Friendship is Magic: the Gathering 250 members · 46 stories
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5323444 This is, of course, pre-Rarity and Pinkie Pie interference, leaving it as-is. Thankfully, Lyra probably wouldn't be miffed enough to utterly go and wreck Zesty... mentally, anyway.

In this situation, creativity. Blue-Red.

"Lemon Hearts, I'd rather eat a pizza from a cheap eatery! With grease! And pepperoni! In fact, I'll just get grease! It'll probably be even more nutritious than these cubes, too!"

... Bender moment, there.


... Silly idea... the Bugbear in Slice-of-Life starts actually beating the mane six, Sweetie Drops panicks, and then Lyra steps up to bat... and EATS IT.

If this, not Tirek, was the reveal scene...

"We'll talk later. Wedding today," Lyra spoke as she wiped off a trickle of blood from her lips, acting as if what she had done was just... so damn casual, not something to be concerned back. "I hope they like the gift we got them." With that, she moved to trot on her way toward the wedding hall.

Also possible, especially since it's unclear if Tirek ever did get around to consuming Ponyville after draining Discord.

5323512 heh. Very much so. And at least Lyra has her priorities in order.

5323512 and the idea of Lyra going to Zendikar and accidentally causing a panic makes me laugh. Not used to planes walking all that much, she runs away from the Allies all the while shouting "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE!!". Heh.

Also, Planar Chaos potential.

"Get it!"
"Kill it!"
"Sauté it!"
"Damn it, Zada, you killed the mood."

5323776 lol. And then she runs into Nahiri's foil, Nissa.

That is not going to end well. Indeed, it may result in a multiplanar chase sequence.

5323904 I picture and hope Nissa realizes something is off.

5323904 By above, I mean that it runs rather than fights, squeaks rather than roars... and then hides behind a talking Pegasus and takes the shape of a Unicorn. XD

5323904 it's either that or less comical, landing back on Innistrad at last, and whatever happens there. *shrug*

... I just had an idea of, for some reason, Lyra splashing Green... but I can't think of why. It's just one of my fave color pairs, Gruul.

Possible, but you're going to need to justify it in story.

5324721 none for her demeanor. Just proximity to the Everfree. A Forest, after all. Lol.

5324721 That said, a "Planar Chaos" -basically, AUs to the AU- Lyra COULD be a Grixis-aligned being, overall. I mean... the major "colors" in recent Eldrazi set appear to be Blue, Red, and Black, though Green concerns itself with Broods and the single White is a tapper. *shrug* Probably still a Jeskai broad set, though.

Hence, the scenario when Lyra scares the piss out of Starlight Glimmer. Our Lyra would likely be very insecure about her eldritch status, and stop at scaring her before ushering the other ponies of Our Town to get her some treatment. PC!Lyra, however, likely has come to terms with it to an extent that she'll likely, rather than simply scare Glimmer, perhaps eat her to remove a threat permanently.

And then accidentally ignite's Starlight's own spark, perhaps... Assuming Starlight had a spark. *shrug*

Also of great contrast is the possibility of the Sameness Spell magic shriveling at Lyra's behest, because of her nature as a horror that consumes worlds, should she go that route.

You could go in a very dark direction with that. After all, we have canon cases of ponies getting their magic stolen and consumed. This alternate Lyra could be worse than Tirek even before she eats him.

5325738 Very true, but I be a squeamish wimp, so I likely wouldn't be able to take the Planar Chaos version far.

Otherwise Ponyville, by the time Twilight got there, would be crawling with her disguised Drones, made from ingesting those whom WERE Ponyville's previous occupants and then 'spitting out' the remains.

Including poor Fluttershy and Rarity.:raritydespair::fluttercry:

BTW, TVTropes oddly attributes Rarity's demeanor to Grixis, or rather, Izzet w/splash Black.

That, or she feeds at the Everfree Forest and has Ursas and Hydras converted into her Spawn via the Emrakul method.

Ditzy looked up at Tirek's towering form. "We're going to need a bigger pony."

Lyra just smiled. "Already taken care of."

Then the Everfree stood up.

5325762 That sounds more like Animism. Nissa's bag o' tricks.

Really, that could be done in EITHER scenario. It's just more likely to be in the latter because of her ruthlessness in the wake of being betrayed by the guardians of her old home. "Canon!Lyra" is more considerate of all around her.


"Buh-bye, morsel."

"... Lyra, don't you mean 'mortal', or some god-complex thing?"

"No, Ditzy. I mean exactly what I said."

The forest itself began to fold in on the titanic centaur, eclipsing him like great terrible jaws.

"... Oh... How are we going to get the magic back?"

Lyra shrugged, dismissive of the concern.


Speaking of which... I can imagine why Lyra dresses as a Mummy on Nightmare Night... Her inner self is acting up on a holiday that loosely emulates her plane of birth. That's not a costume in truth. It's her LITERALLY keeping her true nature under wraps.

Not quite. Nissa would animate the forest. Lyra just started moving the majority of her body.

Also, I quite like the idea of some kind of sympathetic magic affecting Lyra on Nightmare Night. I wonder if she reacted similarly when Nightmare Moon first appeared...

5325779 Majority? *blinks owlishly* I... didn't imagine Lyra actually getting bigger, though it makes sense.

Perhaps. I mean, all the more reason to panic, right? It happens once a year, but they this mare upsets the status quo and oh-my-Celestia-I-need-a-bucket. XD

5325779 Also, I could assume PC!Lyra, if not outright colorless, retains her Red focus, but rather than Jeskai/Numot, goes Jund/Darigaaz, rather than the earlier-speculated Grixis... maybe? *shrug* I'm not trying to grasp at straws, here. I'm honestly thinking on that detail. She devours in that timeline. It's what she does as the surviving remnant of Emrakul's influence, and independent of Her.

5325811 Mmhm.

and my mind went where it should not.

PC!Lyra and her, ahem, kinky night games.

Of course, a bit of sarcasm there.

Meanwhile, in the Canon-verse!

"..." Lyra gave those that now knew her secret a stare at that comment of wonder. "... What in Tartarus is wrong with you?"


"Oh, yeah, no... I'm not happy, haven't had my coffee, so I'm just going to eat you now."

"Wait, wha- AGH!"

The ponies of the nameless village shrieked in terror as the new unicorn's body literally exploded in a flash of red, wiping the grins off their faces as powerful tentacles began to ensnare them one by one.


And that's as far as I can bring myself to type of PC!Lyra visiting Our Town. XD Never mind describing so many of them crumbling to dust as she drains what remains of their magic and their very life force without regard. Even the foals.


Yeah, probably best that you stick to nice Lyrazi.

5325929 :eeyup:

'Twould be best.

5325929 Also, love that term.


... I just imagined her as a literal cuddle-monster, oddly. Call it "Watching Over You", or something.

5325929 And now my mind goes to something that actually would be pretty damn different...

After all, Lyra was a Bride's Maid.

... Sorry, Chryssie. XD

Chrysalis looked around for suitable bridesmaids. Five seconds later and already bored, she said, "You there. Green one. Serve me," then channeled the barest pittance of Shining Armor's love into the spell. Still, with her skill, it was more than enough to break the will of any pony short of a princess.

The feedback from the spell might be compared to seeing a drop of food coloring dissolve in a lake.

The mare turned around in a way that Chrysalis was fairly certain wasn't possible for the standard equine neck. "Was that supposed to get my attention or something?"

"Uh... How would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?" Chrysalis put on the best "pretty princess" smile she could manage.

"Sounds good to me. Just don't call me 'green one.'" The mare then turned around more completely, her head staying in place as her body walked in an arc.

Chrysalis blinked. She was sure that that wasn't possible. "I'll... see what I can do."

5326794 *blink* Wow. I guess Lyra got briefly scrambled. XD

No, wait, I misread it. I see what the walking in an arc part meant.

5326794 I'm half-imagining Lyra just going along with it, up to the point of the bouquet distraction.

All three mares leaped for the- wait, no, no! Lyra turned to look at them! No, they had to get to Shining Armor!

And then the mare spoke. "In hindsight, I probably should have done something when we were told to stand guard at the caves..." She chuckled weakly. "Hiya, Twilight, real bride-to-be." Lyra Heartstrings tilted her head... a bit further than it should have tilted, though there was no sound of snapping vertebrae. "Shall we go save a wedding?"

"Buh... wuh.. HUH!?" Twilight Sparkle blinked, jaw hanging open as Lyra turned and began to lead the pair out.

5326794 In addition to just above, the new card "Harmless Offering" occurs to me... Brood vs Brood, in that sense.

... Chrysalis, your people will get slaughtered, or more likely beaten into submission... and this is NICE Lyrdrazi.

Also, Ditzy cameos at the wedding, too~

"... I had been wondering about why I kept feeling the shield weaken..." Lyra spoke after the thunderous boom had echoed out through the room, her gold-glowing horn helping to keep attention as she peering up to the ceiling... through the ceiling. "... Sorry to say, your highness, but... you messed up. You made me a bride's maid."

The violet dome of magic shattered... the drone-like Changelings began to descend... and their shrieks of agony began to pierce through the tense air of the wedding hall.

Lyra could admit to herself that she was supposed to keep a low profile, but... if this queen could act nothing like the real Cadence and get away with it, the equine abomination felt she deserved a pass. So, she just settled for examining her hoof idly, eyes and horn still aglow, as Chrysalis dashed to a balcony to see just what was going on.

5328144 *grin* At this point, I say use your imagination. Personally, either they are getting literally burned up, or touched by the void. Either way, I'm trying to be silly with it.

I'm thinking this will be less a full-on story and more a series of one-shots all based off the same premise, in one "story" section.

Whatever you think you can manage. Snapshots from a very interesting life should be quite fun.

5328173 Indeed.

... For example. little Lyrdrazi's first experience with canterlot social life. If I recall, she was a Canterlot-raised pony. Oh, and again... Restaurant Row.

"Lyra Heartstrings! Explain yourself!"

"I couldn't remember when to use the utensils, so I grew enough arms to hold all of them at the same time."

"Well, this is what the practice dinner is for..."

5328286 ... Her parents are just okay with it, you think? XD

Well, they'd have to be, otherwise she probably wouldn't have lived long enough to grow to adulthood. Or she wouldn't be anywhere near as sane and well-socialized as she likely is.

5328423 fair enough *shrug*


... Lyra's brief trip to New Phyrexia.

"Have you heard the word of the Machine Orthodoxy?"

Lyra promptly walked out of that world, all the "nope" repeating in her mind as a tired old meme as she found herself soon standing in front of Zecora's hut. "... Damn Celestia's Witnesses." She paused, tilting her head in consideration. "... Or cultists."

5328423 Or if she's lucky, briefly meeting Urabrask in the Great Furnace.

"... S'up?"

"Are you here to disturb the Great Work?"

"... No. I was just testing powers and letting them take me where-ever," answered Lyra with a dismissive shrug.



"... Carry on then. Just don't disturb us."

"Fair enough, big dragon dude!"

"I used to be a goblin."

"Neat. I used to be over a dozen people!"

5328423 ... Guilty admittance here. I mentioned the "monstrous lyra" fad I've seen around... a specific over-sexualized horror entry inspired me to have Lyra be the Eldrazi Horror... and it slightly crosses over with my favorite anime/manga, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. It's not good by any stretch. The author himself declares so, but... it was good for something of inspiration for this? Your fics with Ditzy Doo were better and a big part, but it bugged me inside to not confess, y'know?

Ideas can come from anywhere. There's no shame in drawing inspiration from wherever you find it.

5331110 ... Weird idea for a snippet/scenario...

Lyrdrazi (nice) Planeswalks to Theros... and while she is a Red-aligned 'Walker... she learns from a White-aligned one whom is quite experienced in bringing out the power of the soul, along with Red mana.

This raises the question of what, precisely, Lyra's soul avatar would look like. And what myths people would tell of they day they found out.

5338834 of course, learning from Ajani during his crusade in Theros...

"I'm not a god, damn it!"

In Theros, she might be. There's still a vacancy in the RG part of the pantheon, though I suppose that would apply more to alt!Lyrazi.

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