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Hi folks, this is my first ever forum post and it’s about a theory I have about Spike’s height and age. (I’m not exactly sure if this counts as forum post since it’s my first time so go easy on me ok?)

For starters you guys ever seen that American dad episode ‘Roots’ where Stan tries to protect a tree that was like a dad to him? Cause my theory is based on that.

Watch the video at 2:02

Well I was thinking the reason for Spike’s short height is because he’s going through something called “The Dragon Stall” (which is something I made up) which is what was preventing from growing for a couple of years. So technically he would be the same age as Smolder and eventually sooner or later he’ll shoot up to her height. Especially since in The Last Problem showed that they were roughly the same height.

What do ya think?

My theory has always been that, because ponies don't know much about dragons, Spike's diet was deficient in some way while he was growing up.

I’ve always just thought he was made to be a late bloomer. Twilight trusts him to be alone and he goes on official business alone, so he’s definitely older than the CMC, but probably just doesn’t look it. Though the dragon-abnormal diet and way he was brought up probably adds to his stalled growth as well.

I would say it's a combination of factors from being a late bloomer as well as something lacking in his diet in my opinion that thing that's lacking is meat. A dragon sharp teeth are not just for show, there for tearing flesh off the bone.

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