Spitfire 1,118 members · 609 stories
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To get some discussion going here and because I'm curious, what is it about Spitfire that makes you like her? Since I'm starting the topic, I'll share.

I like Spitfire not only because she's one of the cuter ponies in the show, but for some reason I actually see a little of myself in what we know of her. More specifically, she might make some social mistakes from time to time, but she means well and is actually friendly in casual settings. It's just that sometimes she might come across as mean when she doesn't mean to.

3558942 Well, I have a few reasons for liking Spitfire, but I suppose a big one is that she just seems like someone I'd like to hang out with. Plus, being a fan of games such as Advance Wars and Valkyria Chronicles, I have a fondness for military characters with softer sides, and Spitfire certainly fits the bill. :twilightsmile:

3559065 Agreed. She does seem like the kind of pony that would be pleasant to hang out with. :twilightsmile:
I also should try one of the Advance Wars games eventually. I'm a fan of Fire Emblem, so I should enjoy that as well.

I just plain thinks she looks gorgeous. She also had a better personality in the earlier episodes, so I hope they return to that in season 5.

3559583 She is a very pretty pony. I also hope she's nice again in Season 5, because Spitfire in S1 and Spitfire now feel so different.

The first thing is the amount of potential she has for character development. The second is she is an authority figure who has earned her position in a portion of Equestria's Military, the only other characters in positions on power are princesses and Shining Armor. One of the princesses is omniscient, but incompetent as a leader (Celestia). One was a down right TRAITOR TO EQUESTRIA who was given back her position anyway. It doesn't matter if you reformed, you did it in the first place, and Discord is proof that reformation doesn't mean you can be trusted with things such as God like power or Leadership of a Country (Luna). But hey, it was Celestia's call right? When has she ever made bad leadership choices? Spitfire is a proven natural leader with a good personality, at least before Rainbow Falls a certain episode. I also liked her voice:twilightblush: and appearance among other like being an inspiration for Rainbow Dash and even being called to action to help in one episode. Doesn't matter if the Wonderbolts lost to Spike, I didn't see a single damn Royal Guard or anything else in the way of support from Military. Kinda lax for "Oh fuck a rampaging dragon," but it does say that ponies but a lot of belief in her leadership and abilities to believe her and two other ponies could take a dragon and save a town alone with no support. I think she has a lot of room for improvement as a character, but mostly due to lack of screen time. The most I know about Fleetfoot is her name, oh and Soarin likes pies and is unable to confront his captain about a problem he has with her (killer teamwork dude GG). She is just the only pony who seems like a realist to me. Seeing room for improvement but knowing when enough is enough. I could go on, but I'd probably just rant on again.:twilightsheepish:

3558942 Well, I like how outside of "Rainbow Falls" she seemed like a generally nice pony. "Wonderbolt Academy" showed that she could be loud, assertive, and bossy when need be, but still had enough of a moral compass to determine right from wrong.

3966053 It seems like a lot of powerful authority figures in this show end up doing nothing and just let someone else solve problems for them. I wonder if this is Hasbro's twisted sense of political commentary on the ineffectiveness of political leaders in the modern world.

Spitfire does have a lot of room to grow when compared to other side characters. Also, she wasn't in the battle against Spike. That would be Blaze, who has a similar mane and coat color to Spitfire, though I can see why you'd think it was her.

"Wonderbolt Academy" showed that she could be loud, assertive, and bossy when need be, but still had enough of a moral compass to determine right from wrong.

I wish they stuck with that personality type, where she's kindhearted outside of work and bossy when necessary. It shows how much work she puts into her job and that she is not only able to tell right from wrong, but is also able to learn from others if she makes a mistake.

As a whole, I think Spitfire is among the most underrated ponies in the show. She needs more love.

3966603 About the only GOOD things to come out of "Rainbow Falls" were Soarin's character, the first on-screen appearance of Fleetfoot which confirmed that she was a girl, FlutterBulk as a ship, and the return of Derpy Hooves. But other than that, the episode failed on so many levels.

3558942 Hmm, good question. Maybe it's because she's a awesome stunt flyer and she has so much fic potential around her? Well, that's my reasons anyway.

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