pony.

The aryans in the story are all perfect mary sues and gary sues and live in a perfect world, no war and blah blah blah.

The aryans want to save humanity by turning all non aryans into aryans. And all the non aryans are made out to be either evil or misguided for not wanting to be aryan. The non aryan planet is dying and other TCB stuff happens.

Just like certain TCB fan fictions.


It'd generate one of the biggest shitstorms in internet history if 'pony' was replaced with 'aryan.'


When you put it like that, it kinda reminds me of Shadowrun's backstory a bit.

Magic came back, and one of the side'effects of that was that the Native American tribes went from peaceful if mostly ignored relics...

To giant assholes that conquered large swatches of USA in a matter of months, because power turned them into just as big bastards as 'the white man' had been. Sprouting propaganda on how much more in tune with nature and the spirits they were/are, even, and how this will be far better for Mother Earth. And now with their magics' true power, they'll lead the world into a glorious utopia.

Does sound familiar, doesn't it? :twilightsheepish:

It's dark, but in it's own, twisted way I actually find it rather uplifting a message of equality. "Near all men may stand adversity. f you want to test a man, give him power," as Abraham Lincon said.

We're all exactly as human for good and ill on the inside, and no matter the color of the skin around an asshole is still full of shit at the center. :yay:

4498229, it's been done...kind of.

Look up The Turner Diaries.

4498229 reminds me of what I do with all twitter/tumblr/whatever articles on men, I substitute 'man' with 'jew' and if it sounds like a hate crime, I ignore that person from then.
(or switch every 'man' with 'woman' and every 'woman' with 'man')

Xray #6 · Jun 26th, 2015 · · 5 ·

Instead of potion they can use gases on their enemies. :^^^^)

What if instead of pony you use super mutants and instead of potions you use FEV?


Celestia as The Master.


{The Celestial Unity will bring about the master race. Master! Master! One able to survive, or even thrive, in the wasteland. As long as there are differences, we will tear ourselves apart fighting each other. We need one race. Race! Race! One goal. Goal! Goal! One people . . . to move forward to our destiny. Destiny)

Of course, ponies are best equipped to deal with the world today. Who else? The Zebras ? Please. The humans? They brought nuclear death to us all. This will be the age of ponies! Ponies.

All that resist, yes. All those that are required for the Celestial Unity as well. The remainder will be allowed to live out their days, but under Celestial Unity control and protection. But none shall breed, for they will be the last of their race

Preposterous! The ponification potion doesn't destroy the reproductive organs of those it mutates.

I had much the same thought: What if The Conversion Bureau were about America and (Sub-Saharan) Africa, instead of Equestria and Earth?

There are Africans (and other non-Americans) who see America in utopian terms, and dream of living there. Much as there are MLP fans who see Equestria in utopian terms, and dream of living there. And they're not entirely wrong:

Poverty is far less common in America then in Africa (American “poor” people are actuality fatter then the rich people). And violence, well, I won't say that America's immune to that. But you probably won't be killed for being a Tutsi or a witch in America.

What if the potion turned Africans into White Americans? What if the American Barrier expended across the continent, killing anyone who didn't get converted. Until it consumed all of Africa. And then there were no more Africans. No more Tutsis, no more Zulus, no more Afrikaners, no more Matabele. Just Americans.

I'm an American. And I find that thought chilling!

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