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They're still frightening... But somehow awesome.

I leave you with this video of the Daleks:

Group Contributor

Hardy har. And yes I do like spicy food. :rainbowwild:

But to be precise I've always caused an unusual amount of heat output in flight, it's just something that happens to me naturally; a few flint strikes to make a spark and it lights up, have to wear a special fireproof suit whenever I do it.

Group Contributor

You have no idea how often me and Rapidfire get in trouble for wrecking suits or bits of arenas.

Group Contributor

Well not a planned one but it does happen. And of course if one of my team is smashing stuff up it falls to me to get a hoof wagged at me and told I'm doing my job wrong.

2519782 How often do you engage in sexual relations with the same gender?:duck:

Group Contributor

Not too often and even when I did it wasn't really anymore often than with stallions. But seriously anyone who can maintain a relationship while being a first team member of the Wonderbolts needs to be in government if they can somehow juggle that.

2522617 If you were to pick a pony to be in a romantic relationship with, who would be the top contenders?:duck:

Group Contributor

Assuming I had the time to actually think about that rather than being buried in work constantly? Romance can wait until an injury finally takes me off the main roster because I sure as hay ain't stepping down of my own volition.

2522645 How about a pony for fun sex?:duck:

Group Contributor

I never saw much of a point to it. I mean what's the point in sex if there's no emotional attachment, I get the same bliss from sex with somepony I don't care about as I do from just going on an amazing flight.

2522663 So, a lot?:raritywink:

Okay, here are some really hard hitting questions.

If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating?:duck:

Group Contributor

It counts as rape and or molestation since it was sex under false pretenses, in this case being tricked into having sex with someone because you were mislead regarding their identity. You don't have to force yourself on a mare for it to be a rape.

2522705 If you end up sandwiched between your sexy wife and her sexy changeling lover every night, do you buy a bigger bed or your own? :duck:

Group Contributor

You don't end up in that situation to begin with if you're me, I got enough to be dealing with.

2522729 If you have your brother and his family staying with you and you really do love them, are you a bad pony if you really want to send them to the Griffon Mountains instead?:duck:

Group Contributor

Well my brother is usually with me anyway considering he's a Wonderbolt too and yes sometimes I do want to take him to the top of a tall mountain and buck him off but he's still my brother, and as much as he's a pain in my flank especially where team safety is concerned I'd be lying if I said I didn't love him.

There's also Soarin. We might not be related by blood but if there is ANYpony I would be happy to call my big brother it'd be that pie eating goof who got me my captain's rank.

Group Contributor

I understand them being kinda miffed when we trash their stuff, imagine if they came to the academy for organising shows and wrecked the place.

2519782 Hey, Sis! It's me, Blaze! Nice to seeya!

So, um, anyway, I heard you're looking for somepony to monitor rainwater collection in Las Pegasus. I'd like to volunteer. Of course, you don't have to send your little sister who loves you more than anything in the whole wide world to go to the most awesome place in Equestria to monitor rainwater collection, but I just thought I'd ask.

((OOC: Before you ask, no, Blaze is not an OC. She's an actual Wonderbolt. Here's her pic:

She was also part of the Wonderbolts' attack on Spike in Secret of My Excess, just in case you want some ammunition to use against her. :rainbowwild: ))

Group Contributor

Weather ain't my jurisdiction Blaze, go talk to Rapidfire if you want to be assigned somewhere on Weather Duty instead of the bolts. Also I think I'd know if I had another sibling, one is annoying enough.

2584868 ((OOC: It seems our headcanons vary significantly. Alright, let's try this again.))

SURPRISE~! Nice to see ya, Cap-a-rooni! It's me, Surprise! Oh, wait. You already knew that. Tee-hee~!

Anywhoodle, Misty Fly's birthday is coming up, as you're no doubt aware. Permission to plan surprise party?

Group Contributor

Permission granted Surprise, though please try not to hijack, steal, break or otherwise take anything you shouldn't, the higher ups are breathing down my neck constantly these days to lower the property damage on venues and I don't think they'd appreciate public damage being committed when we're off duty.

((OOC: I really don't consider Blaze to be a character since her name has never been stated onscreen and her model is literally identical to Spitfire's. If it wasn't for that wikia article, which wikias aren't reliable, she would be just assumed to be Spitfire))

2588011 Aw, c'mon, Cap. I'm not that bad, am I? I mean, okay, there was that one time we promised never to speak of ever again, but that was back when I first joined the Wonderbolts! I know better now!

Group Contributor

Yeah, space octopi in dustbins, scary.

Group Contributor

It's not just you Surprise it's everypony. And for the love of Luna PLEASE don't let Soarin and Rapidfire within ten feet of each other if they hit the drink, we swore to never unleash that kind of horror on Equestria again.


Space Octopi that can destroy the universe if there are millions of them. Even a few thousand or hundred or even less than a hundred can be catastrophic to any civilization. One Dalek alone can fight off entire military squads and rooms full of people that are all shooting it at once.

Group Contributor

And yet the only threat they pose to me or any member of the wonderbolts is us laughing ourselves silly at them.


Yeah... I'm just geeking out right now. Plus, I have been working on a device that can make fictional characters appear in the real world.

Group Contributor

Yeah just go ahead and do that and cause whiplash for them as they are forced to exist in a world that isn't their own and probably reek destruction given that these seem to be the kinda things you like :ajbemused:


I won't bring them out. I'll just bring the shell out. Without the mutant, the shell is harmless.

Group Contributor

Yeah, I'm sure that a piece of technology with a raygun capable of inflicting instant death is absolutely NO danger at all, you sir are an extremely irresponsible stallion.


It can't work without a controller. Without anyone controlling it, it's about as dangerous as a paperweight: If you don't push it off a building on top of someone, it's harmless.

It's the same with a car. If no one's driving it, it can't move unless something extreme happens or someone gets into it.

Group Contributor

And yet you don't see the possibility for that kind of technology to be found and abused, especially since you can rewire almost anything to work in ways it wasn't intended. And seeing all the extremely dangerous people, ponies and otherwise, who inhabit this land I say again, you are either incredibly irresponsible, incredibly dense or both to think that this is even remotely a good idea.


I know the risks, so after research on it, I'll destroy it or toss it into the ocean where the pressure is sure to crumple it like a foam cup.

Group Contributor

... Okay, I'm gonna go with both. Either that or your ego is bigger than my old captain's, and that says a lot, if you think that somehow you researching something that dangerous is automatically safe just because it's you.

Fun fact mate, one of the first rules any scientist, sorcerer or whatever dumb title you want to attach to yourself should learn is when to leave well enough alone.


I don't think its safe for me. I have a bunker that is over one-hundred feet under the ground, with walls thick enough to stand a nuclear blast in it. Even so, I am seriously debating not going forward.

Group Contributor

Don't. If you can't realise that something that can survive in space isn't going to be destroyed by ocean pressure for the love of Celestia do the world a favor and never touch this idea again. Or any other without consulting scientists first.


You've convinced me. I won't. Do it. I am thinking about bringing things such as medicine or other technology that has to do with the medicinal field, though. That's more beneficial, am I right?

2588219 Duly noted, Cap. I'll just get started then. *salutes and dashes off*

Right, now for a more serious question. We know your thoughts on Rainbow Dash. But what of the other Wonderbolt Cadets from Ponyville (Thunderlane, Raindrops, Cloudchaser, and Bulk "Snowflake" Biceps)?

Group Contributor

Thunderlane has some serious potential but he doesn't take care of himself too well and has a high potential to be a repeat offender for being out on injury or illness often because he doesn't care about his personal well being outside of his muscle structure. If we can beat into him that he needs to start addressing that then he should make a fine cadet.

Raindrops needs to work on her agility, she can fly fast enough to challenge Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust but she has to drop about half of that speed to pull off any kind of serious turns, while Dash and Dust drop maybe a tenth of their speed. Definitely one who needs to hit the gymnasium and work on her flexibility and dexterity.

Cloudchaser is an ideal wing pony, she assists her partner and is always ready to take orders of both verbal and physical cues. My only concern is that she lacks initiative and isn't much of a decision maker, which you need to be if anything goes pear shaped during a routine.

Snowflake is in the wrong area. The guy could be invaluable at the Weather Factory or hay probably even in somewhere like a quarry or delivery service. He can lift more than I've seen anypony do while in mid-flight with a load but he doesn't have the coordination or speed to take part in the Wonderbolts most common means of putting on shows, not to mention I think we'd need to invent a new uniform size for him.

Overall it's a pretty good group for a land based towns pegasi, little bumps to work out here and there but they have serious potential, and maybe even Lightning Dust will too if she works at winning their trust back.

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