Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,610 stories
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You know, I've been getting into the lore of Battletech as of late and it makes me wonder; has there been a Spike story where he pilots a giant mech? Because I was thinking about writing one as of late and if any of you would be interested in reading it?

To give you all an idea what kind of mech he would pilot, here's a picture:

Not a bad design. There tons of mech themed animes. Some pilot these to fight monsters, fight other mechs, or save people.

Oh, this is interesting. Yeah, interesting indeed. I’ve seen the artwork and now I’m hooked. go for it with this crossover story. Take your time and have fun creating the story lore with world-building. I’ll be looking forward to reading this story of Spike driving a Mech of the destruction of goodness.:moustache:


Has there been a Spike story where he pilots a giant mech?

There was a similar concept to this; it involved Spikezilla fighting against the Teenage Dragons from Dragon Quest in the Crystal Empire, and after he's been blinded by acid spit; a Crystal Pony with a Radio manages to communicate with him to serve as his "Pilot"/Spotter as he dons' Crystal Armor with a tower parapet on his helmet that the Crystal Pony sits inside of.

The mech gives off an Armored Core or Zone of the Ender vibe so yeah go for it and have fun.

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