Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
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As the title says, do you have a solid background for Spitfire? If so, do you care to share it and your other ideas related to our best pony?

For my backstory for Spitfire, she was born in Germaney to a travelling pegasus pony stallion and a unicorn mare who was part of a guard detachment there while Princess Celestia was visiting Germaney, the unicorn mare decided to move in with the travelling pegasus at his home in Equestria when she was pregnant with Spitfire.

Since the unicorn mare had the whole guard background in her family for a long time Spitfire's father Infernal Feathers agreed to stop his travelling to take care of his daughter, spending their days flying in the parks together. Spitfire herself quickly turned out to have under developed wings which made flight very difficult, but a course of exercises that she and her father worked out soon started to keep her wings at normal strength while doctors worked on a surgery for her.

Not long after the surgery occurred Spitfire's mother was killed in her guard duties by a drunken guard general who tried to force himself on her. This drove Spitfire into a state of despair and she turned to her training to keep her mind off of things even though she didn't need to do those exercises anymore, with the effect that she quickly reached Equestria Games Athlete level of flight capability.

Despite all the requests from the guard Spitfire had no interest in signing to them and joined the Wonderbolts instead. Her dad still travels to see his daughter at every show she performs at even though his own wings have been affected by age.

Spitfire was pretty much glued to the reserves units for almost a year before Soarin, the second in command, took note of how skilled she was in training and faked an injury so she could take his spot during a routine, a routine in which she completely stole the show and earned herself a rotating slot with an older member of the team called Cumulonimbus; when he retired after two years of swapping out with Spitfire she earned her permanent spot on the team.

After about two years of this spot, just before Spitfire's fifth anniversary of joining the Bolts, the captain at the time retired and stepped up to a desk job. In a move that was controversial with the higher ups and the fans of the Wonderbolts, Soarin declined to become the captain and handed it over to Spitfire, who despite being doubted by the public initially has become since one of the most popular captains on record.

Even as she gets on in her years now Spitfire shows no sign of slowing down and is still noted for her absurd levels of agility that can outperform mares half her age and for her absolute refusal to allow an injury to take her out of a performance, having long since broken the record for most consecutive shows after performing in almost every show that was performed in one year, missing one only to attend her Dad's birthday party.

Nowadays Spitfire is aware that she might have to start taking a less active role, with Soarin already working a reduced schedule to account for his age, but she won't be doing it by choice and basically refuses to reduce her number of shows until something physically forces her to do so.

So, thoughts? And what's your own history for best pony?

Group Contributor

The eighth story I faved on this sight...
It's my headcanon for Spitty's origins.
Too bad it hasn't updated in one and a half years...
Wild Sky Yonder...

Group Contributor

How about right now :pinkiegasp:

Group Contributor

Was actually supposed to be tonight anyway after I posted this, turns out you're psychic :rainbowderp:

Well, the first idea for this came from What Would Daring Do, and I liked it so much it became my head canon for her.

Spitfire was actually born on an orange farm directly beneath Clousdale, to an earth pony stallion and his Pegasus wife. She had a sister and brother, both earth ponies like her father and dedicated to the farm. She did her part, of course, but she never really enjoyed it or threw herself into it like her siblings did. It was no wonder that she was beginning to grow away from her filly body without a cutie mark, while the other had obtained their own ones long ago.

Spitfire was distraught over this fact, thinking she was doomed to be a blank flank for the rest of her life. Her mother noticed her sadness and came to her room one night to talk to her. She said that maybe Spitfire wasn't meant to be a farmpony, and her destiny may lay elsewhere.

The next morning, they packed for a trip to the magnificent cloud city where her mother had been born. When her father heard of this, he was furious, saying he wasn't going to let her go to that place of ruffian Pegasus ponies. This caused a huge row between the two, and Spitfire didn't know what to do. Although she didn't want to cause anymore arguments, she still went on the trip to Clousdale, in hope of getting her cutie mark.

Upon arrival, she was teased mercilessly by other filly and colts her age because of her blank flank. She tried to ignore them, but the insults still upset and one day she was found crying by her mother, who tried to cheer her up by saying she got tickets to a 'Wonderbolts' show. She'd never heard of them before, but she went along anyway. As she watched them fly across the sky, Spitfire knew that was what she wanted to do. Much as she loved it, she didn't want to stay on the farm, she wanted to be a Wonderbolt.

Spitfire didn't waste any time, practicing in a secluded area her mother brought her to, hoping to be flying by the end of the trip. However, despite her mother's help, all she could do was buzz in the air for a bit, before falling down again, and that took a lot out of her. She'd never flown before, never needing to on the farm, so now she was pretty much useless.

Not happy with her results, Spitfire headed out a few days later to practice by herself. Of course, she was no more successful than she usually was, but that didn't mean she was going to give up. She worked hard for a long time, before realizing she was being watched. It was one of the colts who'd teased her. He had a dark blue mane, and his special talent was flying.

She was indignant at being watched, and told him to go away. The colt refused, saying that it 'kind of cool' how hard she was trying, and that he could help to fly. Spitfire refused his help, not that he listened, staying close to her side and instructing calmly. She wanted to ignore him, but found herself following the tips anyway, and they worked! Begrudgingly, she accepted his help.

Spitfire and the colt met up again the following day. He told her his name was Soarin, and he was really sorry for the way he treated her before. They trained together, and before she knew it, Spitfire was beginning to actually fly. Once she had gotten the hang of basic flight, she wanted to try something else, something dangerous. Soarin didn't want her to, but Spitfire wanted to try diving off a cloud.

At first, she seemed to be doing okay, but she soon lost control and felt herself unable to flap. Just before she hit the ground, she finally managed to pull up, shooting along the grass and leaving a trail of flame behind her. That was the day she discovered her special talent.

Soon, it was time to leave. Her mother wanted to take her back to the farm, but Spitfire said her destiny lay in Clousdale, and in becoming a Wonderbolts. It took a lot of persuasion, until eventually her mother let her stay with her new friend, Soarin. The two, now best friends, trained harder than ever to reach that elite group...

Many years later, Spitfire and Soarin were both fully grown, and old enough for the Wonderbolts. Soarin managed to get in to Wonderbolts Academy, but Spitfire didn't. She was heartbroken, though she told Soarin to go on without her, fulfill his dream, even if it was her's too.

Spitfire, thinking she would never get into the Wonderbolts, returned home to her family. She was stricken to learn her mother had been killed by a wild pack of wolves 2 years ago, while she had still been in Clousdale. She cried her eyes out on her elderly father's shoulder, both for failing in her dream, and her mother's death. He told her that giving up wasn't like her, and she should go and show them what she was made of. Filled with new confidence, Spitfire headed off to Wonderbolts Academy.

Spitfire arrived, performing her best tricks for all to see, finishing with her signature flame trail. They agreed to let her into the Academy, where she trained her and broke many records. At the graduation ceremony, Spitfire and Soarin became the newest members of the Wonderbolts, where she would only continue to climb higher and higher.

That ended up longer than I thought it would. :twilightsheepish: Well, there you go, that's what I think.

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