Transformers Crossovers 741 members · 331 stories
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I reeeeeeeaaallly hope you like this:pinkiehappy:

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
― G.K. Chesterton

Thousands and thousands of years ago, before ponykind even existed, millions and millions of light years away, in another galaxy, there resided a large metal planet.

The inhabitants of this planet, while by no means perfect, led happy lives. They hadn't known war since the beginning of their time.

But alas, not every world remains so blissful.

Oh, and did I mention they were giant shape shifting robots?

One inhabitant was currently sleeping in his small apartment, laying on his berth (the inhabitant's term for bed). He was a mech (the term the inhabitants use for male), and looked like this (when he was a wake).

Unfortunately though, his glorious rest was about to be ended.

A dark blue and yellow femme (their term for female) slowly walked in and carefully placed herself next to the mech, she then whispered in his audio receptor (ear). "Prowl? Are you ready to get up, dear?"

Prowl (the mech) muttered flatly, "No."

Not one to be defeated, the femme began to gently stroke Prowl's audio receptor. "Pretty please?"


The femme continued her assault, she put her arms around him and then began lightly nibbling on Prowl's neck. The white mech began to laugh, and soon he was sitting up. "'Bout time, it's not polite to keep a lady waiting, especially your future Conjunx Endura (spouse)."

"Alright, I'm sorry, Moonlight." Prowl put his arms around her, holding her close.

"Alright, you're forgiven." She said as she rested her head against his chest. "But you better not do this when the sparkling's born."

Prowl grinned. "Okay," Prowl lowered his head and kissed Moonlight on the lip components (lips). Moonlight enjoyed it for a moment before breaking off the kiss.

"I gotta get to work. If I don't Shockwave's gonna kill me," Moonlight said with a frown.

"Yeah, must be rough to work for a scientist,"

"It's rough workin' for anyone when you're pregnant."

"Oh...Hope I don't get pregnant."

Moonlight giggled. "I'm glad you're not a comedian."


Moonlight rolled her eyes and broke out of the hug, looking at herself in the mirror. "Ugh! My stomach's getting so big!"

Prowl smiled and began gently rubbing her shoulders. "Promise me you'll quit today?"

"I'll...think about it..."


Moonlight still looked unsure.

"I'll take you to Mirage's place."

Moonlight smiled. "Okay, deal."

"Great." Prowl kissed Moonlight on the cheek. "I love you,"

"Love you, too."

Later, at a records market (library)...

"Hi Orion," Prowl greeted the red and blue mech behind the counter.

"Hi Prowl, are ya here to check out a record?" Orion Pax asked.

"Nah, I just needed some conversation."

"Oh. So how's it going with Moonlight?"

"Great! We're gettin' married in a few solar cycles and I'm real excited, and the sparkling will be due in a couple Quartex (About two Earth months), I'm real excited."

"Great." Orion stalled for a moment, before. "Prowl, does Moonlight work for that guy Shockwave?"

"Um...I think so...why?"

Orion sighed. "Prowl, have you heard of the Decepticons?"

"Uh, I think so... Aren't they some kind of revolutionary group or something?"

"Something like that. Anyway, I think Shockwave's one of 'em."

"Um...what does that have to do with Moonlight?"

"I'm just...worried...shouldn't she quit since she's pregnant?"

"Yeah, she's gonna quit today."

"Good, are you picking her up?"

"Orion, Moonlight's a tough girl I think she--"

"Please Prowl, for her and the sparkling?"

"Well...okay." Prowl went to the door. "See ya later, Orion." Prowl almost left but then- -
"Oh, you comin' to the wedding?"

"Of course." Orion smiled.

Prowl smiled back and began to morph and change his shape until he became an alien form of a car, he then proceeded to drive off.

Later, Shockwave's lab tower...

Moonlight typed a couple keys on the computer then exclaimed quietly. "Yes! That's it." She then stood up and quickly walked over to her boss' office. "Shockwave? you in here?"

"Yes, Moonlight?" The large purple cycloptic creature asked.

"Um...I was wondering..." Moonlight began to dig her pede (foot) into the floor. "What with my getting married and having a sparkling...I'm...quitting."

"Logical." Was all he said, but he didn't say anything else, or even get up.

"Well...It was fun working for ya." Moonlight waited a bit, then left.

"Moonlight?" Shockwave called out.

"Yeah?" Moonlight peeked her head in.

The law enforcement station...

Prowl smiled as he walked out the door of his work-place, excited to get back to his wonderful femmefriend. "Prowl! Prowl!" Someone called. Prowl whirled around and saw his little brother, Bluestreak.

"Yes Bluestreak?" Prowl asked.

"Prowl, it's Moonlight!"

"Moonlight?! Is she going into labor?!"

"No, you need to come with me!"

Shockwave's lab...

"I don't get it... What's--?" But Prowl couldn't finish his sentence, for laying on a stretcher, was the love of his life, Moonlight, with a large hole in her abdomen and one in her chest. "Moonlight!!" Prowl ran over to her and looked at her. "Moonlight?! Are you alright?!"

Moonlight looked up at Prowl, and weakly whispered, "Prowl?"

Prowl bent down, leaning close to her. Moonlight looked in his optics (eyes) for a few moments, then the two kissed each other on the lip components. Prowl could taste Moonlight's energon throughout the kiss, but he continued the kiss, until Moonlight ended it. "I love you, Prowl."

A bit of liquid formed in Prowl's optic. "I love you, too."

He continued to hold her servo, but it continued to feel weaker, and weaker. "Please don't go, Moonlight."

"I-I'm sorry, Prowl." Prowl pulled Moonlight close, holding her as long as he could.

Prowl was trying hard to hold back the tears. "Moonlight, you don't have to be sorry for anything. If anything, I'm sorry, I shoulda picked you up from work. Guess I wouldn't make a very good conjunx endura, huh?"

Moonlight smiled. "Beats me, but, I do want you to be a good father."


"I want you to take care of our little one, please?"

"I-I don't know if--"

Moonlight put a digit (finger) on Prowl's lip components. "You can. I know you can, you're a wonderful transformer." Moonlight nuzzled Prowl's neck. "Thank you."

Prowl wanted to say something, but no words could come out. All he could do, was cry.

Later, in a medical tower (hospital)...

Prowl looked at the small sparkling in the clear container. That was HIS sparkling, a bit of his and Moonlight's energon had created a TRANSFORMER. A new life.

And he had to take care of it.

Suddenly a clear of the vocal cords (throat) startled Prowl. Prowl saw a white and red mech, who he presumed was a doctor here, standing over him.

"Oh...I'm sorry. I was just...thinking," Prowl replied.

"That's nice. Now if you'll excuse me I have to drop this sparkling off at the orphanage. Her mother died and Primus knows what happened to her father."

"Oh...about that..." Prowl sighed. "I'm her father, I guess."


"...Yeah...I'm just...a bit nervous..."

"Understandable, I suppose."

"...Yeah...So...It's a girl?"

"Are you sure you even HAD a sparkling (baby)?"

Prowl glared at the medic. "Yes."

"Then I'd hope you know what a girl looks like."

"Ugh! Look, this is my sparkling okay? Can I take her or not?"

"I suppose... Let me just get--"


The sudden crash surprised the two mechs and the medic pushed Prowl down. The two could see large stabilizing servos (feet, also known as pedes) next to them. Then they heard a monotone voice say. "Attention all facility members: This building is now under Decepticon control. Any resistance will be extinguished."

Not knowing what he was thinking, Prowl grabbed the blue pede and pulled it's owner to the ground, then Prowl aimed two missile launchers on his shoulders (which he had installed in case someone made a move on Moonlight. irony) and aimed them at the mech.

"Alright, bud. I dunno who you are, but you better get back to wherever you came--"

Suddenly an quake shook the scene and caused Prowl to stumble on to the top of the mech. "Remove your person from my body." The mech then pushed Prowl off. But Prowl reacted quickly and and grabbed his arm, pulling it down. "Take that ya son-of-a-glitch!"

The mech looked at Prowl, then punched his chest, knocking the wind out of Prowl. The medic then got up from his position and began shooting at the mech. "Move it ya punk, 'fore I kick your sorry aft!"

The blue mech then suddenly opened up a portal beneath the medic and Prowl and the two fell through!

The streets of Tyger Pax...

"Ugh...What happened?" Prowl groaned upon getting up.

"You got knocked out by some terrorist taking over the med-tower. But when I took a shot at him he bridged us here."


"He used a space bridge, a type of teleportation."


"Now...can you help me with these victims? There was this giant robot attack and a bunch of innocent bystanders were killed."


The medic vented (exhaled) hard. "Call me crazy, but I think your wife would appreciate it."

"How would you know?"

"Because I was her uncle, and what she saw in you I don't know! So if you wanna just go home and pout, be my guest."

Prowl glared at the medic, before. "So, what's your name?"

"Ratchet. And it's nice to see that maybe I wasn't wrong about you."


"I knew my niece had good tastes." Ratchet grinned.


"Now, let's go help some people."

"...You need to work on that..."

One hundred Vorns later (approximately 8,300 years later)...

A now more mature, experienced Prowl sat in the pilot's seat of a small six passenger ship, complete with his own crew. Prowl was on a mission to recover the Spark of the Primes, an ancient mystical artifact that held great power. Prowl wasn't much for that magic scrap, but it was a job, and if it worked...

Prowl hit the gas on the ship and it began to fly off into the vast openness of space.

"Ya know ya could give us a warnin'!" Ironhide yelled over the comm link.

"Sorry, I'll time..."

"Next time?"

"Yeah...I probably won't..."

"Well, see ya in a couple stellar cycles (15 months, total)."

"Yeah, yeah."

Prowl gunned the ship and headed towards the space-bridge ring. Unfortunately for Prowl, he didn't see the Decepticon flagship, the Nemesis, right behind him, charging it's guns!

Prowl could begin to feel the slight affects of the space bridge, but then-


So...tell me what ya think. (I'll do chapter one sometime this week, then it's your turn lordvad3r95:twilightsmile:

Good start! We have a good protagonist and he has a reason to hate the Decepticons. Maybe the title should have something to do with Prowl?
Anyway, can't wait to start work on this :pinkiehappy:


Hi! I'm here to criticize and ruin the fun!

"They hadn't known war since the beginning of their time, long before any of them existed" - huh? How could they not known war if they didn't exist?

Lots of explanation of body parts and terms in fourth-wall disregarding parenthesis, "Optics (eye") and such, rather than taking the time to describe the terms in more neutral ways, and using screen-caps to show us what the character looks like takes up space, is very distracting, and demonstrates a handicap on your ability to describe with a Transformer looks like.

All in all, a :fluttershyouch:

Well I guess I'll give you that one. I was really looking at it from more of a story perspective rather than how it was written :twilightsheepish:

We don't have to focus on Prowl do we? I know squat about the games so I have no idea how to write him.

This may need a rewrite because the characterization and action is clumsy. It's mostly "Oh I'm going to do this" "Okay" along with the pauses it seems like Cybertron is one big awkward conversation. Plus Prowl doesn't seem to realize he will never see his daughter again.

I am kinda worried about that as well. As much as like having prowl as (at least what he appears to be) the main protagonist, it does mean some of the other characters may get over shadowed.

I don't know a lot about the games either, so I'm going to probably mess this up :twilightoops:

You shouldn't worry too much, Prowl wasn't present in either WfC or FoC. I've included him in my own fiction (introduced him in chapter 5), but since I've nothing to work with, I decided to characterize him the way he was portrayed in the G1 and IDW comic series.

Basically, as a complete prick. :trollestia:

Prowl's the logical sort, so much so that he didn't really have much time to learn how to make friends. From what I've seen, he'd rather not involve himself with outside matters unless it concerns the mission, i.e. looking after innocent life forms. I used this wiki entry for my needs, you all should take a quick look at it too ~

Well okay, that is fine then :pinkiehappy:


Robots do not reproduce that way. :twilightoops:

That's all I got.

Oh! OH! And Another thing I noticed!

The GroundBridge wasn't developed until after the war started, and even then, it was only midway through; it's not clear if Wheeljack invented it (Exodus/Exiles universe) or Ratchet did (Prime universe) but either way, if the war is just starting, then Soundwave shouldn't be able to pull his relocation trick.

1448637 Would you prefer Budding?


(random answering)
Well, in my defense I was in a bit more of a rush on the second part (after Moonlight died). I'll try and re-write that part.

I have no clue how to describe Transformers, sorry, it's just real hard.

Yeah, Prowl wasn't in WFC or FOC, the picture is based of the Transformers: Universe game, which takes place in Prime.

I thought maybe Prowl became his pricky self because of this incident.

I want Prowl to be a main character, the leader of a squadron who's searching Equestria for the Spark of Primes (AKA the Elements of Harmony), and after a few chapters he sends a beacon saying he found it and Team Prime comes.

I thought they could have crash landed on Equestria and remained in stasis for a few dozen vorn.

Soundwave used a spacebridge.

So how should Transformers reproduce?

Actually, they are machines. Ergo, they aren't capable of individual reproduction. My only knowledge of the Cybertronian's genesis is Vector Sigma, the supercomputer that granted them all sentience. And even then, the computer itself fell into obscurity and legend. There's also the Creation Matrix, but that eventually cemented itself as the Matrix of Leadership, so I doubt that'll be any good to use for the story.

Also, word of warning - you'll have to be ready to work with people, not against them. Things may not pan out the way you might expect them to story-wise, but that's a collab for you.

Ideas for rewrite
1. Bring in more characters, don't just focus on Prowl. What's team prime doing?
2. Give Shockwave a logical reason to kill Moonlight, have her see something she wasn't supposed to.
3. Show the full blown attack, Have Orion Pax and Alpha Trion face Megatron in the archives, Starscream and the Seekers blow up Six Lasers Over Cybertron. You don't have to show everything, just enough to give us an idea of the grand scale of the revolution.
4. When describing the transformers just do the best you can, once we see their mannerism, speech patterns, and their name we'll get it.
5. Since this is a cross over we should have some more references to Equestria. When Prowl visits Orion, have Orion looking at a database about the

Spark of Primes (AKA the Elements of Harmony)

which describes Equestria.

Comment posted by Darkryt Orbinautz deleted Oct 8th, 2013

I can give you some tips on how to describe transformers.:twilightsmile:
Plus I know one way Transformers reproduce which is very popular among transformer fanfics


The AllSpark is how they reproduce. When that got launched into space, there was Vector Sigma (at least, they confirmed there was in Animated).

The AllSpark or Vector Sigma creates new sparks, which are then placed in a Protoform a combination of CNA and a protoform mold then gives the robot his or her form.

In the War For/Fall OF Cybertron games, the AllSpark is launched into space, and Vector Sigma is lost to time. This creates a situation where no new robots are being made, but many are being killed every day.

so..why prime? the series with the most bland autobots in tf history?

1524818 I just find the Autobots in Prime (bar Ratchet and Smokescreen) kind of boring, Bumblebee bleeps all the time, Wheeljack and Bulkhead don't feel alive, Arcee's too serious, and Optimus just makes speeches all the time.

Now movie-verse had some lively 'bots!

But the decepticons in prime are so awesome it overshadows the autobot blandness :pinkiehappy:

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