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What's the policy of rewriting a chapter? Is it just to edit the existing chapter, or can you unpublish the old one and post the new one?

... I'm in an iffy position, since it's also a one-shot. I've seen others, though very rarely, also leave the original and just post up an edited one.

2130787 I'd just edit the existing one... Hope I helped :twilightsmile:

2130787 You can do either one. Though, in your case, it's not re-writing a chapter. It's actually resubmitting a story since your taking down the old one.

You can easily just Replace the words you have for whatever chapter is currently up with the revised edition through editing, and then mark it with some kind of indicator that it has been edited.

Resubmission of a whole story (one-shots, usually) just for a simple edit wouldn't be the best course of action due to some of the site rules against it if i'm not mistaken. If it is a one-shot perhaps you could delete the chapter and then rewrite/ edit it and upload the new chapter on the existing story with an indicator of some kind.

I wouldn't resubmit the story, I was talking about unpublishing the 'chapter'...

If your story is up, as I was saying, you could probably just take the chapter down and release this new, edited chapter in its place with some kind of marking to show readers that it has been edited.

2130787 This is easy.

Step 1: In an external editor such as a word processor, you rewrite the story. Be sure to include all necessary BBCode tags for bold, italics, and such.

Step 2: When you're finished, go to the chapter view page for the story you're rewriting, and click the Edit button.

Step 3: In your word processor, use the Select All command, then the Copy command.

Step 4: In the edit window on your browser, use the Select All command, then the Paste command.

Step 5: Click "Save".

That's all you need to do. You don't need to unpublish the story or anything like that.

... I can't tell if you're being serious.

2130987 Umm...yes, actually, I am. You asked what you have to do to rewrite a chapter on this site. I told you, step by step, exactly what rewriting a chapter entails. It's really not any more complicated than that.

That's... not the point of my question. It was about course of action, not how.

2131053 What I was trying to get at is, you don't need to unpublish anything to edit it. Just edit it.

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