Friendship is Magic: the Gathering 250 members · 46 stories
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Who else went last night? I have to say, this was everything I hoped for in another silver-bordered set. The fact that I went 3-0 doesn't hurt either. Here's what I ran in the draft:

Creatures (16)
1 Blurry Beeble
3 Crafty | Octopus
3 Chipper Chopper
1 Defective Detective
1 Enraged Killbot
1 Feisty | Stegosaurus
1 Kindly Cognician
1 Labro | Bot
1 Robo-
2 S.N.E.A.K. Dispatcher
1 Wrench-Rigger

Other Spells (7)
1 Buzzing Whack-a-Doodle
1 Entirely Normal Armchair
1 Hammer Helper
1 Just Desserts
1 Magic Word
2 Time Out

Land (17)
11 Island
6 Mountain

Contraptions (5)
1 Gift Horse
1 Inflation Station
1 Pet Project
1 Top-Secret Tunnel
1 Turbo-Thwacking Auto-Hammer

The deck largely much lived and died by the Station-Tunnel-Hammer combination. +3/+3, double strike, and unblockability tend to win games, while the one game I lost was in part because I had to keep feeding Contraptions to Chipper Choppers. If I didn't have the bodies for the combo to finish off my opponent, I whittled them down with evasive creatures and overwhelming numbers. The Gift Horse frequently helped there.

Highlights include:

Match 1, Game 2: My opponent plays a Hangman. I throw a pi in its face, revive it with Pet Project, and one turn and approximately fifteen activations later, finish my opponent with a 12/12 unblockable double striker that started in his deck.

Match 2, Game 1: My opponent creates a Half-Squirrel, Half-Kitten that brought his life total up to 46 before I put it into maximum Time Out (i.e. under the top six cards of his library.) He then lost the combo pretty much for good after sacrificing a Teacher's Pet to create a Rhino-Kitten to give good odds that said kitten could survive a swing from my Feisty | Stegosaurus (which it most certainly did; that time, I rolled a one.) A war for air superiority then began, with my Chipper Choppers up against his Chivalrous Chevaliers... the first of whom fell victim to an Entirely Normal Armchair that just happened to be sitting under my Islands. Pet Project brought it back, and a swarm of fliers, Goblin tokens, and a Robo-Octopus overwhelmed him.

Match 2, Game 2: Opponent's Turn 1: Plains, Adorable Kitten, gain 2 life.
My Turn 1, Mountain. Wrench-Rigger, assemble Gift Horse on Sprocket 1.
Opponent's Turn 2: Plains, pass.
My Turn 2: Crank Gift Horse, create five Goblins, swing with Wrench-Rigger.

Yeah, that game didn't last long.

Match 3, Game 1: An onlooker reveals my Entirely Normal Armchair via my opponent's Defective Detective, to my disgruntlement. Some discussion ensues over how one might use it. Another onlooker suggests hiding it under lands.

A few turns later, I kill one of his attackers by way of the Armchair, which I hid under a land. :rainbowlaugh:

Match 3, Game 3: Last turn of the game. 12 all, but my opponent has a freshly played Defective Detective and a whole shelf of Novellamentals that's been beating me silly, while my Buzzing Whack-a-Doodle is doing all it can to keep me alive. My turn. I crank the Auto-Hammer... on his Detective. Why? Hammer Helper. Roll a four. I give an incredulous laugh. "That's lethal, isn't it?" Indeed it is.

I got six packs and a poster of the combined Crossbreed Labs Contraptions' art for my troubles. If you haven't had a chance to play Unstable, I cannot recommend it enough.

Played one draft Friday and another Saturday. Friday, I got to live the dream by drafting Spike, Tournament Grinder and playing some of the cards I brought just for the purpose. I cast Mana Vault, Treasure Cruise, Smuggler's Copter, and Primeval Titan in my Unstable draft.

I also drafted two copies of Bee Bee Gun (one foil!)

Still looking for foil lands and Urza.


Went 3-0 with a green/black token-y strategy, running two Earls of Squirrel and two Finders Keepers and three Squirrel Dealers. I had Slaying Mantis in my deck but never got to play him :(

I was about to lose a match and decided to say screw it and played Better Than One and helped someone win.

Another person got 20 life from the high five card. I played augment squirrels.

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