Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
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New episode spoilers (kinda)
In the new episode we find out that each wonderbolt member has a nickname based on an embarrassing moment that happened to them. Like how Soarin is called Clipper
But we never find out what Spitfire is called, due to her only whispering it to RD.
So I'm asking it now?
What do you think Spitfire's nickname is and what embarrassing moment was it?

Hmm, good question. Maybe Spitfire got caught with somepony once and is now called a name related to that? (Shrugs) Doubt that's it but it's a funny idea worthy of a fic at least. Hmm...

Personally, I like the idea that - being the Wonderbolt Dash seems to look up to the most - she basically had the same kind of accident that Dash did. So maybe something related the trash or crashing (Stinkfire? Spitsmash? I dunno). I also get a chuckle out of calling her Spitball - soggy, gross, totally ungraceful, and a play on her name. Though I suppose one could go with a funny little fan comic I saw a while back where she flew so fast that her (non-fireproof) uniform burned off during a show and left her in an embarrassing pair of (fireproof) underwear, which could certainly lead to some interesting nicknames... >___>

Spitroast. Her nickname is Spitroast.

It's almost like they wanted us to be kept in the dark so we would make up what it is.....

It's probably not something you can say on TV:Y. I'm thinking 'Shit-fire':pinkiegasp: (she probably crashed into the latrine or something, or it involves Chili :facehoof:).

Damnit, was beaten to it by someone who also frequents /mlp/

5221857 I have already seen two stories that go with that.

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