Friendship is Magic: the Gathering 250 members · 46 stories
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... and it's not even 2/5 spoiled yet!

Archetype of Courage: Probably replacing Field Marshal in my Bird/Soldier tribal deck (Soraya the Falconer EDH). I lose a lord, but the first strike spreads to my birds and my opponent loses the boost.

Brimaz, King of Oreskos: Also for Soraya. More soldiers, whee! Dunno what I'd remove, though. Maybe Mobilization...

Fated Retribution: Another board wipe for Soraya~! That deck has more sweepers than any of my other decks. I'm not certain whether I'll replace Rout with it, or something else.

Spirit of the Labyrinth: I've been planning to build a Gaddock Teeg hatebears deck, and this would be perfect.

Arbiter of the Ideal: I love her. Not sure where I'd put her, though (I wish I could put her in Karn, but she's not colorless :fluttercry:)

Bile Blight: An excellent answer to token swarms, and even gets rid of a bunch of utility creatures. Definitely going to find a spot in my Toshiro Umezawa deck.

Pain Seer: It's Bob's little brother!

Unravel the Aether: Green has plenty of disenchant effects already, but "destroy" is far too often not good enough in a game of EDH.

Ephara, God of the Polis: This is going to find a spot in my Rasputin Dreamweaver blink deck, oh so hard. Creatures will be ETBing every turn with that deck unless I flop hard, so it's free card draw.

Karametra, God of Harvests: Would be excellent for that Gaddock Teeg deck I'm thinking of building.

Mogis, God of Slaughter: Will probably find its way into my Thraximundar stax deck.

And there's still 104 cards to go!!


I love Whelming Wave.
I run a Pirate-themed EDH deck that is full of Krakens, Leviathans and Octopi.

Kiora finally seeing print makes me happy on a number of levels, not least because we finally get a GU planeswalker.

Chromanticore is just hilarious. It's basically a keyword elemental.

And, of course, there are the potential puns. What puns, you ask? Well...

I regret nothing.

And of course, the Tribute mechanic just screams multiplayer politics. :trollestia:

I'm loving the Nyxborn Shieldmate for my Junk Hexproof deck. T1 that, T2 Ethereal Armor to get a 3/4 First Striker, as well as being a potential enchantment for my hexproof creatures itself :)

Also, Oracle of Bones is hilarious in RDW:
"I play Oracle of Bones. Will you pay Tribute?"

", I got this--"

"'K, I overload Mizzium Mortars."


You can't overload something cast off Oracle. Oracle makes you pay an alternate cost ("without paying its mana cost"), and Overload is also an alternate cost. You cannot pay two different alternate costs.

Perplexing Chimera makes me happy in the same bit of my brain that's a fan of Eye of the Storm + Knowledge Exploitation. :pinkiecrazy:

2670469 Awwww :raritydespair: Oh well, guess I'll just have to make due with Lava Axe or something to that effect.

EDIT: Oh, and look, I can have both Oracle of Mul Daya AND Dark Confidant in standard at the same time! A dream come true!

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