Spike Fanfictions 2,965 members · 5,608 stories
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So I am planning a story where Spike discovers his origins and finds out that he is the son of the late Dragon King from the Dragon Kingdom.

Is there any story that has a similar plot? I ask so that way I do not get in trouble for unknowingly copying someone else's stroy

there are quite a few stories with that premise over the years, but as long as you're not taking the text straight from them, there shouldn't be any problem with making the story, yourself

Like heres the main synopisis.

Spike has longed for the answers to one question he had; where did he come from? Like how did Celestia get his egg?

Well, these answers are revealed one day, and it turns out that Spike is no ordinary dragon...he is the son of the late Dragon King, Achnologia. The former Dragon King who ruled the Dragon Kingdom many years ago.

As he learns this, Spike also discovers that with time and proper training, he can become just as powerful as his father once was.

but when an ancient dragon from his father's past discovers Spike, he will see to it that the young drake is dead. Will Spike survive these events?

So yea, I didnt know if there was anoy other story with that type of premise. I don't want to unknowingly copy another fic and end up on someones bad list.

Spike the fairy has an orgin story in it. Although it more about Spike quitting and the girls mostly moving on after they say sorry. Twilight couldn't let go of her normal and that wasn't a good path for her she became villain level insane.

If you want i can help it by banking of mine and as well as a side story ive been working on for awhile

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